Topic: Should Society and the people on JSh have the Right to Say t | |
hey sis what is up with you?
Dropped the bomb on the guy 2 nights ago. oh well |
I,m not sure
so Im sure you behaved yourself!!! lmao!!
you talking about me sis? naturally I was good!!!!
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Fine you are always good but when your bad you are even better...
Sweetie, you promised me that you wouldn't tell.
"fine stomps foot and pokes out bottom lip" |
Grizz, i may have misunderstood your post, but it sounds like you are
just talking only about gays, whereas the thread is about hermaphrodites - people BORN as both. (Clearly not their choice). And Robbyboy, it may not matter to one individual hermaphrodite whether you personally judge them, but if a critical mass of people in our society judge them, then this -can- have a very definite and unavoidable impact on their lives. Another thing to consider is the way one person's judgmental ism can influence the people around them - we all have some impact. |
Prussia, i'm not sure how serious you are - it might seem like a logical
solution, but would certainly be a controversial one. I'm curious, though, is it known that hermaphrodism is an inherited, recessive trait? Just as a question, not as a suggestion, if all hermaphrodites were sterilized, would it even lead to an end of hermaphrodism? (Personally, I think if a hermaphrodite can safely carry a healthy child, maybe they should be allowed the pleasures of birthing and raising their own flesh and blood.) |
no... who are we to judge anyone... if they are nice to me, i will be
nice to them... hell, if they are mean to me, i just stop talking to them... i dont really like to be mean to anyone... contrary to some peoples beliefs.... |
or if they are really mean to us we will just tell ICE and she will take
care of everything. |
I don't think we have the right to judge anyone....
However people do ![]() |
Massagetrade....Amen! I couldn't have said it any better!
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yes I agree this is not about being gay.
i am actually a male 65 yr old transexual vietnam war vet from prussia
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I can not imagine any steriotyping that can be associated simply by
being hermaprodite. However, there was a time that it was believed that hermaphrodites were like mules, some weird crossbreed that was incapable of reproducing. That turned to be false, there are those who have suffered immesurably because there was so little known about this condition. It has been very recent that medical information has come to light. Those who judge or make judgements based on a persons misfortunes or their circumstances of birth are the sick of our society. I have followed much of the research developed over the years about hermaphrodites. In some way, it gave me, still gives me hope that there will one day be a medical distinguisable reason that will prove the bias and opinions of much society to be incorrect, when it it is finally discovered that there IS a reason above and beyond choice that makes one a homosexual or transexual. Until then it is the dogma of opinion and bias that all these poeple fight to claim their place in this world to be accepted as prodructive, valued and equal citizens under the law. For your education I submit the following info. HERMAPHRODITE Accepted definition: A person born with both male and female sex organs.This is a vague, confusing and inaccurate definition. There are 3 labels of Hermaphrodites: True, Male pseudo and Female Pseudo. All are equally genuine. TRUE A person born with both ovary and testicular tissue, this could be 2 seperate gonads ( one of each) or a combination of both in one (an ovotestes). The genitalia can vary from completely male or female, to a combination of both or even ambiguous looking. The chromosome (karotype) compliment can be XX (female), XY (male), XX/XY (mosiac) or even XO (extremely rare). Those XX with female genitalia are raised female ( some have even given birth). Those XY with male genitalia are raised male ( a few have fathered children). The children born XX/XY or XO (with genitalia male or female are raised in the sex they look most like) ,Those born with ambiguous genitalia have many medical tests for the doctors to determine which sex they should be assigned. Doctors then recommend early surgery to make the child look physically like the sex assigned to them. CAUSES The causes are not known, The medical community does know this is a very rare condition but do not have accurate figures to how many people have this condition (depending on the literature between 350-450 known cases). FEMALE PSEUDO A person born XX with normal female internal organs but with "masculanized" genitalia. They can appear more male then female or a combination of each. CAUSES The most common is Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) it occurs approximately 1:14,000 births.This is when the adrenal glands overproduce testosterone. It also has been recorded that some persons with this disorder had been exposed to progesterone-like drugs before they were born. MALE PSEUDO A person born XY with testes (usually in the abdominal cavity). The external genitalia are usually female but can be ambiguous. CAUSES The most common cause is Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS). This is when the body doesn't respond to the androgen being produced. There are different variations: Complete (CAIS) , and Partial (PAIS). This condition has a variety of names and occurance rates.. |
cant help it if thier wired wrong. if they dont know which sex they
are.... it dont matter what sex they are. |