Topic: Nobody agrees completely... | |
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Mon 10/20/08 05:07 AM
Nobody agrees completely so for anyone to make the statement that "You are either with me or against me.." is asking for trouble.
I would be hesitant to choose sides with anyone who has this attitude because at the slightest indication that you might disagree with this person about anything he or she will turn against you and see you as an enemy. You may not even care what this person is all about or what he is doing. But if you are not "on his team" or "fighting his battle against his enemy" then you are considered his enemy. As long as people have this attitude, there will never be peace in the world. Never. Anyone who says "If you are not with me you are against me" is in a war with someone and they want you to join their cause. These are the same people that claim they want peace. No they don't. They want war and conflict. Well they came to the right place. The earth is a battleground and will be for a long time. |
Edited by
Mon 10/20/08 05:07 AM
Jesus made that statement. As a matter of fact, He stated, He didn't come to bring peace but to pit mother against daughter, Father against son, brother against brother, etc. It's not peace but division He brings until His kingdom is brought down from heaven to reign on the earth.
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Mon 10/20/08 05:12 AM
Jesus made that statement. As a matter of fact, He stated, He didn't come to bring peace but to pit mother against daughter, Father against son, brother against brother, etc. It's not peace but division He brings until His kingdom is brought down from heaven to reign on the earth. You're up early. Here it is 6:00 a.m. I've been up all night. I don't think Jesus is the one who will reign on the earth. It will probably be an alien race. I believe Jesus to be a fictional character. jb p.s. That's why if Jesus were a real character I would not trust him any more than I trust George W. Bush. ![]() |
Jesus made that statement. As a matter of fact, He stated, He didn't come to bring peace but to pit mother against daughter, Father against son, brother against brother, etc. It's not peace but division He brings until His kingdom is brought down from heaven to reign on the earth. You're up early. Here it is 6:00 a.m. I've been up all night. I don't think Jesus is the one who will reign on the earth. It will probably be an alien race. I believe Jesus to be a fictional character. jb p.s. That's why if Jesus were a real character I would not trust him any more than I trust George W. Bush. ![]() Ahh. it's 8 am here. And He is real. My life is a testimony to Him. I'm sorry you don't believe but I respect your decision. |
I completely agree Jeannie
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Jesus made that statement. As a matter of fact, He stated, He didn't come to bring peace but to pit mother against daughter, Father against son, brother against brother, etc. It's not peace but division He brings until His kingdom is brought down from heaven to reign on the earth. You're up early. Here it is 6:00 a.m. I've been up all night. I don't think Jesus is the one who will reign on the earth. It will probably be an alien race. I believe Jesus to be a fictional character. jb p.s. That's why if Jesus were a real character I would not trust him any more than I trust George W. Bush. ![]() Ahh. it's 8 am here. And He is real. My life is a testimony to Him. I'm sorry you don't believe but I respect your decision. I agree with all with Godschosen....But I also think that all human beings are entitled to search and seek and find for themselves. God doesn't want anyone that doesn't come to him of their own freewill. |
God doesn't want anyone that doesn't come to him of their own freewill. That is a hateful cliché created by hateful men who wrote dogma and claimed to speak for God. They are blasphemists of the highest order spreading hate throughout the world. The real living Spirit is not the hateful egotistical pig that the bigoted male-chauvanistic men of the Mediterranean region have so successfully brainwashed so many people to belief. Those who worship that hateful dogma are prepetuating its hate. They are the ones who are rejecting God in favor of worshiping the egotistial lies of men. God is in your spirit. Not in the dogma that was written by self-centered egotistical pigs. To worship dogma is idol worship. |
It's no cliche it is truth....don't believe it your choice your freewill.
No James to worship the mountains, flowers and trees are false idols. |
It's no cliche it is truth....don't believe it your choice your freewill. No James to worship the mountains, flowers and trees are false idols. Those aren't idols at all. They are real things. And it's your misunderstanding about what's actually being worshiped. The creator is being worshiped, not the object of the creation. But you can't separate the creator from the creation, as soon as you do that, you've lost everything. |
why should we have to agree all the time?
It would be so boring. It wouldn't be as funny as it is now, to see the things that some people have to say. |
It's no cliche it is truth....don't believe it your choice your freewill. No James to worship the mountains, flowers and trees are false idols. Those aren't idols at all. They are real things. And it's your misunderstanding about what's actually being worshiped. The creator is being worshiped, not the object of the creation. But you can't separate the creator from the creation, as soon as you do that, you've lost everything. But God did not say......I created all the earth and worship did he. |
why should we have to agree all the time? I wouldn't tell people what they need to believe if they would quit telling me what I need to believe. I worship the creator through creation. So I am accused of worshiping a demon? A Satan worshiper? I'm accused of rejecting God? I'm accused of being an immoral person? I wouldn't be so hostile toward these people if they didn't insist that by rejecting their views I'm rejecting God. That's totally arrogant. So I throw it right back in their faces. If they want to beleive that Jesus was God and they want to worship that image, that's fine with me. If they want to reject nature and claim that it's the evil possession of a demon, that's fine with me. But when they start pushing those views on me by accusing me of rejecting God then I fight back. And my method of fighting back is by pointing out how ungodly their doctrine is. I don't think we'd have environmental problems if everyone had been raised to revere Mother Earth with the same reverence as God, and to see the spirit in everything. Teaching people that Satan is the ruler of the physical world and that everything physical is a temptation that should be avoided and looked upon as being a tool of the enemy of God is simply unhealthy IMHO. Moreover, moving away from religion altogether, we live on Spaceship Earth. If we don't start to recognize that we're her maintainance crew and she most certainly should be the object of our 'worship' (LOVE!), we're going to destroy the very creation that was given to us. To denounce the powers in nature as being "evil magick", is to reject the very powers that God gave us to use PRODUCTIVELY! PRODUCTIVELY! PRODUCTIVELY! PRODUCTIVELY! PRODUCTIVELY! PRODUCTIVELY! PRODUCTIVELY! PRODUCTIVELY! PRODUCTIVELY! PRODUCTIVELY! PRODUCTIVELY! PRODUCTIVELY! Where's the evil in that? ![]() To shun the power that the creator has entrusted to us as being 'evil' it to reject the gift of life. If Jesus is to be saved, Christianity needs to start recognizing the value of the natural world. ![]() They need to do some major re-interpretations of their doctrines and quit telling naturalists that they are worshiping Satan and rejecting God. That's an evil act in itself, if there was ever such a thing as 'evil' in the first place. |
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Mon 10/20/08 04:21 PM
But God did not say......I created all the earth and worship did he. I never heard God say anything. Are you referring to that Mediterranean mythology again? That's another thing. Religious views come in three major categories, 1. Disbelieve in a spiritual essense altogether. (i.e. Atheism) 2. Manmade philosophies based on common sense and natural wisdom. (i.e. the patheistic and pagan philosophies like Eastern Mysticism, Native American Indians, and Wicca) 3. Doctines that claim to be the actual word of God. (i.e. mainly the folklore, superstitions and mythologies of the ancient Mediterranean world). All of which embaced human-like dieties that demand blood sacrifices to appease them. When you talk about what 'God Said' you are actually referring to #3. I don't believe God ever said any such thing Debbie! So when you claim to be telling me what "God Said" it's a totally meaningless lie as far as I'm concerned. What you really mean to say is that your version of mythology made that empty claim. ![]() |
God said that Jeanniebean shall be my forum name.
God also said that I, (Gloria Jean,) am perfect. I do not doubt the word of God. Therefore I must be perfect. JB |
I only knew of one who walked the earth that was perfect and that was Jesus Christ and He sits in Heaven at this moment at the right hand of His father.
why should we have to agree all the time? It would be so boring. It wouldn't be as funny as it is now, to see the things that some people have to say. hi miguel, want to start a new post - hahaha ooops sorry GJ |
It's no cliche it is truth....don't believe it your choice your freewill. No James to worship the mountains, flowers and trees are false idols. Those aren't idols at all. They are real things. And it's your misunderstanding about what's actually being worshiped. The creator is being worshiped, not the object of the creation. But you can't separate the creator from the creation, as soon as you do that, you've lost everything. But God did not say......I created all the earth and worship did he. If you honestly believe we worship nature than you do not understand at all. |
I only knew of one who walked the earth that was perfect and that was Jesus Christ and He sits in Heaven at this moment at the right hand of His father. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
God said that Jeanniebean shall be my forum name. God also said that I, (Gloria Jean,) am perfect. I do not doubt the word of God. Therefore I must be perfect. JB ![]() |
I only knew of one who walked the earth that was perfect and that was Jesus Christ and He sits in Heaven at this moment at the right hand of His father. You dare to deny the word of God? He said that I was perfect. I believe him. ![]() ![]() |