Topic: The Laws of Attraction | |
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Tue 12/09/08 07:29 PM
Esther and Jerry Hicks books have step by step instructions. "Ask and it is Given" has very detailed instructions on how to elevate your feelings and mood and your thoughts from depression to joy. They give good examples.
These books are not witchcraft and don't claim to be. For me, they are more like a pure science of thought, spirituality and creativity. I have many books on witchcraft and golden dawn techniques and they just don't do it for me. I don't care for all that ritual bull. It is just not necessary in my opinion. |
Esther and Jerry Hicks books have step by step instructions. "Ask and it is Given" has very detailed instructions on how to elevate your feelings and mood and your thoughts from depression to joy. They give good examples. These books are not witchcraft and don't claim to be. For me, they are more like a pure science of thought, spirituality and creativity. I have many books on witchcraft and golden dawn techniques and they just don't do it for me. I don't care for all that ritual bull. It is just not necessary in my opinion. Sounds good I am ordering a book and see if I can even comprehend this. |
Have you ever read "The Science of Getting Rich?" by Wallace D. Wattles?
It would be free to read on wiki. It is all about the law of attraction. It just does not call it that. jb |
Could one say that vibrations is nothing more then energy? And if yes what is exactly energy? Is it that smaller of an atom? I ask for I really want to know how the law of attraction works and how to apply to it. Fortunately you don't need to know how it works. All you need to do is know how to do magick John. There are tons of books out there with instructions. I've suggested Penczaks books to you. They most certainly are step-by-step instruction books. They aren't just books on mumbo jumbo philosophy. They are a HOW-TO guide completely with exercises. But I'm sure there are other how-to books out there as well. You may find something you like better. Ruth suggested the Penczak books to me, and I'm totally happy with them. I'm not saying that they are the best, or anything like that. I only know that they are very nice. And they are definitely step-by-step instructions if that's what you are seeking. That's all I know. I do know that there are tons of philosophy books out there that will ramble on-and-on about these things and never give you any actaul step-by-step lessons or advice. If you're seeking step-by-step lessons, all I know to do is point you to Penczak's Temple Series. It's oriented toward "Witchcraft", but it's the same process that the people who preach the Law of Attraction are claiming to understand. If you want something that is more focused on the Law of Attraction and is also a step-by-step guide I can't help you because I don't know of any such books that actually contain step-by-step lesson plans. Sorry. Yes I have been meaning to buy a book from Penczak's Temple Series. I will buy this book including a copy of Esther and Jerry Hick's Books. Maybe even do a cross reference and post it here on the forum for debate. Maybe they both explain the same thing, but just have different ways on getting there? Of course the one that requires the least amount of effort is more admirable ![]() |
Maybe even do a cross reference and post it here on the forum for debate. I would not "debate" something like that unless I had read both books. I don't think they are in conflict with each other, but I would have to read that book to say that for sure. |
The New York Times was the first major newspaper to use the phrase "Law of Attraction." Their April 6th, 1879 edition described the wagon trains of the Colorado gold rush as "moving in obedience to some occult law of attraction that overcomes all obstacles in their progress to their destination."
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Maybe even do a cross reference and post it here on the forum for debate. I would not "debate" something like that unless I had read both books. I don't think they are in conflict with each other, but I would have to read that book to say that for sure. It may just be the same thing, but just done differently. What do I know? ![]() but I will read them for sure. |
The New York Times was the first major newspaper to use the phrase "Law of Attraction." Their April 6th, 1879 edition described the wagon trains of the Colorado gold rush as "moving in obedience to some occult law of attraction that overcomes all obstacles in their progress to their destination." ![]() Well it surely helped them. They found the gold I hope ![]() |
The New York Times was the first major newspaper to use the phrase "Law of Attraction." Their April 6th, 1879 edition described the wagon trains of the Colorado gold rush as "moving in obedience to some occult law of attraction that overcomes all obstacles in their progress to their destination." ![]() That is very interesting Krimsa, that in 1879 someone knew about the law of attraction and attributed it to "the occult." veddy interesting indeed ![]() ![]() But I think it was pure greed that moved those people, not any occult law of attraction. ![]() |
Yeah I just thought it was kind of funny. I also didnt realize it was quite that old. 1879. The phrase must have been recognizable enough to the average person that the newspaper felt they could use it in that context.
<-----------runs screaming from the room!!!!!!!!!
Yes I have been meaning to buy a book from Penczak's Temple Series. I will buy this book including a copy of Esther and Jerry Hick's Books. Maybe even do a cross reference and post it here on the forum for debate. Maybe they both explain the same thing, but just have different ways on getting there? Of course the one that requires the least amount of effort is more admirable ![]() You might want to see if you can find them at a library first and check them out before you buy. I might look into the Hicks book myself if I can find it at a library. The main thing for me right now is that I'm totally into Penczak. I mean, he just intuitively 'rings true' for me personally. As does the folklore of witchcraft. Gloria Jean wrote the following: JB wrote:
I have many books on witchcraft and golden dawn techniques and they just don't do it for me. I don't care for all that ritual bull. It is just not necessary in my opinion. She doesn't like the ritual bull. And that's perfectly acceptable. For me personally, I find the ritual bull to be very attractive and fulfilling. It's a matter of personal taste. I do believe that I could conduct magick spells that work with a very minimal ritual. Having understood the "science" behind the spellcraft as Penczak explains it, I can perform magick spell with very little ritual and/or tools. In fact, I have already peformed some spells that have produced extremely powerful results way FASTER than I had originally intended. And I'm not necessarily excited about that. Other than to see them working! But my point is that I'm not overly anxious to perform magick. I'm not looking for instant gratification. For me, the whole thing is a spiritual journey. I'm not in it just for the spellcraft. Sure, I could just do that. But that's not my goal. I'm seeking a much deeper spiritual experience. So for me, the rituals are the meat of what I'm truly after. The magick is the icing on the cake. I need religiousity in my life. By "religiousity", I mean, structure, not dogma. Following the Sun and Moon cycles as symbols of my cosmic Father and Mother is a structual element of Witchcratf that truly resonates with me. This is far more than just doing magick for me. I'm viewing this as a true spirituality. For me, it's far deeper than just pulling rabbits out of a hat. ![]() I guess you might say that I've been looking for a 'doable' religion, and I've finally found one in witchcraf as presented by Penczak. I believe in Witchcraft as a spiritual foundation. I just don't feel that kind of intuitive sense from things I've read about the Law of Attraction. But I clearly understand that this is a personal preference. Many people aren't interested in spirituality, or at least not in spirituality as I personally view it. But for me, Witchcraft is a spirituality. And a very "earthy" one at that. It's not just merely a way to pull rabbits out of a hat. So I'm totally into the "ritual bull". This is what actually draws me to Witchcraft. The elemental spirituality of it. ![]() I feel like I've finally found home. But I understand that it's not for everyone. I was just reading last night about "The Art of Witchcraft" in one of Penczak's books. And this also really struck a cord with me. Witchcraft truly is an art. And each individual witch produces their own witchcraft art. Which is indeed a spirituality. In a very real sense, for me, Witchcraft has now become an artistic medium in which I can express my appreciation and gratitude for life. My Witchcraft becomes my 'painting' for the Gods. My 'sculpture', for the Gods. My tribute to the Gods. Yes, for me, it's far more than just pulling rabbits out of a hat. ![]() |
That rabbit is called a Californian. Thats the name of the breed. I have one.
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Wed 12/10/08 09:50 AM
Interesting article:
Sometimes people ask me in relation to the Law of Attraction: is it really true that I can have anything I want, as long as I think about it and feel good about it too? This has been pretty much the message from the film "The Secret", and is also the basis of many of the Law of Attraction teachings. The answer is quite simple: yes and no. Yes, you can have anything you want, and no, you cannot have anything you want. Now that really helps, doesn't it? It is part of what I tend to call the "cosmic joke", or -to put it a bit more respectfully- the "universal paradox". In plain English: it is the difference between what is possible in principle, and what is possible in your world. So yes, in principle you can be anyone, and do and have anything you want. In principle. There is no universal force that will stop you from acquiring all the riches, all the happiness, all the joy, all the material and immaterial gains you may desire. Why would there be? Here comes the first part of the cosmic joke, though: depending on YOU will you be able or unable to allow this all into your life. Notice that I am not talking about attraction here, but about allowing. There is a major difference. The second part to the cosmic joke is this: whatever has an up, must have a down. Life/nature/universe or whatever you want to call it is always balancing itself out, and will not allow one "extreme" to persist forever and ever. A counterbalancing act will be initiated at some point. As for the first part of the cosmic joke: attraction is always at play. Ever working, never failing. As soon as you put a thought out (+ or -), you are attracting. On the other hand: allowing is a different kettle of fish: it has to do with your belief in being able to attract whatever it is you desire. Beliefs are nothing more than a bunch of statements you make about the (=your) world, about things you hold to be true in the (=your) world. Now if you want something, but you don't believe you can have it "just like that", you may be attracting it -asking for something sets attraction in motion- but you will not allow it to come to you. Subtle difference! If your desire and your belief levels are not equal, you will have troubles manifesting your desire. Simple example: if you really want to have a loving partner, but also fear, somewhere deep down, that you will stay single until the end of your days, you will probably not attract that partner into your life. Or: if you really want to attract $100,000 in your life, but believe it will not come to you unless you work your buttocks off, you will not allow the money to come to you by merely thinking and feeling about it. Hmmmm. As for the second part of the cosmic joke: in the universe there is always a striving for balance. Like a pendulum, after a swing left, there will be a swing right. Night follows day, ebb follows flow, being sleepy follows being active, winter follows summer (and autumn....), and growing old follows being young. These cosmic cycles are there to stay. Get over it! If you want to be active, you will have to sleep. If you want to enjoy the heat, you will have to endure the cold. This being so, there will be times in which attracting and allowing your desires into your life seems an utterly responsible task. It just will not seem to work. Temporarily. That is just the balancing out process that we cannot stop, and that process is actually necessary to then be clearer about what it is we DO want later on! Can you start to grasp that? What to do? Cosmic Joke number 1 can be managed (not overcome) by becoming aware of your beliefs and the emotions attached to them -without judgement, by deciding to change dishonouring beliefs into more honouring ones, and by starting to look for evidence of the new belief you would like to hold. Nothing breeds beliefs like evidence! There are some really easy processes to tweak your thinking into getting more of what you do want, and less of what you don't. So if you want money, start observing where it -albeit in minute amounts!- already shows up in your life. That will raise your vibration and enable you to allow more money in. Cosmic Joke number 2 is what it is; no use fighting it. If you can start to see that "contrast" is actually a necessary component for your ability to attract anything into your life, you can start to feel a sense of gratitude for all these processes. Deepak Chopra calls this "the state of grace". This state will automatically assist your vibration to go up, whereby you will become more resourceful quickly, and before you know it, you are on the up rise again, attracting and allowing your desires. Understand this: life is never about attracting what you want only. First of all, we hardly even know what we truly want, and second of all, it is impossible, given the universal flow of life. |
The Law of Attraction is real but it is not Magic
Many people get this so terribly wrong when they are starting out learning and trying to apply the Law of Attraction to their lives. They believe in the magic of the Law of Attraction. There is no magic. Not in the sense that most people seem to think of. People will tell you stories about how they attracted a new car or something like that without telling you how they got the car. I'll give you a hint. A Mercedes is not going to just drive up to yours house and be wrapped in a nice red bow this Christmas. (Unless of course you have a wealthy husband or wife who decided to give it to you as a gift!) The truth is the "magic" happens when we are taking actions. You might come up with a great idea and while searching on how to implement it, you come across a person or a business who can help you implement your idea. That new partnership and new idea might lead you to millions of dollars in the end, but it didn't happen magically. It happened because you took action! You can use the Law of Attraction to attract opportunities in your life. But when those opportunities come, you have to be ready to pay the price and take some kind of action. Think of attracting a cup of coffee. It's not going to just appear in front of you. But a friend might call you up and treat you to a cup of coffee. And the action was? You answering the phone and meeting your friend wherever you are going to get that cup of coffee. And contrary to "new age" popular belief, there are coincidences. Yes, occasionally a coincidence happens. You don't want to get too caught up in thinking that you magically manifested something with taking no action, but it was merely a coincidence. The Law of Attraction is incredibly real and incredibly powerful. And you may have to practice and get some kind of instruction on how to properly use it to your benefit. But beware of anyone selling a magical product and tells you that all you have to do is to think about it and feel good and it will just happen like POOF!!&id=1764254 |
The Absolute Secret
I would venture to say that everyone on the planet would like to have a better 2008. As the clock ticked down to the New Year, you might have made a resolution to improve life through more money, better relationships, a new car, a successful business, or anything else that you might find important or personally rewarding. Recently, I heard Dr Joe (Mr. Fire) Vitale say, everyone likes to make new years resolutions. That might be to lose weight, stop smoking, go to the gym. Then on the 2nd or 3rd January they forget where the gym is located. The plans are big, but the execution of those ideas often falls short. So, if you want to have a successful and abundant life in every way imaginable, you need to take action. This is the missing ingredient from the hit movie "The Secret". Don't, for one minute, think that if you site and visualize or daydream all day that your wildest dreams will just fall out of the sky. Whilst visualization and desire are necessary, the real key is to take inspired action to achieve the results that you want. Once you find out the absolute secret, you will not want to keep it to yourself. You will want to share it with your friends and family. You will want everyone you care about to be as happy and content as you. You will be amazed to find out that the secret to happiness and wealth in all areas of your life is nothing you can purchase or borrow from someone else. The key to unlocking a fabulous future actually comes from within you. Once you know the six steps to manifesting a better tomorrow, you will find each day something to happily anticipate. For example, if you wake up happily anticipating a great new day, what generally occurs? You have a wonderful day. Why? The answer is actually pretty simple. If you look for the good in every day, you usually find happiness. Think about the person you know that always seems to have a smile and be totally content with life. Happiness and satisfaction comes from within, and then the good things in life just seem to happen. However, the opposite is also true. Do you know an individual who never seems to be happy, no matter what? Even when good things are possible, does he/she always whine and complain about everything else that is not so great, or could be better? Would he/she ever be happy? Probably not. The constantly negative attitude will also prevent the eyes from seeing the good in life, or the opportunities presented to make life better. Although there are six steps to the absolute secret of success, one concept is undeniable. If you do not have an attitude of gratitude for the blessing already present in your life, you will not fully be able to utilize the key to manifesting a better future. You must truly believe a better tomorrow is possible and that you have what it takes to make it happen, because blessings often come in the form of an opportunity that you must recognize and utilize. Remember it is within you. Learn how to anticipate life with joy, and manifest a fabulous future. |
The FREE cosmic joke!
The best things in life are FREE! Sorry, we are temporarily out of stock on those FREE items. Try again in your next incarnation. ![]() Thank you, Universe Managment |
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Wed 12/10/08 04:38 PM
First of all, I want to make it clear that I am not disagreeing with the workability of the system. Only with the explanation of the mechanics. In other words, I have no doubt that it works. I just doubt that the explanation of how it works is accurate. The problem I see with The Law of Attraction is this… The basic mechanism is described like this: you send something out into the universe, and the universe sends something back in response. You think that's how it works? ![]() No, that’s not how I think it works. That’s how I’ve interpreted several of the “The Secret” and “What the bleep do we know” videos, as well as your own statements, such as “The Universe is … waiting for you to ask.” and “you send out … vibrations, … you get back … vibrations. ” and “Everything you need to … attract anything you want … So the purpose is to get the universe to give you something. Hence the term “attract” – “to cause to draw near”.
Everything in the universe is already yours. All you need to learn is how to receive it. Everything that you can imagine exists and is yours for the asking. The Universe is simply waiting for you to ask. I agree totally with the first sentence. The following three are, IMO, misleading. In other words, the whole thing depends on the universe giving you what you want. Unfortunately, the logic of this leads one right back to the conclusion that you really don’t create your own reality at all, but are dependent upon the universe to provide it for you.
Reality is manifested. You, as spirit already manifested it. No disagreement there. Now, note that this process requires that you send something out. But in order to do that, you must create something to send.
So if you must create something in order for this process to work, why not just create what you want instead of depending on the universe to give it to you? That would truly be creating your own reality. The only thing you send out are vibrations, the only thing you get back are vibrations. This is a reality of vibrations. Here is the key question for me: What do the incoming vibrations (the ones we get back) have that the outgoing vibrations (the ones we send out) do not? |
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Wed 12/10/08 06:32 PM
Hello Skyhook. I hope you are having a great day.
You write: Here is the key question for me: What do the incoming vibrations (the ones we get back) have that the outgoing vibrations (the ones we send out) do not? Just a thought to the question: And maybe it sounds ridiculous, but it is worth a try. Maybe the vibrations we send out are not very strong (meaning weak singles = low energy), but just enough to catch a strong vibration to return to us to create positive results. Does that make sense? I am saying if the laws of attraction - how mystery it may seem - that has no definite answer is explained in such a way that we are only capable of extracting positive thoughts in a weak vibration to the universe (or wherever it goes) to be able to receive a stronger more positive vibration back to accomplish all those things we want. What do you think? |