Topic: Should the General Religion Chat
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Thu 12/11/08 09:29 AM
Edited by smiless on Thu 12/11/08 09:32 AM
forum disappear since now if one picks a religion on your profile it creates that specific forum for you to participate in?

Please explain your reasons why it should or shouldn't remain.

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Thu 12/11/08 09:33 AM
Well, people come here to discuss different viewpoints, don't they? That sometimes it just runs away with some, well, sh1t happens. It is not the purpose of a dating site to divide people into this, that, or the other and keep them apart, now, is it?

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Thu 12/11/08 09:40 AM
I don't care either way

they broke up the religion forum in an attempt to put a stop to all these "my God (or no God) is better than your God" arguments and it didnt really work

antiChristians and Atheists still seek out the Christian threads to debunk them

and the Christians still seek out the antiChristian and atheist threads to proselytize

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Thu 12/11/08 01:54 PM
well that do explain why I keep getting ads that ask me to join the "Destined to go to Hell" forum ...join today to find, chat with and date others that are on their way to Hell

SkyHook5652's photo
Thu 12/11/08 02:16 PM
I'd like to see the GRC forum stay. I think of the religion-specific forums as being places where like minded people can discuss their common interest. But to me, the GRC forum is a place where people with diverse religious views can discuss their different viewpoints and learn from each other. Yes, of course there is debate - some of it quite heated - and some downright vitreolic. But I don't think that removing the GRC forum would accomplish anything to change or inhibit that. I think all it would do would be to change where it would take place. Most likely, it would just move over to the Science and Philosophy forum - which gets heated enough as it is. laugh

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:26 PM
It makes no difference to me one way or the other.

Now that we have truly sacred space in specific forums I perfer to post there. It's far more peaceful. flowerforyou

Usually when I come here, I'm almost sorry I did anyway. laugh

Moondark's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:28 PM

forum disappear since now if one picks a religion on your profile it creates that specific forum for you to participate in?

Please explain your reasons why it should or shouldn't remain.

Because some people like to discuss religion with people of OTHER religions.

Rather than just discussing with fellow believers of whatever...

Eljay's photo
Thu 12/11/08 03:58 PM

forum disappear since now if one picks a religion on your profile it creates that specific forum for you to participate in?

Please explain your reasons why it should or shouldn't remain.

But then where would you put the Anti-christian threads?

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Thu 12/11/08 04:24 PM

forum disappear since now if one picks a religion on your profile it creates that specific forum for you to participate in?

Please explain your reasons why it should or shouldn't remain.

But then where would you put the Anti-christian threads?

"Eljay" which Anti-Christians are you referring to ...The Christians are even Anti-ing among themselves ...

I'm surprise to hear that some do not believe that Adam and Eve existed and that parts of the bible are not literal but metaphoric ...

God said "Thou Shalt Not Kill" but some Christians even claim that God said that it's ok to kill as long as you don't murder who you kill ..which is a tad bit hard to do one without doing the other

so now when someone say Anti-Christians ...they need to be more specific ..are they referring to Christians or Heretics

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 12/14/08 05:51 PM
Well it's actually more pleasant & civil in CS..not like here with all the nonsense people post.

There would be no need for the seperation if it weren't for those who just want to argue with others for sharing their faith.

I think it's a great thing...unfortunately those who want to have someone to fight with are the only ones that aren't happy about it (I suppose.)

laugh laugh laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 12/14/08 05:55 PM
flowerforyou I hope they keep it.flowerforyou