Topic: Guns Guns Guns
NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 10:58 AM

frustrated I don't have a problem with semi-auto rifles....they are extemely fun for shooting small moving targets (gophers and critters) is also very hard to commit crime with a rifle......I believe the problem here is how easy it is for the high population of un-educated dumba$$es we have in this country to get their hands on all kinds of guns....especially concielable the crime problem has gotten so bad and all the dumba$$ criminals have handguns and are usually too stupid to think about the consiquences of thier that leaves the rest of the responsible and smart citizens feeling afriad, and wanting to protect themselves and thier a viscious cycle....but responsible(legal) gun owners are NOT the problem.....I do believe there could be more legislation on guns make it not so easy for gangsta's to get thier hands on them......but in order for that to be successful the gov't would have to claim an all out war on the black-market gun trade that they themselves have created....
actually in the early to mid eighties...guns were allowed to be carried by all in one state...Florida.....crime dropped 90%
and one criminal was quoted as saying" its getting bad around here, you cant mug anyone without them pulling a gun on you"
maybe its less restrictions that are needed NOT more!!!

Yeah,but my point is that if you crack down hard on the ILLEGAL gun trade and you don't take away the "right to bear arms".....but just regulate it more (mandatory registration of firearms and safety courses) you may effectively limit guns getting into the hands of the wrong(dumb and uneducated/mentally unstable/criminals)people.....while still allowing upstanding citizens to own the firearms they so choose.And no matter how hard you try..... you can't tell me that taking a safety course and registration of firearms is a BAD idea.....because you would then make yourself sound stupid and thus unfit to own a firearm.I myself own five guns....I don't hunt.Unless blowing up gophers is considered hunting.....haha....I just love to shoot guns!Its a hobby......but its also a dangerous hobby for someone who is unqualified and there needs to be a realization of should be a "privaledge" to own firearms....not a right.You have to take Driving Lessons before you get your liscence to drive correct? And look at how many idiot drivers there are out there even after taking a driving think about all those same idiots bearing arms with no course on how to properly and safely use/maintian/store them???? this making sense to anyone but me?....once again, I repeat...I myself am a gun owner and love my "priveledge" to own them.

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 11:00 AM

California and DC Have the Highest Crime Rates in the Country. they Also Have some of the Strictest Gun Laws. Unfortunately for those who Make the Laws Criminals don't Abide by them. the Midwest which has the Highest Rate of Gun Ownership has the lowest Crime Rates, Hmmm Wonder Why?
Less highly populated areas maybe???

no photo
Mon 10/20/08 11:02 AM
I say no to guns and yes to love! Join me!laugh

franshade's photo
Mon 10/20/08 11:02 AM
I say yes to LOVE :heart: and yes to guns :heart:

thumper95's photo
Mon 10/20/08 11:04 AM
the gun safty starts with responsible gun owner. period. trigger locks, storing ammo away from the firearm, and making sure children cannot put their hands on them is the key to safty. i had my first gun at 8 years old, and the only time i could go out and shoot was under the supervision of my parents. i was taught you never point a gun at anything your not willing to kill. i never showed my guns off to friends, and the only time they came out is either when i was going hunting or if i felt like someone posed a real threat to me or someone in my home.

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 10/20/08 11:54 AM

California and DC Have the Highest Crime Rates in the Country. they Also Have some of the Strictest Gun Laws. Unfortunately for those who Make the Laws Criminals don't Abide by them. the Midwest which has the Highest Rate of Gun Ownership has the lowest Crime Rates, Hmmm Wonder Why?
Less highly populated areas maybe???


RandomTandem's photo
Mon 10/20/08 12:00 PM

My opinion is that the "bad guys" and government are always gonna have guns. Why take away the right for the good guys to protect themselves?????


Americans.. NEVER give up your right to bear arms- you don't know when you might need it.

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 12:36 PM

California and DC Have the Highest Crime Rates in the Country. they Also Have some of the Strictest Gun Laws. Unfortunately for those who Make the Laws Criminals don't Abide by them. the Midwest which has the Highest Rate of Gun Ownership has the lowest Crime Rates, Hmmm Wonder Why?
Less highly populated areas maybe???

Just NO?????....boy thats a good answer

no photo
Mon 10/20/08 12:42 PM

California and DC Have the Highest Crime Rates in the Country. they Also Have some of the Strictest Gun Laws. Unfortunately for those who Make the Laws Criminals don't Abide by them. the Midwest which has the Highest Rate of Gun Ownership has the lowest Crime Rates, Hmmm Wonder Why?
Less highly populated areas maybe???


So, the crime rate isn't higher in more populated cities for any reason other than stricter gun control?

franshade's photo
Mon 10/20/08 12:44 PM
Not sure what needs justification or clarification?

The right to bear arms?

or why we are to blame for crimes we didnt commit with our guns?

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 10/20/08 12:46 PM

California and DC Have the Highest Crime Rates in the Country. they Also Have some of the Strictest Gun Laws. Unfortunately for those who Make the Laws Criminals don't Abide by them. the Midwest which has the Highest Rate of Gun Ownership has the lowest Crime Rates, Hmmm Wonder Why?
Less highly populated areas maybe???

Just NO?????....boy thats a good answer

How bout this one.

Once opon a time in Arizona (I believe eastren AZ) a mob connected group attempted to control the real estate of a small vally occupied by farmers and ranchers. None of the occpants wanted to sell so the 'connected group' brought in thugs and hit men...

when the smoke cleared there were still farmers and ranchers in the vally... Not a single thug or hitman remained in other than a fertilizer capacity.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/20/08 01:11 PM
Again I will say if you can guarentee an innocent "non carrying a gun" person will not become the target of an angry, out of their mind, drunk, druggie, temporarily insane, control freak, gun power junkie, father, brother, sister cousin, aunt, uncle, mother, etc.... and end up hurt or dead because of these crazies with guns. I will gladly say arm us all.

Until that day I cannot.

I was raised with guns and am not a bad shot myself but I could not bring myself to own one because my children's health and well being came before mine. I could never forgive myself if I brought a gun into my house and my son(who was a great locksmith by a young age) got ahold of the gun and did someone harm. I would not have felt good had my home got broken into while I was gone and a burgler got ahold of my weapon and used it against other people, etc....

I was being untimately responsible for myself and a gun. I was being respectful of others by not bringing a danger into my home or society.

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 01:11 PM

California and DC Have the Highest Crime Rates in the Country. they Also Have some of the Strictest Gun Laws. Unfortunately for those who Make the Laws Criminals don't Abide by them. the Midwest which has the Highest Rate of Gun Ownership has the lowest Crime Rates, Hmmm Wonder Why?
Less highly populated areas maybe???

Just NO?????....boy thats a good answer

How bout this one.

Once opon a time in Arizona (I believe eastren AZ) a mob connected group attempted to control the real estate of a small vally occupied by farmers and ranchers. None of the occpants wanted to sell so the 'connected group' brought in thugs and hit men...

when the smoke cleared there were still farmers and ranchers in the vally... Not a single thug or hitman remained in other than a fertilizer capacity.
sounds like a bad where was the police during all of this? Thats what we pay THEM to do.....If the farmers new it was coming why didn't they get the police involved? Maybe because Americans LOVE thier guns so much they want to use them on people.....just so they have a little "old west justice" story of thier own.....stupid Old Wives Tale if you ask me...

franshade's photo
Mon 10/20/08 01:12 PM

Again I will say if you can guarentee an innocent "non carrying a gun" person will not become the target of an angry, out of their mind, drunk, druggie, temporarily insane, control freak, gun power junkie, father, brother, sister cousin, aunt, uncle, mother, etc.... and end up hurt or dead because of these crazies with guns. I will gladly say arm us all.

Until that day I cannot.

I was raised with guns and am not a bad shot myself but I could not bring myself to own one because my children's health and well being came before mine. I could never forgive myself if I brought a gun into my house and my son(who was a great locksmith by a young age) got ahold of the gun and did someone harm. I would not have felt good had my home got broken into while I was gone and a burgler got ahold of my weapon and used it against other people, etc....

I was being untimately responsible for myself and a gun. I was being respectful of others by not bringing a danger into my home or society.

there are no guarantees in life Dragoness - I respect your opinion, respect your choice - but life comes without any guarantees.

I can guarantee I will not harm you or yours :heart:

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 10/20/08 01:18 PM

California and DC Have the Highest Crime Rates in the Country. they Also Have some of the Strictest Gun Laws. Unfortunately for those who Make the Laws Criminals don't Abide by them. the Midwest which has the Highest Rate of Gun Ownership has the lowest Crime Rates, Hmmm Wonder Why?
Less highly populated areas maybe???

Just NO?????....boy thats a good answer

How bout this one.

Once opon a time in Arizona (I believe eastren AZ) a mob connected group attempted to control the real estate of a small vally occupied by farmers and ranchers. None of the occpants wanted to sell so the 'connected group' brought in thugs and hit men...

when the smoke cleared there were still farmers and ranchers in the vally... Not a single thug or hitman remained in other than a fertilizer capacity.
sounds like a bad where was the police during all of this? Thats what we pay THEM to do.....If the farmers new it was coming why didn't they get the police involved? Maybe because Americans LOVE thier guns so much they want to use them on people.....just so they have a little "old west justice" story of thier own.....stupid Old Wives Tale if you ask me...

Farmers did not know... Mob thought it would be a pushover cause there were no local police (no crime to speak of) only law was highway patrol.
they figured that it would be a quick and easy steal and they would be in position when the Patrol did show up.
check out some of the history of AZ and you will find mention of this event.
by the time the AZ highway patrol got involved all they had left to do was clean up the mob bosses and trot them off to jail. (they were glad to go)

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 01:24 PM

California and DC Have the Highest Crime Rates in the Country. they Also Have some of the Strictest Gun Laws. Unfortunately for those who Make the Laws Criminals don't Abide by them. the Midwest which has the Highest Rate of Gun Ownership has the lowest Crime Rates, Hmmm Wonder Why?
Less highly populated areas maybe???

Just NO?????....boy thats a good answer

How bout this one.

Once opon a time in Arizona (I believe eastren AZ) a mob connected group attempted to control the real estate of a small vally occupied by farmers and ranchers. None of the occpants wanted to sell so the 'connected group' brought in thugs and hit men...

when the smoke cleared there were still farmers and ranchers in the vally... Not a single thug or hitman remained in other than a fertilizer capacity.
sounds like a bad where was the police during all of this? Thats what we pay THEM to do.....If the farmers new it was coming why didn't they get the police involved? Maybe because Americans LOVE thier guns so much they want to use them on people.....just so they have a little "old west justice" story of thier own.....stupid Old Wives Tale if you ask me...

Farmers did not know... Mob thought it would be a pushover cause there were no local police (no crime to speak of) only law was highway patrol.
they figured that it would be a quick and easy steal and they would be in position when the Patrol did show up.
check out some of the history of AZ and you will find mention of this event.
by the time the AZ highway patrol got involved all they had left to do was clean up the mob bosses and trot them off to jail. (they were glad to go)
What year is it?....really people!

Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/20/08 01:38 PM

Again I will say if you can guarentee an innocent "non carrying a gun" person will not become the target of an angry, out of their mind, drunk, druggie, temporarily insane, control freak, gun power junkie, father, brother, sister cousin, aunt, uncle, mother, etc.... and end up hurt or dead because of these crazies with guns. I will gladly say arm us all.

Until that day I cannot.

I was raised with guns and am not a bad shot myself but I could not bring myself to own one because my children's health and well being came before mine. I could never forgive myself if I brought a gun into my house and my son(who was a great locksmith by a young age) got ahold of the gun and did someone harm. I would not have felt good had my home got broken into while I was gone and a burgler got ahold of my weapon and used it against other people, etc....

I was being untimately responsible for myself and a gun. I was being respectful of others by not bringing a danger into my home or society.

there are no guarantees in life Dragoness - I respect your opinion, respect your choice - but life comes without any guarantees.

I can guarantee I will not harm you or yours :heart:

I can thank you but what about Johnny down the street who has a beef with this whole world suddenly and thinks he will take us all out for our own good?

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 10/20/08 01:42 PM

Again I will say if you can guarentee an innocent "non carrying a gun" person will not become the target of an angry, out of their mind, drunk, druggie, temporarily insane, control freak, gun power junkie, father, brother, sister cousin, aunt, uncle, mother, etc.... and end up hurt or dead because of these crazies with guns. I will gladly say arm us all.

Until that day I cannot.

I was raised with guns and am not a bad shot myself but I could not bring myself to own one because my children's health and well being came before mine. I could never forgive myself if I brought a gun into my house and my son(who was a great locksmith by a young age) got ahold of the gun and did someone harm. I would not have felt good had my home got broken into while I was gone and a burgler got ahold of my weapon and used it against other people, etc....

I was being untimately responsible for myself and a gun. I was being respectful of others by not bringing a danger into my home or society.

there are no guarantees in life Dragoness - I respect your opinion, respect your choice - but life comes without any guarantees.

I can guarantee I will not harm you or yours :heart:

I can thank you but what about Johnny down the street who has a beef with this whole world suddenly and thinks he will take us all out for our own good?

ok So we Take Away Guns. Now People Still Have Cars, Knives, Glass Bottles, Baseball Bats, Tire Irons, Rocks, Pointed Sticks etc etc. You Gonna Ban those too?

franshade's photo
Mon 10/20/08 01:42 PM

Again I will say if you can guarentee an innocent "non carrying a gun" person will not become the target of an angry, out of their mind, drunk, druggie, temporarily insane, control freak, gun power junkie, father, brother, sister cousin, aunt, uncle, mother, etc.... and end up hurt or dead because of these crazies with guns. I will gladly say arm us all.

Until that day I cannot.

I was raised with guns and am not a bad shot myself but I could not bring myself to own one because my children's health and well being came before mine. I could never forgive myself if I brought a gun into my house and my son(who was a great locksmith by a young age) got ahold of the gun and did someone harm. I would not have felt good had my home got broken into while I was gone and a burgler got ahold of my weapon and used it against other people, etc....

I was being untimately responsible for myself and a gun. I was being respectful of others by not bringing a danger into my home or society.

there are no guarantees in life Dragoness - I respect your opinion, respect your choice - but life comes without any guarantees.

I can guarantee I will not harm you or yours :heart:

I can thank you but what about Johnny down the street who has a beef with this whole world suddenly and thinks he will take us all out for our own good?

Dragoness - I can the point you are trying to make but I still dont agree, why should I be responsible for Johnny down the street? He has a problem thats him, not me? Why try and deny my right to bear arms because of Johnny down the street?

Life comes without guarantees, what about the postal employee who goes bezerk and kills, the college student, the maniac, the psychotic killer, the drunk driver, the bicyclist who crossed the line, the babysitter who turned around for one second... life come without guarantees flowerforyou

franshade's photo
Mon 10/20/08 01:43 PM

Again I will say if you can guarentee an innocent "non carrying a gun" person will not become the target of an angry, out of their mind, drunk, druggie, temporarily insane, control freak, gun power junkie, father, brother, sister cousin, aunt, uncle, mother, etc.... and end up hurt or dead because of these crazies with guns. I will gladly say arm us all.

Until that day I cannot.

I was raised with guns and am not a bad shot myself but I could not bring myself to own one because my children's health and well being came before mine. I could never forgive myself if I brought a gun into my house and my son(who was a great locksmith by a young age) got ahold of the gun and did someone harm. I would not have felt good had my home got broken into while I was gone and a burgler got ahold of my weapon and used it against other people, etc....

I was being untimately responsible for myself and a gun. I was being respectful of others by not bringing a danger into my home or society.

there are no guarantees in life Dragoness - I respect your opinion, respect your choice - but life comes without any guarantees.

I can guarantee I will not harm you or yours :heart:

I can thank you but what about Johnny down the street who has a beef with this whole world suddenly and thinks he will take us all out for our own good?

ok So we Take Away Guns. Now People Still Have Cars, Knives, Glass Bottles, Baseball Bats, Tire Irons, Rocks, Pointed Sticks etc etc. You Gonna Ban those too?

then it will be ban those that dont think like us, look like us, speak like us, feel like us, it's for the greater good... then where will we be?