Topic: Teen Sex Offenders?
Lynann's photo
Wed 12/10/08 03:11 PM
I am going to start out here by saying violent sex offenders and adults who prey on children should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

I'll go further to say that in my opinion, given a recidivism rate in the high 90% for pedophiles I think people convicted of those crimes should be locked up for much longer than we do now.

I do think though that we've gone in a wrong direction in coming up sex offender lists that lump romeo and juliet teen offenders on the same list with an adult who molests children.

Look at this information.

"According to the results of a survey released today by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and, 22 percent of all teen girls — and 11 percent of teen girls ages 13-16 years old — say they have electronically sent, or posted online, nude or semi-nude images of themselves.

And these racy images are also getting passed around: One-third (33 percent) of teen boys and one-quarter (25 percent) of teen girls say they have had nude/semi-nude images — originally meant to be private — shared with them."

The activities these kinds are engaged in in most states make them sex offenders.

Again, do not misunderstand me I am not saying this sort of thing is okay or that we should just adopt an everyone's doing it attitude. I do think however that we should give the issue a closer look and of course talk to our children about the pitfalls of these sorts of activities. Before they end up on a list or several of them.

Derekkye's photo
Wed 12/10/08 03:12 PM
i say they should be slaughtered

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 03:33 PM
why waste taxpayers money? hang em..........:banana:

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 04:49 PM

why waste taxpayers money? hang em..........:banana:

i say they should be slaughtered

You guys didn't really read her post did you? I am assuming the both of you are refering to grown adults who prey on children. The thread is NOT really about that, as she said she is firm on that fact, as am I, we all agree stricter, not more lenient.

What the thread is about is kids distributing kiddy porn THEMSELVES.

So you want to slaughter the kids????? Yea I didn't think so . . . . . (well maybe I shouldn't "think" . . . . can you guys clarify your stance)

I agree Lynann, there are issues with our justice system in dealing with the internet, with kids, and how they classify sexual crimes.

I have a few articles at home if I remember I will post them here . . . they will make you cry, not because any kid was really violated . . . except by the so called justice system.

I was going to write a series of "very unpopular" short stories, in fact that was going to be my title, and I still might, but one of them covers this very topic of classifications ruining lives unjustly.

Lynann's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:15 PM
Thanks Bushidobillyclub for your post.

People commenting on posts they don't bother to read is nothing new here.

After all reading is such a chore right?

Politicians in a rush to appear concerned about scary stuff like sex crimes and teen sex have dealt poorly with this complex issue. Something really needs to be done.

Teenage lovers and child rapist do not belong on the same sex offender list.

Kids who lack judgment and child pornography users or producers don't belong on the same list either.

I don't expect much to be done though. I can see the attack ads during an election. "My opponent is weak on crime. They advocate going easy on those that commit sex crimes!"

It's time for people to let their legislators know that there is a real distinction between kids that lack judgment and predators and that the law should reflect that.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 12/11/08 10:40 AM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Thu 12/11/08 10:41 AM
This thread is a perfect example of our govt. using the News Media to lie and spread Hatred.

Getting us a vilian to hate.

Getting us to spy on one another.

Same thing Hitler did except he used Jews.

Our Govt. is more subtle and getting us quicker to hate.


I'll go further to say that in my opinion, given a recidivism rate in the high 90% for pedophiles I think people convicted of those crimes should be locked up for much longer than we do now.

90% Pretty slick. A lie is put in our heads and then we believe it as fact.

Then if we question they say oh we never said that.

Lets start with the date they went back to for registration.

Because as you all believe and has been said thier is no curing them.

Then why the date?

Why set a certain date that if your crime nomatter what it was is not put on ANY list.

July 1979..


Because at least 3 of our U.S. Senators who got this bill passed would be a sSex Offender.

How was congress going to deal with privacy issues for them?

Yea they set it for themselves.

Screw anyone else I am riding ths horse for what it's worth and get re-elected.

That is what you are talking about.

I have brought up on this thread before how about a July 1979 date for all Drug offences to be registered and posted on the Internet.

OHHHH now we can't have that.. It might affect me.

Hey you are worried about your children are'nt you.

Don't you want to know if you nieghbor might of sold drugs 20 years ago?

Drugs kill our children everyday.

Does it not make since to be able to go on the internet and see a picture and who these druggies are all over your nieghborhood.

You chilren are more important than almost life itself.

Come on stand up.. Lets do the right thing.

or maybe hang um as 1 poster said.

What mentality for something you are soo soo lied about.

The facts on sex offenders reoffending aftyer spending time in jail is 20% less than all other offences to ever commit another crime.

And to comit a another sex offence and this is on Govt Burea of Prison statistics site.

Sex offender 3.2% ever again

Murder 3.1%

Thefts 3.0%

Drugs 2.9%

Now tell me all you who want all the people in prison out because drugs are not a threat to us ( our children included now)

What basis do you have for that?

What basis do you have to spread a 90% resindism rate?

That statement on here may have someone killed today.

Did you know that thier are people making lists and taking the law into thier own hands.

Yes because of what they hear and read.

Usually you know like those of you in TENN remember.

2 drunks were going to get this sex offender they doused the house with gas set it on fire and when the Fire dept. got thier. They said we Got that MF we heard him screaming.

Yea they got him.. He was at work.

They heard his wife and 14 year old daughter.

now tell me where that was Justice.

Justice from our govt. using us as a stupid TOOL who is not smart enough to do anything.

We are like cattle to them.

Why do you think they look into the camera and lie and we believe it.

When caught.

You do not understand all we do.

Yea that is who we are.

Lynann's photo
Thu 12/11/08 11:18 AM
I am not talking about sex offenders as a group.

Pedophiles, those who are sexually stimulated by children, seldom change.


Pedophiles and Child Molesters: The Differences

Although virtually all pedophiles are child molesters, not all child molesters are pedophiles. Pedophiles have a clear sexual attraction for children. The focus of a pedophile is a child or children generally under the age of 13. Pedophiles often report they are attracted to children in a particular age range (DSM-IV). Child molesters are sexual offenders who have committed either intra-familial sexual offense (incest) against a child victim or extra-familial sexual offenses against a child victim or both.


* True pedophiles may abuse family members, but the majority of their offenses is extra-familial and is directed toward vulnerable children whom they court or groom for the purpose of victimization. Their relationships with children are based on exploitation of the children for sexual gratification.

* Offenders, who seek out children to victimize by placing themselves in positions of trust, authority, and easy access to youngsters, can have hundreds of victims over the course of their lifetimes.

* Pedophiles, especially those who molest boys, or both boys and girls, are the sex offenders who have the highest recidivism (relapse) rates after incarceration and/or treatment.

* Pedophiles frequently are uncomfortable with adult intimacy and may spend their lives maneuvering to be near children. They may be extremely charming and skilled at manipulating adults, and they may use adult relationships to gain access to children.

* The pedophile may spend years working up to a position of authority and trust within a church, school, or youth organization in order to have access to children. Of course, most such individuals in these types of authoritative positions have no sexual interest in children.

Child Molesters:

* The non-pedophilic molester is someone whose primary sexual orientation includes adults, but who may molest children in a maladaptive attempt to meet emotional needs.

* Research has found that many men who molest their own children or related female children have sexual interests that are indistinguishable from those of non-offending males.

* Data suggest incestuous offenders, regardless of the gender of the victim, have lower numbers of victims and are less likely to be rearrested for new sex crimes after they have been convicted.

* A child molester may turn to a child for sex out of a perceived inability to be close with an adult partner, out of poor self-esteem, or to escape feelings of powerlessness and loneliness. This type of offender usually has had appropriate (but often dysfunctional) relationships with peers and may be married.

* Outcome studies have demonstrated consistently low rates of recidivism (relapse) for incestuous offenders.

Foliel's photo
Thu 12/11/08 12:33 PM
As a child molestation survivor (I think thats the right term) I can tell you the man that molested me did not get enough time in jail he served only 6 months. My cousin, who also molested me, however got nothing as he was only a teen and the courts declared it to be experimentation even though i was not a willing participant.

The laws on these types of people need to be stricter and enforced. In both cases the offender did not get a just punishment, and while they went on with their lives, I have been battling depression and such ever since.

I do not wish them to be dead (even though the older man did die awhile ago), I just wish they had gotten some actual punishment. The man that molested me was a pedophile. He had molested 7 other children, including his own grandson on easter morning. His punishment sure as hell did not fit the crime.

This is hard for me to talk about but I felt it relevant to the topic at hand.

Lynann's photo
Thu 12/11/08 12:49 PM
Thanks for being brave enough to share that.

This thread has taken a turn but I think it's important to talk about this issues publicly. For too long people who have been silent about sexually abused have used that silence as a sort of suggestion that those who are abused are somehow to blame.

It's not something people want to talk about or acknowledge. It makes people uncomfortable.

But it does happen and sadly most children who are sexually abused are abused by people they know. Maybe that's part of the reason people have such difficulty discussing it.

Ugliness festers in the dark and in silence.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 12/11/08 12:59 PM
:smile: There are no teen sex offenders:smile:

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 12/11/08 01:43 PM
I totally agree with what you are saying on pedifiles.

But as always we have proven money is a liscence to do whatever you want.

This is not justice.

justice for all is the same treatment. Wether poor or rich.

The hype I am talking about is news worthy.. Money big bucks.

Then we have our congressmen who makes it a platform to rally behind.

Then we have 2 girls in Oklahoma who were 11 or 12 years old killed execution style.

Do you know thier names?

Probally not because thier was not money in reporting it.

Yet the Holloway girl who they just had suspitions she might of been sexually assualted in Aruba our news almost made her a household name.

On suspition, maybe this happened we do not know.

Do you see anything wrong with this picture?

It upsets me as for 1 a friend of mine and I do not even know where he is now.

Was a elemetary Principle. Everyone loved him.

I can tell you he was the niceist guy you would ever meet.

3 4th grade girls make a dare. Say he touched them and refuse to say any different.

Here a man with the best record in the world was now on the evening news casts talking about him everyday.

He was put on suspension untill this was worked out.

It was going to trial about broke him and his insanity.

Finally these 3 girls tell what they did. That it was a dare that they loved him. He never touched them it was a game.

A game they got in thier heads from all of ours freaking out about this stuff and our news getting good ratings.

Now you would of thought everything back to normal. This will blow over.

No way.. Alot of parents went and complained that if they let him have his job back they would pull thier kids from school.

They fired him.. FOR WHAT!!!

For a game...

He got a settlement because they said they doubt he could ever work with kids again.

Does not mind his record is perfect.. NO.. what matters is the COURT of public OPINION.

That we have and are on many issues being let to the demise of this country.

The Govt. got thier scapegoat to hate.

They got thier villian.

All that is left is the 3rd Riech.

Think I am kidding.

Let you in on a little secret.

We all have heard about the brotherhood of Skulls and Bones.

That they will not say what they do.

It is and the News right now refuses to investigate it even though the facts have been thier all along in front of our faces.

They vowel to once a bonesman your whole family is a Bonesman.

What does this mean?

You can not marry outside of the Bonesman society.

We now through time have got 1 2n 3rd and so on cousins in congress who are all related in someway or another.

Why is this important?

Political influence.

Who is going to be elected whether democrat or repuplican.

They control what we see and hear therefor they control who is in our Govt.

Things like this our out of Hitlers Play book.

They even have swatskas in the TOMB.

While we chase after assumed and self generated enemy.

They do as they want.

Wake up.

I am sure I will have to be cautios as I spoke of this in Oklahoma and a Hyway I decided to take no one knew about but me at 2 am in the morning this last saterday.

Except for my mumblings and talking to my self as i looked on a map to find a short cut home.

Tell me I am crazy.

On a deserted road a 75 caprice was broke down with it's trunk open.

I did not stop.

2 miles down the road as i crossed a bridge he was on my ass.

Then he passed me gunning it tried to run me off the road then took off turning on his left blinker then his right blinker.

Then he approached a small hill with double lines.

With large drop offs on each side of the road on a 2 lane hyway.

He slams on his brakes.
I gunned it slid my rear end off the road came back on.

The I out ran him. Called the Highway patrol and they took my number and said they would send someone out and call me back..

No call back.

Anyone who knows me knows i have been stopped and deemed a threat and searched by 6 cop cars full of cops while traffic backs up.

I ask who says I am a Threat to society. We only have our orders sir..

I have lots of witnesses of being done like this.

I write alot all over the internet and they do not like what I have to say.

They got the sex offenders act passed in 95 then the Patriot act.

All my friends not to protect you.

To keep you looking another way. while they enact what they want.

This bail out of 700 to a trillion dollars is not for us.

This is for who owns the federal reserve which is private and not federal.

They have to back up 10x what they loaned out.

This may seem off track. But it is the kind of ball game they play to bring you to feed at the cattle troughs