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Topic: Linux?
lantech19446's photo
Fri 12/26/08 08:05 PM
I used ubuntu for 3yrs now I'm using a mac and the funny thing is i work at a windows sys admin. The best thing is microsoft tech support runs unix machines because they can't afford to crash lol and when i'm troubleshooting many of the problems on a network i find linux offers a much better array of software based on monitoring and repairing network settings.

no photo
Sat 12/27/08 07:59 AM

Anyone using that here? Probably not many. It's great, although I only use it to get familiar with it since my career (IT), but still it's great. All the software you want in your PC for free, not a damn penny paid for OS-es, no viruses and very stable.

I'm a fedora fan here. Out of I dunno, a dozen or so computers here, only one is infected with Micro$oft and none of my products are M$ based.

Atlantis75's photo
Sat 12/27/08 11:55 AM
I'm gonna try OpenSuse , latest version just came out a few days ago. Staying with the Gnome, somehow I just don't like KDE


KerryO's photo
Sat 12/27/08 03:40 PM

I used ubuntu for 3yrs now I'm using a mac and the funny thing is i work at a windows sys admin. The best thing is microsoft tech support runs unix machines because they can't afford to crash lol and when i'm troubleshooting many of the problems on a network i find linux offers a much better array of software based on monitoring and repairing network settings.

Nothing like having a Knoppix CD handy to boot a totally befuddled Windows machine and get the data off safely before having to re-brick, is there?

I've been running the same install of RedHat Linux for the last 6 years, and it's been pretty bulletproof. A few weeks ago, the machine finally crashed hard enough for the first time for having to resort to the reset button to get back up and running.

-Kerry O.

harlequintrav's photo
Thu 01/08/09 07:51 AM
Ubuntu is great for newbies that have very limited knowledge of Linux. another great distro for newbies is "linux mint" which is based on ubuntu, only it has better multimedia support. the problem with ubuntu is that it tries to do everything for you with very little user intervention. I am currently using Slam64 witch is a 64-bit build of slackware 12.1... but i would not recommend it to anyone new to linux. start with a distribution that you cant install to the system with a live cd that has a very friendly GUI installer, especially if you are planning to dual or triple boot the system. Linux is a very beautiful OS. Especially if you despise Microsoft as much as I do.

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