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Topic: Wiccans
Ruth34611's photo
Fri 08/29/08 09:07 AM
I started my weekend today! 4 days off! :banana:

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 08/29/08 10:02 AM
Friday is the day of LOVE!

Friday belongs to Venus, both the planet and its namesake Roman goddess of love. This day is sacred to many other gods and goddesses of love such as Eros, Venus, Aphrodite, and the Norse goddess that gave the day it’s name, Freya. This day of the week is for magical topics such as love, birth, fertility and romance. Colors for today include pink and aqua. Some suggestions for Friday enchantments would include:

- Carrying a rose quartz with you today to send out some gentle and loving vibes to those crabby co-workers

- Working a loving Tarot spell to charm a friend’s pregnancy with good health and safety

- Working a little flower magic to enchant a single pink rose for friendship and inner beauty, and setting it on your desk. Or try empowering a red rose for passion and placing it in your bedroom.

- Burning rose-scented candles to encourage the same effect. Call on Eros to “bring a passion for life” to your days.

- Sharing a romantic snack with your partner. Feed each other ripe, red strawberries. Those strawberries are love-inducing food, and are sacred to many love goddesses, including today’s patroness, Freya.

Just a reminder to remember your moon phases as well as the days of the week for your spells, my little witches! flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 08/29/08 10:16 AM
Friday, day of love:

I decided to draw one card from the Tarot deck for each day's energy.

Today, miraculously the card drawn is the lovers.

Very fitting for the day of love.

It is a time for choices.

Hummmmmm... what to do this weekend.


Ruth34611's photo
Fri 08/29/08 10:23 AM
Doesn't surprise me at all. Have fun and enjoy! :heart:

no photo
Fri 08/29/08 10:31 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 08/29/08 10:31 AM

Doesn't surprise me at all. Have fun and enjoy! :heart:

I guess I should be used to it by now,
but I am always blown away
by what the cards reveal
and the things they say.

I never tire of miracles
And I'm always amazed
when you ask it is always given
answers come to questions raised.

no photo
Fri 08/29/08 10:38 AM
Magick, Imagination and the Power of Will..

By whatever means we may constrain spiritual forces to our purpose, whether by sigil, charm, telesma or invocation, it is only by the faith of the operator, aided by the trained will and imagination, which are the magical faculties of the human soul.

Imagination is the creative or formative power of the mind by which a matrix or mould is delivered to Nature for the vitalizing power of the Will.

For of these faculties the imagination is female and receptive, while the will is masculine and projective. What in the common mind operates as desultory thought and desire, the thought taking form and the desire giving life to it, is replaced in the mind of the magician by an ardent will and conscious imagination directed to the creation of definite things.

To a certain extent, all lovers, all poets and artists are magicians equally with the makers of empires and the reformers of the religious world. They have definite objects in view; their imaginations are fired with the vision of a thing greatly desired of them, and their wills are potent and effectually directed to the goal of their ambitions. These are the people whose dreams come true.

Only, when art supplements and fixes the form, giving voice to the powers which reside in Nature, calling them forth to defined and determined uses, their efficacy is brought within the control of the human will as raw materials wrested from the bowels of the earth and fashioned for a purpose.

Paracelsus conveys this same teaching when he says: "The power of the will and the intention of the soul are the main points in magic as in medicine. A man who wishes everybody well will produce good effects, while one who begrudges everybody all that is good and who hates himself may experience in his own person the effects of his poisonous thoughts."That the magical faculty does not rest with the good and virtuous alone we are well aware; for the magical power is inherent in every human soul, and has the power of acting not only immediately, upon bodies that are present to the sense, by means of the subtle powers of the eye and the breath, but also at a distance, upon bodies and persons more remote, by means of the desire and phantasy of the soul acting upon the vital principle within them.

Recognize only that thoughts are things, creatures of life when animated by human desire, and in all respects obedient to their creator man, and what hinders that they should obey the behests of the soul, when sufficiently enforced by the impelling power of the will?

Therefore, we may see that it is motive alone which distinguishes good from evil in the use of occult forces. That which links the mind to its subject is thought; that which gives it form is imagination; and that which vitalizes it is the will.

The will has no direct relations with motive, and may be used with equal power for good or evil. Will is but the vital or life-giving power to thought. Life has no qualities per se, though potential for all things; but it gains qualities by use or function. Motive determines the quality of our thought, inhering in and tincturing with its own nature power in itself, apart from the act, as the soul is a thing apart from the body, though expressing itself e every mental action. The motive is a power in itself, apart from the act, as the soul is a thing apart from the body, though expressing itself therein. Therefore causes that are brought into play by occult means will differ in their ultimate effects by reason of the motive which ensouls them, though to the outward eye appearing in all respects identical.

beachbum069's photo
Fri 08/29/08 11:13 AM

I started my weekend today! 4 days off! :banana:

Pick up your broomstick and come on over then.flowerforyou

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 08/29/08 11:17 AM

I started my weekend today! 4 days off! :banana:

Pick up your broomstick and come on over then.flowerforyou

I'd love to, but my and my kiddies are headed to my sister's for the long weekend. flowerforyou

Krimsa's photo
Sat 08/30/08 05:41 AM
Hello all. I thought I would introduce some information about the Triple Goddess. Feel free to do with it what you will. I figured, in order to be balanced and since the "Horned God" or male counterpart had also been discussed, this lends some balance to the topic.

Some followers of Neopagan religions believe that in ancient Old Europe, the Aegean and the Near East, a great Triple Goddess was worshipped, predating the patriarchal religions imported by nomadic speakers of Indo-European languages (later superseded by patriarchal monotheism). Some identify this goddess with Gaia, the Earth Mother (Roman Magna Mater). That such a Great Goddess existed is disputed by authors such as Cynthia Eller and Philip G. Davis. On the other hand, the late Marija Gimbutas was a prominent supporter of this view from within academic archaeology. Gimbutas interpreted artefacts from neolithic (and earlier) Europe as evidence of worship of a triple goddess of (1) death (represented as a "stiff nude", bird of prey or poisonous snake), (2) birth and fertility (represented by a mother-figure) and of (3) regeneration (represented by a moth butterfly or bee, or alternatively by a symbol of the uterus or fetus such as among others a frog, hedgehog or bulls head.)

The first and third aspects of the goddess, according to Gimbutas, were frequently conflated to make a goddess of death-and-regeneration represented in folkore by such figures as Baba Yaga. Gimbutas regarded the Eleusinian Mysteries, with which this view is highly compatible, as a survival into classical antiquity of the this ancient goddess worship

Descriptions of the relation between Greek Mythology and the Triple Goddess can be found in many of the myths translated in Robert Graves' anthology The Greek Myths and more cryptically and poetically in his book The White Goddess and his book of essays entitled Mammon and the Black Goddess. In his novel Watch the North Wind Rise (1949) Graves extrapolated this further into a future world where the present Monotheistic religions are discarded and the Triple Goddess once again rules supreme (one of the Goddess' manifestations is called "Mari", implying the Mary of Christianity is a disguised form of the same Goddess).

In his introduction The Sufis, a book he co-wrote with Idries Shah, Graves translates a poem of the Sufi mystic Ibn Arabi (1165-1240) which illustrates a triple goddess as a theme among medieval Sufis:

I follow the religion of Love,
Now I am sometimes called
A Shepherd of gazelles
And now a Christian monk,
And now a Persian sage.
My beloved is three-
Three yet only one;
Many things appear as three,
Which are no more than one.
Give Her no name,
As if to limit one
At sight of Whom
All limitation is confounded.

beachbum069's photo
Sat 08/30/08 05:49 AM
Good Morning Everyone.flowers

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 08/30/08 06:47 AM

This day of the week got it’s name from the god of karma and time, Saturn. This day is obviously associated with the planet Saturn and is our last day of the week. Traditionally Saturdays are great days for protection, banishing a negative situation, and generally a good time to clean up any magical messes that you have been ignoring. Some suggestions for Saturday enchantments would include:

- Wearing the colors of the day, black and deep purple. Here’s your perfect excuse to be dramatic and witchy. Empower these dramatic pieces of your wardrobe for protection and strength.

- Burning black candles to absorb negativity and burning purple ones to increase your magical wisdom and boost your spirituality

- Adding a touch of garden witchery to your Saturday spells by working with the pansy (in black or purple of course), the morning glory flowering vine, or the cypress tree.

- Carrying an obsidian, hematite, or jet tumbled stone in your pocket to reinforce your personal protection and to ward off bad vibes and sour feelings. You can also add these crystals to a candle spell on a Saturday night to really increase the punch of your spellcasting.

- Cleaning your house and cleansing it while you are at it. Tap into those obstacle-removing vibes and the positive, concluding energies.

- Closing up the final day of the bewitching week with a bang by calling on Hecate for protection and guidance

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 08/30/08 06:48 AM

Good Morning Everyone.flowers

Great link! Thank you. flowerforyou

beachbum069's photo
Sat 08/30/08 06:49 AM
I clean my place on Saturdays. It gets rid of all the dog hair.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 08/30/08 06:52 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 08/30/08 07:00 AM
Oh gosh, I live on a large farm here in NH with plenty of animals, livestock and domestic indoor cats. The hair is TERRIBLE. I have to clean a little each day. I used to have alergies but I think my body has aclimented in some respect. :tongue:

beachbum069's photo
Sat 08/30/08 06:53 AM
Edited by beachbum069 on Sat 08/30/08 07:15 AM

Jill298's photo
Sat 08/30/08 07:32 AM

I clean my place on Saturdays. It gets rid of all the dog hair.
I cleaned mine last night so I could go to bed with a clean house and wake up to one since my daughter is visiting grandma laugh

no photo
Sat 08/30/08 03:24 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 08/30/08 03:33 PM

I was just learning the Tarot Cards when my sister called me and asked me if I could find out what happened to her cell phone. She had lost it.

I said I did not know, but I would give it a shot.

At the time I was doing three card readings so I pulled three cards. I was using the Mythic Tarot deck.

Ace of cups..(a picture of a big cup) came up first, then seven of cups, (a picture of a a girl sitting by the water) and I don't remember the last one.

Of course I did not know what any of these cards had to do with a cell phone or where it might be.

I did three more readings on the same subject and the picture of the girl sitting by the water came up three times and the ace of cups came up twice.

I called her back and told her I did not know, but I wanted to describe the cards that kept coming up to her and maybe she would know what they meant.

After I described those cards to her. I had told her there was a picture of a girl sitting by the water and the other one was a large cup. (Ace of cups) Suddenly she yelled, "Oh my god! I know where my phone is!

I asked, How do you know from that?

She said she just remembered that after work she had gone to a local restaurant and ordered some take out food and also a large cup of ice water.

She sat by the water while waiting for the food, then she set her phone down beside the large cup. She got her food and left, leaving the phone by the cup of water.

Sure enough, she went to the restaurant and she found her phone.


tribo's photo
Sat 08/30/08 03:49 PM
Edited by tribo on Sat 08/30/08 03:49 PM


I was just learning the Tarot Cards when my sister called me and asked me if I could find out what happened to her cell phone. She had lost it.

I said I did not know, but I would give it a shot.

At the time I was doing three card readings so I pulled three cards. I was using the Mythic Tarot deck.

Ace of cups..(a picture of a big cup) came up first, then seven of cups, (a picture of a a girl sitting by the water) and I don't remember the last one.

Of course I did not know what any of these cards had to do with a cell phone or where it might be.

I did three more readings on the same subject and the picture of the girl sitting by the water came up three times and the ace of cups came up twice.

I called her back and told her I did not know, but I wanted to describe the cards that kept coming up to her and maybe she would know what they meant.

After I described those cards to her. I had told her there was a picture of a girl sitting by the water and the other one was a large cup. (Ace of cups) Suddenly she yelled, "Oh my god! I know where my phone is!

I asked, How do you know from that?

She said she just remembered that after work she had gone to a local restaurant and ordered some take out food and also a large cup of ice water.

She sat by the water while waiting for the food, then she set her phone down beside the large cup. She got her food and left, leaving the phone by the cup of water.

Sure enough, she went to the restaurant and she found her phone.


boy that proves with out a doubt that tarot card reading work huh.:tongue:

no photo
Sat 08/30/08 03:58 PM
boy that proves with out a doubt that tarot card reading work huh.

Not at all.

I am still a skeptic. But I continue to be amazed at many stories like this and many readings I have seen.

Once a guy came in for a reading and it was the worst reading I had ever seen.

The cards indicated that he had just gotten out of jail he had broken up with his girlfriend, lost his job and may have been evicted from his home.

I looked at that reading and I asked him. "IS THIS ALL TRUE?"

(Of course he did not know what I was talking about.)

But as it turned out, ~~ it was all true.

The positive side of the reading was.. well it couldn't get much worse it had to get better from there. I guess.huh


tribo's photo
Sat 08/30/08 04:03 PM
Edited by tribo on Sat 08/30/08 04:04 PM

boy that proves with out a doubt that tarot card reading work huh.

Not at all.

I am still a skeptic. But I continue to be amazed at many stories like this and many readings I have seen.

Once a guy came in for a reading and it was the worst reading I had ever seen.

The cards indicated that he had just gotten out of jail he had broken up with his girlfriend, lost his job and may have been evicted from his home.

I looked at that reading and I asked him. "IS THIS ALL TRUE?"

(Of course he did not know what I was talking about.)

But as it turned out, ~~ it was all true.

The positive side of the reading was.. well it couldn't get much worse it had to get better from there. I guess.huh


give up this hellish practice and recieve jesus as you savior woman or else perish.

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