Topic: No picture???
no photo
Thu 10/23/08 06:57 AM

Because I'm not very photogenic and want people to like me for who I am, not what I look like. Oh wait...mines up. Forget it. Nice car though, huh?

That might be true for some..who aren't "photogenic" or think they aren't. There are people who on here who can make the most hideous faces, take the pic and post it and STILL look good...I envy them!

Mr_Music's photo
Thu 10/23/08 06:59 AM
I'm so ugly, even the tide won't take me out.

mommyof1's photo
Thu 10/23/08 07:01 AM

I'm so ugly, even the tide won't take me out.


Shuddddddddddddup, kef

don't make mee post a link for your pic pitchfork

enderra's photo
Thu 10/23/08 07:09 AM
These are my experiences with no photo folks

#1. Said he was athletic on his profile, I guess he considers
Sumo wrestlers as Athletic.

#2 Said he was average looking, I guess average includes people that look like they are on Meth, oh but he was kind enough to include pictures of his ding dong.

#3 Said he was 48, must have spent part of him life in a wind tunnel.

I am like baseball,

that was enough fun for me.

Mr_Music's photo
Thu 10/23/08 07:12 AM
Ahh, but my dear Cleopatra, where is your own photo, pray tell?

enderra's photo
Thu 10/23/08 07:14 AM

Ahh, but my dear Cleopatra, where is your own photo, pray tell?
Eat your heart out!!!laugh laugh laugh

Mr_Music's photo
Thu 10/23/08 07:21 AM
Back atcha!

enderra's photo
Thu 10/23/08 07:31 AM

Back atcha!
So what, all babies are cute and how do I know it is even your baby picture?

Mr_Music's photo
Thu 10/23/08 07:31 AM
And now, if you all be so kind as to excuse me, I must go and be productive in some capacity today. I shall return at some point later on in the day, or perhaps this evening.

Mr_Music's photo
Thu 10/23/08 07:32 AM
So what, all babies are cute and how do I know it is even your baby picture?

Well, since it's got my name on the back of it, and the date, I'm relatively sure it's mine.

no photo
Thu 10/23/08 08:20 AM
If I'm chatting with someone, I expect them to at least have a picture up of themselves, just so I can see what they look like. If I'm sharing pictures, it's only fair that those who email me are as well.

franshade's photo
Thu 10/23/08 08:22 AM
If holding private conversations go for it, request their pictures.

If posting in forums - fair game waving
default pics are fun :thumbsup:

no photo
Thu 10/23/08 08:23 AM

If holding private conversations go for it, request their pictures.

If posting in forums - fair game waving
default pics are fun :thumbsup:

Oh, definitely. I don't care what main pictures people have for posting in the forums. :smile:

lilith401's photo
Thu 10/23/08 08:23 AM
I posted this one just for Goofball... not gonna lie. laugh

no photo
Thu 10/23/08 08:24 AM

What's up with people who don't post a picture?

Just pondering this. Any thoughts?

Personally, I'm using my sons pic :angel:

photofreek's photo
Thu 10/23/08 08:27 AM
Personally I only have a pic or two of myself on here but I do have others that I enjoy sharing with my friends:wink:

no photo
Thu 10/23/08 08:34 AM
I feel like it's their own choice whether or not to put up a picture of themselves. I'm not saying but I'm just saying that if in real life someone came up to me and had no face it would kinda creep me out

franshade's photo
Thu 10/23/08 08:35 AM

I feel like it's their own choice whether or not to put up a picture of themselves. I'm not saying but I'm just saying that if in real life someone came up to me and had no face it would kinda creep me out

:laughing: they'd probably bump right into you, or you'd see right thru them :laughing:

lilith401's photo
Thu 10/23/08 08:36 AM
I'm thinking pervy halloween party thoughts about guys in masks....laugh

buttons's photo
Thu 10/23/08 08:37 AM
maybe they are sick of the lame azz mutual match... where not a one of them who picked you read your profile..they picked you for what you look like and only on those lilth said you can ask them for a picture...pretty shallow though if you ask me if one picks someone or talks to someone based on their looks only.. so i suppose if they dont have a pic up maybe they are trying to weed out all the shallow people..