Topic: Minuteman Project and Jim Gilchrist | |
Voil...god amighty dam shugar!!
![]() stated in prior responses I am not trying to be hateful or a racist. I have grown up dealing with this issue of ILLEGAL ALIENS. I moved here to the deep south 10yrs ago and guess what Voil? Not too many illegals then. It was sure enough peaceful. Then the invasion HIT and it hit HARD. I moved from the desert town where slots were a plenty, drive by shootings went down daily, gang banging, rape, murders, and i do agree its NOT just hispanic I watched dem white boys gang bangin too! ![]() ![]() going on as long as i can remember in MY LIFETIME. a dear friends child was the victim of a driveby shooting, shot in the head in his toddler bed. Hes a paraplegic thanks to the mexican gang bang that decided to turn our lil street into swiss cheese that night. If the minutemen want to take their time, their money, their energy to dedicate theselves to this cause then POWER TO THE PEOPLE RIGHT ON!! ![]() ![]() my congressmen, senators and reps because black, brown, green, purple, ILLEGAL is still ILLEGAL. and thats my opinion on this. ![]() |
Now you know thats right fanta!! Its a dam WAR ZONE anymore. Fedman
actually the M13's have not been in the southern US until just the last 5yrs. Its really bad in California and its getting scary here. I will apologize as I am not trying to pick on the latinos and i do have friends IRL who have come here, gotten their slice of the american dream and they did it legally. My most humble apologies ya'll. ![]() |
It is clear ours wouldn't have been a banal love relation! It would have been a deep 'VIRGINIA WOLF' like relation: tear each other out, and litterally love each other to 'DEATH'! Thanks for the Breathing reminder, I had stop doing it 3 days ago!!! OH! In closing, don't mean to sound like 'told you so...', but I like 'shooting e-mail at congress', at lot more then this inconceivable idea of 'shooting border crossers'!!! |
Barbie if you want to know why those gangs are here find some info on th
'Treaty of St. Guadalupe'. fairly detailed plan to retake some of the southern states. I am not sure where to find that info on-line. I read parts of it in paper form several years ago. |
Ms Barbisis
Instead of shooting the border crossers we should try correcting the problem at the source. Send every voting citizen a rating sheet on their politicians. If the rating comes back bad put that politician in front of a firing squad. Eventually we will find one that can perform to OUR standards. Either that or we will run out of politicians. |
As long as the 'firing squad' is a metaphor', you"re right on the money
"adventrure...". Have you checked out some of the posts 'Fanta' and 'Red' have suggested for concerted action. Your ideas could easily be integrated!!! |
Dont quit review these two bills up for adoption. Call your Senators and
represenetives. Tell them which one you favor. White House plan • Allows illegal immigrants who pass background checks to get three-year "Z-visas" and continue working after paying $3,500 in fines and $3,500 for each renewal. • Allows illegal immigrants who obtain Z-visas a chance to become legal permanent residents and eligible for citizenship after paying up to $10,000 in additional penalties. • Bars holders of Z-visas and temporary workers from bringing families to the United States. • Allows a new temporary guest worker program and a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants only after certain "triggers" are met, including 570 miles of fences and vehicle barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border. Senate 2006 bill • Allowed illegal immigrants who have been in the country five years or more to remain, continue working and eventually become legal permanent residents and citizens after paying at least $3,250 in fines and fees, plus back taxes. They also must learn English. • Required illegal immigrants in the U.S. between two and five years to go to a point of entry at the border and file an application to return. • Required those in the country less than two years to leave. • Created a new temporary guest worker program. • Authorized 870 miles of new fences and vehicle barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border. Source: Associated Press • Print this But the clock is ticking on attempts to compromise Keep you from having to look back!! |
Heres a link to the article, A pep talk for my friends who aggree
something needs to be done. BRB, I have to call Heath Shuler... Heres a link to help you notify your congressman, Please use it. It took about 5 minutes of my time. Please take 5 minutes of yours, and we can put this issue behind us.. |
I did and thanx.We just ousted the incumbent congressmen here who were
Bush kiss asses.You really do need to get out and VOTE.congress is the one place your vote can make a difference and send a message.They especially listen to VOTERS so please excersise this right.Illegal is Illegal and we do not need to be granting amnesty to people,we need to be sending them back.I favor the second bill Fanta mentioned and will be e-mailing my congressman and senator Judd Gregg who is a Bush kiss ass also but does support veterans. |
Voil!!! i hear ya shugar!!!
![]() disagree!!!! ![]() adventure i agree with you and i am not a supremecist, racist or hateful. Just a single mom STRUGGLING TO SURVIVE in the FREE FIRE ZONE....driving to chattown can be scary!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hello Fellow Posters.
I am sorry but I lost track of this thread a few days ago. Russ is back in the hospital - took him by ambulance one evening this week. I have been home a precious few hours each day and try to relax a bit on those. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to get involved in this timely issue. I have writen to my representative, congressmen, senators multiple times on this issue so am pretty much "caught up" in that area. Probably "ahead" as these things go. Will check back in when I can to catch up here. Verb |
her is another possible solution for the border issues...
USE OUR NATIONAL GUARD DURING THEIR WEEKEND AND TWO WEEK TRAINING PERIODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SURE each state has enough national guardsmen (and ladies, ![]() to be able ot pull this off. Coordinate with all the units to have the border patrolled. It would come as good training for the guardsmen and reserve, and would increase the patrol WITHOUT COSTING US ONE MORE SINGLE DIME OF EXPENSE, as we area lready paying these brave and honest soldiers for their time anyway. |
Please correct me if I am wrong but it is my understanding a state
cannot use the national guard unless the Governor of that state declares a state emergency. What governor of any state in the union actually has the stones to defy the fed to such an extent. |
you are correct there brother, however that raises one hell of a better
question... If the national guard can only be called up due to a state emergency (or the physically touching neighbor states emergency) then howcome the president can send our national guard overseas? It has always been my understanding that National Guard could not deploy outside their own state EXCEEPT to assist a neighbor state that shares a border. So again, why are they all overseas? |
also adventure, for those that may not know, our state guard is actually
what became of the original state militias. And they were granted in order to help prevent another civil war along with providing security for the individual state. |
Why is a Canadien even commenting on this subject when it has absolutely
nothing to do with him...come here to the US and deal with this problem, then and only then do you have a right to comment. Too many times the United States has stuck their neck out for other countries, yet when we have a problem within our own country not a single country offers a hand, just stupid comments such as voileazur has made. Just shut up and leave us be...we're more than capable of handling our problems on our own. |
It is my understanding that the Fed can request from the state the use of a portion of its state milita (national guard) for purposes of securing national interests. Placing that to one side I wonder what would happen if a Governer of a border state such as New Mexico or Texas felt strongly enough about the border problem to actually declare a state level state of emergency and utilize their national guard to secure that states border. Would the Fed respond with sanctions? |
after reading all that has been posted, my opinion is since we will
never win the war in iraq. just bring our troops home let them perform some stateside duty, they would be very effective as border patrol agents. then I don't think anyone would try to cross the border by just digging a tunnel under the fence. |
Our national guard is being shipped out to the borders in the southwest.
they leave soon....... ![]() ![]() |
stevew, I think is shameful when any not US citizen know more about our
country, our laws, our political affairs than most of the citizens here. Could it be that this is what offends you? What could possibly be wrong with reviewing the opinions,and insights of an apparently highly educated and logical person in any matter that deserves thought and discussion? I for one welcome the opportunity to have "civil" dicussions about issues that need to be addressed, considered and resolved. Furthermore, I could care less what a person looks like, what they do for a living, or where they live. When a question or a problem requires addressing, one can never tell where the answer might be found. Please be more considerate, as one day someone from another may discover the cure for cancer - would you tell them to shut up and leave us alone? |