Topic: Iran | |
Iran claims they witheld information regarding their nuclear facilities
because the IAEA leaked confidential and sensitive information. They also claim the UN and the US are bullying them and they are afraid of being attacked by the US and Israel for uranium enrichment in low levels suitable for generating nuclear power. Iran has violated past sanction's and committments they agreed to so why would the UN continue to impose yet more sanctions? |
OK Jane,
Truly with all due respect and without any trace of prejudice, "Your slip is showing!!!" . I would just like to point out that you appear to be asking a question to which you already have the answer. To your question: "... Iran has violated past sanction's and committments they agreed to so why would the UN continue to impose yet more sanctions?" Can your answer be anything other than NO! Since your question's leading statement condemns Iran of having violated 'past alleged' sanctions, why would they be expected to respect them now, and thus what's the point of imposing more sanctions, that 'they' (alleged by your leading statement) WOULDN'T RESPECT!!! If I'm mistaken (I often am), I apologize, and simply ask you to re-phrase your question, leaving out those most obvious leading statements. ... Of course this is a sincere invitation to debate a VERY interesting and extremely sensitive WORLD 'situation' that you are bringing up, which SHOULD BE of great concern to all citizens of this planet!!! While waiting for your reply, and because this is a huge topic, I'll invite the two of us to take a step back, and approach this thing from an objective perspective! (no sides as to whom the good or bad guys are beforehand) ... and before getting to the objective perspective and argument, I suggest of bit of counter balancing rhetoric is of essence. With that in mind, I'll offer a metaphor (puerely invented and allegorical fabricatrion alluding to teh situation we are delaing with, ....along with a sarcastic twist) to help install some distance (step way back) from our respective 'biases'. Here's the metaphor A Mafia Boss (US) (Mafia Boss here is just a figure of speech, and not meant to insult the most repspectful Italian WORLD Community), walks into a small neighborhood 'Pastry Shop' (Iran). The M Boss is accompanied by a veritable judicial batallion of Judges and 'law enforcement' officials, all on the M Boss 'payroll' (the UN, IAEA, the NPT office, US, British and Israel armed forces on the ready). The M Boss's alleged accusations to mobilize such impressive law enforcement display, is that this 'everyday' pastry shop, is allegedly "planning" to make some doughnuts in the backroom, and "planning" to MAYBE sell them 'taxless' to customers, family and friends (atomic program, with the alleged intent (enriched uranium) to make and use the A bomb, in tdirect violation of the NPT). Imagine, a 'Mafia Boss' shocked and concerned about an alledged tax evasion scheme from the backroom of our small neighborhood pastry shop!!! Why should we ask, would a Mafia Boss go to such EXTREME lenghts to bring down an otherwise relatively inoffensive (even if they bark a lot, Iran IS de facto inoffensive, unless the Boss pushes the dog in the 'corner') ??? So why do you ask? Well, here it is. First of all, the little pastry shop owner, never kissed the M bosses hand, and that has been pissing the M Boss a lot. Secondly, the M Boss has tried several times in the past to run the shop himself, actually he would install some of his Mafia cousins, like 'GINO', better known as 'the Pastry Shah (shop)' (Shah of Iran). The little shop (Iran) never forgave the Boss for that. How dare he think he could just walk in and take over our shop?!?!? They eventually (after more than 25 years of occupation), pushed the Boss, and his cousin Gino clear out of the shop and warned them both to never come back! (1978, fall of the Shah) Never again, they swore, would they let foreign insurgency British (same idea as the US, in the period '20's to late 40's), American or any other, take over matters of their sovereignty. The M Boss actually got scared! Not of the little pastry shop owner (Iran), but rather, of not being able to eat his amazing donuts (OIL)!!! The Boss had to find a way to keep eating those donuts. So the Boss turned to none other than 'Franko', better known as 'FrankensteinMeister' (that's the Pentagon, CIA, and co.). You see, Franko is real good at making 'monsters'. They've made so many in the past, that they suceeding in making the news exciting!!! This time, Franko, the 'freankensteinmeister', figured he could install one of his monsters in a small shop right next door to our Small Pastry Shop: ...and "(sad)DAM-GOOD-Donuts" was born!!! (they were good at making monsters, but no so with names, I must admit). Anyhow, (sad)DAM-GOOD-Donuts, with a big hand from the M Boss, ended giving our 'Little Pastry Shop' a good run for his Donut marketplece money (1980-88 Iran-Irak war). Thinking that he was fighting a small shop just like his, our little shop fought and fought and fought, thinking HIS donuts WOULD COME OUT ON TOP! But after 8 years of fighting, he reAlized THAT the M Boss was backing the ennemy shop, and figured it was a losing battle (and we are still wondering; however inexcusable and unforgivable, how come terrorism exists, and how come it's directed at 'us' !!!) Can't have a fair fight against such a perverse ennemy, thought our little shop. "... (sad)DAM-GOOD-DONUTS we could beat hands down any day, but this M Boss backing him is just too big." (1988, Komeini drinks the 'poison chalice' (abdicating in front of the ennemy: huge shame for Persian people), and withdraws from the war against Iraq). In the meantime, the M Boss had kept his hand in the 'Donut Jar' (oil), Thanks to 'Franko' whom had created 'Saddrankenstein', the front man for (sad)DAM-GOOD-DONUTS, a veritable 'PIT'bull gardian of the endless donut 'PIT'. END OF FIRST CHAPTER. Coming up in the next chapter: "...the M Boss obviously violates the TAXFREEDONUT treaty, (NPT), but our little pastry shop went on to find out that not only did the Boss violated the TAXFREEDONUT treaty (NPT), HE SUPPORTS another, never in contention 'small pastry (bagel) shop' that has never even been asked to subcribe to the TAXFREEDONUT treaty, (NPT). This pastry (bagel) simply goes on, with the M Boss umbrella, to make as many TAXFREEDONUT as they wish, in profound violation of the spirit and letter of the TAXFREEDONUT treaty. Not being asked to adhere to the TAXFREEDONUT treaty, much less being summonned to stop violating it(NPT). HUM!!! did our 'little pastry shop' (Iran) think, in the backroom of their little shop, COULD THAT BE A WORLD DOUBLE STANDARD from which no fairness of treatment can be expected?!?!?! (to be followed) DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT SUPPORT NOR SUBSCRIBE TO EITHER SIDE OF THIS SENSTIVE QUESTION. THE METAPHOR IS SIMPLY MEANT TO SET THE TABLE FOR AN OPEN AND OBJECTIVE 'DEBATE' ON THE TOPIC AT HAND. RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL FANATICS ARE WELCOMED, IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING, ... BUT THEY MUST REMEMBER TO BREATH ON THEIR OWN!!! |
Are the "donuts" oil or enriched (weapons grade) uranium? You used
both and never differentiated. Second our neighbor to the north (YOU!) provides the US with over half of our imported oil. Lastly, Iran could avoid all of the rigamarole with the US, IAEA, and the UN by building nuclear power plans which produce copious amounts of energy but no uranium. They choose to produce the uranium (and comparing donuts to nulear material is just goofy) and must accept the consequences. Am I saying the US is without fault, no, what I am saying is that this "pastry shop" is acting in a provacative manner and while it's neighbors may be in no position to take action the "donuts" it is selling have implications which are reaching around the neighborhood and have anyone thinking that if they have some yeast and a couple of eggs they can do the same thing. Oh Lord, see what you've made me do? In closing, I think that Iran wants no part of a war in which the world is lining up against them but is perfectly content to try to goad the US (or Isreal or Britain from the looks of it) into attacking them and then crying "Oh, poor me, help me!" if it happens. |
Aren't you forgetting to breathe??? (no offence of course, but have you read the disclaimer?) Don't jump right back into first degree, it completely defeats the purpose auto-critique !!! Which is fundamental in a healty democracy!!! As an example, bringing up the donuts 'derfw3'. It is a metaphor remember (yes, metaphors can be humorous, especially in such serious topics. That's the job of a metaphor, to distance ourselves from anchored points of view, so we can gain a better perspective, and see the whole picture, clearer. Just laugh, get the point and roll with it.) And yes, donuts are both. In the front store, and in the 'donut jar' its oil (it's upfront and public), and in the backstore it's Iran Nuclear Development, all of it, what we know, and don't of it (including uranium enrichment prospects). It's very clearly differentiated. Sorry you missed it! If you allow your personnal honor to be attacked by purely invented metaphors, I don't think you will have fun on this post. On the other hand, with a little effort on your part, I'm sure you could bring yourself to temporarily 'let go' of the rethoric, take the side of counter rethoric (or counter propaganda), ... fresh original thoughts, instead of the party line, healthy self-criticism, instead this pucky attitude of infallability. Allowing a contraty viewpoint to enter your mind for just a moment, IS NOT DANGEROUS, I swear! And I promise, you can always go back to your previous viewpoints. Hell, try laughing at yourself if all else fails. After all these forums are not exactly official exchanges of the United Nations! You don't to defend your country here. It's not being attacked!!! Rethoric is already there for all!!! Breaking rethoric apart, isn't attacking ourselves, NOR IS IT ATTACKING EACH OTHER!!! But it does hold the prospect of coming out the loop with openings, and solutions, instead of the same old "... this is your opinion, and of course YOU share it!!! Let's explore this 'derfw3', and let's have a bit of fun doing it!!! |
The U.N. is an impotent entity. Most of its members are in cahoots with
Iran and Iran's govt. will continue to spew lies and B.S. as long as we keep swilling it. |
voileazur, I asked a simple question. Why would the UN impose yet more
sanction's when past one's had been violated. While I may not be a rocket scientist, there is no need to be condensending, thanks. While we may all have differences of opinon on this very subject, there is nothing wrong with discussion and hearing other's opinion's. Not into fights or flamming attacks or forcing one opinion over another, etc. We are all adults in here and everyone has an opinion, no? I have mine and while I can appreciate other's, I don't need someone to convince me otherwise or to change my mind, but, I will listen to reasoning and understand someone else's point of view, for sure. ![]() |
Top World Oil Producers, Exporters, Consumers, and Importers, 2004 (millions of barrels per day) Producers1 Total oil production Exporters2 Net oil exports Consumers3 Total oil consumption Importers4 Net oil imports 1. Saudi Arabia 10.37 1. Saudi Arabia 8.73 1. United States 20.5 1. United States 11.8 2. Russia 9.27 2. Russia 6.67 2. China 6.5 2. Japan 5.3 3. United States 8.69 3. Norway 2.91 3. Japan 5.4 3. China 2.9 4. Iran 4.09 4. Iran 2.55 4. Germany 2.6 4. Germany 2.5 5. Mexico 3.83 5. Venezuela 2.36 5. Russia 2.6 5. South Korea 2.1 6. China 3.62 6. United Arab Emirates 2.33 6. India 2.3 6. France 2.0 7. Norway 3.18 7. Kuwait 2.20 7. Canada 2.3 7. Italy 1.7 8. Canada 3.14 8. Nigeria 2.19 8. Brazil 2.2 8. Spain 1.6 9. Venezuela 2.86 9. Mexico 1.80 9. South Korea 2.1 9. India 1.5 10. United Arab Emirates 2.76 10. Algeria 1.68 10. France 2.0 10. Taiwan 1.0 11. Kuwait 2.51 11. Iraq 1.48 11. Mexico 2.0 12. Nigeria 2.51 12. Libya 1.34 13. United Kingdom 2.08 13. Kazakhstan 1.06 |
well that was a disaster. LMAO
Anyway visit I dont know why the table didnt print right. The US is the 3rd largest producer of oil in the world. Yet we consume 20.5 million barrels a day, By far the largest consumer in the world. Canada only produces go look for your self. My point was canada in no way could provide the US with half of what we consume. They only produce 3.14 million barrels a day. The US consumes every drop of oil we produce, 8.69 mb a day and import, 11.8mb a day. While Canada uses 2.13mb a day, they still produce more than they use, leaving them with 1.1 mb a day to export. That is no where near to half of the 11.8 mb a day that we import. Once again Derf your facts are based on some misconception. |
Some interesting info., thanks fanta. Canada continues to seek and
process it's own oil resources versus relying 100% on importing, it's just not enough. |
I only been here a little while but long "winded" condenscending
statements have a familar tone of filabustering. Your not going to win over with you arguments only strengthen the other side resolve that way. It's akin to starting a fight instead of reasoning and swaying opinion. |
Jane, you asked a good question. I couldnt answer, neither do I think
anyone at the UN could. Like Bigglenn said the Un is a defunct organization, started for good reasons, but twisted to the point it is today which bickers more than our own senate. They act too slow and have no real authority. If they do act it is primarily with US military force. Voil uses analogy to make a point. Ill use another one. how can you fight back against a school bully (US), when he towers over you by 1 ft. and 100 lbs.? You first go to the teacher (UN), if that doesnt work then you fight dirty, thats how, and that is what is happening to us around the world today. That is why the Iraq military melted into the population ahead of our military invasion. That is why the Iranian's want Nukes. We are the only country in the world to ever use a nuclear weapon in the history of the world, and we did it twice. Self-defence that is why they want one of their own, and I cant blame them, can you? If they run to the teacher (UN) to complain that the playground bully (US) is pushing them around, they find that the teacher (UN) is in our back pocket. What are they to do? |
fanta you are so right abought the u.n.
Jane, what I found shocking is how much moreoil we use than the rest of
the world. Instead of invading countries, I think we should have a national effort, like we did during the race to the moon, only try to find alternative fuel sources. In the meantime we could find ways to reduce our consumption. Like a better public tansit system. It is hard to do simple things, like go to work, or the grocery store in this country unless you live in the city. That is shameful, we are the greatest country in the world, but we have the most short sighted leadership as well. When we invaded Iraq it was the first time in history that we used preemptive force against a soverign nation. I know people will come back and say that they attack us, but fact is Saddam and Osama had different muslim beliefs. Beyond that if put in the same room together they would have killed each other. Canada must truly be our friends. they send their kids to Iraq to die for our glutony of oil, when they dont even need to import any for their own use. What a friend, but I have to wonder are they naive or is their government in our pocket as well. |
I hear what you're saying fanta. Long time ago, I really believed what
the purpose and intent of the UN was. Greed and corruption supercede unity and peace in today's world. While I understand Iran has the right, as any country does, to have nuclear energy the timing and manner in which they are pursuing it can be of concern. While they claim that the US is bullying them, keeping them in a submissive postion, I don't think continuing on in an evasive and deceptive manner is going to do anything but compound concern and fear's they are pursuing enrichment for weapons grade. Iran is saying they are afraid of being attacked by the US and Israel and that is why they are being evasive and contrary. Could it not be said the UN and US are insisting on yet more sanction's in an attempt for Iran to be on the level, as other countries are, with their nuclear programs, in order to avoid having any one country doing thing's in secrecy and possibly amassing weapons grade uranium? |
Canada is no different in that we vote for the right reason's. I did
not vote for a Prime Minister that want's to go to war. He had recently declared that he want's to put Canada on the map, in regards to having a presence in the current war. We have always been a peace keeping nation and this tard feel's it is his duty to put our country right in the middle of war. For what reason's....most of us are still trying to figure that one out. |
only one question to your "iran" far?
hehehehe |
I have no doubt that is what they are doing!!
I have to ask and try to understand why though, because that is the only way we will find a solution. We need to change the way we respond to the world problems instead of the statusquo, while maintaining a strong military just in case, and as a deterrent from becoming a victim ourselves. But at the present time we are compounding the problem. Militarily at the present time, we have apr. 150,000 men and women in the perfect situation to suffer one of the greatest military losses in our history. If Iran gets a nuke, and lobs it into the fleet massed in the narrow confines of the Persian gulf while simultaniously crossing into N Iraq with their 3-5 million man military, our soldiers, my brothers, will be forced to fight with very little air cover to the death, or surrender. We might regroup eventualy, we might lob a few nukes back, but what a travesty that will be, even if we win in the end. The Iranians dont really care, they will gain what they see as a military victory over the invading infidels. They fought Saddam in the 80's with 10 year old kids. They are fanatics who would do anything just to kill us. That is what years and years of our current policy's have done so far. They hate us, imagine how bad life for you and me would have to get for us to resort to strapping dynamite to our chest and walk into a crowd then pull the det cord. It is said that you can attrack more bees with honey than vinegar. |
I have to agree with what you are saying fanta. I don't think paranoia
and brute force are going to resolve anything but that is all that's happen's when there is evasion and deviation. I also agree with bigGlenn that the UN is now impotent. Too many player's in the game with nuke's and no one is afraid to use them if they "have" to. The dominoe affect will be devastating. No one win's. |
Thats what Im saying noone wins!
It takes 40 days for a tanker to carry oil from Saudi Arabia to the US.
It cost's about $80k - $100k per day, for that tanker to carry the oil to the US. There were 400 people murdered or captured from ships in the Malacca Strait in 2004 (links the Indian Ocean and the Pacific), and 445 reported cases of piracy attacks in 2003. There are less than 80-90 refineries in the world and most are in the US and Southeast Asia. (to get the oil to Singapore, they have to also go through the Strait of Malacca). * from the book "What Every American Should Know About Who's Really Running the World: The People, Corporations, and Organizations That Control Our Future", Melissa Rossi. |