Topic: Ebooks | |
I am thinking of buying an ebook. I was wondering if anyone has experience with them.
Before you buy one, you might try this site. It has all kinds of free books (mostly if not all stuff that's copyright has expired). That way, you can play around with ebooks without putting cash out. BTW, what ebook reader are you using? I've done a little, but haven't found one I really enjoy yet. |
Go to the library and check out some books. Sit outside or lie in bed and READ. Feel the pages in your hands. Touch them.
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I do that too, but I like the ebook idea. It's good for when the nearest library is 30 minutes away!
Go to the library and check out some books. Sit outside or lie in bed and READ. Feel the pages in your hands. Touch them. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I do use my library card. But, I reread books. I have six cases of books in my closet. Yes, that is a bit extreme. ![]() I just don't have the room for more. I went and purchased a Sony 505, a basic model. |
How much did that run you, if you don't mind me asking? I've only played with readers that run on my computer.
It cost $300. You get a $199 online cupon for books. Most of the books are clasics. Mobey **** etc.
I've tried reading ebooks and literature off my computer. It doesnt work for me
maybe I read too fast but I just can't scroll and keep up with what I'm reading without losing my place I'll stick to my paperback porn novels |
I haven't had much luck reading off of my computer screen either. But I'm intrigued by the Kindle from Amazon and it's ilk. Something that I can hold in one hand very much like a paperback would be very interesting.
I publish Ebooks, so I am biased, and I'm also an author, so I am doubly biased but in two opposite directions. Take it from the horses mouth, my grandfather said.
Ebooks are awesome. Traditional press has many centuries-long problems associated with it, most of which center on the limitation of works. Ebooks make almost any work available. Does it mean they're all bad? Hardly. Some of the best things I've ever read were on the internet and free. Secondly, Ebooks are a great initiator for beginners. If your Ebook is popular you are almost certain to get a 'real book' publishing deal, AND on better terms than an unpublished author would ever get. You'll be allowed to keep your rights. Thirdly, Ebooks are more portable than paper, and don't kill trees. You can email them to your friends. You don't have to find a library and get a card, or return it. There are at least a dozen other strong arguments in favor of Ebooks, and the people who wax philosophical about "feeling the book" are the same people who chain themselves to the local tree when a new house is being built. That's a stupid argument, because there is nothing intrinsically valuable about paper printing over any other media. Some people say what about library of congress? What about future generations? Nuclear war? Look, DVDs store a hell of a lot more than paper. If there's a nuclear war, there'll still be a few DVD players around, especially in nuke-proof libraries [if there is any such thing.] Also, we'd all be dead and the living would have other issues to be more worried about, such as living. All stupid argument and distractions aside, there's absolutely nothing "wrong" with Ebooks, and the question is often placed in such terms. That's like asking if there is anything wrong with the Pope. It's a loaded question. I'd like to see my own books printed more widely, but I'm not vain about it being in vellum. Cheap paperback will be fine with me, but even that is not necessary if people just like what I write. Moreso, I hope that I can publish deserving writers more rapidly. Any person here who wants to have an Ebook is welcome to contact me and to submit their works. It's free. That's the one thing about Ebooks that has ever upset me at all, and that is the number of sites out there that try to prey on new authors. NO author should EVER pay to be published. Publishers are supposed to pay YOU. I won't paste the URL because I'm not a spammer either. Thanks! ~D |
I've tried reading ebooks and literature off my computer. It doesnt work for me maybe I read too fast but I just can't scroll and keep up with what I'm reading without losing my place I'll stick to my paperback porn novels I call those "bathtub books".... ![]() The only books I buy. All others I check out. I read too fast for it to be economical for me to buy... |
So if you ebook reader is running on batteries, it won't shock you when you drop it in the bath, but if it's plugged in, it will. That's how the electricity goes, right?
Anyway, the credit on ebooks seems like a good deal, but I have to wonder how many of those titles I could get from Gutenberg press. I think I'll wait for the prices to come down a little more. |
try first! lots of free ebooks!!!
You can also save a lot on Ebay.