Topic: McCain adviser dismisses evidence
warmachine's photo
Wed 10/29/08 08:42 PM
McCain adviser dismisses evidence of Bush’s Iraq lies as ‘conspiracy theories.’

Wednesday, Oct 29, 2008

In a recent interview with Der Spiegel, Robert Kagan, a leading member of John McCain’s war cabinet, dismissed wrongdoing by the Bush administration in the run-up to the Iraq war as “conspiracy theories”:

SPIEGEL: Isn’t it true that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld took advantage of the outrage over the 9/11 terrorist attacks to strike Iraq? Is it even possible anymore to deny that the war was based on manipulation, exaggeration and flat-out lies?

In retrospect, we have to admit that Washington could have waited a while longer. That’s a different question. But I think it’s about time we moved beyond this silly conversation and these absurd conspiracy theories.
Matt Duss at the Wonk Room writes, “We can ‘move beyond this silly conversation’ when people like Robert Kagan cease pretending that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Feith, et al were arguing in good faith about the need to invade Iraq, and stop dismissing the overwhelming evidence of their dishonesty as ‘conspiracy theories.’”

sara89's photo
Wed 10/29/08 08:54 PM
really honestly i thinkthe guy is right, yes it happened and whether or not it was bush taking the oppurtunity it happened. maybe not the best idea inthe world, but the war has done some good and something needed to happen.

i think people need to stop focusing on bush and focus more on the issues at hand, such as the economy and how to actually peacefully end the war with good results, not why the war started and whos to blame.

Giocamo's photo
Wed 10/29/08 08:56 PM

really honestly i thinkthe guy is right, yes it happened and whether or not it was bush taking the oppurtunity it happened. maybe not the best idea inthe world, but the war has done some good and something needed to happen.

i think people need to stop focusing on bush and focus more on the issues at hand, such as the economy and how to actually peacefully end the war with good results, not why the war started and whos to blame.

you've got my vote !!

no photo
Wed 10/29/08 09:06 PM
1) Bill Clinton and Al Gore were trying to go to war with Iraq in 1998. Democrats and Republicans BOTH voted to go to war with Iraq in 1998, but the UN convinced President Clinton to back down.

2) Leading up to and following 9/11 ALL Democrats who had the same evidence as the Bush Administration agreed that Saddam was working on WMDs.

3) Every intelligence agency in the world agreed that Iraq had WMDs.

So now explain to me how the IDIOT (your characterization, not mine) George Bush tricked Al Gore, Bill Clinton and the Congress and Senate to support a war in Iraq in 1998.

Explain to me how the IDIOT (your characterization, not mine) George Bush convinced the Congressional Intelligence Committee that Iraq had WMDs?

Explain to me how the IDIOT (your characterization, not mine) George Bush tricked all of the intelligence agencies in the world into believing that Saddam had or was working on WMDs?

Now explain to me how you ignore all of this and still believe in your incredibly silly and completely unsupported by the facts conspiracy theory.

no photo
Wed 10/29/08 09:09 PM
Der Spiegel?

Giocamo's photo
Wed 10/29/08 09:09 PM

1) Bill Clinton and Al Gore were trying to go to war with Iraq in 1998. Democrats and Republicans BOTH voted to go to war with Iraq in 1998, but the UN convinced President Clinton to back down.

2) Leading up to and following 9/11 ALL Democrats who had the same evidence as the Bush Administration agreed that Saddam was working on WMDs.

3) Every intelligence agency in the world agreed that Iraq had WMDs.

So now explain to me how the IDIOT (your characterization, not mine) George Bush tricked Al Gore, Bill Clinton and the Congress and Senate to support a war in Iraq in 1998.

Explain to me how the IDIOT (your characterization, not mine) George Bush convinced the Congressional Intelligence Committee that Iraq had WMDs?

Explain to me how the IDIOT (your characterization, not mine) George Bush tricked all of the intelligence agencies in the world into believing that Saddam had or was working on WMDs?

Now explain to me how you ignore all of this and still believe in your incredibly silly and completely unsupported by the facts conspiracy theory.

sorry Sara...I'm votin' for Spider !!....LOL

warmachine's photo
Wed 10/29/08 09:43 PM

1) Bill Clinton and Al Gore were trying to go to war with Iraq in 1998. Democrats and Republicans BOTH voted to go to war with Iraq in 1998, but the UN convinced President Clinton to back down.

2) Leading up to and following 9/11 ALL Democrats who had the same evidence as the Bush Administration agreed that Saddam was working on WMDs.

3) Every intelligence agency in the world agreed that Iraq had WMDs.

So now explain to me how the IDIOT (your characterization, not mine) George Bush tricked Al Gore, Bill Clinton and the Congress and Senate to support a war in Iraq in 1998.

Explain to me how the IDIOT (your characterization, not mine) George Bush convinced the Congressional Intelligence Committee that Iraq had WMDs?

Explain to me how the IDIOT (your characterization, not mine) George Bush tricked all of the intelligence agencies in the world into believing that Saddam had or was working on WMDs?

Now explain to me how you ignore all of this and still believe in your incredibly silly and completely unsupported by the facts conspiracy theory.

Bill Clinton=Globalist supreme

Al Gore= Ditto

The UN inspector, Hans Blix, was doing his job.

Bush/Clinton, Congressional dems, sure the group of them all thought Saddam had the weapons, all they had to do was go look at Uncle Sams bills of sale to the tyrant. (Handled by the way, by the same group of people who manufactured the reasons to invade and were horrifically wrong about the results, slam dunk indeed.)
However, it is widely known that all these groups felt that the best way to handle former U.S. warmonger asset was to keep him "boxed in" and supplement the sanctions which were effectively killing hundreds of thousands on their own, with aggressive inspections, which had turned up NOTHING.

Now what does 9/11 have to do with Saddam? not one da*ned thing.

Paul O'neil blew the whistle on Bush co., stating that from day #1 they were looking for pretexts to go after Saddam. It has been reported that the Cheney wing (who really runs things there anyway, BoyGeorge is just a moronic little puppet) came up with ideas like: Paint up US jets to look like U.N. planes and try to push Saddam into shooting them down. Now, if Saddam was such an immenient threat, with so many WMD's, then why would they want to push the crazy madman into using force?

The Bush Admin did not use the "intelligence" to make a decision, they used the obviously faulty intelligence, as the exposed crap about aluminum tubes and yellow cake showed, to shore up a decision they'd already made.

During the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, writes the intelligence community's former senior analyst for the Middle East Paul Pillar, the Bush administration disregarded the community's expertise, politicized the intelligence process, and selected unrepresentative raw intelligence to make its public case.

The October 2002 NIE also judged that Saddam was unlikely to use WMD against the United States unless his regime was placed in mortal danger.
So again, why push him with military action and provacatuer tactics, false flag events?

3) is false, there were some intelligence agencies who were sounding the alarm that Iraq didn't even have the resources to start a WMD program, let alone actively having them anymore.

I reiterate, Bush is a moron, the man is lucky to finish a sentence correctly, this is the same man who stuttered something about fool me once, won't get fooled again and Called Australians the wrong nationality, calling them Austrians.

Now, who believes the Conspiracy theory? Saddam poses a immediate threat to the U.S.
That's the Conspiracy theory and like the most ridiculous of Conspiracy theories, Bush Co., headed up by puppet master Cheney and his cronies, Rumesfeld and others, put together every piece of speculative, wrong, disinfo and flat lying pieces of propaganda they could to justify sending our Military into harms way to satisfy their blood cult globalist handlers.