Topic: The Obama File | |
Nah...Winx is not a devil.
Now me on the other hand...surely I am a messenger of evil tidings otherwise known as facts you don't want to hear or acknowledge!! Don't forget...the truth shall set you free. Keep fighting the good fight! |
I think Obama was born in Kenya.
But with all the power and money and corruption in government today, I am sure Hawaii can be persuaded to dredge up some sort of birth certificate for him either by being bribed or threatened by Obama's supporters. |
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Wed 12/03/08 01:10 PM
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He won. Get over it. |
He won. Get over it. thank you now maybe we can put this thread to bed..... |
The sad thing is, McCain did NOT vote against the military pay raises due to add ons or anythign like that. Fromhis own mouth (I heard him say this myself which is one reason why I was against him) he stated: I do not believe themilitary should have as many benefits as they already do... They should not be receiving the gi bill (college money) unless they actually go into war, and then only if it is deemed neccesary due toinjury that requires retraining...
Now I have paraphrased the statement, obviously, but those are te points he has made numerous times over the campaign. Shame, Shame Shame on McCain!!!! Here's a short list of Obama's votes in the Illinois Senate...nothing really Earth shattering...draw your own conclusions... Voted to end $300 million worth of tax breaks for businesses Voted against making permanent the repeal of the state’s 5 percent sales tax on gasoline. Voted for having Illinois endorse embryonic stem cell research. Successfully sponsored the Health Care Justice Act, a study of ways to implement a universal health care system statewide. Voted against restrictions on public funding of abortion. Voted against letting people argue self-defense in court if charged with violating local weapons bans by using a gun in their home. Successfully sponsored law enforcement study of the race of people pulled over for traffic tickets. Unsuccessfully sponsored measure to expunge some criminal records and create an employment grant program for ex-criminals. Unsuccessfully sponsored limit of one handgun purchase per month Voted against making gang members eligible for the death penalty if they kill someone to help their gang. Voted against giving tax credits to parents who send their children to private school. ![]() |
Maybe they let Obama slide on the issue of citizenship as way of easing racial tensions..........PUHLEEEEZZZEEE!! Get over it. He is as American as you or me. He deserves as fair a chance as GW Bush. I would question Bush's loyalty to America way before I would Obama, and I base that statement on GW's performance as President of the USA. His track record speaks volumes. He has left a helluva mess for Obama and his house to clean up. Give our new president a chance. Very well said, thank you. |
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Thu 12/04/08 07:57 AM
Maybe they let Obama slide on the issue of citizenship as way of easing racial tensions..........PUHLEEEEZZZEEE!! Get over it. He is as American as you or me. He deserves as fair a chance as GW Bush. I would question Bush's loyalty to America way before I would Obama, and I base that statement on GW's performance as President of the USA. His track record speaks volumes. He has left a helluva mess for Obama and his house to clean up. Give our new president a chance. Very well said, thank you. Hail King Obama, King of the World. Joy to the world, let earth receive her King! (Seriously, That is the song they played when he won the election. ) Long live the King! |
As far as Obama being a natural born citizen, it does not matter. The constitution is worthless because the United States is just a corporation. It is owned.
Obama is just the president of the corporation. The laws mean nothing if the owners of the corporation want him as their president. You are not the owners. Your national debt means that you are not the owners. The bank who you (we) borrowed all the federal reserve notes from are the owner of The United States of America Corporation. They will hire and fire anyone they want for president. (They fired Kennedy.) "They" are what I call "The company." |
Maybe they let Obama slide on the issue of citizenship as way of easing racial tensions..........PUHLEEEEZZZEEE!! Get over it. He is as American as you or me. He deserves as fair a chance as GW Bush. I would question Bush's loyalty to America way before I would Obama, and I base that statement on GW's performance as President of the USA. His track record speaks volumes. He has left a helluva mess for Obama and his house to clean up. Give our new president a chance. Very well said, thank you. Hail King Obama, King of the World. Joy to the world, let earth receive her King! (Seriously, That is the song they played when he won the election. ) Long live the King! Jeannie, I didn't hear them play that song when he won the election. I saw him speak that night. Btw, you are quite the artist (webcam). Maybe somebody I can catch you when it's on. |
Edited by
Thu 12/04/08 10:22 AM
Maybe they let Obama slide on the issue of citizenship as way of easing racial tensions..........PUHLEEEEZZZEEE!! Get over it. He is as American as you or me. He deserves as fair a chance as GW Bush. I would question Bush's loyalty to America way before I would Obama, and I base that statement on GW's performance as President of the USA. His track record speaks volumes. He has left a helluva mess for Obama and his house to clean up. Give our new president a chance. Very well said, thank you. Hail King Obama, King of the World. Joy to the world, let earth receive her King! (Seriously, That is the song they played when he won the election. ) Long live the King! Jeannie, I didn't hear them play that song when he won the election. I saw him speak that night. Btw, you are quite the artist (webcam). Maybe somebody I can catch you when it's on. I don't remember what network it was on and it was an instrumental playing in the background... I almost did not recognize what song it was. Then when the camera zoomed in on his face I found myself singing the lyrics to the song (in my head.) The lyrics at that time were "LET EARTH RECEIVE HER KING!" I found myself singing that! It was unconscious. I said to myself... Oh MY God!! It was very subliminal but very clearly orchestrated on purpose. I wish I had been taping that. |
Maybe they let Obama slide on the issue of citizenship as way of easing racial tensions..........PUHLEEEEZZZEEE!! Get over it. He is as American as you or me. He deserves as fair a chance as GW Bush. I would question Bush's loyalty to America way before I would Obama, and I base that statement on GW's performance as President of the USA. His track record speaks volumes. He has left a helluva mess for Obama and his house to clean up. Give our new president a chance. Very well said, thank you. Hail King Obama, King of the World. Joy to the world, let earth receive her King! (Seriously, That is the song they played when he won the election. ) Long live the King! Jeannie, I didn't hear them play that song when he won the election. I saw him speak that night. Btw, you are quite the artist (webcam). Maybe somebody I can catch you when it's on. I don't remember what network it was on and it was an instrumental playing in the background... I almost did not recognize what song it was. Then when the camera zoomed in on his face I found myself singing the lyrics to the song (in my head.) The lyrics at that time were "LET EARTH RECEIVE HER KING!" I found myself singing that! It was unconscious. I said to myself... Oh MY God!! It was very subliminal but very clearly orchestrated on purpose. I wish I had been taping that. I did tape it for my child to see. I'm going to listen to the end again. But..that doesn't mean that it's the same channel that you saw it on. That song is a bit much for the situation. ![]() |
Maybe they let Obama slide on the issue of citizenship as way of easing racial tensions..........PUHLEEEEZZZEEE!! Get over it. He is as American as you or me. He deserves as fair a chance as GW Bush. I would question Bush's loyalty to America way before I would Obama, and I base that statement on GW's performance as President of the USA. His track record speaks volumes. He has left a helluva mess for Obama and his house to clean up. Give our new president a chance. Very well said, thank you. Hail King Obama, King of the World. Joy to the world, let earth receive her King! (Seriously, That is the song they played when he won the election. ) Long live the King! Jeannie, I didn't hear them play that song when he won the election. I saw him speak that night. Btw, you are quite the artist (webcam). Maybe somebody I can catch you when it's on. I don't remember what network it was on and it was an instrumental playing in the background... I almost did not recognize what song it was. Then when the camera zoomed in on his face I found myself singing the lyrics to the song (in my head.) The lyrics at that time were "LET EARTH RECEIVE HER KING!" I found myself singing that! It was unconscious. I said to myself... Oh MY God!! It was very subliminal but very clearly orchestrated on purpose. I wish I had been taping that. I did tape it for my child to see. I'm going to listen to the end again. But..that doesn't mean that it's the same channel that you saw it on. That song is a bit much for the situation. ![]() Watch your tape again and listen carefully to the instrumental in the background and see if you taped the one I am talking about and let me know. |
Maybe they let Obama slide on the issue of citizenship as way of easing racial tensions..........PUHLEEEEZZZEEE!! Get over it. He is as American as you or me. He deserves as fair a chance as GW Bush. I would question Bush's loyalty to America way before I would Obama, and I base that statement on GW's performance as President of the USA. His track record speaks volumes. He has left a helluva mess for Obama and his house to clean up. Give our new president a chance. Very well said, thank you. Hail King Obama, King of the World. Joy to the world, let earth receive her King! (Seriously, That is the song they played when he won the election. ) Long live the King! Jeannie, I didn't hear them play that song when he won the election. I saw him speak that night. Btw, you are quite the artist (webcam). Maybe somebody I can catch you when it's on. I don't remember what network it was on and it was an instrumental playing in the background... I almost did not recognize what song it was. Then when the camera zoomed in on his face I found myself singing the lyrics to the song (in my head.) The lyrics at that time were "LET EARTH RECEIVE HER KING!" I found myself singing that! It was unconscious. I said to myself... Oh MY God!! It was very subliminal but very clearly orchestrated on purpose. I wish I had been taping that. I did tape it for my child to see. I'm going to listen to the end again. But..that doesn't mean that it's the same channel that you saw it on. That song is a bit much for the situation. ![]() Watch your tape again and listen carefully to the instrumental in the background and see if you taped the one I am talking about and let me know. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 12/04/08 05:58 PM
I just did a search and guess where this Obama & Joy to the World music subject was getting a lot of attention on boards Nov. 5th? Why it's the site Free Republic!!
Do we have a F.R. devotee here on the boards? People were gathered for many hours in the park in Chicago. I am sure alot of music was played. Wonder if there was a hidden political message in every note? Here are some posts from Freer's with a link to the Obama music that they are pointing to. Free Republic board link ----- Here it is on youtube, starting about 7:00 I cant figure out the music with the crowd noise and am have awake...Maybe someone caN separate music from crowd noises for clarity... THANK you for posting this. ------ Okay that guy can't make it out. ----- To: MaxMax I saw it all, the glazed eyes, the tears, the frenzied crowd in front of the White House. The nightmare has become reality. I had no clue about the music, just kept thinking how eery yet beautiful it was. God help us. God help us all. The man whose terrorist connections alone would have disqualified him from getting security clearance with the FBI is now POTUS and marching to the tune of Handel’s Messiah. America voted “Change.” And change is on the way. Count on it. 29 posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2008 3:20:44 AM by whitegloves (Clinging to my guns and Bible harder than ever now.) -------- This person thinks the rally was in front of the White House?? ------- To: nuzman No lyrics, It was an "Symphonic version". Drawn out, but slowly enough that many didn't actually know what they were hearing. As C-Span turned their cameras you could see the blank look in peoples eyes. They knew the song, but couldn't place it because it was slow. I can't explain it. They kept playing the part where "God Receives the King" Over and Over. 22 posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2008 1:00:14 AM by MaxMax (I'll welcome death when God calls me. Until then, the fight is on) ------- haha Now a month later we are seeing posts elsewhere on the net from people not only claiming they heard it clearly but that the words were actually being sung. Interesting group mentality eh? Watching people who weren't sure what they heard now convinced they did spreading the word and condemning Obama. |
We gave Mr. Bush 8 years can't we try and give Mr. Obama 4. I watched the entire event and never heard the xmas song joy to the world playing in the background. If we are going to move forward with anyone Mr. Obama or even if it were Mr. McCain, we have to stop being so very negative and try and give it a chance. Stop all the hatred and name calling, we shouldn't have to do that to get our points across. If Mr. Obama doesn't hold up to his campaign promises, I'm sure the American people will let the world know about it as we did with Mr. Bush. |
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Thu 12/11/08 10:10 AM
[quote Prove the tape is "made up". DOGPILE? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() OH, just what is it about copying and pasting that you do not like? It is providing the facts with which one has formed an opinion...... ![]() ![]() I have never seen you prove anything!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() where have you gone Joe DiMaggio... ![]() ![]() |
I came across this if anyone is interested, real or not? you decide |
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