Topic: CLAIRVOYANCE and Occult Powers | |
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Mon 12/08/08 07:59 PM
A good way to begin practicing telepathy is communicating with your pets in the way of feelings.
I know my little dog can sense when I am upset with him. If you ever have watched the show on television about the Dog whisperer, it is very interesting. He says the same thing about how the dogs can sense your mood and your intentions and attitude. He is amazing with dogs. I have to laugh remembering once when a pig walked into my house one warm summer night I had the door open. He was a regular pig, I don't know who he belonged to. I heard him chomping on my cat's dish of food. I tried a number of times to chase him out the way he came in but he kept going the other way hiding from me. Then I changed my intentions and began to think of him as bacon. I thought, hey I can fill my freezer with this choice piece of meat! While thinking of that, I headed to the open door to close it with the intention of trapping the pig. (I don't know if I would have actually butchered him but I was thinking about bacon.) He really seemed to sense my change of intention and suddenly he made a run for the door real fast and beat me to it and he kept running. It was really funny. jb |
It is suggested to first learn more about the occult phenomena of the physical plane before going to anything further. I would have to first get books on this to fully understand the basics. Oh good. I'm already doing that with Penczaks book. So I'm already ahead of the game. :bigsmile. Thanks John. You saved me a bunch of reading. |
![]() The reason being that the presentation is far too arugmentative and defensive. He says in the very first paragraph of the OP: In preparing this series of lessons for students of Western lands, I have been compelled to proceed along lines exactly opposite to those which I would have chosen had these lessons been for students in India. This because of the diametrically opposite mental attitudes of the students of these two several lands.
I think I'd rather read his presentation to the students of India to be perfectly honest about. I think he spends far too much time trying to defend his ideas to the western students instead of just stating what it is he'd like to say. I actually discovered this concept myself as a college teacher. At one time I find myself trying to convince a few 'skeptic' students in a class. But then I WOKE UP! I realized that the VAST MAJORITY of the class was with me, and I was wasting my time trying to 'argue the case' with a couple of losers in the class. The rest of the class is ready to move forward and isn't questioning things. So I soon decided to just ignore the skeptics. I mean, I would certainly answer any questions to the best of my ability. But I wasn't about to turn the whole course into an argument aimed at the skeptics. So I think I'd rather hear this guy's prsentation to the students of India. ![]() Just tell me what's on your mind and don't worry about trying to defend it. Such a waist of time. He says: But, it is not my intention to spend time in discussing these insignificant half-penny intellects.
But then he continues to be defensive for the next several paragraphs after that. I think the man is paranoid about skeptics to be honest about it. ![]() I'd like to know what he has to say without all the defensive stuff. ~~~ John, Maybe if you read the whole thing you could just post a synopsis of what he eventually had to say? I got bored of reading his defensive posture. ![]() I am trying to understand myself. I see he was comparing the position of western critics to students from India that is for sure. He did it on purpose to make us understand not to be to sceptical but give it a try on how telepathy works regardless that the majority of the world finds it superstitious. The later chapter is explaining how the brain functions and that we actually do have up to seven senses instead of the five we know. It is interesting read although I have to occassionally go to my dictionary to look up some words! Afterall, English is the third language I learned ![]() In the long run I always wondered how that works. If it is real, or just a hoax to be able to use telepathy. I always wondered if it can be learned like I was told that Tarot Card Reading can be learned by anyone who takes it seriously. I wonder if it is the same for telepathy. ![]() Wouldn't it be great if there was just a simple 10 step program and you learn how to do such supernatural or super physical rather events. |
So I think I'd rather hear this guy's prsentation to the students of India.
I agree, he could save a lot of time by just getting to the point. You have to sort of skim over his stuff to get to the real information before you fall asleep. ![]() That's probably why I have not read the entire book. I keep putting it on my list of things to read one day. |
It is suggested to first learn more about the occult phenomena of the physical plane before going to anything further. I would have to first get books on this to fully understand the basics. Oh good. I'm already doing that with Penczaks book. So I'm already ahead of the game. :bigsmile. Thanks John. You saved me a bunch of reading. Wait I am only half way there! I am still have alot to read. I am a slow reader when it comes to this stuff ![]() After I read this maybe you can find the time to talk to me about the Penczak's Book. I am interested ![]() |
A good way to begin practicing telepathy is communicating with your pets in the way of feelings. I know my little dog can sense when I am upset with him. If you ever have watched the show on television about the Dog whisperer, it is very interesting. He says the same thing about how the dogs can sense your mood and your intentions and attitude. He is amazing with dogs. I have to laugh remembering once when a pig walked into my house one warm summer night I had the door open. He was a regular pig, I don't know who he belonged to. I heard him chomping on my cat's dish of food. I tried a number of times to chase him out the way he came in but he kept going the other way hiding from me. Then I changed my intentions and began to think of him as bacon. I thought, hey I can fill my freezer with this choice piece of meat! While thinking of that, I headed to the open door to close it with the intention of trapping the pig. (I don't know if I would have actually butchered him but I was thinking about bacon.) He really seemed to sense my change of intention and suddenly he made a run for the door real fast and beat me to it and he kept running. It was really funny. jb That is a funny story! Laughing here. Unfortunately, I only have a aquarim! I talk to my fish all the time. My family already confirmed I am a bit crazy as it is for doing this. I even talk to my plants! ![]() Yes I guess that would be a start though. You are right about this. To tell you honestly I wish I could talk to my grandmother who just passed away recently. I wish I could talk to her in a astral plane would you say? Or a ghost formly state of being? |
SCIENTIFIC TELEPATHY The important investigations of the Society for Psychical Research. True telepathy and pseudo-telepathy; how they are distinguished by scientists. Strict tests imposed in investigations. The celebrated "Creery Experiments," and how they were conducted. The elaboration of the "guessing" game. Seventeen cards chosen right, in straight succession. Precautions against fraud or collusion. Two hundred and ten successes out of a possible three hundred and eighty-two. Science pronounces the results as entirely beyond the law of coincidences and mathematical probability; and that the phenomena were genuine and real telepathy. Still more wonderful tests. Telepathy an incontestable reality. "A psychic force transmitting ideas and thoughts." Interesting cases of spontaneous telepathy, scientifically proven. Extracts from the scientific records. Cold scientific reports read like a romance, and prove beyond doubt the reality of this great field of phenomena. Next post.... |
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Mon 12/08/08 08:13 PM
Chapter IV
SCIENTIFIC TELEPATHY. The investigators of the Society for Psychical Research, of England, started by giving a broad definition of Telepathy, as follows: "Telepathy is the communication of impressions of any kind from one mind to another, independently of the recognized channels of sense." They took the rational position that the actual distance between the projector and the recipient of the telepathic message is not material; and that all that is required is such a separation of the two persons that no known operation of the senses can bridge the space between them. They wisely held that telepathy between two persons in the same room is as much telepathy as when the two persons are located at opposite sides of the world. The investigators then ruled out all instances of thought-transmission in which there was even the slightest muscular contact between the projector and the recipient. They held that though there might be genuine telepathy in such cases, nevertheless, there was always the possibility of fraud or collusion, or of unconscious muscular action on the part of the projector. They demanded absolute and actual separation of the two persons, in order that their experiments might be above suspicion. They were wise in this, for while there is undoubtedly a psychic communication in the cases in which there is the slight physical connection between the two persons (as I shall point out to you a little further on), still the element of doubt or suspicion must be entirely eliminated from a scientific test, in order to render it valuable and valid. They, therefore, confined their investigations in Telepathy to the two following classes, viz.: (1) where actions are performed without physical contact with the person willing; and (2) where some number, word, or card is guessed apparently without any of the ordinary means of communication. The investigators recognized the possibility that in the first of the above-mentioned two classes of experiments there is a possibility of suspicion of collusion, fraud, or unconscious suggestion, in the matter of the motion of the eyes of the party, or some member of it, which might be seized upon, perhaps unconsciously, by the recipient, and used to guide him to the object which was being thought of by the projector or the party. They sought to obviate this difficulty by blindfolding the percipient, and by placing non-conductors of sound over his ears. But, finally, they came to the conclusion that even these precautions might not prove sufficient; and, accordingly, they devoted their attention to the second class of experiments, in which all ordinary means of communication between projector and recipient were impossible. They took the additional precautions of limiting their circle to a small number of investigators of scientific reputations, and well known to each other, always avoiding a promiscuous company for obvious reasons. One of the earliest series of investigations by these special committees of investigators was that of the family of the Rev. A.M. Creery, in Derbyshire, England. The children of this family had acquired a reputation in what was known as the "guessing game," in which one of the children, previously placed outside of the room, then returned to the room and attempted to "guess" the name or location of some object agreed upon by the party during her absence. The results were very interesting, and quite satisfactory, and have frequently been referred to in works on the subject written since that time. I think it well to give the results of this series of experiments in some little detail, for they form a basis for experiments on the part of those who read these lessons. Prof. W.F. Barrett, Professor of Physics in the Royal College of Science for Ireland, conducted the most of the experiments. The report to the Society says: "We began by selecting the simplest objects in the room; then chose names of towns, people, dates, cards out of a pack, lines from different poems, etc., in fact, any thing or series of ideas that those present could keep in their minds steadily. The children seldom made a mistake. I have seen seventeen cards chosen by myself named right in succession without any mistake. We soon found that a great deal depended on the steadiness with which the ideas were kept before the minds of the thinkers, and upon the energy with which they willed the ideas to pass. I may say that this faculty is not by any means confined to the members of one family; it is much more general than we imagine. To verify this conclusion, I invited two of a neighbor's children to join us in our experiments, with excellent results." The report gives the methods of the experiments, as follows: "The inquiry has taken place partly in Mr. Creery's house, and partly in lodgings, or at a hotel occupied by some of our number. Having selected at random one child, whom we desired to leave the room and wait at some distance, we would choose a pack of cards, or write on a piece of paper a name of a number which occurred to us at the moment. Generally, but not always, this was shown to the members of the family present in the room; but no one member was always present, and we were sometimes entirely alone. We then recalled the child, one of us always assuring himself that, when the door was suddenly opened, she was at a considerable distance, though this was usually a superfluity of caution, as our habit was to avoid all utterances of what was chosen. On re-entering, she stood—sometimes turned by us with her face toward the wall, oftener with her eyes directed toward the ground, and usually close to us and remote from the family—for a period of silence varying from a few seconds to a minute, till she called out to us some number, card, or whatever it might be." In the first experiments, in "guessing" the name of objects, the child guessed correctly six out of fourteen. She then guessed correctly the name of small objects held in the hands of one of the committee—five times out of six. She guessed fictitious names chosen by the committee—five out of ten, at the first trial. The committee then tested her by writing down the name of some object in the house, fixed at random, and then, after all had thought intently of the thing, they sent for the child and bade her try to find the thing thought of, the thought-concentration of course continuing during the search. The result is thus reported: "In this way I wrote down, among other things, a hair-brush—it was brought; an orange—it was brought; a wine-glass—it was brought; an apple—it was brought; and so on, until many objects had been selected and found by the child." Passing over the details of many other experiments we find that the following remarkable results were obtained by the committee: "Altogether, three hundred and eighty-two trials were made in this series. In the case of letters of the alphabet, of cards, and of numbers of two figures, the chances of success on a first trial would naturally be 25 to 1, 52 to 1, and 89 to 1, respectively; in the case of surnames they would of course be infinitely greater. Cards were far most frequently employed, and the odds in their case may be taken as a fair medium sample, according to which, out of a whole series of three hundred and eighty-two trials, the average number of successes at the first attempt by an ordinary guesser would be seven and one-third. Of our trials, one hundred and twenty-seven were successes on the first attempt, fifty-six on the second, nineteen on the third—MAKING TWO HUNDRED AND TWO, OUT OF A POSSIBLE THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-TWO!" Think of this, while the law of averages called for only seven and one-third successes at first trial, the children obtained one hundred and twenty-seven, which, given a second and third trial, they raised to two hundred and two! You see, this takes the matter entirely out of the possibility of coincidence or mathematical probability. But this was not all. Listen to the further report of the committee on this point: "The following was the result of one of the series. The thing selected was divulged to none of the family, and five cards running were named correctly on a first trial. The odds against this happening once in a series were considerably over a million to one. There were other similar batches, the two longest runs being eight consecutive guesses, once with cards, and once with names; where the adverse odds in the former case were over one hundred and forty-two millions to one; and in the other, something incalculably greater." The opinion of eminent mathematicians who have examined the above results is that the hypothesis of mere coincidence is practically excluded in the scientific consideration of the matter. The committee calls special attention to the fact that in many of the most important tests none of the Creery family were cognizant of the object selected, and that, therefore, the hypothesis of fraud or collusion is absolutely eliminated. The committee naturally came to the conclusion that the phenomena was genuine and real telepathy. Prof. Balfour Stewart, LL.D., F.R.S., who was present at some of these experiments, though not a member of the committee, expressed great amazement at some of the results. He reports: "The thought-reader was outside a door. The object or thing thought of was written on paper and silently handed to the company in the room. The thought reader was then called in, and in the course of a minute the answer was given. Definite objects in the room, for instance, were first thought of, and in the majority of the cases the answers were correct. Then numbers were thought of, and the answers were generally right, though, of course, there were some cases of error. The names of towns were thought of, and a good many of these were right. Then fancy names were thought of. I was asked to think of certain fancy names, and mark them down and hand them round to the company. I thought of and wrote on paper, 'Blue-beard,' 'Tom Thumb,' 'Cinderella.' and the answers were all correct!" The committee also conducted a number of experiments with other recipients, with very satisfactory results. Colors were correctly guessed with a percentage of successes quite beyond the average or probable number. Names of towns in all parts of the world, were correctly "guessed" by certain recipients with a wonderful degree of success. But, probably most wonderful of all, was the correct reproduction of diagrams of geometrical and other figures and shapes. In one case, the recipient, in a series of nine trials, succeeded in drawing them all correctly, except that he frequently reversed them, making the upper-side down, and the right-hand side to the left. The Society, has published these reproduced diagrams in its Illustrated reports, and they have convinced the most skeptical of critics. Some of the diagrams were quite complicated, unusual, and even grotesque, and yet they were reproduced with marvelous accuracy, not in a hesitating manner, but deliberately and continuously, as if the recipient were actually copying a drawing in full sight. Similar results have been obtained by other investigators who have followed the lead of these original ones. So you see, the seal of scientific authority has been placed upon the phenomena of telepathy. It is no longer in the realm of the supernatural or uncanny. As Camille Flammarion, the eminent French scientist, has said: "The action of one mind upon another at a distance—the transmission of thought, mental suggestion, communication at a distance—all these are not more extraordinary than the action of the magnet on iron, the influence of the moon on the sea, the transportation of the human voice by electricity, the revolution of the chemical constituents of a star by the analysis of its light, or, indeed, all the wonders of contemporary science. Only these psychic communications are of a more elevated kind, and may serve to put us on the track of a knowledge of human nature. What is certain is: That telepathy can and ought to be henceforth considered by Science as an incontestable reality; that minds are able to act upon each other without the intervention of the senses; that psychic force exists, though its nature is yet unknown. * * * We say that this force is of a psychic order, and not physical, or physiological, or chemical, or mechanical, because it produces and transmits ideas and thoughts, and because it manifests itself without the co-operation of our senses, soul to soul, mind to mind." In addition to investigating the above mentioned classes of telepathic phenomena, the English Society for Psychical Research investigated many remarkable cases of a somewhat higher phase of telepathy. They took down the stories told by persons deemed responsible, and then carefully examined, and cross-examined other witnesses to the strange phenomena. The record of these experiments, and investigations, fill a number of good sized volumes of the Society's reports, which are well worth reading by all students of the subject. They may be found in the libraries of nearly any large city. I shall, however, select a number of the most interesting of the cases therein reported, to give my students an idea of the character of the phenomena so investigated and found genuine by the committees having this class of telepathy under investigation. An interesting case of spontaneous telepathy is that related by Dr. Ede, as follows: "There is a house about a half-mile from my own, inhabited by some ladies, friends of our family. They have a large alarm bell outside their house. One night I awoke suddenly and said to my wife: 'I am sure I hear Mrs. F's alarm bell ringing.' After listening for some time, we heard nothing, and I went to sleep again. The next day Mrs. F. called upon my wife and said to her: 'We were wishing for your husband last night, for we were alarmed by thieves. We were all up, and I was about to pull the alarm bell, hoping that he would hear it, saying to my daughters, "I am sure it will soon bring Dr. Ede," but we did not ring it.' My wife asked what time this had happened, and Mrs. F. said that it was about half past one. That was the time I awoke thinking that I heard the bell." In this case there was manifested simply ordinary physical plane telepathy. Had the bell actually been rung, and heard psychically, it would have been a case of astral plane hearing, known as clairaudience. As it was, merely the thought in the mind of Mrs. F., and her strong idea to ring the bell, caused a transmission of thought waves which struck Dr. Ede with great force and awakened him. This case is interesting because it is typical of many cases of a similar nature within the experience of many persons. It is seen that a strong feeling, or excitement, accompanied by a strong desire or wish to summon another person, tends to give great power and effect to the thought waves emitted. They strike the mind of the recipient like the sudden ringing of an alarm clock bell. Another interesting case is that of two ladies, both well known to members of the committee, and vouched for as of strict veracity. This case is unusual for the reason that two different persons received the thought-waves at the same time. Here is an abridgment of the case: "Lady G. and her sister had been spending the evening with their mother, who was in her usual health and spirits when they left her. In the middle of the night the sister awoke in her fright and said to her husband: 'I must go to my mother at once; do order the carriage. I am sure that she is taken ill.' On the way to her mother's house, where two roads meet, she saw Lady G.'s carriage approaching. When they met each asked the other why she was there. They both related the same experience and impression. When they reached their mother's house, they found that she was dying, and had expressed an earnest wish to see them." Another case of a similar nature is this: "At the siege of Mooltan, Major General R., then adjutant of his regiment, was severely wounded and supposed himself to be dying. He requested that his ring be taken off his finger and sent to his wife. At the same time his wife was at Ferozepore, one hundred and fifty miles distant, lying on her bed, in a state half way between waking and sleeping. She saw her husband being taken off the field, and heard his voice saying: 'Take this ring off my finger, and send it to my wife.'" This case bears the marks of very strong telepathy, but also has a suspicious resemblance to clairvoyance accompanied by clairaudience. Or perhaps it is a combination of both telepathy and clairvoyance. It is impossible to determine which, in absence of more detailed information. The message of persons dying, or believing themselves to be approaching death, are frequently very strong, for certain reasons well known to occultists. But there is nothing supernatural about the phenomena, and in most cases it is merely a case of strong telepathy. The Society also reports the following interesting case: "A. was awake, and strongly willed to make himself known to two friends who at that time (one o'clock in the morning) were asleep. When he met them a few days afterward, they both told him that at one o'clock they had awakened under the impression that he was in their room. The experience was so vivid that they could not go to sleep for some time, and looked at their watches to note the time." Cases of this kind are quite common, and many experimenters have had equally good results with this phase of thought transference. You will remember that there is no actual projection of the astral body, in most of these cases, but merely a strong impression caused by concentrated thought. Another interesting case is that of the late Bishop Wilberforce, and is recorded in his biography, as follows: The Bishop was in his library at Cuddleson, with three or four of his clergy with him at the same table. The Bishop suddenly raised his hand to his head, and exclaimed: "I am certain that something has happened to one of my sons." It afterwards transpired that just at that time his eldest son's foot was badly crushed by an accident on board his ship, the son being at sea. The Bishop himself recorded the circumstance in a letter to Miss Noel, saying: "It is curious that at the time of his accident I was so possessed with the depressing consciousness of some evil having befallen my son, Herbert, that at the last, I wrote down that I was unable to shake off the impression that something had happened to him, and noted this down for remembrance." There is nothing unusual about this case, for it has been duplicated in the experience of many persons. Its chief importance lies in the fact that it is recorded by a man of wide reputation and high standing, and also that the Bishop had taken the precaution to note down the thing at the time, instead of merely recalling it after he had heard of the accident. You will notice that in many cases of this kind the phenomenon closely approaches the aspect of true clairvoyance, or astral sensing. In some cases there appears to be a blending of both telepathy and astral clairvoyance. In fact, there is but very little difference between the highest phases of ordinary telepathy, and the more common phases of clairvoyance. Here, as in many other cases of Nature's forces, there seems to be a gradual blending, rather than a sharp dividing line between the two classes of phenomena. Moreover, the student developing his telepathic powers will frequently find that he is beginning to unfold at least occasional flashes of clairvoyance. In the case of telepathy, the recipient merely senses what is in the mind of the projector. In some cases a picture in the mind of the projector may be seen by the recipient, and may thus be mistaken for a case of pure clairvoyance. But, in investigating closely, it will be found that the real scene was slightly different from the impression, in which case it shows that the impression was simply telepathic. Clairvoyant vision shows the scene as it really is, or rather as the physical eye of the recipient would have seen it. The astral sight really sees the scene, and does not merely receive the mental impression of the projector. The first is original seeing; the second, merely a reproduction of images already in the mind of the projector, and colored by his personality, etc. In the next lesson, I shall give you a number of exercises and methods designed to develop your telepathic powers. You will find the practice of these most interesting and entertaining, and at the same time most instructive. You will find that as you practice the exercises given therein, you will become more and more adept and proficient in producing telepathic phenomena. From the lower stages, you will be able to proceed to the higher. And, in time, you will be surprised to find that almost unconsciously you have passed into the stage in which you will have at least occasional manifestations of clairvoyance, psychometry, etc. In fact, there is no better way known to practical occultists to develop in a student the powers of clairvoyance than just this method of starting the student with the exercises designed to develop the telepathic power. It has been found by centuries of experience that the student who develops telepathic power, in a systematic way, will gradually unfold and evolve the clairvoyant and psychometric power. It constitutes the first rungs on the ladder of psychic development. Of course, under the head of clairvoyance, etc., you will be given methods and exercise designed to develop clairvoyant powers—some of them very valuable and effective methods, at that. But, notwithstanding this, I feel that I should impress upon you the importance of laying a firm foundation for such instruction, by developing yourself first along the lines of telepathic power. Such a course will not only keenly sharpen your powers of receptivity to such vibrations as you may wish to receive; but it will also train your mind in the direction of translating, interpreting, and recording such impressions when received. You must remember that proficiency in a mental art is attained only by means of training the attention to concentrate upon the task. It is the same way in clairvoyance and psychometry. Telepathy trains your attention to concentrate upon the reception of impressions, and to hold them firmly and clearly in consciousness. The result is that when you really develop clairvoyant receptivity, your attention has already been trained to do the necessary work. I need not tell you what an advantage this gives you over the clairvoyant who has not received this training, for your own good common sense will assure you of it. So, now for our training in telepathy—not only for itself, but also as a means of preparing for the higher stages. __________ That's it for tonight, I'm going to bed. I will continue to post from this book. jb |
It is written:
Each one of the physical senses of man has its astral counterpart. Thus man has, in latency, the power of seeing, feeling, tasting, smelling, and hearing, on the astral plane, by means of his five astral senses. More than this, the best occultists know that man really has seven physical senses instead of but five, though these two additional senses are not unfolded in the case of the average person (though occultists who have reached a certain stage are able to use them effectively). Even these two extra physical senses have their counterparts on the astral plane. --------- I can't help but think this is Buddhism or maybe even Hinduism at its finest. Nothing wrong with that of course. I would love to reach the state of Nirvana one day. It would be a great experience. |
Wouldn't it be great if there was just a simple 10 step program and you learn how to do such supernatural or super physical rather events. Well there is! The Temple books by Penczak are a '10-step' program so-to-speak. It's a year-and-a-day program anyway. So I guess that all depends on how you divide up the year. ![]() Each step takes time because it requires practice and meditation. It's kind of like recovering from an addictive dis-ease. It's not something you do overnight. You need to work at it. The thing I like about the Penczak books is that they are indeed a 'program'. They aren't just philosophy books. They are actual lessons. It's a step-by-step year-long process. Each book is a year-and-a-day course. But I feel prepared to do the first two books simultaneously. Although I may discover later that the second book is truly doable until the techniques of the first book have been mastered. I personally feel that I have a step-up on the process because of my past experiences with Meditation. I think this may be true for a lot of people for a number of reasons. Whether it be experience, or simply because of natural talents or gifts that they have. For example, I'm finding that I'm falling into the meditations very quickly. And I'm moving along very rapidly in the area of visualization because these were my personal strong points. Where I think I have the most difficulty is in the 'letting go' whilst maintaining lucidness in the meditative or dream-like state of mind. I've already encountered spirits in the visual world of meditation. The only problem is that I haven't yet learned how to communicate with them. As soon as I make an attempt to interact, I lose it. So I have a long way to go, but I'm on the right track. ![]() I think it's just a matter of sticking to the lessons, staying on course, and not giving up. Penczak has it all laid out step-by-step. So there you go. If you're looking for step-by-step lessons. ![]() That's precisely what Penczak's books are. Step-by-step lessons. |
It is written:
Savage man also has this faculty developed, as all travellers and explorers well know. They are as keen as a wild animal to sense the nearness of enemies, or, in some cases, the approach of man-eating beasts. This does not mean that that these savages are more highly developed than is civilized man—quite the reverse. This is the explanation: when man became more civilized, and made himself more secure from his wild-beast enemies, as well as from the sudden attacks of his human enemies, he began to use this sense less and less. Finally, in the course of many generations, it became almost atrophied from disuse, and ceased reporting to the brain, or other nerve centres. Or, if you prefer viewing it from another angle, it may be said that the nerve centres, and brain, began to pay less and less attention to the reports of this sense (trusting more to sight and hearing) until the consciousness failed to awaken to the reports. You know how your consciousness will finally refuse to be awakened by familiar sounds (such as the noise of machinery in the shop, or ordinary noises in the house), although the ears receive the sound-waves. ------- I never thought of that to tell you the truth and he brings in a good point. We may have had the 6th and 7th sense at one time and have just forgotten them as we didn't use them later on. Perhaps despite that we have lost these additional senses there could be some who figured out a way of how to use them again. Why shouldn't it be possible? I see no reason why not. ![]() |
Wouldn't it be great if there was just a simple 10 step program and you learn how to do such supernatural or super physical rather events. Well there is! The Temple books by Penczak are a '10-step' program so-to-speak. It's a year-and-a-day program anyway. So I guess that all depends on how you divide up the year. ![]() Each step takes time because it requires practice and meditation. It's kind of like recovering from an addictive dis-ease. It's not something you do overnight. You need to work at it. The thing I like about the Penczak books is that they are indeed a 'program'. They aren't just philosophy books. They are actual lessons. It's a step-by-step year-long process. Each book is a year-and-a-day course. But I feel prepared to do the first two books simultaneously. Although I may discover later that the second book is truly doable until the techniques of the first book have been mastered. I personally feel that I have a step-up on the process because of my past experiences with Meditation. I think this may be true for a lot of people for a number of reasons. Whether it be experience, or simply because of natural talents or gifts that they have. For example, I'm finding that I'm falling into the meditations very quickly. And I'm moving along very rapidly in the area of visualization because these were my personal strong points. Where I think I have the most difficulty is in the 'letting go' whilst maintaining lucidness in the meditative or dream-like state of mind. I've already encountered spirits in the visual world of meditation. The only problem is that I haven't yet learned how to communicate with them. As soon as I make an attempt to interact, I lose it. So I have a long way to go, but I'm on the right track. ![]() I think it's just a matter of sticking to the lessons, staying on course, and not giving up. Penczak has it all laid out step-by-step. So there you go. If you're looking for step-by-step lessons. ![]() That's precisely what Penczak's books are. Step-by-step lessons. This sounds very interesting indeed. I will have to see where I can find more information on this on the internet and maybe even order some books to get started. I do however like to understand how tarot cards work also. I already have family members and friends who want their cards laid out! I said woooo there! I don't even know how it works. You will have to wait at least a half a year before I can even understand its powers ![]() Nevertheless I am at the moment just wanting to learn eagerly the supernatural lately. I have been writing about it in my fantasy stories so long that it could only come to those questions of how to learn something that most don't believe in anyway. To find out something different then most people aren't accustomed to. It is well worth the lessons and experience and far more interesting then the humdrums of christian bashing threads I always read. No offense to Christians if one so happens to read this, but I really want to see peaceful idealogies that really take you to another level of understanding. |
So I think I'd rather hear this guy's prsentation to the students of India.
I agree, he could save a lot of time by just getting to the point. You have to sort of skim over his stuff to get to the real information before you fall asleep. ![]() That's probably why I have not read the entire book. I keep putting it on my list of things to read one day. I have been skimming around and jumping though this, but so far everything I've read just sound like an argument for existence of psychic phenonmenon. Fine. I'm sold. So what now? Off to the step-by-step program I guess. Well, that's what I'm doing so I guess I better get back to it. I'm re-reading book One for the second time now. There are some things I wanted to go back over in more detail, and I'm actually starting to do some of the lessons with more intensity too. These are lessons that need to be repeated more than once. They are more like exercises. Gymnastics for the mind. ![]() Brain push-ups. ![]() |
I do however like to understand how tarot cards work also. I already have family members and friends who want their cards laid out! I said woooo there! I don't even know how it works. You will have to wait at least a half a year before I can even understand its powerssmile
I will recommend the book "Power Tarot" and then buy a deck you like. That book contains actual readings that suggest the energy of the card for the subjects of Love, money, spirtual, work related questions and general readings. It is absolutely great for beginners. All you would need to do is pull the cards and read from the book. It is amazing what kind of information is revealed. Not all of it is exactly on point but it is astonishing what is revealed. Before you do a reading have it in your head that you will be using that particular book before you have your person draw the cards, and let the book guide you in answering her questions. They most significant things will seem to pop out of the page at you. jb |
It is written:
"In the old Egyptian days, a well known inscription was carved over the portal of the Temple of Isis: 'I am whatever has been, is, or ever will be; and my veil no man hath yet lifted.' Not thus do modern seekers after truth confront Nature—the word that stands for the baffling mysteries of the Universe. Steadily, unflinchingly, we strive to pierce the inmost heart of Nature, from what she is to reconstruct what she has been, and to prophesy what she shall be. Veil after veil we have lifted, and her face grows more beautiful, august and wonderful, with every barrier that is withdrawn." ---------- showing that perhaps telepathy and communication to the dead such as the "The Book of the Dead" was actually something accessible if people 8000 years ago actually had that sixth and seventh sense. Although many would say it is just mythology and stories made up by a creative mind, but just maybe some of the scribes as of the higher officials really had the ability to talk with the spirits at the time to do such rituals to ressurrect or go through the process of what is required from the "Book of the Dead". Very interesting ![]() |
So I think I'd rather hear this guy's prsentation to the students of India.
I agree, he could save a lot of time by just getting to the point. You have to sort of skim over his stuff to get to the real information before you fall asleep. ![]() That's probably why I have not read the entire book. I keep putting it on my list of things to read one day. I have been skimming around and jumping though this, but so far everything I've read just sound like an argument for existence of psychic phenonmenon. Fine. I'm sold. So what now? Off to the step-by-step program I guess. Well, that's what I'm doing so I guess I better get back to it. I'm re-reading book One for the second time now. There are some things I wanted to go back over in more detail, and I'm actually starting to do some of the lessons with more intensity too. These are lessons that need to be repeated more than once. They are more like exercises. Gymnastics for the mind. ![]() Brain push-ups. ![]() These are the things this book covers. It is basically a general overview of Clairvoyance and Occult Powers in general. Probably not a how-to-book. INCLUDING CLAIRVOYANCE, CLAIRAUDIENCE PREMONITION AND IMPRESSIONS CLAIRVOYANT PSYCHOMETRY CLAIRVOYANT CRYSTAL-GAZING DISTANT CLAIRVOYANCE PAST CLAIRVOYANCE FUTURE CLAIRVOYANCE SECOND-SIGHT PREVISION CLAIRVOYANT DEVELOPMENT ASTRAL-BODY TRAVELING ASTRAL-PLANE PHENOMENA PSYCHIC INFLUENCE—Personal and Distant PSYCHIC ATTRACTION PSYCHIC HEALING TELEPATHY MIND-READING THOUGHT TRANSFERENCE and other PSYCHIC PHENOMENA |
I do however like to understand how tarot cards work also. I already have family members and friends who want their cards laid out! I said woooo there! I don't even know how it works. You will have to wait at least a half a year before I can even understand its powerssmile
I will recommend the book "Power Tarot" and then buy a deck you like. That book contains actual readings that suggest the energy of the card for the subjects of Love, money, spirtual, work related questions and general readings. It is absolutely great for beginners. All you would need to do is pull the cards and read from the book. It is amazing what kind of information is revealed. Not all of it is exactly on point but it is astonishing what is revealed. Before you do a reading have it in your head that you will be using that particular book before you have your person draw the cards, and let the book guide you in answering her questions. They most significant things will seem to pop out of the page at you. jb Thank you for your advice. I have already have two decks I bought the day before yesterday. It is Easy Tarot - Learn to read the cards once and for all by Josephine Ellershaw and the other one is "Mystic Dreamer Tarot by Heidi Darras. Each comes with 200 page books to read from. I mainly bought it for the artwork, but now am already reading the pages and getting familiar with the cards. ![]() |
It is written:
A little more purpose is displayed in that class of phenomena in which we intently wish that a certain person shall do a certain thing, and lo! we soon learn that that certain person has done it. A number of years ago, a popular writer wrote an article in which he mentioned what seemed to him to be a curious instance of some form of mental influence or telepathy. He said that he had found out that if he would sit down and carefully write a letter to some person from whom he had not heard for a long time, and then destroy the letter instead of sending it, he would be almost certain to receive a letter from that person within a few days. He did not attempt to account for the phenomenon, he merely called the attention of his readers to it. Many persons have followed the suggestion, often with very wonderful results. There is nothing miraculous, or supernatural about such occurrences. It is merely one phase of telepathy. The concentrated thought of the writer of the letter is directed toward the other person, and that person begins to think of the first one; then he thinks he will write to him; then he actually does write. Distance, space, and direction have no importance in this experiment—it is not necessary to even know where the second person is, in fact. ----------- Many would just say it is a consequence that this has happened to the above paragraph, but who are we to say that if we think of a person hard enough that we can get the attention from him or her without even talking to them. Could that be telepathy or just consequence? |
It is written at the very end of chapter 3:
Each plane has its own phenomena—and each class is surely wonderful enough. And, again, remember that both physical and astral phenomena are purely natural; there is no need for seeking any supernatural agencies to account for these natural facts. -------------- This means that we would have to learn each plane for they have different characteristics, idealogies, or rules to even understand them. It is a long process one could say. I could imagine that it would take many years to even get to any plane let alone the higher ones. What a brain buster. I wish they had these lessons in a Idiot's Guide or Physical and Astral Phenomena for Dummies Guide ![]() I just feel that such lessons truly have to be taught in the simplest forms, yet perhaps it is truly not possible. |
Chapter IV I will read tommorow morning Jeannie. Thank you for the posts. Very interesting.
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