Topic: Rock & Roll Stories Part 1
ScottyBravo's photo
Tue 04/03/07 01:49 PM
This happened to me while playing a gig in Fall River, Ma at a place
called The Reggata.What a very cool place this is,it has a wharf out
back with a bar on it, which overlooks the U.S.S. Massachusetts and the
Braga Bridge.Well anyways my band at the time Charlie In The Box (anyone
know where this name came from)was playing in between sets of another
band Bad Larry, who were friends of the bass player.We were playing
outside on the wharf (so cool).I was told not to bring my amp, that I
could use their amp.Excellent, less crap to lug, I thought.It turns out
they play softer rock (ie, Van Morrison, Chicago etc.) and didn't have
any distortion on their amps.When it was time for us to go on,I asked
about getting some overdrive on the guitar, not happening.So here I am
playing Offspring, AC/DC, Ozzy,Kiss etc. with one lame ass, clangy,
chimey guitar.As some of my friends know, one of the biggest parts of
playing is the power & attitude, there is nothing like feeling the power
of the amp behind you, which we named Rattle The Ball Sack (not trying
to be rude, but that is the best way to describe it)So anyways it was
just hard to rock but we pulled it off.By the end everything payed
off,while we playing a very attractive yummy mommy (keep in mind this
was pre-milf days)in her late 30's, early 40's was dancing away in front
of me, next thing I know whoop up goes the skirt, she pulled that thing
right up and gave Scotty something too smile about & write about so that
I can bore you with my story.God I love rock & roll

prussia's photo
Tue 04/03/07 02:08 PM
HA HA HA That's why i like to wear those skirts ...

One whoosh of the wind ... and

Oh WOW! it so sweet to see astonished eyes of men walking by

Great story Scotty :^)

By the way ... great job on playing AC/DC and kISS WOW with a low amp.

Amazing Well Done, Guys

ScottyBravo's photo
Tue 04/03/07 05:31 PM
I pride myself on not letting women on the dance floor completely
distract me, they do try too.But I have to say it is pretty difficult
sometimes, but thats part of the fun. 8)

shenadra's photo
Wed 04/04/07 08:01 AM
LMAO...It's a wonder you didn't fall off stage...:wink: laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 04/05/07 06:06 PM
Ahh very amusing and yes I know where the band name came fromhappy

ScottyBravo's photo
Thu 04/05/07 06:07 PM
Hey Cherub you would be amazed at how many people never got it

no photo
Thu 04/05/07 06:08 PM
geeze do people live in a cave or something?? Its sooo freakin easy to
know where the name came from

ScottyBravo's photo
Thu 04/05/07 06:10 PM
As Red from that 70's show would say"What a bunch of dumbasses"

ScottyBravo's photo
Wed 06/27/07 09:23 PM