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Topic: What ever happened to the young man's heart...
RoamingOrator's photo
Fri 10/24/08 08:46 AM

Difference; good and bad, the moral dilemma, the choice between left and right...the ultimate repercussion. What social or economical situation can make a heart go cold? From good to evil? Since I have been able to think, I've wondered why some people kill..why some rape, and others steal. I've never stolen anything unless it was necessary for survival, certainly have never killed or raped that is just beyond my moral scope.

How can one person grow up in an otherwise civil environement with definate morals and ethics and yet still go on to kill, rape, or steal? Perhaps the view is different on the otherside of the barrel, as I've only been on one side suppose I can't speak for the power of pointing it has...

There is a school of sociology which actually looks at it from the reverse trend. What it does, and what we humans so rarely admit too, is it looks at human beings for the animals they really are. The question then becomes "why does the majority of society follow rules of social order?" What is it about the majority that makes them follow these "unseen" rules? Why don't we return to our base animal instincts of survival of the fittest? Murder, theft, sexual dominance, these are all parts of the base animal in all of us, yet because we form into a society, we shun these basic instincts for an ordered civilization.

I'm not saying I subscribe to this school, but it does add to the discussion when I ask: What's wrong with all of us?

Peekinin's photo
Fri 10/24/08 08:51 AM
to me the answer is simple,,the reason a bit more complicated and grounded souly in mere mortal individual core

People hurt other people out of anger

People who do nothing are fearful

Ask each person why they did nothing and they will convey a different fear.

Ask a murdered why he killed and he will convey a different anger

in my mind,,all are cowards

lilith401's photo
Fri 10/24/08 08:54 AM
Edited by lilith401 on Fri 10/24/08 08:55 AM

to me the answer is simple,,the reason a bit more complicated and grounded souly in mere mortal individual core

People hurt other people out of anger

People who do nothing are fearful

Ask each person why they did nothing and they will convey a different fear.

Ask a murdered why he killed and he will convey a different anger

in my mind,,all are cowards

Excellent post, my lady.

Antisocials, psychopaths... no one matters to them but themselves. Rules do not apply and everything is me me me, now now now. There is a certain amount of 'nurture', but it is nature moreso due to brain chemistry and just how the mind works.

Fact is.... our society condones laziness except when it extends to criminality. How hypocritical is that?

Lily0923's photo
Fri 10/24/08 09:08 AM

to me the answer is simple,,the reason a bit more complicated and grounded souly in mere mortal individual core

People hurt other people out of anger

People who do nothing are fearful

Ask each person why they did nothing and they will convey a different fear.

Ask a murdered why he killed and he will convey a different anger

in my mind,,all are cowards

Excellent post, my lady.

Antisocials, psychopaths... no one matters to them but themselves. Rules do not apply and everything is me me me, now now now. There is a certain amount of 'nurture', but it is nature moreso due to brain chemistry and just how the mind works.

Fact is.... our society condones laziness except when it extends to criminality. How hypocritical is that?

I'm not trying to be the quote queen here, but I think my statement goes along with these also.

It seems when you come across these personality types they exagerate their "abuse" also.

Not that I condone abuse in any shape or form, but some deal with it better than others.

I have three brothers all within a 4 year range and I came along later in life, one brother is an alcoholic and my other two brothers are a retired police officer and a preist. My parents were very strict with us, however I can count on one hand how many times a hand was ever raised to me. If you hear my alcoholic brother talk, my parents beat the sh*t out of us on a daily basis... It's just not so.

My alcoholic brother will tell you he got locked in his room, we never had locks on the doors in our house, not even the bathroom door. He will tell you how poor we were, however if you look at the family photo album you see trips to the Grand Canyon, California, the Teton Mt's.... poor people don't do that do they?

I'm not saying that abuse doesn't happen, but in the mind of someone who is twisted and sick, it seems that what may have been normal actions for a parent to take, becomes abuse and the "victim" then has something to "blame" for their actions.

lilith401's photo
Fri 10/24/08 09:13 AM
Oh Lily, I love hearing the self-serving Woe Is Me stories. If you could imagine how many folk tell me they were beaten with switches and extension cords every day... if those stories were true they'd have nerve damage.

You are so right on.

Lily0923's photo
Fri 10/24/08 09:23 AM

Oh Lily, I love hearing the self-serving Woe Is Me stories. If you could imagine how many folk tell me they were beaten with switches and extension cords every day... if those stories were true they'd have nerve damage.

You are so right on.

As I tell Lex, I'm not just another pretty face...

People accuse me of being a b*tch, but i listen to what people say, and I am a VERY rational thinker... If it sounds like bullsh*t it probalby is bullsh*t...I'm seldom wrong.

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 10/24/08 05:15 PM

This isn't just directed at why people commit the crimes, though it goes in that direction with the initial post. The best example I have is Kitty Genovese (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitty_Genovese) who was attacked outside her Queens apartment in New York, while a number of people watched on and did nothing...aside from a few calls to police that were nothing short of rambles (police put these at the bottom of the call list so typically police don't get these calls), she was stabbed twice before someone yelled at the attacker which he then ran away...only to return a half hour later and sexually assualt her and stab her to death while stealing $49 dollars.

What part of the human brain say's "Don't do anything"...I've been in situations much like that aside from the person being stabbed (back home it was typically a domestic dispute) where no one in hindsight did a thing except me and my friends. WTF is that?!

I lived in NYC and can honestly say that the mentality there is different. People who never lived anywhere else say it's dangerous. My observation is that people there are just scared. I had a guy grab my girl in a place in Queens...very inappropriatley and so, naturally, I beat the snot out of him. When I looked up, the entire place was empty. Everyone disappeared like "snap!". Here, there would have been a crowd.

For myself, I'm from the south and we're both not too smart (lol) and stand up for people in trouble. Especially women. I have more than a few times. We just don't sit and watch someone beating or stabbing folks here.

I was in a restaurant here one night and this guy was hollering at the girl with him. He reached over and slapped her face so hard that it echoed. In about 2.2 milliseconds EVERY guy in the place got up and started over. The guy ran out the door and the last I saw he was about 200 yards down the street with some guys still chasing him.

People are scared. Thats why they don't help others. Regular people here...good citizens.. are armed too. Unlike cities like NYC.

I'm from Utah and it is not that far off from NYC I suppose. I just can't comprehend someone not taking a few minutes to insure everything is alright, some can blame laziness, others can say fear...it is just downright shame in the longrun.

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 10/24/08 05:19 PM

Difference; good and bad, the moral dilemma, the choice between left and right...the ultimate repercussion. What social or economical situation can make a heart go cold? From good to evil? Since I have been able to think, I've wondered why some people kill..why some rape, and others steal. I've never stolen anything unless it was necessary for survival, certainly have never killed or raped that is just beyond my moral scope.

How can one person grow up in an otherwise civil environement with definate morals and ethics and yet still go on to kill, rape, or steal? Perhaps the view is different on the otherside of the barrel, as I've only been on one side suppose I can't speak for the power of pointing it has...

There is a school of sociology which actually looks at it from the reverse trend. What it does, and what we humans so rarely admit too, is it looks at human beings for the animals they really are. The question then becomes "why does the majority of society follow rules of social order?" What is it about the majority that makes them follow these "unseen" rules? Why don't we return to our base animal instincts of survival of the fittest? Murder, theft, sexual dominance, these are all parts of the base animal in all of us, yet because we form into a society, we shun these basic instincts for an ordered civilization.

I'm not saying I subscribe to this school, but it does add to the discussion when I ask: What's wrong with all of us?

Even that view is off as human nature is survival, not murder. Defense would be the primary cause of killing another if it were drawn down to human nature, there would be a lot less murders out of selfish motives. I do see what they are adding, but at the same time they are missing the finer points of survival and human nature.

no photo
Fri 10/24/08 05:42 PM

I know what you mean...just yesterday I reported a pedophile on here!! Makes me sick

Sorry, it wont happen again :'(

But seriously, there are some messed up people out there. Some due to some sort of mental breakdown or trauma (like those who were beaten as children so they beat their kids), and some just love watching people suffer

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 10/24/08 07:14 PM

I know what you mean...just yesterday I reported a pedophile on here!! Makes me sick

Sorry, it wont happen again :'(

But seriously, there are some messed up people out there. Some due to some sort of mental breakdown or trauma (like those who were beaten as children so they beat their kids), and some just love watching people suffer

I had a screwed up life, and for the better part of it I don't have a single good memory. I can't even concieve the thought of hurting anyone out of joy. Honestly, these are nothing more than copouts...something in an attempt to get a lesser sentence or emotional treatment aside from prison, honestly it is pathetic at best.

no photo
Fri 10/24/08 07:21 PM
Well I agree to a certain degree. I had an abusive stepfather for over 5 years. But it hasnt made me want to hurt others. All Im saying is that some people arent able to rise above it all and come out alright

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 10/24/08 07:35 PM

Well I agree to a certain degree. I had an abusive stepfather for over 5 years. But it hasnt made me want to hurt others. All Im saying is that some people arent able to rise above it all and come out alright

And I suppose that is the seperation I'm trying to figure out, the difference between the one that can overcome the trials and tribulations and come out better on the other side...aside from the one that uses it as a crutch to stand on when they make terrible life changing decisions.

neanderthalDave's photo
Fri 10/24/08 08:14 PM
And I suppose that is the seperation I'm trying to figure out, the difference between the one that can overcome the trials and tribulations and come out better on the other side...aside from the one that uses it as a crutch to stand on when they make terrible life changing decisions.
I wouldnt say I use my past as a crutch,but I wouldnt say Ive over come it to be better either.Ive done a lot of bad things,but I wouldnt say Im a bad person.
Ive seen someone killed and did nothing,what could I do? I would have been killed if I got in the way,I live with that everyday
I seen a woman robbed and did nothing,I regret that I should have tried to stop him.Ill never forgive myself.
I myself would never steal from anyone,and I try my best not to hurt anyone,but when I get pushed I fight.
I have some friends that have done things I couldnt even imagine but I dont hold it against them.I guess it all come down to the point of your desperation.
If you or your family is hungry enough you will steal, and if you think you or someone you loves life is in danger,you may kill.

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 10/24/08 10:03 PM

And I suppose that is the seperation I'm trying to figure out, the difference between the one that can overcome the trials and tribulations and come out better on the other side...aside from the one that uses it as a crutch to stand on when they make terrible life changing decisions.
I wouldnt say I use my past as a crutch,but I wouldnt say Ive over come it to be better either.Ive done a lot of bad things,but I wouldnt say Im a bad person.
Ive seen someone killed and did nothing,what could I do? I would have been killed if I got in the way,I live with that everyday
I seen a woman robbed and did nothing,I regret that I should have tried to stop him.Ill never forgive myself.
I myself would never steal from anyone,and I try my best not to hurt anyone,but when I get pushed I fight.
I have some friends that have done things I couldnt even imagine but I dont hold it against them.I guess it all come down to the point of your desperation.
If you or your family is hungry enough you will steal, and if you think you or someone you loves life is in danger,you may kill.

That is survival, and I have stolen for survival (food). I'm talking about those that do it just because with no real distinct reason other than that. Survival and just because are two entirely different reasons.

RoamingOrator's photo
Sat 10/25/08 08:08 AM

Difference; good and bad, the moral dilemma, the choice between left and right...the ultimate repercussion. What social or economical situation can make a heart go cold? From good to evil? Since I have been able to think, I've wondered why some people kill..why some rape, and others steal. I've never stolen anything unless it was necessary for survival, certainly have never killed or raped that is just beyond my moral scope.

How can one person grow up in an otherwise civil environement with definate morals and ethics and yet still go on to kill, rape, or steal? Perhaps the view is different on the otherside of the barrel, as I've only been on one side suppose I can't speak for the power of pointing it has...

There is a school of sociology which actually looks at it from the reverse trend. What it does, and what we humans so rarely admit too, is it looks at human beings for the animals they really are. The question then becomes "why does the majority of society follow rules of social order?" What is it about the majority that makes them follow these "unseen" rules? Why don't we return to our base animal instincts of survival of the fittest? Murder, theft, sexual dominance, these are all parts of the base animal in all of us, yet because we form into a society, we shun these basic instincts for an ordered civilization.

I'm not saying I subscribe to this school, but it does add to the discussion when I ask: What's wrong with all of us?

Even that view is off as human nature is survival, not murder. Defense would be the primary cause of killing another if it were drawn down to human nature, there would be a lot less murders out of selfish motives. I do see what they are adding, but at the same time they are missing the finer points of survival and human nature.

No with basic animal instinct, there is more than just "self preservation" as a basic reason to kill. Protecting of food sources, protection of females, marking of territory, protection of resources. These are the same reasons we use to kill today, only we call them "Wars" and we do it upon a much grander scale. Even certain members of the animal kingdom kill for "fun" or "practice." Watch a house cat with a mouse sometime, it'll "play" with it to death.

No, the theory has more relivance than it firt appears.

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