Topic: Do you give tips to anyone?
62easygoing's photo
Sat 12/13/08 05:41 PM
I do try to tip 20 to 30% most of the time. (Or) do you do like my neighbor does--He says: ("I'll give them a tip; dont drink water up-side-down, when you have the hic-ups".)

no photo
Sat 12/13/08 05:48 PM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Sat 12/13/08 05:48 PM
I tip commensurate with service and food

really good service and food gets a 20-25% tip

crappy service and/or food gets a dollar bill

scoundrel's photo
Sat 12/13/08 05:48 PM
I give tips. Just part of having done many jobs that the servers are doing.

Get a laugh. Tip somebody at a drive-thru. It just blows them away.

hellkitten54's photo
Sat 12/13/08 05:49 PM
I ALWAYS tip. It really makes me mad when people don't tip. Even if you get crappy service, you should tip the minimum and talk to the manager. The person recieving tips usually only make 2.56 per hour. It's how they make a living!

no photo
Sat 12/13/08 05:51 PM

I ALWAYS tip. It really makes me mad when people don't tip. Even if you get crappy service, you should tip the minimum and talk to the manager. The person recieving tips usually only make 2.56 per hour. It's how they make a living!

but thats how you weed out the crappy service people. If they're not getting tips they won't stay in the business

62easygoing's photo
Sat 12/13/08 05:51 PM
all my brother ever leaves them is: a dime! (I always go back and leave them 30% when he does this.)

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 12/13/08 05:51 PM
drinker Don't piss in the winddrinker

no photo
Sat 12/13/08 05:52 PM
I tip when the service is worthy of it. If it's just adequate, they'll get 15%, then it goes up from there. If it's really awful, and clearly the servers fault, I won't tip and will speak with management.

no photo
Sat 12/13/08 05:53 PM
hair dressers
baggers at the grocery store who help me take my groceries out
i used to tip the gas attendants who pumped your gas for you ...but i think they're extinct

hellkitten54's photo
Sat 12/13/08 05:53 PM

I ALWAYS tip. It really makes me mad when people don't tip. Even if you get crappy service, you should tip the minimum and talk to the manager. The person recieving tips usually only make 2.56 per hour. It's how they make a living!

but thats how you weed out the crappy service people. If they're not getting tips they won't stay in the business

Not true. But if it makes you feel better.

no photo
Sat 12/13/08 06:00 PM
I feel that those in the food service business are some of the most ill treated people around. Some customers can be very abusive. Not knowing weather or not my server has had a bad day or a crappy customer I will always leave a very adequate tip. After all they are providing a service we all enjoy.

no photo
Sat 12/13/08 08:40 PM
I usually tip at least 25%...but it's based on the service, not the food. It's not the server's fault if the cook stinks...

And I always watch what the guy tips on a date...if he's a cheapskate, I do make a production about making it a more suitable tip with my own money...

AngieH79's photo
Sat 12/13/08 09:14 PM

hair dressers
baggers at the grocery store who help me take my groceries out
i used to tip the gas attendants who pumped your gas for you ...but i think they're extinct

Nope, it's illegal to pump your own gas in Oregon.

mariposakc's photo
Sat 12/13/08 09:28 PM

hair dressers
baggers at the grocery store who help me take my groceries out
i used to tip the gas attendants who pumped your gas for you ...but i think they're extinct

In addition:

hotel maids
pizza delivery person
coat checker
airport baggage checker
taxi driver

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 12/13/08 09:49 PM

I ALWAYS tip. It really makes me mad when people don't tip. Even if you get crappy service, you should tip the minimum and talk to the manager. The person recieving tips usually only make 2.56 per hour. It's how they make a living!

but thats how you weed out the crappy service people. If they're not getting tips they won't stay in the business

You know this is true I myself worked as not only a Bartender for over 10 years but also as a waitress another 10 or more years. And I will be the first to admit that some people should never be in the profession. Regardless what one thinks it does take a special type of person that actually can wait tables or be a Bartender and not only be good at it but enjoy the work as well.

I will admit even waiting tables at the time for $1.76 per hour I could still average out anywhere between $10 -$20 per hour with out a problem.

But regardless I do expect whom ever waits on me to in fact perform their job as it should be and not off talking to the wait staff standing in the corner. Nor do I expect to be ignored either they should in fact make you feel as they are aware of what is going on around them.

If you tip those that could careless if they come back to your table and leave you to fend for your self for more tea or coffee. Or one that does not check to see if you in fact need anything and slap your ticket down as soon as they server your meal. Then actually you do not have the right to even complain to the management about poor service for in fact you have actually let them know it does not matter what kind of service they give they will still in fact receive their tip.

Service should be tipped according to how they perform their job duties. Normally now 20% is standard some will tip more if they received outstanding service.

But ...even though I did in fact wait tables and was a bartender for many years if the service is lousy I will leave a tip but it will not be the 20% or more and I will let the management now why I felt the service was lacking. I have in fact very few times ever actually said something about a server to the manager. I said early there are some that do not need to do this type of job and in no way should they be encouraged to stay if they have no intentions of at least trying to perform the job as it should in fact be done.

I believe this is true with any job a person takes and don't want to at least perform the best they can at what they do. It does not matter if it is a waitress job or a CEO job. Some are just not cut out to be within the profession they have decided upon.

But yes I do normally tip between 20% - 30% to the wait staff, when I get my nails done or get my hair cut. The ones that do a good job and makes you feel as if they are actually concerned with the job in hand they understand that their actions will indeed make a difference at times how much they will make.

no photo
Sat 12/13/08 10:22 PM
if the service is good the tip is good, bad service no tip....