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Topic: Wiccans
Krimsa's photo
Tue 10/14/08 06:41 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Tue 10/14/08 06:42 AM

I just woke up. and you were still on last night when i went to bed.. Do you have a secret to no sleephappy

Miles I have to get up really early every morning but I work from my house. Its a home business and i raise alpacas and also have a store (clothing boutique) here that sells alpaca based products. Nice. :tongue:

southernmike's photo
Tue 10/14/08 07:17 AM
i have tried to get ahold of the leader of my coven but they are in england till the 12 of nov the her husband said he will talk to her when she calls to do what she can but not sure what she can do till then going to take a sage mint bath hope that help i am keeping sage burning around me 24/7

Krimsa's photo
Tue 10/14/08 07:23 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Tue 10/14/08 07:32 AM
Mike, have you tried any local universities to you? Sometimes, not always of course, but if they have the funding, they might have a department that actually does consultation work in the area of the paranormal. You could also look online. They would probably want some kind of written documentation (times, days, whats happening) like in a journal format. I dont know. Never looked into anything of this nature but I am basing it on those shows you see on TV now depicting haunting and those people that always show up with their equipment to measure such phenomena. They have to come form somewhere right?

southernmike's photo
Tue 10/14/08 07:26 AM
ok so this is not just a topic for ruth and me anyone that can help please do so here is the run down

i have had visions for almost 7 years now the came and went when they want to. but now they are getting out of control and i dont know how to control them. if the vision is bad " someone getting abuse i fell it like it is happening to me. no the kicker is. it seem every one i am talking to in daily life i am getting them from. but i have one girl i talk to and they get worse she want to learn more about wicca and i am trying to show her but her life has been hard and it is taking a beating on my body cause it is like i am reliving her abuse she took.

so if you know any thing that might help please email me it thank you mike coven of wolves

Krimsa's photo
Tue 10/14/08 07:40 AM
It sounds to me like a psychic occurrence almost? You are interpreting from people around you. I just dont know anything about that whatsoever or how it should be handled. You might want to seek the advice of a psychologist first so they can evaluate you and rule anything like that out. If it is not a medical problem than perhaps a visit with a psychic would be beneficial. Thats the only advice I could give and that is based on what I personally would do if I was in your place. Process of elimination.

southernmike's photo
Tue 10/14/08 07:41 AM
going to try to lay down ruth check you mail i think you will get a kick out of that

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 10/14/08 08:11 AM
Mike it sounds almost like the extreme of an empath. That is what I am and it can be really difficult at times. Sometimes I don't know what are my emotions and what are other people's. I have been needing to look into how to control it for a long time so maybe we will find out together. Yours is extreme in that you are not just feeling other's emotions but almost living them in your vision. That is way too much for anyone to handle. I'm thinking some kind of protection work. I'll search online today and see what I can find. I need it too.

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 10/14/08 08:40 AM
This looks helpful:


Krimsa's photo
Wed 10/15/08 05:41 AM
A little more on The Horned God. He's an interesting deity for sure. happy

The Horned God

In Neo-pagan witchcraft, where much emphasis is placed upon the Goddess, the Horned God, or Cernunnous, is equally important. He contributes the male role or part in the male-female polarity. He is worshipped. In rites he is personified by the high priest just as the Goddess is personified by the high priestess. The high priest sometimes wears an antlered headdress or a horned helmet.

It is believed the Horned God represents sexuality, vitality, the hunt, logic and power. But, he does not exploit his attributes nor will he let them be exploited. He is considered to be gentle, tender and compassionate in a masculine manner.

The Horned God, the most "male" in the conventional sense, of the Goddess’ projections, is the eternal Hunter, and also the animal which is hunted. He is the beast who is sacrificed that human life may go on, as well as the sacrificer, the one who sheds blood. He is also seen as the sun, eternally hunting the moon across the sky. The waxing and waning of the sun throughout the seasons manifest the cycle of birth and death, creation and dissolution, separation and return.

The horns of the Horned God are believed to represent his domain over the woodlands, and his association with the bull and ram, the animal consorts of the Goddess. His horns also symbolize the crescent moon, the symbol of the Goddess, and represents the increase in all things and waxing fertility.

In art, the Horned God, or Cernunnous, is represented as half man and half animal. This possibly represents the natural union between man and nature.

Neo-pagans believe that there is no association between the Horned God and the Devil. They say Christians have confusingly tried to make such a connection.

The high priest also personifies the Horned God in the performance of two of his duties as the guardian and keeper of the coven. Performing these duties allow the high priestess to carry out the spiritual work of the coven.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 10/15/08 06:16 AM
I like this description a lot. I have read some not so good ones and this is very good.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 10/15/08 06:35 AM
I have a Welch tarot card deck that uses "The horned one" in place of the devil card in the Major Arcana.

They don't call him a 'god', but they do give a description that fits the Wicca horned god quite well. They actually describe him as being gentle and kind, but suggest that he can work against you too, especially if you are bucking against natural tendencies, abusing the physical world, or taking it for granted. I think they try to work it into the same idea as the biblical devil in terms of bringing your attention to physical lusts, and obsessions, but without making 'the horned one' seem like the culprit.

By that I mean that in the traditional biblical view of the devil, the devil is actually a deity that is out to get you. The biblical devil is depicted as a demon who wants you to be led astray and abuse the physical world.

However, 'The horned one", as depicted in this tarot deck is not out to get you at all. On the contrary he wants you to appreciate you relationship with the material world, and respect it. So he's a good guy in this sense. But he can become upset with you if you show no respect for the material world (or the natural world), and abuse it disrespectfully or take it for granted.

I like this view much better, both from the point of view of tarot as well as from the point of view of religions. I have never believed that the physical world should be shunned as non-spiritual. And having an evil deity (or demon) associated with the physical world entirely has never made any sense to me. What would be the point to a physical world if it was supposed to be shunned?

The idea of the horned god of nature is one where the physical can be seen as either good or bad depending on whether or not it is respected. Overindulgence, obsessions and/or simply taking things for granted, polluting, or showing know respect for nature, etc. are all bad things. But doing things in moderation, appreciating them, and treating them respectfully are all good things.

The problem I have with the biblical view is that it's all bad. The physical world is associated with the demon Satan and therefore it's all bad and should never be respected under any circumstances. Of course, many religious people will claim that this doesn't mean that we should have no respect for nature, but where's the line between 'nature' and the 'physical world'. They are one in the same!

So I definitely like this view of a 'horned god of nature' over the always-evil demonic Satan of the Mediterranean folklore. I think lessons are lost by that overly-simplistic view that all of the physical world is evil because it 'belongs' to, or is ruled over, by Satan.

So once again Wicca rises above the popular Mediterranean myths as the more intelligent view of a creation.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 10/15/08 06:43 AM
Very well put. flowerforyou

Krimsa's photo
Wed 10/15/08 06:48 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 10/15/08 07:15 AM
Yes good insight Abra. In my opinion (well lets just call it a belief) the natural world and the physical world are one in the same. In a sense the "The Goddess" to me at least is what I walk on. The Earth. Its the here and now and its tangible. Its not evil and its not faceless and formless. It begs my respect. There is not "good" and "evil" but all of it combined. Is the Earth (Gaia) evil when a tsunami or some other natural disaster devastates the land and claims the lives of thousands? No. It is what it is.

Also, what causes me a level of distress is the notion that the physical (or natural realm) is evil and ruled over by something angry and beguiling and should be shunned and resisted with all of one's might. The implication of that is it matters not what you do here because once you are dead, instead of returning to "the Mother" you will go someplace else to live in the clouds. There is a disconnection and a disassociation with our very essence as humans.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 10/15/08 07:07 AM
Krimsa, you are very good at articulating these things. I know what I believe and why I believe it, but I have a hard time explaining to it other people.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 10/15/08 11:26 AM
I got the books I ordered already. That's was quick.

I've been reading "Earth Power" so far and I'm finding it to be very good. I'm looking forward to learning much more. I think I have always been a natural born shaman (perhaps we all are), and it's a serious shame that I had been raised in a culture that has been blinded to the power of magick. They view it as nonsense and silliness. Yet at the very same time they believe that the blood of someone who died thousands of years ago can wash away their sins. It's rediculus what people will dismiss on the one hand as being silly, and then turn around and embrace something that's far more absurd with somber dedication.

I've only just started in the first few chapters but I fully understand what Scott is saying. This also fits in perfectly with both "The Law of Attraction" and "The Power of Belief".

I believe.

It's that simple.

I think this is indeed the lost art of spirituality that is missing from our society today. Our society has dismissed it as either being foolishness, or evil, neither of which have any merit.

Just reading this book I can see where I have indeed praticed magick many times throughout my life - and it worked! I simply didn't realize what I was doing.

Now I can learn to focus and hone my skills. Not merely from these books I just bought, but from a myriad of things I have been looking into lately. I've also ordered a bunch of videos from Netflex on magick, spirituality, and alchemy. I'll glean what I can from all possible sources.

I used to live a back-to-basics lifestyle. I grew all my own food, I raised chickens for eggs, I kept bees for honey. I had horses for 'horsepower', and I was a vegetarian. I know that I wielded much magic in those days without question. The only problem was the I didn't realize I was doing it, and so I wasn't as focused and as intent as I could have been.

Now that I feel like I'm finally getting a handle on some purposeful magick I might become twenty years younger again and live out a bit more of this life before moving on to the next. :wink:

Krimsa's photo
Wed 10/15/08 11:51 AM
Thats right. I remember you talking about your hens. I have 5 Barred Rocks and a New Hampshire red (which are a tad smaller than the Rhode Islands). Although the days are getting shorter now so they begin to lay less eggs until it tapers off to nothing. They are pets and I like them. Hens are so talkative and they always seem to sound a little disgruntled and annoyed, not unlike women. I can see the comparison in all honesty. happy

My rooster, "Sidewinder", died last fall. Thank god. He was HORRIBLE and had attacked me on several occasion.He also got the UPS guy once. I let him live out his life though and he passed peacefully in the coop. Bastard. happy

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 10/15/08 12:28 PM

My rooster, "Sidewinder", died last fall. Thank god. He was HORRIBLE and had attacked me on several occasion.He also got the UPS guy once. I let him live out his life though and he passed peacefully in the coop. Bastard. happy

laugh Sidewinder, the çock that got the UPS man. laugh

I had White Rocks. You can keep them producing all winter long, just give them light. I used to go out in the chicken coop and read them bedtime stories. Well, actaully I read physics books, but I don't think the chickens cared much what the stories were about. :wink:

They seemed to like my company. I used to keep the coop really clean. I changed the bedding far too often. Almost daily.

When I think of how ambitious I used to be it makes me sick. I mean, because I don't have that kind of energy now.

But now that I have magic maybe owl get my energy back. bigsmile

I should get bees and chickens again really. They weren't all that much trouble and they were nice to have around.

I should do a lot of things. Owl have to ask myself why I'm not doing them anymore. I think it's just because I believed that I got old. Shame on me!

I'm going to start beliving that I'm much younger now.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 10/15/08 12:31 PM
the law of attraction is simply the beginning of the scientific reasoning behind magick.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 10/15/08 12:46 PM

the law of attraction is simply the beginning of the scientific reasoning behind magick.

Yes, I see that. bigsmile

Krimsa's photo
Wed 10/15/08 01:19 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 10/15/08 01:23 PM
I am going to have to look up this "law of attraction" online. I have heard it thrown around in several circles online and off but dont really understand what it is. I guess I will need to read up on it. happy

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