Topic: How long are we going | |
to focus upon the ethnicity of our new president?
Correct me if I’m wrong but I think that Obama’s mama was white! Isn’t just ever so slight more important to focus upon what he is going to do as president? |
When did this happen?
When did this happen? Shut up! You don't have an opinion here, you live in the USSA. LOL! |
What I really want to know long will it take for all this love for Obama to "change" once he gets into the White House and begins to disappoint some of his supporters? It's gonna happen...just a matter of time. Wonder who he will let down first?
When did this happen? Shut up! You don't have an opinion here, you live in the USSA. LOL! SO DO YOU!!! ![]() |
race was not a question......bill cosby, would have made a better candidate though....
What I really want to know long will it take for all this love for Obama to "change" once he gets into the White House and begins to disappoint some of his supporters? It's gonna happen...just a matter of time. Wonder who he will let down first? My guess is that he will let down his supporters that actually voted based upon his proposed policies and I give it 6 months before people realize that the pendulum swung to far. |
What I really want to know long will it take for all this love for Obama to "change" once he gets into the White House and begins to disappoint some of his supporters? It's gonna happen...just a matter of time. Wonder who he will let down first? My guess is that he will let down his supporters that actually voted based upon his proposed policies and I give it 6 months before people realize that the pendulum swung to far. I also predict.....he'll have so many attempts made on him, the secret service will be what we used to call the marines!!! |
race was not a question......bill cosby, would have made a better candidate though.... I met Bill Cosby once Wolf, when I was at Duke...TRUST ME...he would have been just as bad if not worse!! He was a TOTAL: Jacka$$... |
that's a general statement. whoever got the presidential seat would have let down SOME Americans. i don't know of any president that has ever made 100% of the nation happy.
What I really want to know long will it take for all this love for Obama to "change" once he gets into the White House and begins to disappoint some of his supporters? It's gonna happen...just a matter of time. Wonder who he will let down first? My guess is that he will let down his supporters that actually voted based upon his proposed policies and I give it 6 months before people realize that the pendulum swung to far. Well all the barbs aside...I really do want to be wrong about OBAMA. Having said that, congress had an even LOWER approval rating than Bush. I know in NJ people are not happy with the DEMS so I'm thinking that it's a good thing because now they have to actually do something because there will be no one to blame. If they don't come up with good ideas that actually work they will be out in two years. |
well its hard to win an election when you are running against a large portion of the country who
#1 hates the the sitting president #2 the media is campaigning for your oponent #3 you riase more money than could possibly be imagined (not saying he bought the election but i would like to know who gave all that money) #4 and yes race did have a part to play in it I just hope we can all get over any doubts and work TOGETHER to get out of this mess we are in. People we need to look at the senate and the house thats where we need change! thats where we need to put pressure on the ignorant people we have elected. they are the ones who are doing nothing but think they can change things and i hope President Obama will look more deeply into the present state of our financial crises and name some names WE AS AMERICANS DESERVE TO KNOW ANSWERS TO WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR IT!!!! |
i absolutely agree with TJN and Quickstep (gawd...never thought i'd say that...*laughs*)
i absolutely agree with TJN and Quickstep (gawd...never thought i'd say that...*laughs*) ![]() ![]() |
oh i'm still happy mccain didn't make it into office, but i agree with why some voted for obama and that we DO have to stick together. having an all democratic government isn't healthy. lets just hope they do something for the good. lets try to make it through the next 4 years and work towards trying to get someone line ron paul into office next time around.
What I really want to know long will it take for all this love for Obama to "change" once he gets into the White House and begins to disappoint some of his supporters? It's gonna happen...just a matter of time. Wonder who he will let down first? My guess is that he will let down his supporters that actually voted based upon his proposed policies and I give it 6 months before people realize that the pendulum swung to far. Well all the barbs aside...I really do want to be wrong about OBAMA. Having said that, congress had an even LOWER approval rating than Bush. I know in NJ people are not happy with the DEMS so I'm thinking that it's a good thing because now they have to actually do something because there will be no one to blame. If they don't come up with good ideas that actually work they will be out in two years. This is exactly what I was referring to about the pendulum having swung too far. |
I realize that even had McCain won, he would have let people down to. But, let me elaborate more on my original post.
See, Obama has a high approval rating, he just won the election is the largest landslide ever (I believe I heard this said on all news networks but do not quote me on that), and he really built his whole platform on him being this uniter. Now, all that he has said during his campaign has been positive, and he has been lights out during this campaign. However, we all know that is all gonna change once he gets into office and everyone comes at him with proposals. In general, Obama is smart enough to know that he will have to do something that shows an immediate impact. He can't do it with the economy because that is going to take some time to turn around (well, I think we are in the beginning stages of it slowly turning, but he will have to initiate more steps to keep it going in a positive way). The people elected him, so now he has to do what he promised he would. I know that no politician does all they promise, but for Obama he is gonna be held to a higher standard. Why? Because he made sure that every poor person, every middle class person, blacks who were registered but did not vote in 2004....he made sure he got out to them and promised them he would. Yes, he did it to get into office. But he still made the promise to change things for the best. And being human, and knowing how Washington is, I know it won't take long before people start to grumble. He can't make everybody happy, and he never will. But he is sure gonna have to try hard to show that he is making the effort too. And this is why I wondered how long it would take and wondered who it would be that he lets down first. Cause it is gonna happen. |
Who's Obama?
Who's Obama? I thought it was "GO BAMA!!! ROLL TIDE!!" |