Topic: I Wrote In Ron Paul | |
yep i am the last Rebel *****es hate me or love me hahaha.
yep i am the last Rebel *****es hate me or love me hahaha. I did too. ![]() |
Irritated, no paper ballots, no write ins...that means I can't track my vote OR vote for who I want... Land of the free indeed.
Irritated, no paper ballots, no write ins...that means I can't track my vote OR vote for who I want... Land of the free indeed. you have to ask for provental ballot (spelling) at least in ohio paul root for me |
I did too
Irritated, no paper ballots, no write ins...that means I can't track my vote OR vote for who I want... Land of the free indeed. ![]() |
yep i am the last Rebel *****es hate me or love me hahaha. I wrote him in too ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 11/04/08 05:43 PM
Dr. Paul got mine as well---in a round-about way. Neither of the two parties put up anything worth considering let along voting for.
Two things however, do make me happy. 1. I can stop hearing about this "fascist" police state we live in. An Obama victory (which will occur) is all the proof in the world that we NEVER lived in such a state as fascist governments would never have let power transfer hands without a coup d’état. 2. I will have four years (most likely eight) to blog each and every Obama broken promise and absurd redistribution of wealth policy that aims to give more to those who refuse to work for it. That will be a great deal of fun. No bitterness or anger--we live in a nation where elections decide the road we are on and unlike some I'll not buy moronic bumper stickers with half brain-dead slogans like, "He's NOT my President." He'll be my president and I'll respect the office. It's going to be quite a ride--for that much seems sure. -Drew |
I wish Ron Paul could be leading us over the next few years.... We need more sane people like him.
CNN: Whoever wins the presidency today, he will face a lot of challenges. With a look at some of the obstacles facing the next President I’m joined by former Republican presidential candidate, Congressman Ron Paul. He joins me from Clute, Texas this morning. Glad you’re up with us, great to see you this morning
Ron Paul: Thank you, thank you very much. CNN: As we take a look at how things are shaping up today, what are you thinking of, what are some of the things that stick out in your mind today? Ron Paul: Well, I think the obvious is, what’s it going to be like with the new president, because we are going to get a new president. But the old problems are still going to be there. We’re still going to have to deal with the Middle East. We have the policy now where we’re going into Syria, we’re going into Pakistan, we’re threatening Iran, we’re having bad conditions in Afghanistan and Iraq, so, those problems are getting bigger by the day. And also the financial situation is, you know, both candidates have supported the same old policy of pumping in 5 trillion dollars worth of new money, trying to prop up all the mistakes made over the last 20 or 30 years. So, the American people have a lot to think about, and we do have a lot of concerns. Let’s hope things improve, but right now I don’t see any significant change in policy on the horizon. CNN: Do you think that there’s a lot of promises that have to be made during an election cycle that one side, either gentleman, finally gets to the Oval Office, perhaps a lot of the things that have been promised aren’t necessarily going to be realistic to happen in this current environment? Ron Paul: Well, I think that happens just about all the time. You noticed that neither candidate has talked about balancing the budget, but they sure have promised a lot of spending. No, nothing to be cut, spending is going to continue. And if deficits do matter, which I happen to believe, I mean, how can we expect any changes? Government is going to get bigger, more intrusive into our private lives, the foreign policy is going to remain the same, we’re gonna be the policeman of the world… So, really there’s no offer of solutions. Obama talks about change, but what is he going to change? He and McCain agreed with the total bailout package, they don’t disagree on foreign policy, really, so the American people are going to be frustrated. They’re enthusiastic now and they’re hopeful and we all should be. But what’s going to happen after a month or two if each of these problems I’m talking about are much worse? CNN: One of the things Congressman, as you talk a little about what we could see coming down the road, and whether things will change, there’s probably more of a chance of legislation at least being passed under an Obama administration if we do see the House and the Senate both go to a majority of Democrats, perhaps even a veto-proof majority. And this is what former Senator Bob Kerrey wrote about this impact. He said, “The primary threat to the success of a President Obama will come from some Democrats who, emboldened by the size of their Congressional majority, may try to kill trade agreements, raise taxes in ways that will destroy jobs, repeal the PATRIOT Act and spend and regulate to high heaven.” Could single party rule actually be more detrimental to the country? Ron Paul: Oh, I don’t think there’s any doubt about it. I think that’s one of the strongest arguments for voting for McCain. What this country needs is a little bit of gridlock on new legislation. You know, I think the only laws that we should be passing now, are laws that repeal legislation, repeal previous legislation, that’s what we need. So, no, I think it’s going to be sad if we don’t have any gridlock or any debate, I mean, if everything gets rubber-stamped, of course I wouldn’t mind a little bit of movement to get rid of the PATRIOT Act, that wouldn’t be too bad. If they were doing the right things it wouldn’t be a problem, but right now there’s no evidence that we’re all of a sudden going to see a shift, that we’re going to see new policies, that we’re going to have a deep concern about the Constitution, that we’re going to talk about a non-interventionist foreign policy, that we’re going to talk about the Federal Reserve, the culprit in this whole financial mess. Nobody is talking about that, so, yes, I think if we rubber-stamp and see no gridlock and one party power I think it’s very bad for our country. CNN: Alright, Congressman Ron Paul, it’s great to talk to you this morning, thanks for your take today. |
Here, you didn't have to write him in. He was on our ballots.
Ron Paul? no he wasn't
I wish Ron Paul could be leading us over the next few years.... We need more sane people like him. You, my friend have been consistent and I believe correct on this for some time now. I don't agree with everything Dr. Paul has said over the years and I think some of his views are a bit off but I see more promise and more real change for the better coming from his views of our Constitution than I do any of the alternatives. Between John McCain and Barak Obama hundreds of millions of dollars have been raised. That means there are (regardless of who is elected) hundreds of millions of favors to be paid. Senator Obama has raised over 600 million dollars in his run for the presidency--600 MILLION dollars. Wow! You cannot raise that kind of money without favors being called in and the sad thing is that it happens with both parties. Idealism is wonderful but it has a price and the reality is, our next President (Senator Obama) is going to owe back a lot of favors. Dr. Paul made a lot of sense and his views are consistent (for the most part) with what truly hinders our nation. I, like you and more than a few others am proud to have supported him. Hopefully he'll continue the work of holding our elected officials accountable for their actions and decisions. -Drew |
The libertarian candidate? I'm pretty sure he was on mine. There were 7 names. I specifically looked for the libertarian and independent candidates because those two parties are not recognized in Nebraska. So I wondered if the would end up on our ballots or not. They were there. As well as the green party, the Nebraska party, and one I hadn't heard of so don't remember.
I voted a split ticket, Libertarian and Green party.
i shouldve asked for a paper ballot,but i know it wouldnt matter any way obama was bound by bloodlines and money to win.
and i dont hate any one man for being the face for bs pulled by the rich bush clinton, or obama they are nothing more than figure heads for me i dont so much believe i support our presidents any more though i wont badmouth just the pres it will be the whole govt. i bad mouth. i know what the guys back when the boston tea party happend felt like now. |
I asked for a paper ballot, which was denied me, I did vote for the Constitution party, so at least I didn't have to hold my nose, even better that Dr.Paul endorsed Chuck Baldwin.
I asked for a paper ballot, which was denied me, I did vote for the Constitution party, so at least I didn't have to hold my nose, even better that Dr.Paul endorsed Chuck Baldwin. sounds like you need to contact the attorney general that is not right sounds like voter fraud (manipulation at least) |