Topic: Wiccans - part 2 | |
I remember the first circle I cast. It was completely uneventful. I don't know what I was expecting, but I felt nothing. ![]() However, I didn't know a thing about grounding and I didn't ground at all. Just took down the circle and walked away. I was jittery for about 6 or 7 hours afterwards. That's when I learned about grounding. Apparently something was going on in my first circle.......I just didn't realize it. I ground myself before reaching into electrical panels. ![]() |
I remember the first circle I cast. It was completely uneventful. I don't know what I was expecting, but I felt nothing. ![]() However, I didn't know a thing about grounding and I didn't ground at all. Just took down the circle and walked away. I was jittery for about 6 or 7 hours afterwards. That's when I learned about grounding. Apparently something was going on in my first circle.......I just didn't realize it. I won't be casting a circle for quite some time yet. I have a lot of things that I want to put into place first. I also have a lot more reading to do. And last, but most certainly not least, I want to meditate and ponder on how I want to visualize the spiritual forces of the universe. "The Gods and Goddesses" if you will. For me personally, this is an important concept. I see the value of mythological polytheism in witchcraft. It can be an extremely useful and powerful tool for personal growth and guidance. But at the same time I need to recognize the 'Oneness" of the God. So much of my own personal journey right now has to do with basically deciding on how I want to visualize God in this spirituality. This is extremely important, and I believe that this is true for all religions, even those who view the world an animistic terms. That very view is their view of God, or spirit. In fact, I had a really cool dream about it just last night and the gods came to me and talked to me about this very issue. I'd like to share that dream here, but I don't know if owl find the time type it in. In any case, I have learned something of great value from Scott's wonderful insight into Wicca. I just read the chapter on "Power Days" and I found it to be extremely helpful for me personally. He addressed the following power days and explained their significance with respect to the way the Goddess and God are viewed at least by some Wiccans. 1. Yule 2. Imbolc 3. Ostara 4. Beltane 5. Midsummer 6. Lughnasadh 7. Mabon 8. Samhain Well, there's so much to say about this I won't be able to do it justice here, but I just want to share a few things about my personal journey thus far. To begin with, I used to have problems with folklores and mythologies in general. I just didn't see them as being very useful, other than perhaps for having moral parables and so forth. I also have met too many people who take them far too literally (I think the biblical myth is probably the most vivid example of a mythology that has been taken far too literally). With respect to Wicca I've read myths and folklore that often seem to be contradictive. For example, it is often claimed that the feminine and masculine aspects of God are viewed as egalitarian. In fact, there is also the view that all is One. However, at the very same time there often appears to be much more focus on worshiping the Goddess and very little attention paid to the God. Finally I've read several accounts that say that the Goddess gave birth to the God. Well, that clearly places the God in an inferior position to the Goddess since she created him. She came first as the 'creator', and he was just her creation. That's truly tends to make a person view the God as being merely just one of the Goddesses many creations. However, in light of Scott's explanation of the power days above I got a much better (and quite different) understanding of the basic concept that this folklore is actually attempting to convey (at least from my perspective anyway) First off, the above power days represent the yearly cycle of the sun. From it's 'birth' on December 21st (the winter soltice), to it's death in the period of Samhain to begin a brand new cycle all over again. Well, in this picture the Goddess isn't merely giving birth to the God, but she does it repeatedly year after year after year. It's a metaphor for a cycle. Moreover the God is the one who impregnates the Goddess so that she can give rebirth to him every year. Now that I understand this as a pure metaphor, it makes much more sense. I also understand what the original creators of this folklore had in mind and what it means to me. Also, this goes much deeper than just the natural cycles of nature through the seasons, but entwined within this picture is the cycle of human life, and of spiritual growth. I can't thank you enough for pointing out Scott's book to me. His presentation has truly scored a homerun with me. I am finding so much meaning in all of this from so many different aspects that I can't even begin to describe them all. In any case, with my excitement over the discovery of a truly pragmatic view of witchcraft and a better understanding of the underlying philosophies (part of which was helped along by my previous understandings of things like the Law of Attraction, and the journey of the Fool in tarot), I have decided to adopt it as my spiritual guide and 'religiosity'. In other words, I'm very serious about actually putting all of this into practice (i.e. to practice this religion). Although, having said that I still shy away from the actual label of 'Wicca' per say. And the reason being that all Wiccans my not have my same perceptions of the philosophy from a religious point of view. At first, I was truly sorry that I hadn't learn about this in early spring. The reason being that I would have then all summer to collect stones, make brooms, and generally explore the natural world of rich summer foliage and herbs and flowers, etc. However, since I missed that, thought I'd focus on the moon cycles, we're in a waning moon right now approaching a new moon. I had wanted to do some rituals associated with the waning moon to banish some things from my life. But I'm not well-versed enough yet to do those kind of rituals. Sure, I could just go through the rituals in Scott's book, but for me that would be meaningless because I'm not "there" yet. I need to make a connection with the spirit world via the Wicca or witch's tradition first. Otherwise, I'm just going through empty motions no matter how sincere they might be. They can't possibly have the kind of spiritual connection with the energies of this universe that I feel is required for a genuine communiqué. So then I started thinking that I might begin my rituals with the new moon and bring the Goddess into my life this way. But even that event will be upon me before I'm truly ready to become seriously emotionally involved. But now, with the understanding of the story of the birth and death of the God, I'm looking at December 21st as actually the perfect time to begin my actual heartfelt rituals. The God will be dead on that day, and simultaneous be reborn before the day is done. My ceremony will be a tribute to the new born God. How ironic that this takes place so close to the birth of the Christian God. But the philosophies are so dramatically different. On the day of the birth of the God I will also be born again. Born again in God. In the image of God. I will become the God in this way. Not in an egotistical sense that I would claim to be the God, but rather in the sense of becoming the image of God. The God then will begin his journey through the yearly cycle and I will follow in his footsteps. I believe that this was the intent of the people who originally made up this parable. It's a model. Something we can, and should strive to pattern ourselves after. This doesn't need to be a male thing either. The Goddess is giving birth to life. Everyone, being male or female could benefit from taking this view of this parable. The God grows in strength as the spring approaches, and he has many goals to reach by spring. He's goals are to heat the soil and shine light on the land. To stir the winds, and fire the passion of new beginnings and the growth of all living things. So to, should be my goal over that same time period to heat the soil of my life, plant the seed of my future, and help to get seedlings of new creations well underway. Of course that's just from Yule to Ostara. There's much more to do in following the God's path over the course of the year. The cycles of the Moon, represent the motherly support of the Goddess as she provides all the different facets of spiritual help and assistance throughout the journey. This is a system of constructive and productive self-improvement that I can truly sink my teeth into. It's a beautifully constructed piece of folklore that helps to attune us to the cycles of nature and of life. We are reborn every year with a new cycle. It's a never-ending process. A religion that remains active and helpful at every moment of the day and night. I've found this part of Wicca to be extremely insightful and useful as an organizational tool for spiritual and personal growth. Even without any magick, or spiritual assistance at all, it would still have value just as a good way to look at preparing for each year and making the most of life in that particular year. So I'm looking at this larger picture as the main foundation of my view of Wicca. Of course, I will become involved with the cycles of moon too and how to invoke the Goddess and request her spiritual aid and assistance because that's the focal point of the magick of Wicca. So I may not cast a circle at all until December 21st. Just in the spirit of being born fresh with the newly born sun God. That may be my first circle and it will be in tribute to the rebirth of the God. Whom I will then follow and liken myself unto his image. I have so much more I'd like to share about circles, and altars. But alas I can't sit here typing all day. ![]() And then there's the dream I had that I'd also like to share. But again, so much is happening I don't have time to type it all in. It was a truly funny dream about the God and the Goddess, yet at the same time it was deeply meaningful. |
JB wrote:
Witchcraft is a creative technique. The law of attraction is just a law. The 'law of attraction' is just a phrase to describe a particular philosophical view. Don't let the word "law" fool you. It's just the name they gave to that philosophical view. There's no proof that any such 'law' exists. You act like it's a well-established law of nature. Sorry, that just isn't true. It's just the name that was choosen for that philosophical idea. It's a philosophy, not a law. It may or may not be true. |
Edited by
Tue 10/28/08 01:11 PM
JB wrote:
Witchcraft is a creative technique. The law of attraction is just a law. The 'law of attraction' is just a phrase to describe a particular philosophical view. Don't let the word "law" fool you. It's just the name they gave to that philosophical view. Thats what you think. (It is the name of a book though.) (You would know it better by the term the "law of cause and effect." Its the same law except it is just understood on a more philosophical level that science is able to grasp. ![]() There's no proof that any such 'law' exists. You act like it's a well-established law of nature. Sorry, that just isn't true. Proof? You want proof? ![]() ![]() It is a well-established law of nature. (Sorry you don't see it and I'm sorry it can't be "proven." oh well... ![]() It's just the name that was choosen for that philosophical idea. It's a philosophy, not a law. It may or may not be true. You can call it philosophy if you want. I call it what it is. Law. ![]() I only put the --->information<--- out there. You can do with it whatever you choose. If you can't handle to truth, don't listen to the High Priestess of Brutal truth and honesty. ![]() ![]() ![]() Its the law: Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Its the law: Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Abra: Is not! ![]() Jeannie: Is too! ![]() ![]() Does it really matter? ![]() I originally made the comparison of the phiolosophies just to share a perspective. It was never intended as any kind of judgment call. Just a comparison as food for thought. ![]() But now I have something more important to say: Abra is always right and Jeannie is always wrong, and Mirror Mirrow is always reflecting. These are the laws of the universe. It does matter what science says, or what evidence supports, or what philosophies proclaim, or even what God thinks. Abra is always right and Jeannie is always wrong. That's just a fundamental primodial truth. ![]() It was cast into being when the universe was created, and no amount of magick or kicking and screaming can reverse it. ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 10/28/08 01:34 PM
I originally made the comparison of the phiolosophies just to share a perspective. It was never intended as any kind of judgment call. Just a comparison as food for thought.
Well thanks for sharing. ![]() phiolosophies ----->philosophies Law of attraction = L.O.V.E. (Law of vibrational energy.) It boils down to "like attracts like." (Like vibrations attract like vibrations) |
Abra is always right and Jeannie is always wrong.
That's just a fundamental primodial truth. You will have to start a cult and proceed with the brainwashing techniques for this to fly. ![]() ![]() |
JB wrote:
The 'law of attraction' is just a phrase to describe a particular philosophical view.
Witchcraft is a creative technique. The law of attraction is just a law. Don't let the word "law" fool you. It's just the name they gave to that philosophical view. (It is the name of a book though.) (You would know it better by the term the "law of cause and effect." Its the same law except it is just understood on a more philosophical level that science is able to grasp. ![]() There's no proof that any such 'law' exists.
You act like it's a well-established law of nature. Sorry, that just isn't true. Proof? You want proof? ![]() ![]() It is a well-established law of nature. (Sorry you don't see it and I'm sorry it can't be "proven." oh well... ![]() It's just the name that was choosen for that philosophical idea.
You can call it philosophy if you want. I call it what it is.
It's a philosophy, not a law. It may or may not be true. Law. ![]() I only put the --->information<--- out there. You can do with it whatever you choose. If you can't handle to truth, don't listen to the High Priestess of Brutal truth and honesty. ![]() ![]() ![]() Its the law: ... For all the time that I've been hearing the phrase "The Law of Attraction" used, I don't believe I've ever heard the "law" actually stated. So I just thought I missed it somewhere along the line. But Abra seems to be right. I cannot find any concise statement that professes to be the definition of “The Law of Attraction”. It seems to be more the title of a school of thought. Jeannie, do you have a concise definition for, or statement of, “The Law of Attraction”? |
I think they taught us something very similar to the "Law of Attraction" back when I was in Girl Scouts. It had a different name but nearly the identical premise. Its just been re-vamped.
![]() |
I think they taught us something very similar to the "Law of Attraction" back when I was in Girl Scouts. It had a different name but nearly the identical premise. Its just been re-vamped. ![]() I like Girl Scout cookies-thin mints.YUMMY |
Edited by
Tue 10/28/08 02:21 PM
For all the time that I've been hearing the phrase "The Law of Attraction" used, I don't believe I've ever heard the "law" actually stated. So I just thought I missed it somewhere along the line. But Abra seems to be right. I cannot find any concise statement that professes to be the definition of “The Law of Attraction”. It seems to be more the title of a school of thought. Jeannie, do you have a concise definition for, or statement of, “The Law of Attraction”? It is somewhat related to the Law of cause and effect which states that 'for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.' But the law of attraction, as stated by Wallace D. Wattles in 1910, is that it is a "natural law that 'like causes' always produce 'like effects.' To boil it down in the simplest form, I would say that like vibrations attract like vibrations. (Everything in reality is vibratory in nature and is attracted to other things that match these vibrations) Wallace D. Wattles states the law this way: THERE is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. Man can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance can cause the thing he thinks about to be created. -->from there, the book spells out his method or creative technique. I am sure Esther and Jerry Hicks have their own description. No, this is not a accepted "scientific" law. JB |
I think they taught us something very similar to the "Law of Attraction" back when I was in Girl Scouts. It had a different name but nearly the identical premise. Its just been re-vamped. ![]() I like Girl Scout cookies-thin mints.YUMMY Marvin the Martian! He was always so quiet and soft-spoken, but his actions were incredibly destructive and legitimately dangerous. ![]() |
You can call it whatever you want. Bottom line is that if you do it right, it works. I also don't believe there is one right way to manifest things. Many different cultures have had many different ways of doing magick throughout the centuries and they all worked to some degree or another.
You can call it whatever you want. Bottom line is that if you do it right, it works. I also don't believe there is one right way to manifest things. Many different cultures have had many different ways of doing magick throughout the centuries and they all worked to some degree or another. This is true. I have always just called it "The creative techniques." |
You can call it whatever you want. Bottom line is that if you do it right, it works. I also don't believe there is one right way to manifest things. Many different cultures have had many different ways of doing magick throughout the centuries and they all worked to some degree or another. This is true. I have always just called it "The creative techniques." That's good......I like that. ![]() |
You can call it whatever you want. Bottom line is that if you do it right, it works. I also don't believe there is one right way to manifest things. Many different cultures have had many different ways of doing magick throughout the centuries and they all worked to some degree or another. I must confess Ruth that I was hit by a brick wall of reality just a few moments ago. I really like Scott's presentation in his book. He really explains things well, and speaks (or writes) with an air of confidence. He also seems to have a good handle on the processes of witchcraft and how to perform them. So I decided to look on the book to see if it has a short mention of who this fellow is. I found a small excerpt and it had this to say, "Scott passed from this life on March 28, 1993, after a long illness." Well, those last four words aren't very encouraging. Here we have a man who is professing to be able to use magic to exert control over the physical world, including having spells and incantations for the eradication of disease. And yet he suffers from a long-term illness? Clearly there are limitations to his magick. Well no one ever claimed that there isn't. But at the same time it does seem to be a bit of an oxymoron to have someone who professes to be able to guide spiritual energy via spells to cast out things like disease slowly dying from a long term disease. Clearly his spells weren't having much effect on that one. It's going to be hard to take spells and incantations for curing disease seriously from a person who suffered from a long-term illness. You say, "Bottom line is that if you do it right, it works." Looks like the bottom line for Scott is that it doesn't work. I don't mean to sound skeptic, but this isn't very encouraging to hear about the man who claims to have this all down pat. I mean, if he had died from natural causes, or even a sudden heart attack or accident, that would be fine. There's nothing in witchcraft that says it will make a person eternal. Also if you have a heart attack you don't have time to perform a ritual to cast it off. So that too would be understandable. You can hardly use magic against something that jumped on you without notice. But to have a long-term disease suggest that the magician could have countered it via his wielding of magick. So this does raise the question of whether or not the real bottom line is that it doesn't work? I think the religion has lot of positive constructive value just as a self-help system. And following the cycles of the moon and sun and performing rituals and making goals to be completed by the next ritual, etc, are really great ideas. It gives a person focus and keeps them busy with constructive purposes all the time. I like that. So I see value in the religion even if it has not magick to offer at all. It has also already helped me in my appreciation for music and my ability to make music on instruments. I view them now as 'emotional oscillators' and I'm much more attuned to the frequencies emanating from each note. So again, even without any magick, I find value in the philosophy just in a pragmatic sense. I'm going to continue on my path with witchcraft and see how it goes. If it becomes truly magickal that will be great, but even if it doesn't, I think I will still enjoy using the cycles of the moon and sun, and performing rituals of gratitude and purpose as a means of better structuring my life. I think I've always like the idea of imagining that 'gods' exist. This is a religion that allows me to do that in a positive way devoid of feelings of shame and unworthiness. I can view the Goddess and God of witchcraft in a very positive loving and constructive way without the need to be burdened by unnecessary feelings of disgrace, shame and unworthiness. So I'm still in it for the long haul. And I will cast circles and perform rituals and spells. Whatever will be will be. No expectations. Just do it. Like I say, it's a very positive and constructive philosophy whether it's magickal or not. |
I can understand that dilemma. My sister has always been interested in healing via the power of visualization and natural cures etc. She wants to be a healer and she studies a lot about cures for disease etc.
But yet she can't stop smoking. I told her I would probably not seek the help and advice for my health from a person who is smoking or has health problems themselves. But Wallace D. Wattles states that a person who focuses on disease only perpetuates it. Doctors and healers who focus on disease tend to visualize the disease more than they visualize the absence of it. They should be focusing on health and visualizing health. They don't realize that they are creating their reality of disease by thinking about it. Even if you are doing spells to "get rid of disease" you are focusing on the disease. You should forget the disease and focus on gaining health. Visualize health and long life. When you think about trying to stop smoking, you are focused on the smoking. The thinking stuff does not see or recognize the negative. It does not understand an affirmation that states: I do not want this.... (visualization of the thing you do not want.) It (the thinking stuff) only sees the visualization of the thing you do not want and that is the "asking" for it. Ask and it is given. (You just asked for the thing you do not want.) Instead your affirmation should state: I want this..... (visualization of the thing you do want.) Then the thinking stuff sees the picture of the thing you want and it is impressed upon formless substance. That is the law of creative visualization. Ask and it is given. Be sure you are visualizing the thing you want and not the thing you do not want. |
For all the time that I've been hearing the phrase "The Law of Attraction" used, I don't believe I've ever heard the "law" actually stated. So I just thought I missed it somewhere along the line. But Abra seems to be right. I cannot find any concise statement that professes to be the definition of “The Law of Attraction”. It seems to be more the title of a school of thought.
It is somewhat related to the Law of cause and effect which states that 'for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.'
Jeannie, do you have a concise definition for, or statement of, “The Law of Attraction”? But the law of attraction, as stated by Wallace D. Wattles in 1910, is that it is a "natural law that 'like causes' always produce 'like effects.' To boil it down in the simplest form, I would say that like vibrations attract like vibrations. (Everything in reality is vibratory in nature and is attracted to other things that match these vibrations) Wallace D. Wattles states the law this way: THERE is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. Man can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance can cause the thing he thinks about to be created. -->from there, the book spells out his method or creative technique. I am sure Esther and Jerry Hicks have their own description. No, this is not a accepted "scientific" law. JB "'like causes' always produce 'like effects.'" That's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you. |
You can call it whatever you want. Bottom line is that if you do it right, it works. I also don't believe there is one right way to manifest things. Many different cultures have had many different ways of doing magick throughout the centuries and they all worked to some degree or another. I must confess Ruth that I was hit by a brick wall of reality just a few moments ago. I really like Scott's presentation in his book. He really explains things well, and speaks (or writes) with an air of confidence. He also seems to have a good handle on the processes of witchcraft and how to perform them. So I decided to look on the book to see if it has a short mention of who this fellow is. I found a small excerpt and it had this to say, "Scott passed from this life on March 28, 1993, after a long illness." Well, those last four words aren't very encouraging. Here we have a man who is professing to be able to use magic to exert control over the physical world, including having spells and incantations for the eradication of disease. And yet he suffers from a long-term illness? Is it possible that the illness might have been "very short" if not for his mastery of spells and incantations? |
Casting Circles, Alchemy, Tarot and Pentacles
Warning: The following is a ramble and may be incoherent. ![]() I've come into the concept of witchcraft from a journey that took me through various ideas of alchemy and tarot. Where alchemy is very closely related to witchcraft. In fact some might even say it's the same thing. Isaac Newton actually studied alchemy but never considered himself to be a witch. In any case, what I'd like to share in this post concerns the notion of the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water and the four 'winds' or directions that they are aligned with. I'm rearranging my cottage in the spirit of these four elements. Part of my reason for doing this is to aid my spiritual journey into casting circles. But I must confess that I have always had an interest in the primordial philosophical elements of nature. Owl begin with the East winds since I have issues with the North. I can end with the North and discuss those issues in detail. East Winds - Air To the east we have the east winds and the element of Air. This direction is quite interesting because it represents so much. Air itself is a masculine element. Yet many people also equate the Ease Winds to bring the wisdom of the Goddess. This is where celestial bodies rise, and for this reason the east is also associated with birth. Air is also the element of intellect. There is far more associated with Air and the East Wind. But for now, let's just focus on the following things: 1. East represents Air 2. Air represents wisdom 3. East also represent birth 4. Birth is associated with the Goddess So the east wall of my cottage represent Air, Wisdom, Birth, and the Goddess. On the east wall I intend to hang bird cages with live birds. I think I'll get two pair of budgies, or parakeets, or some other small birds. And hang a pair on either side of the door on that wall. These birds represent Air because they are flying creatures. They also represent the voice of the Goddess because they sing. If I'm really likely I might even succeed in enticing them to breed. That would truly be cool as they would then have produced birth. Of course that's not necessary, but you get the idea. So my east wall represents the Easterly winds, Air, and the Goddess via birth. South The south is associated with Fire. This is also a masculine element and is very closely associated with the God as is the sun. It also represent passion of spirit. On this wall I will hang passionate pictures of gods and goddesses. There will also be a small table upon which there will be many candles representing the element of fire. This will also be the main direction I will look to for communiqué with the God. (the masculine or yang) West The west winds represent love and deep emotions and the element Water. I already have four aquariums on a mantle on that wall. These aquarium are filled with live fish and plants. That just accidentally happened to work out perfect. Water is a feminine element, and in addition to the aquariums I indent to also place a small indoor waterfall on that wall. I actually saw the perfect waterfall for this purpose in that hardware store I was in the other day. I like the sounds of water trickling and air bubbling in the aquariums. This is also the wall where my chimes of love hang. ![]() There couldn't be more appropriate place to hang them. North North represent the element Earth. It is also feminine, and also represents the Goddess as well. Since the Goddess is strongly associated with Mother Earth. This will also be where my altar will be. I realize that the alter is supposed to be in the center of the circle (and it ultimately will be) but physically it is against my north wall. The cottage isn't all that big. When I cast a circle I'm going to imagine the circle as being large enough that it actually extends outside of the cottage into the front yard. There nothing that says that the circle has to be impeded by physical walls. This will place the altar at the center of the circle even though it is actually up against the north wall. Now here comes the issue I have with the North: One of the symbols often associated with earth is the pentacle itself. In fact, in tarot this symbol is views as coins. Some tarot decks even call this suit coins instead of pentacles. Issues associated with pentacles are often taken to be associated with finance, career, ownership, and property. I actually don't like that focus. I see money as representing trade, and ownership, but it bothers me to see the whole thing reduced to money. I prefer to think of the Earth element as simply physical manifestation. Not necessarily in terms of trade, ownership or career. Especially when thinking in terms of performing magick. So I've decided that the best way to symbolize this will be with a very large wooden pentacle which I'll personally construct. This pentacle will not represent a coin, but rather the symbol of invocation and/or banishment. In fact, I will make this a very large symbol and I can actually use it as a guide to trace out a pattern of invocation or banishment with the tip of the athame during a ritual. Owl also hang my broom on this north wall to symbolize it's direct connection with the power of Mother Earth and the Goddess of all creation. So am I getting into it or what? ![]() I realize that I'm going overboard with creating this atmosphere, but this stems from the romantic within me. I'm basically constructing a temple in my home. ![]() |