Topic: Are you smart enough? Cryptic Crossword
Dan99's photo
Wed 12/10/08 02:33 PM

Dan99's photo
Wed 12/10/08 02:39 PM
I dont have the answers btw.

Dan99's photo
Wed 12/10/08 02:40 PM
Edited by Dan99 on Wed 12/10/08 02:41 PM
Hang on.....

Those are the answers right there in the corner..


Ok scrap this idea!! lol

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 02:42 PM
10 across is "assaying."

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 02:43 PM
6 down is "alleged."

Dan99's photo
Wed 12/10/08 02:43 PM
The answers tell me you are correct!

I will try find another one to do instead..all others i came accross though were not clear enough to post.

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 02:47 PM
Ooops, you're right, didn't see the answers!

It would have been a lot more fun without them!

Dan99's photo
Wed 12/10/08 02:50 PM
Im trying to find another.

I have been getting into these cryptic crosswords lately. I saw a program that explained a little how they are done. Beforehand i had never really spent time getting used to them. Now i know a few things to look out for and i am getting better at them, but i am still a novice. They can be pretty challenging, but rewarding when you figure out the answer.

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 02:52 PM

Im trying to find another.

I have been getting into these cryptic crosswords lately. I saw a program that explained a little how they are done. Beforehand i had never really spent time getting used to them. Now i know a few things to look out for and i am getting better at them, but i am still a novice. They can be pretty challenging, but rewarding when you figure out the answer.

The answers are all contained in the clues but they're very convoluted. I love these things.

RandomTandem's photo
Wed 12/10/08 02:52 PM

I dont have the answers btw.

lol.. numpty! :D

Dan99's photo
Wed 12/10/08 02:59 PM

Im trying to find another.

I have been getting into these cryptic crosswords lately. I saw a program that explained a little how they are done. Beforehand i had never really spent time getting used to them. Now i know a few things to look out for and i am getting better at them, but i am still a novice. They can be pretty challenging, but rewarding when you figure out the answer.

The answers are all contained in the clues but they're very convoluted. I love these things.

What i didnt realise before is that you are usually given a word within the clue that is a synonym(or do i mean acronym?!) for the answer, plus you get the cryptic part as well. So really, these types of crosswords are easier than normal ones. Depending on which crossword you do exactly, some are designed to be tough.

Dan99's photo
Wed 12/10/08 03:17 PM
I am struggling to find anything of good enough quality to post here.

For anyone wanting to do these online(and not in a forum!) you can use this free site.

Dan99's photo
Wed 12/10/08 03:31 PM

1. Fine tunes barely recognised in sad composition (7)
5. A flap’s handy for a cat (5)
8. Newly arrived man met Elizabethan fixture (7,6)
9. Will make another deduction (7)
10. Scouts reported religious followers (5)
11. Darting behind road sign is the last of quarry (6)
12. Company’s cast has hit (6)
15. One surviving’s dropped off north from a bay, perhaps (5)
16. One small load carried back by giant, like a barnacle attached to a whale (7)
17. Rebel group’s prickling with an opposite agenda (13)
18. Places of great heat concerned Australian explorer (5)
19. Unwavering intent to supervise group (7)

1. Generally, thrift is right for new country (7)
2. Decision makers, apart from equivocal leader, care for the legal system (13)
3. Retracts statement, but one’s out to perform dangerous acts (7,6)
4. Southern French hideaway revealed unexpectedly (6)
5. Short appointment during changeover arrangement (13)
6. Opening over precedes spinner’s first penetration of the defence (13)
7. Pluck displayed by South Americans? (5)
13. Figure out put-down point (7)
14. Plane encountering surface- to-air missile. It ends up in the sea (6)
15. Exclamation of excited delight sounds crazy (5)

Dan99's photo
Wed 12/10/08 03:39 PM
I just wanna answer ONE before Lex gets here and cleans up!

Im still thinking..

RandomTandem's photo
Wed 12/10/08 03:45 PM
Edited by RandomTandem on Wed 12/10/08 03:46 PM
19 across;


[over-sea, geddit?]


Dan99's photo
Wed 12/10/08 03:46 PM
Clever bastard!

Im STILL thinking!

Dan99's photo
Wed 12/10/08 03:57 PM
Well i am struggling, i cant get any! I must have chose a hard one.

Or im just not very good. Which i know is true.

RandomTandem's photo
Wed 12/10/08 04:43 PM
It's ok, we will wait for you, Mr. 99.


Dan99's photo
Wed 12/10/08 05:32 PM

It's ok, we will wait for you, Mr. 99.


I got one, i got one!!

4 down - Sudden (sud-den, geddit??)


i havent been thinking about it ALL this time though!

Dan99's photo
Wed 12/10/08 05:35 PM
2 down is something like jurisdiction, or judiciary..i think..just with more letters..