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Topic: public education
TJN's photo
Mon 10/27/08 07:51 AM
this is a touchy susbject for me our public school system in Milwaukee SUCK!!!!
and all the school wants is more money!grumble
they just took it upon themselves to raise our propety taxes i wont say how much becuse its discustingmad
I dont have a problem with them taking my money to teach the kids

no photo
Mon 10/27/08 07:54 AM

Let me tell you something about all of this! We as a society have forgotten that there are those less fortunate than us. Public Aid, Food Stamps and all of that don't just go to the lazy in this world. I am a single mom of one. I had her with a deadbeat dad. The system enabled me to feed my child and go to school. I am now a working, single mom! The benefits of these programs are wonderful. I still get compensation for her preschool, which otherwise I would not even be able to afford to work, lol. Some of us need the help until we can get on our feet. Granted some take advantage of the System, I agree. But I think it's wrong to turn your head and forget about those less fortunate!!! Help others!!! There are good people out there, that deserve food in their stomaches and a chance at life from the help of those tax dollars. Dont be soo selfish!

You are a perfect model for why our system should be strong and stay strong. Good for you for not letting people get you down! Unfortunately, there are so many idiots that suck off the system and use it 'just because' that it makes me sick.

As for paying for education, I completely agree with MsCarmen.

RoamingOrator's photo
Mon 10/27/08 07:56 AM

this is a touchy susbject for me our public school system in Milwaukee SUCK!!!!
and all the school wants is more money!grumble
they just took it upon themselves to raise our propety taxes i wont say how much becuse its discustingmad
I dont have a problem with them taking my money to teach the kids

Yeah, no kidding. They are teaching my niece math, by teaching her to count on her fingers!! What ever happened to flash cards?

The high school grads that worked at my office last summer couldn't tell you who we fought in WWII (China was one answer and a confident Russia was the other) They both thought we fought the Civil War with Mexico. Gee, and people wonder why I complain about paying for other peoples children.

oldsage's photo
Mon 10/27/08 07:57 AM
Education is the future of a country.
My kids are all grown, but I still vote to support ALL tax bills, that support our schools.
Would like to see more teaching & forget this, no child forgotten.
Can't read/write & do math, no passing grade.
Flunk them & make them learn.

no photo
Mon 10/27/08 08:05 AM
but don't flunk them because they're not your 'model' student. there are kids out there that may need a different tactic of teaching, or maybe they need a little more extra help. so many teachers shove the kids aside that 'don't get it' rather than giving a little extra effort and actually DOING their job.
schools that have programs that help kids like this are what our tax dollars should go towards regardless of whether you are childless or not.

johncarl's photo
Mon 10/27/08 08:09 AM

Well, for me I go by the old saying "It takes a village to raise a kid." Think about it, if we didn't help support the educational system, how many of our kids would not be getting the education needed to survive in today's society. Not to mention the fact, that all these kids you see running around, are one day going to be running our future. Wouldn't you like to know that those kids will have at least a High School education behind them, if not more?
you got that right

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