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Topic: I think my grandmother has
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Thu 10/16/08 06:32 AM
been visiting me.....she died in 1939...???

i have been reluctant to "hear" her...and something happened this weekend i could not ignore...

have you been visited?

oldsage's photo
Thu 10/16/08 06:34 AM
Few times by Gwen & Dad.

shoesmonkey's photo
Thu 10/16/08 06:36 AM

been visiting me.....she died in 1939...???

i have been reluctant to "hear" her...and something happened this weekend i could not ignore...

have you been visited?

Do tell. What happened?

thumper95's photo
Thu 10/16/08 06:36 AM
a few times more than i want to admit,, and they come in my dreams

no photo
Thu 10/16/08 06:38 AM
My dad died 15 years ago, he visits me in my dreams, usually to tell me something I need to hear. Could be your grandmother needs to pass something along flowerforyou

shoesmonkey's photo
Thu 10/16/08 06:38 AM
BTW, my mother once. All she said was "We all love you", in a dream. She was dressed with a high, Victorian type coller, white it was. She did not move her mouth. I only heard her word's.

thumper95's photo
Thu 10/16/08 06:40 AM
my great grandmothers, both uncles, and my grandma that passed 2 years ago speak to me alot, but alot of times it hurts to much to listen to what they want to say. i miss my grandma alot

no photo
Thu 10/16/08 06:41 AM
how do you reconcile that?

they are trying to tell you something....but you won't let that being selfish??? idk...this is new to me...

my great grandmothers, both uncles, and my grandma that passed 2 years ago speak to me alot, but alot of times it hurts to much to listen to what they want to say. i miss my grandma alot

missy51970's photo
Thu 10/16/08 06:44 AM
It happens to me every once in awhile..

I have an 18 year old daughter who gets "visits" from people she doesnt know... gifted child...

thumper95's photo
Thu 10/16/08 06:45 AM
they only come when im in a bad mental state, i know they are trying to help, but when im in a bad way it hurts too much to see them like that, it feels like they are more disappointed in me than trying to help. but thats probably my issue and they are tying to help me get out of it. i just dont know how to take it.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 10/16/08 06:47 AM
My Mom, Dad & Grandmother at times have some times the dreams seem really wierd and some times very soothing.

Mentork's photo
Thu 10/16/08 06:49 AM
Confucius talks to me sometimes... ^_^

no photo
Thu 10/16/08 06:53 AM
I think it's a little frightening, it always freaks the hell out of me when it happens. But, I do believe they do come back to help, or comfort, or something. If you can find a way to get past the fear, it can usually be helpful.

And sometimes, dreams are just dreams flowerforyou

shoesmonkey's photo
Thu 10/16/08 06:55 AM
I used to have the scarriest dream's about my grandparent's. Was like a serie's ya know ,run on dream's. They got scarrier as they went along. But, they all stopped when I left my old bf of 13 yr.'s.

no photo
Thu 10/16/08 07:01 AM
Sure Mamaw...stands in my room on occasion and smiles at me...sweetbigsmile

no photo
Thu 10/16/08 07:06 AM
oh..just to clarify a bit......

the visits are not in my dreams...

i am fully conscious and not on any mind altering substances...

when they occur......

eileena9's photo
Thu 10/16/08 10:57 AM
I've had this happen, mostly while I am awake. If it is someone I was close to, I can hear them and feel them. People I have worked with and known casually, I will see more than hear.

And famous people, I get vibes that something is going to happen when I crave watching their movies or need to look things up about them when they haven't crossed my mind in years. This happened four times in one year a while back, saw them in different Broadway shows, watched a few of their movies and read their obits within a few months. It's kind of scary at times.

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 10/16/08 11:01 AM
Nope. But, I don't have any dead relatives that I was close to.

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 10/16/08 11:02 AM

how do you reconcile that?

they are trying to tell you something....but you won't let that being selfish??? idk...this is new to me...

my great grandmothers, both uncles, and my grandma that passed 2 years ago speak to me alot, but alot of times it hurts to much to listen to what they want to say. i miss my grandma alot

I don't think this is being selfish I think it is just natural to resist hearing something that doesn't quite rest with reality as you know it. Especially if you want to have someone in your life for a two way relationship it is pretty frusterateing to have it be so limited.

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 10/16/08 11:15 AM
Seeing something in the wakeing hours is not as common as when you are dreaming and have fewer distractions but some people just have a more open mind to this level of thinking.

Sometimes stress makes you less able to shut down involuntary thoughts and you are more aware of them in the day time.

If you are SURE you are not maybe having some kind of stroke, seisure activity, narcolepsy, medication reaction (don't forget over the counter and nutritional suppliments, or allergic reaction I wouldn't get real upset about it. It would be something I reported to my physician. Sometimes this is the only for warning you have to serious medical situations.

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