Topic: If the Bible erased | |
the history of every account of when Jesus was in its writing, would the book and religion still exist today, or would Christianity have died out like Ancient Egyptians, Greek, or Norse Mythologies? Shame on you John! We were just discussing the resurgence of these religions on the Wicca thread! Do you understand the definition of “Neo Paganism” man? Neo denotes "New". New Paganism. As for the rest of the question are you just asking if the character of Jesus Christ never existed in the bible? Well we don’t even know if he did actually ever exist and it’s very likely he did not. In that case, if it wasn’t Jesus, they would have invented some other poor son of a b!tch to nail to a pole. |
the history of every account of when Jesus was in its writing, would the book and religion still exist today, or would Christianity have died out like Ancient Egyptians, Greek, or Norse Mythologies? Shame on you John! We were just discussing the resurgence of these religions on the Wicca thread! Do you understand the definition of “Neo Paganism” man? Neo denotes "New". New Paganism. As for the rest of the question are you just asking if the character of Jesus Christ never existed in the bible? Well we don’t even know if he did actually ever exist and it’s very likely he did not. In that case, if it wasn’t Jesus, they would have invented some other poor son of a b!tch to nail to a pole. [/quote Yes I understand alot more then you think. ![]() I sometimes wonder if you are the only one who cannot understand my questions ![]() Here is the question in a different format If Jesus would be erased from history out of the bible would Christianity still exist today? I ask because the new testament entails many of the stories of Jesus. Where would Christianity stand today? Would it still be a viable religion? You think they would just use someone else to nail on the cross, but let us say this wouldn't be the case. Perhaps to answer my own question the old testament would still be in tack and in decline as James mentions it, because the people were getting tired of the bigotry. and of course for a Christian believer this is absolutely not possible because Jesus Christ savior was God and died on the cross for forgive us for our sins. So my question is irrational for many to answer. Nevertheless, I know your stand point on this, yet still am interested in other answers out of interest. |
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Tue 12/09/08 09:36 PM
If the Bible erased the history of every account of when Jesus was in its writing, would the book and religion still exist today, or would Christianity have died out like Ancient Egyptians, Greek, or Norse Mythologies?
I truly believe that Jesus existed. I believe that he tried his best to denounce the teachings of what we now call the Old Testament. He was crucified for his blaspheme against the Old Testament. His very earliest followers (True Christians) knew this truth, and tried to teaching and spread the word of Jesus via word of mouth. These were common folk who didn't have the authority and resources to establish the truth of Jesus. The authorities were outraged. They had successfully publically crucified Jesus thinking that this would squelch his followers too. But it had the opposite affect. Jesus was made into a martyr and his teachings were gaining momentum among the True Christians. They knew that Jesus was murdered to shut him up. They didn't think for a second that Jesus was any sacrificial lamb of God. They knew that Jesus had denounced the Old Testament. But the people in authority were not prepared to allow the teachings of Jesus to continue. So they wrote the "New Testament". They included much of what Jesus had actually taught. Whatever they could use. Jesus denounced the public stoning of sinners. Hey, that's not a bad idea! The authoritarians could go along with that. Why not? They were probably tired of people taking the law into their own hands anyway. Why not use Jesus to make some changes while they are at it? They wrote the New Testament using Jesus to make some changes and then they used him to revive the very Old Testament that Jesus had actually renounced. People might say, "Where in the Bible does it ever say that Jesus renounced the Old Testament?" Clearly anyone who asks that question isn't even coming close to following what I'm saying. The Bible was written to make it look like Jesus had supported the Old Testament. They were using the Martyrdom of Jesus to give their failing religion a shot in the arm! The very religion that Jesus himself had denounced!!! Modern Christians today actually worship the people who made a pasty out of Jesus to revive the very religion that Jesus denounced. I seriously believe this. I feel that the evidence for this is overwhelming. Modern Christains today are worshiping the enemies of Jesus by believing in the New Testament. In answer to your question, I believe that the Old Testament was indeed dying out in popularity. People were getting tired of it's bigotry and violence and stoning sinners to death and judging thy neighbor. They were ready for a change. And Jesus gave them that change by denouncing the ways of the Old and replacing them with love and forgiveness. Modern Christianity is an oxymoron. It's a twisted combination of the love and forgiveness that Jesus actually taught nailed to the Old Testament of bigotry and judgment. Jesus not only nailed to the cross. But when the authorities wrote the New Testament they also nailed Jesus to the Old Testament as well. No, I don't believe that old religion would have lasted very long if it hadn't been for the fact that Jesus was nailed to it by unscrupulous authoritarians. monotheism is the latest trend now,it may go back to polytheism though,i'm just stickin with atheism Yahweh says he is one and thier is no other. The chr-stians came up with 2 or 3.. They deny Yahweh's power when they do. Abra.. You know I thought you knew the bible better than that. Don't you remember he said the words of the Prophets and the law would not change even with the crossing of a T. The Elite had went outside the scriptures for power for themselves. Hey it means this you can not understand it you must listen to me.. I will tell you what to do. Sound familiar? It is the same today know one really knows the word because they believe what you just said. Quote.. I believe that he tried his best to denounce the teachings of what we now call the Old Testament. I know you are a non believer but I thought you could see better than that. He never denounced anything in the OT. here are some scriptures that everyone looks over what the Apostles were still doing years after Yahshua's death. Someone explain what is happening here... Acts 21:17-33 17 And we having come to Jerusalem, the brethren did gladly receive us, 18 and on the morrow Paul was going in with us unto James, all the elders also came, 19 and having saluted them, he was declaring, one by one, each of the things God did among the nations through his ministration, 20 and they having heard, were glorifying the Lord. They said also to him, 'Thou seest, brother, how many myriads there are of Jews who have believed, and all are zealous of the law, 21 and they are instructed concerning thee, that apostacy from Moses thou dost teach to all Jews among the nations, saying — Not to circumcise the children, nor after the customs to walk; 22 what then is it? certainly the multitude it behoveth to come together, for they will hear that thou hast come. 23'This, therefore, do that we say to thee: We have four men having a vow on themselves, 24 these having taken, be purified with them, and be at expence with them, that they may shave the head, and all may know that the things of which they have been instructed concerning thee are nothing, but thou dost walk — thyself also — the law keeping. 25'And concerning those of the nations who have believed, we have written, having given judgment, that they observe no such thing, except to keep themselves both from idol-sacrifices, and blood, and a strangled thing, and whoredom.' 26 Then Paul, having taken the men, on the following day, with them having purified himself, was entering into the temple, announcing the fulfilment of the days of the purification, till the offering was offered for each one of them. 27 And, as the seven days were about to be fully ended, the Jews from Asia having beheld him in the temple, were stirring up all the multitude, and they laid hands upon him, 28 crying out, 'Men, Israelites, help! this is the man who, against the people, and the law, and this place, all everywhere is teaching; and further, also, Greeks he brought into the temple, and hath defiled this holy place;' 29 for they had seen before Trophimus, the Ephesian, in the city with him, whom they were supposing that Paul brought into the temple. 30 All the city also was moved and there was a running together of the people, and having laid hold on Paul, they were drawing him out of the temple, and immediately were the doors shut, 31 and they seeking to kill him, a rumour came to the chief captain of the band that all Jerusalem hath been thrown into confusion, 32 who, at once, having taken soldiers and centurions, ran down upon them, and they having seen the chief captain and the soldiers, did leave off beating Paul. 33 Then the chief captain, having come nigh, took him, and commanded [him] to be bound with two chains, and was inquiring who he may be, and what it is he hath been doing, YLT Now Abra.. Do you know exactly what he was doing in the Law you said Yahshua came to get rid of? Blessings...Miles This is one of the most important acts Paul did that from it is why he ended up in Rome. He Appealed to Ceaser as a Roman citizen. |
the history of every account of when Jesus was in its writing, would the book and religion still exist today, or would Christianity have died out like Ancient Egyptians, Greek, or Norse Mythologies? Shame on you John! We were just discussing the resurgence of these religions on the Wicca thread! Do you understand the definition of “Neo Paganism” man? Neo denotes "New". New Paganism. As for the rest of the question are you just asking if the character of Jesus Christ never existed in the bible? Well we don’t even know if he did actually ever exist and it’s very likely he did not. In that case, if it wasn’t Jesus, they would have invented some other poor son of a b!tch to nail to a pole. I thought that there was proof that Jesus lived. But..the only proof that he was THE Jesus comes from the Bible. Isn't he mentioned as a man in the Muslim religion too? |
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Tue 12/09/08 09:33 PM
I was referring to your comment about the other neo pagan religions being obsolete and I would tend to disagree with that assertion. Many of these religions, including the Norse mythologies of which you have some understanding, are still in practice today.
I think me and a couple others had mentioned that to you. As for Jesus. I’ve posted on this topic a few times. Maybe before you were a member. I can’t remember now. In the parable of the unforgiving servant, the king threatens to enslave a man and his entire family to pay for a debt. This practice, which was common at the time, seems not to have bothered Jesus very much. Check this out; Matthew 18 18:25 But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made. I definitely have issues with Jesus. This is taken directly from the NT. I’m not totally square with him in my own mind yet. |
the history of every account of when Jesus was in its writing, would the book and religion still exist today, or would Christianity have died out like Ancient Egyptians, Greek, or Norse Mythologies? Shame on you John! We were just discussing the resurgence of these religions on the Wicca thread! Do you understand the definition of “Neo Paganism” man? Neo denotes "New". New Paganism. As for the rest of the question are you just asking if the character of Jesus Christ never existed in the bible? Well we don’t even know if he did actually ever exist and it’s very likely he did not. In that case, if it wasn’t Jesus, they would have invented some other poor son of a b!tch to nail to a pole. I thought that there was proof that Jesus lived. But..the only proof that he was THE Jesus comes from the Bible. Isn't he mentioned as a man in the Muslim religion too? Yes the Muslims or the Koran rather mentions Jesus as a prophet ![]() |
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Tue 12/09/08 09:45 PM
I was referring to your comment about the other neo pagan religions being obsolete and I would tend to disagree with that assertion. Many of these religions, including the Norse mythologies of which you have some understanding, are still in practice today. I think me and a couple others had mentioned that to you. As for Jesus. I’ve posted on this topic a few times. Maybe before you were a member. I can’t remember now. In the parable of the unforgiving servant, the king threatens to enslave a man and his entire family to pay for a debt. This practice, which was common at the time, seems not to have bothered Jesus very much. Check this out; Matthew 18 18:25 But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made. I definitely have issues with Jesus. This is taken directly from the NT. I’m not totally square with him in my own mind yet. Yes there is a small following that is true concerning the mythologies. I have indicated in the other forum that one is still in practice. I even read in the book store about a small following of Ancient Egyptian followers of Horus. I was mainly referring this in numbers as a majority of followers concerning world statistics for Christianity and all its denominations are in the billions today. Perhaps it would be alot smaller following if Jesus wouldn't have been written in the bible. Just a thought that formed into a question. Concerning Mathew 18: all I can say is (ouch) that is harsh indeed ![]() |
the history of every account of when Jesus was in its writing, would the book and religion still exist today, or would Christianity have died out like Ancient Egyptians, Greek, or Norse Mythologies? Shame on you John! We were just discussing the resurgence of these religions on the Wicca thread! Do you understand the definition of “Neo Paganism” man? Neo denotes "New". New Paganism. As for the rest of the question are you just asking if the character of Jesus Christ never existed in the bible? Well we don’t even know if he did actually ever exist and it’s very likely he did not. In that case, if it wasn’t Jesus, they would have invented some other poor son of a b!tch to nail to a pole. I thought that there was proof that Jesus lived. But..the only proof that he was THE Jesus comes from the Bible. Isn't he mentioned as a man in the Muslim religion too? Yes the Muslims or the Koran rather mentions Jesus as a prophet ![]() I forgot that they had said he was a prophet. |
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Tue 12/09/08 09:45 PM
Deuteronomy 18:15-19
15'A prophet out of thy midst, out of thy brethren, like to me, doth Yahweh your Elohim raise up to thee — unto him ye hearken; 16 according to all that thou didst ask from Yahweh your Elohim, in Horeb, in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not add to hear the voice of Yahweh my Elohim, and this great fire let me not see any more, and I die not; 17 and Yahweh saith unto me, They have done well that they have spoken; 18 a prophet I raise up to them, out of the midst of their brethren, like to thee; and I have given my words in his mouth, and he hath spoken unto them all that which I command him; 19 and it hath been — the man who doth not hearken unto My words which he doth speak in My name, I require [it] of him. YLT Here he is as it says...... John 5:39-6:1 'Ye search the Writings, because ye think in them to have life age-during, and these are they that are testifying concerning me; 40 and ye do not will to come unto me, that ye may have life; 41 glory from man I do not receive, 42 but I have known you, that the love of Yahweh ye have not in yourselves. 43'I have come in the name of my Father, and ye do not receive me; if another may come in his own name, him ye will receive; 44 how are ye able — ye — to believe, glory from one another receiving, and the glory that [is] from Elohim alone ye seek not? 45'Do not think that I will accuse you unto the Father; there is who is accusing you, Moses — in whom ye have hoped; 46 for if ye were believing Moses, ye would have been believing me, for he wrote concerning me; 47 but if his writings ye believe not, how shall ye believe my sayings?' YLT |
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Tue 12/09/08 09:50 PM
Winx said:
I thought that there was proof that Jesus lived. But..the only proof that he was THE Jesus comes from the Bible.
Isn't he mentioned as a man in the Muslim religion too? There is nothing that I am aware of. I mean no definitive proof of the physical embodiment of Jesus unless you can find something online. There is something to indicate that they may have located the tomb of his paternal father, a Roman centurion who raped Mary. Rome - Vatican officials have slammed a documentary alleging that the Virgin Mary was a downtrodden teenager who might have conceived Jesus as a result of being raped. Cardinal Martins José Saraiva, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, described Sunday's BBC documentary as "nonsense", the Rome daily La Repubblica reported on Monday. "These are old stories that resurface from time to time and which have never found any historical support," said Saraiva. "Giving prominence to such legends only falsifies the truth," the cardinal said. "As a Christian I am especially mortified by the fact that such rubbish was aired on the eve of Christmas." The documentary questioned the belief that Mary was a blue-eyed virgin and raised other doubts about the birth of Jesus in a stable in Bethlehem. It reported claims put forward by a second-century historian, who alleged she was raped by a Roman centurion. Another version alleged that she was a hard-working, dark-haired, uneducated teenager who might have conceived Jesus ahead of an arranged marriage with Joseph. The documentary raises doubts about other traditions, including the birth of Jesus in a stable at Bethlehem and the presence of three wise men. The programme has also been criticised by Catholic prelates in Britain. The Bishop of Portsmouth, the Right Reverend Crispian Hollis, accused the programme of offensive speculation which misrepresented a figure respected by millions. He said: "The Virgin Mary is clearly a person whose life and times are immensely important to the whole of Christian history. As Mother of God, she is honoured and venerated by millions of Catholics and other Christians within these islands and all over the world. "To include, within a historical examination of her life, confused and unfounded guesswork, which carries with it crude and offensive speculation, is not only unscholarly but runs the risk of undermining the very integrity of the project itself." But the producer, Alan Bookbinder, defended the decision to question the virgin birth. He said the documentary, called The Virgin Mary, gave a "sense of wonder at her miraculous story. Above all, it shows a respect for the special place that Mary has in the hearts of believers." A Sunday Telegraph survey found that the traditional account of the virgin birth was also openly questioned by members of the Church of England clergy. |
I was referring to your comment about the other neo pagan religions being obsolete and I would tend to disagree with that assertion. Many of these religions, including the Norse mythologies of which you have some understanding, are still in practice today. I think me and a couple others had mentioned that to you. As for Jesus. I’ve posted on this topic a few times. Maybe before you were a member. I can’t remember now. In the parable of the unforgiving servant, the king threatens to enslave a man and his entire family to pay for a debt. This practice, which was common at the time, seems not to have bothered Jesus very much. Check this out; Matthew 18 18:25 But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made. I definitely have issues with Jesus. This is taken directly from the NT. I’m not totally square with him in my own mind yet. Yes there is a small following that is true concerning the mythologies. I have indicated in the other forum that one is still in practice. I even read in the book store about a small following of Ancient Egyptian followers of Horus. I was mainly referring this in numbers as a majority of followers concerning world statistics for Christianity and all its denominations are in the billions today. Perhaps it would be alot smaller following if Jesus wouldn't have been written in the bible. Just a thought that formed into a question. Concerning Mathew 18: all I can say is (ouch) that is harsh indeed ![]() Well probably that clarification was necessary. |
Winx said: I thought that there was proof that Jesus lived. But..the only proof that he was THE Jesus comes from the Bible.
Isn't he mentioned as a man in the Muslim religion too? There is nothing that I am aware of. I mean no definitive proof of the physical embodiment of Jesus unless you can find something online. There is something to indicate that they may have located the tomb of his paternal father, a Roman centurion who raped Mary. Rome - Vatican officials have slammed a documentary alleging that the Virgin Mary was a downtrodden teenager who might have conceived Jesus as a result of being raped. Cardinal Martins José Saraiva, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, described Sunday's BBC documentary as "nonsense", the Rome daily La Repubblica reported on Monday. "These are old stories that resurface from time to time and which have never found any historical support," said Saraiva. "Giving prominence to such legends only falsifies the truth," the cardinal said. "As a Christian I am especially mortified by the fact that such rubbish was aired on the eve of Christmas." The documentary questioned the belief that Mary was a blue-eyed virgin and raised other doubts about the birth of Jesus in a stable in Bethlehem. It reported claims put forward by a second-century historian, who alleged she was raped by a Roman centurion. Another version alleged that she was a hard-working, dark-haired, uneducated teenager who might have conceived Jesus ahead of an arranged marriage with Joseph. The documentary raises doubts about other traditions, including the birth of Jesus in a stable at Bethlehem and the presence of three wise men. The programme has also been criticised by Catholic prelates in Britain. The Bishop of Portsmouth, the Right Reverend Crispian Hollis, accused the programme of offensive speculation which misrepresented a figure respected by millions. He said: "The Virgin Mary is clearly a person whose life and times are immensely important to the whole of Christian history. As Mother of God, she is honoured and venerated by millions of Catholics and other Christians within these islands and all over the world. "To include, within a historical examination of her life, confused and unfounded guesswork, which carries with it crude and offensive speculation, is not only unscholarly but runs the risk of undermining the very integrity of the project itself." But the producer, Alan Bookbinder, defended the decision to question the virgin birth. He said the documentary, called The Virgin Mary, gave a "sense of wonder at her miraculous story. Above all, it shows a respect for the special place that Mary has in the hearts of believers." A Sunday Telegraph survey found that the traditional account of the virgin birth was also openly questioned by members of the Church of England clergy. such things have been going on from the day after my Lord resurrected. which one has stood? none. theories over theories, each one has fallen after some time. - the truth cannot contradict the truth. - let them be, for they do not know what they are doing. |
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Tue 12/09/08 10:06 PM
I find it pretty compelling but I’m not a Catholic so...if she was betrothed to Joseph, who was this older man and who might have genuinely had affection for her and didn’t want her to be stoned to death as a rape victim, then explain why this is not logical? Under the OT she would have been put to death.
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Tue 12/09/08 10:11 PM
I was referring to your comment about the other neo pagan religions being obsolete and I would tend to disagree with that assertion. Many of these religions, including the Norse mythologies of which you have some understanding, are still in practice today. I think me and a couple others had mentioned that to you. As for Jesus. I’ve posted on this topic a few times. Maybe before you were a member. I can’t remember now. In the parable of the unforgiving servant, the king threatens to enslave a man and his entire family to pay for a debt. This practice, which was common at the time, seems not to have bothered Jesus very much. Check this out; Matthew 18 18:25 But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made. I definitely have issues with Jesus. This is taken directly from the NT. I’m not totally square with him in my own mind yet. Yes there is a small following that is true concerning the mythologies. I have indicated in the other forum that one is still in practice. I even read in the book store about a small following of Ancient Egyptian followers of Horus. I was mainly referring this in numbers as a majority of followers concerning world statistics for Christianity and all its denominations are in the billions today. Perhaps it would be alot smaller following if Jesus wouldn't have been written in the bible. Just a thought that formed into a question. Concerning Mathew 18: all I can say is (ouch) that is harsh indeed ![]() Well probably that clarification was necessary. Not necessarily for over 90 percent of the world believe they are mythologies and not actual practicing religions anymore. Nevertheless, I see for you it would be important to mention that they are still practicing religions for a small group around the world. Perhaps if events would have changed these religions would have the biggest followers instead. The important question that I wanted to know was if Jesus would have not been mentioned in the bible where would Christianity stand today. How many would be followers today? Some believe Christianity wouldn't exist. Others believe it would still have a large following and I am sure there are many more answers from different minds. I pretty much got my answer from James, but always open to hear other answers. |
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Tue 12/09/08 10:15 PM
those religions have far from died out. they are not in the volume of the massive hordes that the christians are, but in pockets of people here and there, and are far more quiet, for the christians do consider themselves a fighting, warring army for the rightiousness of their god, and have killed even today when they can get away with it. i have been threatened myself in new orleans by evangelists, merely on appearance know, the guys toting those crosses...i was minding my own business, and they surrounded me and called me the devils work. Clearly someone else picked up on it also. It was just the manner in which you worded the question. Especially in light of the fact that you just came from the Wicca thread. That’s all I said John. |
but I’m not a Catholic, so... end of the dialogue. |
I posted an article. That was it. Do with it what you want.
discard as moot.
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I certainly wouldn’t but that's just me. I’m a curious type. I guess the clergy in England were asking questions also as per that last sentence. There is more but I’m not going to post it if it’s just going to upset people around the holidays or what not.
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what is moot can't be offensive.
talking of which have happy holidays. |