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Topic: Anybody Know the System Requierments For Vista?
Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/13/07 05:32 AM
You know whispers, microsoft has a program going that if you buy by
accident or however a pirated OS, or any software, they will give you a
brand new legitiment version for free. You just have to provide them
where you bought the pirated version...indifferent

buttons's photo
Fri 04/13/07 07:18 AM
whisper i know hoss has it and he can rarely get on here anymore cause
of it....

Modius's photo
Fri 04/13/07 12:08 PM
I build my computers, so the only thing I use is a basic Windows XP OS,
other than that, everything I have is tweeked to my specific needs,
however you also need to take into account what you are using the
computer for, if you are using it for movies, pics, music, and internet
mainly, you need to invest in lots of memory, you can have 3 300 gig
HD's and it does you no good if you only have 64mb of memory, what do
you use the computer for mainly whisper???????

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