Topic: The truth about Transsexuals | |
Transsexuals are either men who feel like they are trapped in a woman's
body and Women are trapped in a man's body.. The reason for this is a medical term called intersexual child here is an excerpt of such a condition and this way we can better understand the reason why i feel that post-op or transsexual should be viewed as and treated and thus loved as either a male or female. Let us see how these terms and concepts might involve a developing child. Amother of an 8-year-old chromosomal XY male with ambiguous genitalia said to me: "My child has questions on her gender. Oddly enough, we have raised her as a complete female child, to date...she does not know of her condition.We thought best to wait, as a young child would never understand. ...Increasingly over the years she has said things like ' I'm not a girl...I'm a boy' desired is neutral...teachers' complaints (they are unaware) is that she is very tom boyish.... all her friends are boys. At home it is her brothers she hangs out with. And her!" The mother, at the child's birth, had been advised by her physician to raise the child as a girl due to its lack of a penis. This was a standard recommendation until just several years ago (Diamond and Sigmundson 1997 a; b; Diamond 1998; Kipnis and Diamond 1998;Diamond 1999). The child's sex is male but it had an imposed gender of girl. It had been raised since birth as a girl.Obviously here is a case where sex and gender are not in agreement. The child knows it is being raised as a girl and encouraged by its parents and physicians to live as one.The child recognizes it is being seen and reacted to as a social girl. It is, thus, aware of its (social) gender identity. Yet, although raised as a girl, the child manifests gender roles more typical of a boy. Further,despite its rearing and ignorance of its biology, the child has developed the (inner) sexual identity of a boy; i.e. the child feels at his core that he is a boy or should be a boy.This realization comes about by comparing his feelings,interests, attitudes and preferences with those of male and female peers and judging that his living as a boy is a better "fit" with the reality he sees and comes to know(Diamond, 1999 Thus, because of a genetic mishaps boys with absence of a penis except for a little stub is forcedto believe that he is a Woman Vice-versa a girl with a penis is forced to believe and live as a man. So, in truth those who go for the Surgery for a gender changing is only doing what should of been done right in the first place. So, men who go through the gender change to become a fully functional woman should be regarded as a woman cause one you don't know the situation and the reason why he went for the change is because he has been living a lie and wants to be who he was meant to be from the beginning of birth and that is a woman. Open-mindness is important to these people because for one they have suffered emotionally throughout life feeling that they were meant to be the opposite sex and society itself does no help except just more harm cause they are ignorant and they blind cause they don't understand. Now to understand here are a few classification to help you understand more: 1 Homosexuals are men on men and women on women 2. Trannies are men with either breast implants or hormones and of course they have a fully developed Junior and they have no thought of changing gender 3. Pre-op is the beginning of the process where they are either half-man or half-female. 4. Post-op means that they are fully functional as either a man or woman and thereis no identifying evidence to prove that their gender were otherwise. The truth is that i am not trying to down any religion. But, to me religion was the best scrutiny and controling and most manipulative subject ever created not to be just order to man's life and controling and most manipulative subject ever created not to be just order to man's life but, at the same time to control us and our thinking. After, all radicals or people who thought differently were considered either to be agents of the devil or apostates by the court of the religious order this was their stupid way of rationalizing without examing the truth of holding someone accountable for the options and even more of a way to scare the people into believing what ever they taught and with penalty that if they sinned they would become of the transexuals people.. I say don't be afraid of them and say that they are homosexuals either cause they aren't. Just gender/indentity confused because of what happened to them from the time of birth and what they were misled by ones they trust most their parents into believing that they were either male or female. Personally i would love a post-op females as she was a real female. Cause in truth and knowledge beside us knowing .. She was meant to be a female and now by operation means she is what her true identity should of been in the first place. |
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LOL devin
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OK, so they should go to the ladies restroom...
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and birth control!!!
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too funny
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What athread to put on a relationship advice space, I ain't trying to
date one, ain'tgonna rry to date one, put it on general discussion. |
Take 'em shoppimg with Belushi's friend.
You said: "Transsexuals are either men who feel like they are trapped in
a woman's body and Women are trapped in a man's body.." May I STRESS on the word; "Feel?" Are there not those who were born a complete gender and because they were turned out a homo,they now 'feel' that they should CHANGE surgically to become what they FEEL they should NOW be. That is, UNTIL they DECIDE to return to have sexual relations with the sex they changed to and now say they are 'Bi'? So a man CHANGES to a woman so that he ends up a lesbian? Was that child born with female reproductive organs or not? Or born with no female reproductive organs but an undersized penis. When U saw that penis (or stub) erected, how big was it? Some males wear their penis quite UP in their belly, and when they get aroused, they pull out so much hose so that you have to RUN. I'm sure U know that. However, I feel that if a person was born with all the female reproductive organs EXCEPT her vagina, but in it's place an oversized clitoris and just a urethra, that person is a female, even thoug they are strong like boys their age. I had more than one wife who was physically stronger than I am. On different sides of a door pushing, they will push me to hell away, except when it comes to like wrestling, I will win. So being a 'TOMBOY' doesn't mean she is a boy. Anyhow, I am not an expert and U sound like one. I am just trying to think what I will do. If a man changes from a man to a woman, I am not going to be lovers with shim. But if a person was born with all the female reproductive organs and NO hole to comfort penis, and they took an operation to drill the hole for the vagina, using the nerve endings of the 'stub' to SOMEHOW form a vagina, I will consider it. |
Correction: I had more that one wife who WERE, not was, physically
stronger...... Sometimes I write how I sometimes speak a dialect of the English. Sorry. |
So if a woman wears your shirt
does that make her a 'Transsexual'? |
So far, I see that a serious topic can get trashed, ridiculed, and
hijacked.. I wondre what is next.. |
“Personally i would love a post-op females as she was a real female” I accept everyone for who they are, and that includes who they ‘believe’ they are. I am fully aware of genetics and evolution. Life is not perfect and genetic processes are not foolproof. There can be no doubt about that. It is a terrible shame than when these topics come up the general public is quick to display their immaturity and lack of understanding in these matters. |
Excuse me.
This is a Relationship Advice thread, not a sociology thread. If topics such as this meet with derision, so be it. It should be posted on a different thread. |
And, the OP tried to teach about the specail relationship that is a boon
to transexuals.. It is a good thing for all of us to expand our horizons, and accect different concepts of relationships. I for one, found the thread to be very interesting. ![]() |
I have to disagree with you Hiker.
Yes, it could be placed in a sociological thread and viewed that way if the author of the posted wished to discuss it as such. But if ShawdowEagle’s intent was to offer this information as relationship advice I see nothing wrong with that either. You may not view it as advice that you’d be interested in, but it could still be seen as advice by others. So I have to disagree that it’s in the wrong forum. The author choose to present this as relationship advice. That’s perfectly acceptable and his right to do so. |
Bibby and Abra, welcome to JSH!
mnhiker, I don't think they were criticizing you - your innocent, funny two-line post would not derail an entire conversation, but the first 7 posts could. Greiving, I'm not sure if I understand you. Are you saying that the experiences of: 1) a genetically male person, raised female, who insists on being male does not inform us about the experience of (for example) 2) a genetically female person, raise female, who insists on being male If so, you raise a good point. I'm not trying to invalidate other claims of transexuals, i'm just saying these are two different scenarios. |
I personally think that the thread took a lot of guts to write in here
and applaud ShadowEagle for posting it. There was a time on this bulletin board when posting a topic like this would have been attacked with masty comments and responses of alot of people on these boards. I have seen people on here that had postings saying they were lesbian and did not want responses form guys and the guys all jump on it. At the same time if a guy was gay on here and he posted for only men to reply he would not get a bunch of ladies responding he would get a bunch of hate mail and threats and disrespect from the guys in here. I think that each and everyone of us has a right to be ourselves and be real. Even if doing so is not mainstream or accepted well by all. To try to take that right away from a person because you do not believe how they do is not your place. If them being themselves does not hurt anyone else then they should be allowed to do it without predjudice. There is too much hate in this world that stems from ignorance. That is the main reason I liked this thread. Those on this site can choose not to read it or believe it or heed the words but if they read it they might actually learn something about life for others. I woud say Shadow if the child can understand it is good for them to know. You need to be there for them no matter what they decide to do. Love them and show your love and support for them. If others attack then stand by the child and always remember the source of anything that may be said derogatory. You are an adult and you can use logic to ward off most of the trash. |