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Topic: The Beardy-House - part 5
no photo
Thu 11/20/08 05:18 PM

sorry becky thought you were in WV

HEY!! I'm the WV gal!waving

no photo
Thu 11/20/08 05:20 PM
Hey FETTS!love
Hope you have the BEST Birthday ever!flowers :banana:

How 'bout dinner & DEEsert,
ON ME...?drool :wink:

Holly4459's photo
Thu 11/20/08 05:28 PM
Hellooooooooooooo beardies and beardy loving ladies!

wacky_yet_grounded's photo
Thu 11/20/08 05:31 PM
Hi Dee!!!!!!flowerforyou :banana:

no photo
Thu 11/20/08 05:33 PM
waving Hey all!!

wacky_yet_grounded's photo
Thu 11/20/08 05:34 PM

waving Hey all!!


Now I'm just an "all"...tears

no photo
Thu 11/20/08 05:37 PM

wacky_yet_grounded's photo
Thu 11/20/08 05:41 PM
too late..frown

your mind must be pre-occupied with tomorrow..

no photo
Thu 11/20/08 05:46 PM
pitchfork blushing bigsmile

plk1966's photo
Thu 11/20/08 06:02 PM
Dee I started a thread for Mark


no photo
Thu 11/20/08 06:38 PM
YAY! I check it out.....drinker

Holly4459's photo
Thu 11/20/08 06:40 PM
4 the birthday boy!

no photo
Thu 11/20/08 06:54 PM
Where's everybody's SMILEY'S??what

BL4766's photo
Thu 11/20/08 07:24 PM
evening EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no photo
Thu 11/20/08 07:30 PM

Holly4459's photo
Thu 11/20/08 07:45 PM
Hi Dee waving

Hi Beckywaving

no photo
Thu 11/20/08 07:54 PM
Time 4 me to call it a night- yawn You's have a good one & I'll catch ya later!bigsmile

BL4766's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:00 PM
night Dee!!!

hi Holly!!

Holly4459's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:25 PM
He Becky! Where are the BEARDS tonite?

plk1966's photo
Thu 11/20/08 08:26 PM
Where is star and pete hiding at?????

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