My sons been vomiting. He's 7 weeks old, I keep being told this is normal. He was hospitalized last week (4 days)for vomiting, spitting up, non stop crying, not sleepind or eating. He just switched formuls but the same things are starting again.
How worried should I be??? |
Edited by
Thu 10/16/08 10:56 PM
Call the doctor's exchange tonight.
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Call the doctor!!!!
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Be sure to ask about possible allergy to the formula, my son did the same thing and we discovered he was allergic to the cow's milk based formula and switched to soy which took care of the problem. Also helped with the fussy, crying, etc, because it stopped the tummy aches
Have you called the doctor yet???
My daughter spit up quite a bit (exorcist style), they said it was normal, but I nursed her and my son. Since your little one is on formula, I'd check with your doc again. Better save then sorry. Also, as long as he doesn't get dehydrated and/or doesn't start loosing weight, he should mostly be ok. Like said before, allergies could be a prob.
Hope he gets better. ![]() |
He's been in the hospital for 4 days last week and seen the doctor 2 twice and has another appointment tomorrow.
He's still gaining weight at birth he was 9 pounds 10 ounces now he's 14 pounds 3 ounces |
If you are worried, and its obvious you are. Call the doctor at least or go to the hospital. Better safe than sorry.
Hope the baby feels better soon. |
Please read the following as general information and not and acusation or judgement of you as a mother. I am factoring in a vast array of experiences and possibilities some of which are very rare and remote.
Babies tend to spit up or vomit up what they have difficulty digesting. Even experienced mothers will sometimes be fooled by a child that tends to vomit at the high end of the norm. Since he is gaining weight sounds like he is getting enough nutrition to stay down, If you are consistently giveing equal parts water to what ever formula you are giving it is unlikely he is dehydrateing. The hospital would not send him home if he appeared to be dehydrateing. If you suspect that he is then still take your child back to a doctor. You know your baby best and if you think something is not right trust your instincts. Even young inexperienced Moms have their angels that nudge them along and savy nurses and doctors respect that "feeling". I would be particularly careful to wash and double rinse all the bottles ect. really well. Soap residue is particularly bad about hanging around. And the rinse stuff that you put in the dish washer. It is real easy to introduce germs with brushes and sponges. Or even your hands. Nail polish and cosmetics (lotions) are very toxic if your baby sucks on your fingers. Keys have lead never let a baby play or chew on a key ring. Or fabric or leather because it is frequently treated. I always recommend parents have their water tested at their county extension office. It is shocking how many times it is tainted. Check bottle water to make sure it is not out of date. I had a fragile newborn foster child that was allergic to flouridated water. Some babies can't tolerate cold water. Some babies vomit when they are withdrawn from cigarette smoke. You don't mention if anyone else is feeding your baby but if it is possible don't necessarily believe they honor your wishes or instructions. Sometimes parents and siblings or care providers think they know better and do as they please. To my amazement and furry my neighbor gave my highly allergic child chocolate. If you have a sitter it is also possible that they are giveing your baby whole milk or powdered milk and giving another child your baby's formula. It is also quite likely that formula is not being refrigerated like it should. It is really expensive but sometimes it is better to take daycare sealed formula bottles. If your child is vomiting more at one time or another you might want to check for CO2 poisoning. If your car needs a muffler, you commute by bus, or have a cover parking area you idle under, or rent a home with a furnace that is not serviced annually it is possible. Most utility companys will check out your furnace for free. They won't do repairs but they can often tell you programs where you can have it replaced or repaired or how to get your landlord to fix it. While it seems impossible for most mothers to believe Some care providers will feed your child tylenol, alcohol, benadril, or other things to make them sleep. This is VERY dangerous. If your baby's clothes have unusual stains find a new careprovider and have your infant checked out. If your child has been hospitalized it is probable that part of the tests included a toxin screen already. It is not absolutely certain if you did not take your baby to a pediatric hospital emergency room. Something I would always recommend if you have that option. Even if you have to drive further to get this kind of care. If your primary doctor is giveing you the brush off this is a good place to get a second opinion. In any group daycare setting Clearly label your baby's bottles with their name. Writing their name on their shirt can also prevent mix ups in daycare situations. It is sad but many Daycares are woefully understaffed even when you are paying big bucks. Always use a daycare that lets you drop in unannounced and see what is going on. If you see people handleing your child before washing their hands from handleing another child or money it is possible they are introduceing something offensive. If one of your careproviders is nurseing don't be surprised if they are offering your infant their breast. It is sad but some people are radical about the subject and think that any breast milk is more suitable for your baby than your formula. Breastmilk that is not handled properly or is bought is frequently not pure. I would agree it sounds like a simple allergy to milk or quite possibly cereal added to formula. This is especially true if it is mixed cereal. Young infants can not digest cereal and it will make your kid vomit. If you are occasionally nurseing you may be eating something your passing in your milk. Hopefully this has blown over by the time you read this. Keeping a journal is a good habit during your child's first year. Then you can record important information or questions to cover with your pediatrician. Wishing you Best of Luck and happy experiences. |
My son went through the same thing, though he also got bleeding diaper rashes. He was severely lactose intolerant. They make some lactose free formulas as well as the soy, my son liked those better. It's a common allergy.
thanks everyone
hes already had one bloody diper my daughter developed sensitivies to apples, oranges, grapes, tomatoes, chocolate, milk, and anything calcium fortified but her stuff didnt start till 10 months when she went off the bottle. he just might be starting early ![]() well off to the doctors |
My son had the same thing.. he was 3 weeks old when it started....
his problem pyloric stenosis.. the thickening of the "outflow" valve (so to speak) on his tummy.. so nothing could digest , it had no where to go, so it came back up... Took a month for the moron doctors to figure it and finally they flew him to Denvers Childrens Hospital where the doctor examined him , diagnosed him and fixed him.. he chucked right up!!! Never had a problem again... I hope they figure it out soon |