Topic: Do you belive? | |
so the evps that are caught that are completely clear, no question on what they say, and say its a womans voice, and its proven that no women are anywhere near where the recorder could be, its checked over by professionals, and they say they cant say how it happens, its supposed to be a hoax right? Spot on! Or its a signal picked up from radio, or some other type of broadcasting. There doesn't have to be anyone around for thousands of miles for these voices to be picked up. |
But U cannt say 100% sure that they dont exist, nothing is 100% Yes that is true, i cannot be sure of anything. I just have never seen or heard any kind of proof that doesnt have a reasonable and logical explanation. |
so its someone thousands of miles away answering the questions that someone askes, damn they got some good ears if thats the case
and that aslo begs the question, if it is radio waves coming in, why dont you hear it when the question is asked? why does it only appear after everything is wrapped up and they review the recordings?
But U cannt say 100% sure that they dont exist, nothing is 100% Yes that is true, i cannot be sure of anything. I just have never seen or heard any kind of proof that doesnt have a reasonable and logical explanation. |
so its someone thousands of miles away answering the questions that someone askes, damn they got some good ears if thats the case No, nobody is answering any questions from anywhere, of course unless it is a hoax. |
But U cannt say 100% sure that they dont exist, nothing is 100% Yes that is true, i cannot be sure of anything. I just have never seen or heard any kind of proof that doesnt have a reasonable and logical explanation. Yes, absolutely. Thats what being a skeptic is all about. |
and that aslo begs the question, if it is radio waves coming in, why dont you hear it when the question is asked? why does it only appear after everything is wrapped up and they review the recordings? I have no idea, but i am sure that can be easily explained by somebody with a little more knowledge that me. |
ive stated how they can be asking questions, get an answer that cannot be heard until after the recordings are played back, and they have them checked out by pros to see if its fake, and they say its completely legit, but yet you still wont accept that it can be real.
OK, who are these professionals exactly? and how exactly did they come to the conclusion that the recodings were not fake? What were these tests that they performed? And was there any independant witnesses watching over them?
You havent offered me ANYTHING that could be accepted by anyone with a sane mind. |
ive heard things at work and in my apartment
| theres 5 diffrent sites that do nothing but research evp. 2 of them are brittish so you might can relate. ive done my research, you do your own. |
if you have done research you could explain things better in your own words. Providing me some random links was a useless waste of your time. Especially when you choose sites that are obviously going to be biased towards it being true.
quit trying to sound so damn smart, i have no way to explain it, other than what i have said, something speaks to the recorder that cannot be heard until its played back, no radio waves involved, just what you see. but since your so narrow minded and wont let someone think for themselves no one is right but your giht? since you know everything dan, instruct us as to what happens after we die? do we blink out like a light, is there somewhere we go?
Calm down darling, i thought we were just having an adult debate here.
I have already admitted that i dont know everything, and that the possibility that i am wrong is there. Narrow-minded can go both ways. Maybe you are narrow minded to believe that this 'proof' might not actually be any proof at all, and that logical explanations can be given to them? Do you accept everything you hear as being true, just because it has been said by a 'professional'? |
no but when i see more than one person who shows credentials and has been called in on trials to verify taped conversations and have years in the industry say that the tape is real and they cant explain where the voice came from then why say its a hoax when so many people,, witnesses, pros, and what you hear with your own ears says diffrent?
So many people dont belive in ghosts. Some do, thats the thing about free will, you are given evidence and you judge for yourself what you see and what you will belive. There are people out there that will do anything to prove that there is a supernatural presence around us. If you have never heard of the Goldfield Hotel, then its something you might want to look into. A team of guys went into the hotel at night a while ago and took all kinds of cameras, digital recorders and of course flashlights. They caught some amazing things that cannot i repeat,,, CANNOT be explained. For example, they caught a brick being picked up with nothing around it and being thrown, they catch something walking across the cameras lens when they were the only 2 people inside. They were locked in the hotel that night. They finally got scared enough that they jumped out a second story window, but they caught some really cool proof. What do you think about ghosts? Belive or not? i truly believe.i like the way Ghost Hunters do it though.they check for anything that could cause sounds,shadows,cold spots...etc.if they can't debunk it than they go ahead and say it's haunted. most people think Orbs are paranormal but they're not dammit! |
nah, most orbs are something floating on the air that catches ir light and reflects it as an orb.
nah, most orbs are something floating on the air that catches ir light and reflects it as an orb. i know,it's usually just dust when light reflects from it but everyone i know sees orbs in a pic and says "it's a ghost!" yeah whatever... |
no but when i see more than one person who shows credentials and has been called in on trials to verify taped conversations and have years in the industry say that the tape is real and they cant explain where the voice came from then why say its a hoax when so many people,, witnesses, pros, and what you hear with your own ears says diffrent? Well i havent heard the same things as you obviously. All i have heard is mumbo jumbo from people that are either lying or are mistaken, where logical explanations can be given to suggest what they are saying is not true. |