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Topic: Let's watch it burn...
alonenotlonely's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:32 PM
Anarchy. Such an ideal. Personally, I've attempted that belief, but . . . bein' an elitist makes it so difficult!

68chevy's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:54 PM

Can I burn my bra?

I hope you plan on taking it off before doing that!!! OUCH: scared

I would set it on fire and rip it off! Its all part of the show biggrin :laughing:

I sorry....what time did you say the show starts?????pitchfork

Yesterday Night! Purchase your ticket now! bigsmile

Dang...you mean I missed it!!!:cry:

tanyaann's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:56 PM

Yesterday Night! Purchase your ticket now! bigsmile

Dang...you mean I missed it!!!:cry:

Repeat shows are only booked by appointment! laugh

68chevy's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:57 PM

Yesterday Night! Purchase your ticket now! bigsmile

Dang...you mean I missed it!!!:cry:

Repeat shows are only booked by appointment! laugh

Can you pencil me in????:tongue:

7z3r05's photo
Sat 11/22/08 07:57 PM

tanyaann's photo
Sat 11/22/08 08:03 PM

Repeat shows are only booked by appointment! laugh

Can you pencil me in????:tongue:

Sure... the week before yesterday :wink:

68chevy's photo
Sat 11/22/08 08:05 PM

Repeat shows are only booked by appointment! laugh

Can you pencil me in????:tongue:

Sure... the week before yesterday :wink:

Ok....got it written down in my appointment book...don't forget...laugh

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