Topic: To all my sisterchicks | |
Over and over The actions, thoughts and words that become a permanent part of you are the ones you choose to repeat over and over again. Doing something once will certainly bring some kind of result, and doing it repeatedly will multiply its power many times over. You cannot lift a thousand pounds all at once. Yet you can lift one pound a thousand times. In the repetition of your thoughts and actions, there is great power. Choose to make complete and purposeful use of that power. Add immense leverage to what you do by doing it again and again. Give great strength to your actions by persistently repeating them. Nothing of value is ever accomplished in an instant. No skill is ever fully developed in a single day. Take the time to make the effort over and over again. That time and those efforts will bring great rewards. |
Over and over The actions, thoughts and words that become a permanent part of you are the ones you choose to repeat over and over again. Doing something once will certainly bring some kind of result, and doing it repeatedly will multiply its power many times over. You cannot lift a thousand pounds all at once. Yet you can lift one pound a thousand times. In the repetition of your thoughts and actions, there is great power. Choose to make complete and purposeful use of that power. Add immense leverage to what you do by doing it again and again. Give great strength to your actions by persistently repeating them. Nothing of value is ever accomplished in an instant. No skill is ever fully developed in a single day. Take the time to make the effort over and over again. That time and those efforts will bring great rewards. I'm loving your share of wisdom ![]() |
thanks Bonny
In an instant In an instant, you can go from discouraged to joyful. In an instant, you can change from lazy to ambitious. In the blink of an eye, your whole outlook on life can profoundly improve. In one small moment, disappointment can be transformed into positive resolve and commitment. When you are ready to change, and willing to change for the better, you can do it just like that. Are you ready? In an instant, you can improve your attitude. And that change of attitude will affect your whole world. A moment ago, you may have been discouraged, or resentful, or frustrated, or miserable. Now, you can be whatever way you choose to be. Choose now to be positive, productive, effective, ambitious, and filled with enthusiasm for all the great things life has to offer. Feel the power of this positive instant, and keep it going strong. |
Keep building If it were quick and easy you would have already done it. The fact that it is difficult and time-consuming means you're doing something truly worthwhile. The value of any achievement is built with the time and effort you put into it. Keep going, keep building, keep at it and you'll truly have something of great value. It is often difficult to stay positively focused. And it is always worth the trouble. Sure, it would be much easier to do nothing. Yet by doing nothing, you create nothing. Instead, step forward and do the difficult work that must be done. With each effort, you are adding more value and substance to the achievement. Feel the satisfaction as you continue the difficult and rewarding work of building that achievement. Know that the value has already started coming to life. |
From the inside out When you feel the urge to be critical of someone else, look first within yourself. The weaknesses and shortcomings you perceive in another may very well be pointing to improvements you can make in your own life. Instead of depending on others to change, or attempting to force them to do so, look for positive changes that you can make. You'll always have much more success controlling your own life than you will have controlling others. If you wish to live in a positive world, be a positive person. If you desire peace, then be completely at peace with yourself. Life is a mirror that reflects your most authentic self back to you. It flows from the inside out. The values and priorities that you live by will greatly influence the world that you live in. The thoughts and feelings you hold most consistently on the inside will determine how life unfolds for you on the outside. Allow peace, love, joy and fulfillment to flow from the inside out. Make your world the best it can be. |
morning Fran .. thanks for sharing
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morning sunshine
how was your weekend? how's the 'vacation' going? |
awwwww I am so glad this one came back up....
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Fran I will add something in a bit... |
Confidence is sexy. Think about what you find attractive in others and chances are that looks are not number one on your list. Self-confidence is their most attractive feature. In fact, confidence is not only attractive, it's downright irresistible! Let's face it - that's great news! It means you can be sexy without spending a fortune on designer wardrobes or expensive hairdressers. All you need is confidence, which is available without a price tag. It's something that shines from within when you believe in yourself. And it's glow shines brighter than diamonds in your eyes and in your smile. Show the world how hopeful and confident you are about your life and your future. You'll be sexy without even trying!!! |
Make a promise Make a promise to yourself and keep it. There's something that you've always desired, and now is the time to make it real. You are fully capable of reaching whatever you decide to reach. Promise yourself something wonderful, and then do what it takes to fulfill that promise. Stop groaning about how unfair life is. Start making life into something grand and joyful. Every problem is an opportunity to make an improvement. Pick a particularly vexing problem and promise yourself that you'll get triumphantly beyond it. Find a dream that positively inspires you and promise yourself that you'll reach it. Make a serious commitment to the richness of your own life, and follow through on that commitment. You can do it if you'll simply choose to do it. Make a promise to yourself, and make it happen. |
Strong Women vs Women of Strength
A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape ... but a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape... A strong woman isn't afraid of anything ... but a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of her fear... A strong woman won't let anyone get the best of her ... but a woman of strength gives the best of her to everyone... A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future... a woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be God's blessings and capitalizes on them... A strong woman walks sure footedly ... but a woman of strength knows God will catch her when she falls... A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face ... but a woman of strength wears grace... A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey ... but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong... |
Your presence is a present to the world.
You're unique and one of a kind. Your Life can be what you want it to be. Take the days just one at a time. Count your blessings, not your troubles. You'll make it through whatever comes along. Within you are so many answers. Understand, have courage, be strong. Don't put limits on yourself. So many dreams are waiting to be realized. Decisions are too important to leave to chance. Reach for your peak, your goal, your prize. Nothing wastes more energy than worrying. The longer one carries a problem the heavier it gets. Don't take things too seriously. Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets. Remember that a little love goes a long way. Remember that a lot ... goes forever. Remember that friendship is a wise investment. Life's Treasures are people ... together. Realize that it's never too late. Do ordinary thing in an extraordinary way. Have health and hope and happiness. Take the time to wish upon a star. And don't ever forget... for even a day ... how very special you are. Colin McCarty |
thanks Feral for sharing
great poems |
Your welcome doll......well look in my archives for more...I love this thread.
"It all starts with a vision." A vision is an inspired idea. It is a concept that motivates you and pushes you into action. You know when a vision hits you, by the energy and excitement you feel. A clear vision gets you charged and keeps you going. The very thought fills you with energy and positive feelings. Your visions inspire a sense of purpose and direction. They give you a target to aim for, an aspiration to live for. With the motivation that comes from visions, you can transform yourself and your life. Once you have a vision in mind, use the energy it inspires to create a plan. Then, imagine the plan in motion and the vision achieved. That's how visions become realities! |
Feel like it Those mornings when you're reluctant to get out of bed are the very days when you'll gain the most by going ahead, getting up and getting started. The challenges you've been avoiding are the very ones that will compel you to make the most progress. Step eagerly forward and do the hard stuff. Jump in and tackle the difficult challenges. Life is about making a difference. The bigger the challenge is, the more of a positive difference you can make. Don't focus on the discomfort you may have to endure. Instead, go ahead and feel the extreme sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that come from moving forward and doing what must be done. Instead of forever regretting the missed opportunities, wake up and seize those opportunities. Make full and productive use of the priceless moment that is right here in front of you. If you don't feel like it, choose to make yourself feel like it. By the time the day is done, you'll truly be glad you did. |
Edited by
Thu 01/29/09 08:43 AM
Purposeful focus Is there something that's distracting you and keeping you from staying focused? There will always be some distraction or another, but you never have to give in to those distractions. The way to focus on anything is to make it important. If you need more focus, then make the object of your focus more personally meaningful. Make a conscious connection between whatever you're doing and your deepest reason for doing it. Clearly know why, and the focus will be strong. When you feel your focus begin to slip, reaffirm and reconnect to your purpose. Maintain the focus by maintaining the meaning that's behind it. When your desire is strong enough, no event or circumstance will have the power to distract you. Give your efforts a reason why, and you give yourself a reason to persist. Live with authentic purpose. And you'll act with powerful focus. |
Continued success When momentum is on your side, use it. When you're going strong, keep going and become even stronger. Don't let your success stop you from continuing to succeed. Before the goal is accomplished, have another goal ready and waiting to take its place. Each accomplishment opens the door to many more opportunities. Each success paves the way for even greater success. When the job is done, celebrate the victory by setting your sights even higher. You've firmly established a positive pattern, so keep it going and improve upon it. The value you've just created can now be put to productive use. Just imagine what is now possible. Great accomplishments are built from small successes. Keep the momentum going, and there's no limit to what you can achieve. |
i cant even begin to tell you how true that is .