Topic: Give Him Praise!!! | |
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Thu 12/31/09 10:23 PM
"O God of new beginnings and wonderful surprises,
thank you for the gift of a new year. May it be a time of grace for me, a time to grow in faith and love, a time to renew my commitment to following Your Son, Jesus. May it be a year of blessing for me, a time to cherish my family and friends, a time to renew my efforts at work, a time to embrace my faith more fully. Walk with me, please, in every day and every hour of this new year, that the light of Christ might shine through me, in spite of my weaknesses and failings. Above all, may I remember this year that I am a pilgrim on the sacred path to You. Amen" BLESSED BE THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY |
Thank You Lord for a another year!
"O God of new beginnings and wonderful surprises, thank you for the gift of a new year. May it be a time of grace for me, a time to grow in faith and love, a time to renew my commitment to following Your Son, Jesus. May it be a year of blessing for me, a time to cherish my family and friends, a time to renew my efforts at work, a time to embrace my faith more fully. Walk with me, please, in every day and every hour of this new year, that the light of Christ might shine through me, in spite of my weaknesses and failings. Above all, may I remember this year that I am a pilgrim on the sacred path to You. Amen" BLESSED BE THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY ![]() |
"Precious Lord Jesus, I commit my life to you.
It is you, my Rock of Ages past, who stands with me during my times of fear and uncertainty. It is you, my All in All, who reminds me it is from you I receive mercy, grace, wisdom, and love. It is you, my Lord, who reminds me to look up to you when I am down. It is you, my Lord, who pulls me through every trial and tribulation. It is you, my Lord, who helps me banish my ego. It is you, my Lord, who gives me strength over temptation. It is you, my Lord, who calls me every second of my life. It is you, my Lord, who created and placed the stars in the sky. It is you, my Lord, who created and placed the sun and moon. It is you, my Lord, who paints the beautiful sunsets and sunrises in the evening and morning sky. It is you, my Lord, who brings joy at a new birth and consolation when someone is left behind in death. It is you, my Lord, who gave all there is to give by going to the Cross for me. It is you, my Lord, who calls my heart to turn away from the world and to stay close to you. In Jesus Precious Name I pray, Amen." HERE I AM LORD |
Thank You Lord! You are always on time!
I Thank him that there are places like this i can come to and read the inspiration from some of his children. Blessed be the name of the Lord!
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Sun 01/10/10 06:11 AM
"Let me pause as I begin this new day to give it to You,
Lord. Before the tumult of activities breaks in; before breakfast plates crash through my still sleepy mind; for this last moment in my bed, thank you, Lord. Let me hold Your promise of new life. Keep me from slipping back for I know that what is forgiven is as if it never were. Each new day, Your grace gives me a fresh start to walk in Your light again. May the Lord support us all the day long, till the shades lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then in His mercy may He give us a safe lodging, and a holy rest, and peace at the last. Amen." UNTO THEE, OH LORD |
I Thank him that there are places like this i can come to and read the inspiration from some of his children. Blessed be the name of the Lord! |
Lord Jesus.
I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life, and receive You as my Lord and Savior. Take control of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be. Thank You, Jesus, for the joyful mission which You have given me. May it always be Yours. Your words, my heart! Your words, my hands! Your words, my voice! Your words, Jesus, only Your words. Let Your words go forth to all the world. Thank You, Jesus. Glory to You, Lord. In Jesus Christ's name I pray, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit One God forever and ever. Amen~ |
God is good....ALL THE TIME!!!
"Precious Lord Jesus, I commit my life to you. It is you, my Rock of Ages past, who stands with me during my times of fear and uncertainty. It is you, my All in All, who reminds me it is from you I receive mercy, grace, wisdom, and love. It is you, my Lord, who reminds me to look up to you when I am down. It is you, my Lord, who pulls me through every trial and tribulation. It is you, my Lord, who helps me banish my ego. It is you, my Lord, who gives me strength over temptation. It is you, my Lord, who calls me every second of my life. It is you, my Lord, who created and placed the stars in the sky. It is you, my Lord, who created and placed the sun and moon. It is you, my Lord, who paints the beautiful sunsets and sunrises in the evening and morning sky. It is you, my Lord, who brings joy at a new birth and consolation when someone is left behind in death. It is you, my Lord, who gave all there is to give by going to the Cross for me. It is you, my Lord, who calls my heart to turn away from the world and to stay close to you. In Jesus Precious Name I pray, Amen." HERE I AM LORD AMEN!!!! |
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Tue 03/02/10 07:26 PM
I praise the Lord for my friends. The Lord has been merciful to me and longsuffering. I praise him for giving me the ability to wait for the miracle to happen and to not give up before it occurs. I praise him for all those wonderful experiences he has given me and because he never gave up on me. I praise him for the hope that everything will be okay. I praise him for always being with me no matter what. Praise you Lord for saving me from the hopeless dispair that once was my life. You are beautiful, Jesus and I love you.
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I praise the Lord for my friends. The Lord has been merciful to me and longsuffering. I praise him for giving me the ability to wait for the miracle to happen and to not give up before it occurs. I praise him for all those wonderful experiences he has given me and because he never gave up on me. I praise him for the hope that everything will be okay. I praise him for always being with me no matter what. Praise you Lord for saving me from the hopeless dispair that once was my life. You are beautiful, Jesus and I love you. ![]() amen brother. |
I am both amazed by and very grateful for the fact that God in His infinite wisdom and grace allows us to be a part of His plan, a blessing in each others lives. It is very cool that He uses our imperfections and so awesome how blessing others is such a blessing to ourselves! He is incredible!
Our LORD thy GOD up above,
we PRAY to you FATHER in this PRAYER. Your our SAVIOR and KING we so Love. YOU lift us when we fall, Helping us all to stand tall. Without YOU, our lives would be through. Please forgive us for our sins today. Feel us with your love, and help light our way. In JESUS name please hear us say This is our thanks and praise, for YOU this day. OH FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT, WE LOVE YOU EVERYDAY, AMEN. ![]() |
Dear Jesus,
I'm thankful for what i have and what i will receive in the future. I thank you for the people in my life, the things that i have, love that i give and receive, and giving me the chance to love and forgive one another. I thank you for my health, so i can live to be a better person everyday, i thank you for my legs, so i can walk on your beautiful earth, i thank you for my eyes, so i can see the beautiful things in life, and i thank you for letting me be me. Please bless those in need and bless those that are suffering, that they can be healed. You are our leader, our savior. our God. You sacrificed your life for us and asked for nothing in return Amen." UNTO THEE, OH LORD |
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Thu 03/04/10 04:47 PM
Thank you Jesus for being real....most of all...thank you for your mercy and grace in revealing that to me. Thank you for giving me your eyes to see through, your heart to feel through, and your hands to touch with. Praise your holiness and power, your strength and wisdom, your ability to forgive and love completely. Oh how my heart aches for you, reaches out for you and needs you. Praise your holy name.
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Thank you Jesus for being real....most of all...thank you for your mercy and grace in revealing that to me. Thank you for giving me your eyes to see through, your heart to feel through, and your hands to touch with. Praise your holiness and power, your strength and wisdom, your ability to forgive and love completely. Oh how my heart aches for you, reaches out for you and needs you. Praise your holy name. ![]() Amen!!! |