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Topic: My artistic hobby
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Sun 12/07/08 09:20 PM
This one still needs some work on the teeth to get rid of the odd appearance of them.



JoshHass's photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:22 PM
Holy sh!t....That's really cool. How'd you do that?

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:23 PM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Sun 12/07/08 09:26 PM
I think it looks good.. although it looks like you sharpened a little too much in the teeth.. it became pixelated.. you might want to blur a bit to get rid of that...
other than that I think its great...

well thats if you don't mind suggestions.. I have been doing this stuff for 8 years now..

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:25 PM
One of my favorite manipulations; Black and white with recolored areas to make them pop.

The pink on her chest is a piercing, it did not turn out at planned AT ALL.

More of a natural look to the recolored areas here.

JoshHass's photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:26 PM
Ever think of becoming one of those people that does this stuff for a living?

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:28 PM

Ever think of becoming one of those people that does this stuff for a living?

I can't draw AT ALL so I can't pass the basic art classes.

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:29 PM

Ever think of becoming one of those people that does this stuff for a living?

I can't draw AT ALL so I can't pass the basic art classes.

yeah you could.. basic art class isn't walking in with talent.. its taking a class and learning about shadows and contours and lines.. you could take the class and do well without ever picking up a pencil before...

JoshHass's photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:34 PM

Ever think of becoming one of those people that does this stuff for a living?

I can't draw AT ALL so I can't pass the basic art classes.

yeah you could.. basic art class isn't walking in with talent.. its taking a class and learning about shadows and contours and lines.. you could take the class and do well without ever picking up a pencil before...

There ya go! Get to it!

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:37 PM

Ever think of becoming one of those people that does this stuff for a living?

I can't draw AT ALL so I can't pass the basic art classes.

yeah you could.. basic art class isn't walking in with talent.. its taking a class and learning about shadows and contours and lines.. you could take the class and do well without ever picking up a pencil before...

There ya go! Get to it!

I got C's in highschool art. my hands won't let what my brain sees come out *shrug* but the computer does.

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:37 PM
you know.. you can also do it without a degree if you just want to get your feet wet.. Im sure your local community college has cheap photoshop classes you can take..

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:38 PM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Sun 12/07/08 09:39 PM

Ever think of becoming one of those people that does this stuff for a living?

I can't draw AT ALL so I can't pass the basic art classes.

yeah you could.. basic art class isn't walking in with talent.. its taking a class and learning about shadows and contours and lines.. you could take the class and do well without ever picking up a pencil before...

There ya go! Get to it!

I got C's in highschool art. my hands won't let what my brain sees come out *shrug* but the computer does.

either way .. to do this.. you would need a ton of classes on the computer.. the only ones not on the computer would be basic drawing and life drawing.. just pass them and youll be fine.. if you really want to do it you would...

well not counting the regular one math class and two english classes.. probably a psych or soc here or there.. but it's do-able...

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:40 PM
here is a series for you. A friend wanted a picture for an album cover but I was ruining the picture laying in the background so I took care of it then gave him some options of effects. He took these to another friend that is a painter and had one done in paint.

Winx's photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:43 PM
Edited by Winx on Sun 12/07/08 09:46 PM

Ever think of becoming one of those people that does this stuff for a living?

I can't draw AT ALL so I can't pass the basic art classes.

My child is taking ArtTech (Art Technology) in school. They did something with a pic of our dog in color with a black and white background.

You don't have to be an artist to do that.

There is a market for teachers in that area and in advertising.

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:45 PM

Ever think of becoming one of those people that does this stuff for a living?

I can't draw AT ALL so I can't pass the basic art classes.

My child is taking ArtTech (Art Technology) in school. They did something with a pic of our dog in color with a black and white background.

There is a market for teachers in that area and in advertising.

Well I am a Marketing major, maybe my hobby will give me an upper hand there.

Winx's photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:46 PM

Ever think of becoming one of those people that does this stuff for a living?

I can't draw AT ALL so I can't pass the basic art classes.

My child is taking ArtTech (Art Technology) in school. They did something with a pic of our dog in color with a black and white background.

There is a market for teachers in that area and in advertising.

Well I am a Marketing major, maybe my hobby will give me an upper hand there.

What you did looks fantastic.happy

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:49 PM
thank you, you all flatter me. Anyone can do any of the stuff i've done with the right software and taking their time playing around the hardest thing is to replace background for cut out objects.

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 09:59 PM
If anyone would like me to do a manipulation on a picture for them E-mail me. It is a hobby so I do it cheap(trade of art or poem ect) or for free.

AngieH79's photo
Sun 12/07/08 10:28 PM
I think it looks good. I really like the options you came up with for your friend.

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 10:30 PM

I think it looks good. I really like the options you came up with for your friend.

Thanks Angie

And really people I'm always looking for new subjects just e-mail and we'll discuss details of what you're looking for.

no photo
Mon 12/08/08 07:08 AM
Edited by Kaysler on Mon 12/08/08 07:10 AM
These photos are me working towards getting a painting like look to them.

This one is in my opinion the best of the lot for the painting effects, I even added in canvas texture to this and cut out the subject from the background.

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