Can anyone prove this stuff is "divinely inspired" or better yet, not terribly agenda driven by men eager to obtain power, control and presumably wealth by espousing this crap and pretending to "hear the direct word of a faceless, formless deity?" And what happened to all of the civilizations and people who existed thousands of years prior to this monotheistic invasion who were Pagan??? ![]() well i'll have to look all the verses up but it says he made some for destruction and some for salvation most for destruction it seems huh? |
Yeah I think if you are only utilizing the bible and the very same men who set out to proliferate this new religion, eh, probably not going to be the best resource.
Besides do we really require the re-hashing of the "no false gods before me" rhetoric? Thats all you will find in the bible. That alone should be indicative that something else existed. Why worry about "false gods/Goddeses unless there were in fact FALSE GODS and GODDESSES? ![]() |
well for sure the bible even names them in many cases
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Fri 10/17/08 11:18 PM
so are you saying then that who i was before i woke up this morning or went to bed is not or was not my true me? the person who raised children in what is now not the present was not the true me? that i can only be the true me as i type these words? What I am saying is the person you are exists in the present moment. Everything exists in the present moment. The person you were when you were a child is not the person you are today. The person you were yesterday is not same person you are this moment. Lets say you could divide into two people this moment. Call it an artificial person, one who is exactly like you in every way. You go into a copy machine and you create a double who is just like you in every way, same mind, same experiences. Then, separate these two people. Let them live apart. Let them live apart with two different points of view, separate observation points of view, separate in mind and experience. In no time at all you will acquire different experiences, different knowledge, maybe even different opinions on things. You will still be very much alike, but you will have different experience and you will be different in your person because of it. I did not mean to say that this is your true spiritual self, or your true self in the higher spiritual sense, but in consideration of the incarnated person you have become because your experiences make you who you are in every moment. It is not really time that makes you who you are, but your experiences. When you have new experiences, you change and you are not the same total "person" you were before. I hope this helps you understand what I mean. jb understood my lady, but what makes you sure of what you state? how do you know this? what evidence in your own life points you to come to these conclusions? and by what if anything are you comparing it to as a measure of its truth? Well it is just simple common sense. If experience does not teach you anything or add anything to your life then you are not changing or learning. We are learning programs. We change and adjust our programing with new input and experience. If I were the same person now as I was when I was 19 years old or 10 years old or 5 years old people would call me retarded. I can't conceive of anyone not coming to this same conclusion if they were to think about it. If you want me to compare it to something, then compare it to a robot that does not have a learning program installed. It would be the same, react the same, act the same, and function the same today as it was when it was first created 50 years ago.. as long as it was maintained in operational order. jb |
Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Job, Chapter 25 2 "Dominion and fear are with God; he makes peace in his high heaven. 3 Is there any number to his armies? Upon whom does his light not arise? 4 How then can man be righteous before God? How can he who is born of woman be clean? 5 Behold, even the moon is not bright and the stars are not clean in his sight; 6 how much less man, who is a maggot, and the son of man, who is a worm!" Job, Chapter 12: 13 "With God are wisdom and might; he has counsel and understanding. 14 If he tears down, none can rebuild; if he shuts a man in, none can open. 15 If he withholds the waters, they dry up; if he sends them out, they overwhelm the land. 16 With him are strength and wisdom; the deceived and the deceiver are his. 17 He leads counselors away stripped, and judges he makes fools. 18 He looses the bonds of kings, and binds a waistcloth on their loins. 19 He leads priests away stripped, and overthrows the mighty. 20 He deprives of speech those who are trusted, and takes away the discernment of the elders. 21 He pours contempt on princes, and looses the belt of the strong. 22 He uncovers the deeps out of darkness, and brings deep darkness to light. 23 He makes nations great, and he destroys them: he enlarges nations, and leads them away. 24 He takes away understanding from the chiefs of the people of the earth, and makes them wander in a pathless waste. 25 They grope in the dark without light; and he makes them stagger like a drunken man. Job, Chapter 4: 17 'Can mortal man be righteous before God? Can a man be pure before his Maker? 18 Even in his servants he puts no trust, and his angels he charges with error; 19 how much more those who dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, who are crushed before the moth. 20 Between morning and evening they are destroyed; they perish for ever without any regarding it. 21 If their tent-cord is plucked up within them, do they not die, and that without wisdom?' |
Who is he that can speak, and it happens, when the Lord command it not? 37
Out of the mouth of the Most High proceedeth not both evil and good? 38 Exodus 32:14... And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people. Amos 3:6... 6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD has not done it? |
response on another thread by draco:
the word you quote as "evil" in Isaiah 45:7 is actually translated as "calamity". this is not the same as moral evil. most people do not desire moral evil, but often (unknowingly)bring calamity upon themselves. the other verses you quoted do not say that moral evil comes from God either. calamity,on the other hand,was definitely what befell Job. |
Edited by
Sat 10/18/08 12:07 AM
my response to the above:
you don't consider calamity to be "moral evil"? Well your partly right about the word - it is in strong's <07451> the word ra-rah it is used as evil 442 times through out the OT. the diaglott, LXX, Douay's, Young's tranlation. Stephanus, KJAV, and all the other older bibles i have access to translate it to say "EVIL" it is used here and in genesis and lamentations and elsewhere and is all the same Hebrew word. As a noun it is used to describe evil, distress, misery,injury and lastly calamity. But if you cant see they all are EVIL actions then there is something wrong. Because the newer bibles have used "calamity" just shows me that they will do whatever is necessary to keep there god holy and pure as the driven snow. It's not like this is some "new revelation" of the various words that it can refer to, it's man's attempting to make it so that he can cover gods ASSS! god don't need no help - gods fugged up enough, let him cover his own asss. It's just like when they changed the word "replenish" to >fill< which makes no sense at all - he says to Adam and eve and replenish the earth meaning to RE-FILL or replenish or re-populate, and then now it's supposed to mean fill - ain't buying it! The exact same word is used in the case of god telling Noah to replenish the earth - and it can mean no other than to refill re-populate since everyone was drowned/killed by the flood!! I'm sure this will continue till they have changed every contentious thing that's found buy others to debate and argue over as has been done for thousands of years now - good luck with that. to Draco 7 - thnx for this info - i will use it in other post for sure. Edited by tribo on Fri 10/17/08 11:36 PM |
eljay here is a sample of what i'm talking of: I form <03335> (8802) the light <0216>, and create <01254> (8802) darkness <02822>: I make <06213> (8802) peace <07965>, and create <01254> (8802) evil <07451>: I the LORD <03068> do <06213> (8802) all these things. i make peace and create """EVIL""" I the lord do all of these things. ""I"" the lord do all these things. so my point still is that god created the evil[sin]and is the cause of mankind falling. While you may see this as an example of what you are refering to - you are sighting this passage to support a pretext. It is not the context of scripture that God "creates" evil. Also - the text is setting up the extreme of opposites to illustrate a point. The opposite you want this to refer to is "good" - however the text states "peace". Not the same thing. In the NIV the text is translated "I bring prosperity and create disaster". In light of what Isaiah is writing about - this understanding is not that to which you are refering to in your OP. In order to get an accurate picture to you OP - one should study out the idea of Good and evil, and how these terms are referenced or related to God - to see if in fact this passage is refering to God creating evil. To fully satisfy your interpreteation, shouldn't the passage say "I created evil"? For that is what you are wanting me to interpret it as saying. I can't agree with your conclusion on the interpretation of this passage supporting your argument that this is a biblical concept - it only supports your pretext. However - for the sake of argument - I will return to my former post of accepting for the moment that evil is something that exists beyond a lack of rightiousness, and re-introduce the idea of your posturing some alternative action on God's part that would have eliminated man's ability to be evil, without having to give up freedom of choice. Since - if I'm not mistaken, you find that he is a fool and lacks in wisdom for having allowed this into creation in the first place. |
Eljay is not a fan of Penn & Teller or George Carlin. Now why does that not surprise me? ![]() ![]() GEORGE CARLIN ON THE 10 COMMANDMENTS from "Complaints and Grievances" (HBO special) Here is my problem with the ten commandments- why exactly are there 10? You simply do not need ten. The list of ten commandments was artificially and deliberately inflated to get it up to ten. Here's what happened: About 5,000 years ago a bunch of religious and political hustlers got together to try to figure out how to control people and keep them in line. They knew people were basically stupid and would believe anything they were told, so they announced that God had given them some commandments, up on a mountain, when no one was around. Well let me ask you this- when they were making this **** up, why did they pick 10? Why not 9 or 11? I'll tell you why- because 10 sound official. Ten sounds important! Ten is the basis for the decimal system, it's a decade, it's a psychologically satisfying number (the top ten, the ten most wanted, the ten best dressed). So having ten commandments was really a marketing decision! It is clearly a bull**** list. It's a political document artificially inflated to sell better. I will now show you how you can reduce the number of commandments and come up with a list that's a little more workable and logical. I am going to use the Roman Catholic version because those were the ones I was taught as a little boy. Let's start with the first three: I AM THE LORD THY GOD THOU SHALT NOT HAVE STRANGE GODS BEFORE ME THOU SHALT NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD THY GOD IN VAIN THOU SHALT KEEP HOLY THE SABBATH Right off the bat the first three are pure bull****. Sabbath day? Lord's name? strange gods? Spooky language! Designed to scare and control primitive people. In no way does superstitious nonsense like this apply to the lives of intelligent civilized humans in the 21st century. So now we're down to 7. Next: HONOR THY FATHER AND MOTHER Obedience, respect for authority. Just another name for controlling people. The truth is that obedience and respect shouldn't be automatic. They should be earned and based on the parent's performance. Some parents deserve respect, but most of them don't, period. You're down to six. Now in the interest of logic, something religion is very uncomfortable with, we're going to jump around the list a little bit. THOU SHALT NOT STEAL THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS Stealing and lying. Well actually, these two both prohibit the same kind of behavior- dishonesty. So you don't really need two you combine them and call the commandment "thou shalt not be dishonest". And suddenly you're down to 5. And as long as we're combining I have two others that belong together: THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTRY THOU SHALT NOT COVET THY NEIGHBOR'S WIFE Once again, these two prohibit the same type of behavior. In this case it is marital infidelity. The difference is- coveting takes place in the mind. But I don't think you should outlaw fantasizing about someone else's wife because what is a guy gonna think about when he's waxing his carrot? But, marital infidelity is a good idea so we're gonna keep this one and call it "thou shalt not be unfaithful". And suddenly we're down to four. But when you think about it, honesty and infidelity are really part of the same overall value so, in truth, you could combine the two honesty commandments with the two fidelity commandments and give them simpler language, positive language instead of negative language and call the whole thing "thou shalt always be honest and faithful" and we're down to 3. THOU SHALT NOT COVET THY NEIGHBOR"S GOODS This one is just plain ****in' stupid. Coveting your neighbor's goods is what keeps the economy going! Your neighbor gets a vibrator that plays "o come o ye faithful", and you want one too! Coveting creates jobs, so leave it alone. You throw out coveting and you're down to 2 now- the big honesty and fidelity commandment and the one we haven't talked about yet: THOU SHALT NOT KILL Murder. But when you think about it, religion has never really had a big problem with murder. More people have been killed in the name of god than for any other reason. All you have to do is look at Northern Ireland, Cashmire, the Inquisition, the Crusades, and the World Trade Center to see how seriously the religious folks take thou shalt not kill. The more devout they are, the more they see murder as being negotiable. It depends on who's doin the killin' and who's gettin' killed. So, with all of this in mind, I give you my revised list of the two commandments: Thou shalt always be honest and faithful to the provider of thy nookie. & Thou shalt try real hard not to kill anyone, unless of course they pray to a different invisible man than you. Two is all you need; Moses could have carried them down the hill in his ****in' pocket. I wouldn't mind those folks in Alabama posting them on the courthouse wall, as long as they provided one additional commandment: Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself. Penn & teller are magicians - not comedians, yet they continue to attempt to be such. Carlin was not a comedian - he was a satirist. I just didn't find his idea of "humor" to be funny. Some things were - but he let his politics get in the way of his telent. And by the way - I felt the same way about Penn & Teller and Carlin when I was an atheist - so your presumption that my being a christain is the basis for this belief is a false. You shouldn't make assumptions when you don't know the facts. |
I think man probably does have the ability to be totally righteous and perfect as well as totally flawed. But the state of being righteous seems like an opinion to me. Why people think that a God "gave" mankind something called "free will" is beyond me. The will is innate and inherent in all consciousness. Will is part of the package in the manifestation of Prime source. Prime Source has the will to exist and it manifests itself in all things which naturally also have the will to exist. Innate in all living creatures is a desire to be free. Even a domestic dog who depends on humans hates to be chained or caged. Freedom is paramount. jb man does not have the ability to be righteous while wearing this flesh my lady, ayone who thinks they are capable of being sinless or in your case wrong is crazy - ![]() ![]() It is easy to be sinless because sin is a term that is confined and owned by religious doctrine and it boils down to mean "disobedience" of some conception of an all mighty creator who wrote laws and commandments and stated that "the wages of sin is death." Therefore, unless you subscribe to that religious doctrine, the term "sin" is meaningless and a moot point. You can only be a "sinner" if you buy lock stock and barrel, the religious implication's of that term and subscribe to Christianity or any similar religious doctrine that uses the term "sin." But if you are a free agent or atheist you cannot think of yourself as a "sinner" because the word has no meaning. The idea of righteousness is basically an opinion. Yes, you can be righteous in this moment. This moment is all that truly exists. It matters not what you did yesterday. If you made a mistake and learned from it, and if you move to the next step of becoming a better person, and if you forgive yourself and vow to do and be better and hold that intention, you can indeed be righteous in that moment. That is what repentance and forgiveness is all about. When you truly repent unto yourself and vow to change, then you are a new and righteous person at that moment. You are washed clean and forgiven if your repentance is sincere. You are new because you have truly changed and you have been forgiven and you have forgiven yourself. Each moment is all that exists. What and who you are in this moment is the true you. You Tribo are mistaken. Anyone can be righteous and even without sin in the moment, which is all that truly exists. jb Jeannie; Your post is true only because you refuse to accept the generally accepted syntax for the word "sin". It is an accepted term used by the religious and irreligious alike, and when the term is used it is generally understood what is meant. Stop being so "legalistic" and respond to what is being referenced. You're starting to sound like a "fundie". |
I think man probably does have the ability to be totally righteous and perfect as well as totally flawed. But the state of being righteous seems like an opinion to me. Why people think that a God "gave" mankind something called "free will" is beyond me. The will is innate and inherent in all consciousness. Will is part of the package in the manifestation of Prime source. Prime Source has the will to exist and it manifests itself in all things which naturally also have the will to exist. Innate in all living creatures is a desire to be free. Even a domestic dog who depends on humans hates to be chained or caged. Freedom is paramount. jb man does not have the ability to be righteous while wearing this flesh my lady, ayone who thinks they are capable of being sinless or in your case wrong is crazy - ![]() ![]() It is easy to be sinless because sin is a term that is confined and owned by religious doctrine and it boils down to mean "disobedience" of some conception of an all mighty creator who wrote laws and commandments and stated that "the wages of sin is death." Therefore, unless you subscribe to that religious doctrine, the term "sin" is meaningless and a moot point. You can only be a "sinner" if you buy lock stock and barrel, the religious implication's of that term and subscribe to Christianity or any similar religious doctrine that uses the term "sin." But if you are a free agent or atheist you cannot think of yourself as a "sinner" because the word has no meaning. The idea of righteousness is basically an opinion. Yes, you can be righteous in this moment. This moment is all that truly exists. It matters not what you did yesterday. If you made a mistake and learned from it, and if you move to the next step of becoming a better person, and if you forgive yourself and vow to do and be better and hold that intention, you can indeed be righteous in that moment. That is what repentance and forgiveness is all about. When you truly repent unto yourself and vow to change, then you are a new and righteous person at that moment. You are washed clean and forgiven if your repentance is sincere. You are new because you have truly changed and you have been forgiven and you have forgiven yourself. Each moment is all that exists. What and who you are in this moment is the true you. You Tribo are mistaken. Anyone can be righteous and even without sin in the moment, which is all that truly exists. jb Righteousness... Another one of those subjective nouns. Righteous according to an infinite number of variables. An individual CAN be righteous according to self. When taken out of context - you are correct. However, Tribo is speaking of biblical concepts of "evil" here - and is quite aware of what I am refering to when I say that evil is the falling short of being rightious. I was not refering to the word in any other way other than the biblical idea of rightiousness - as it is used to refer to Abraham, or Jesus. |
well i work parttime at a jail and they all blame the other guy or it wasn't them. what we do on this earth is up to us. what we eat for breakfast and everything . what we do with our knowledge or lack thereof is up to us . we mostly know between right and wrong and when people lose respect for themselves , children, and families they make bad decs ![]() as a friend of mine once said " if you think your having a bad day - just try missing one." I like that one. I'll have to remember it. |
discussion continued Eljays last response: I think we diverge on the idea of "responsibility" and who is accountable for it. Perhaps too - the concept of sin. You perceive sin as a quantifiable entity, whereas I see it as non-righteousness. The absence of something rather than the measure of something. It then follows that God gets blamed for the short comings of man. I don't agree with this Pantheistic thought - as God is God, and Man is man. We are the creation, he is the creator. It is contrary to the biblical concept of God to equate the thoughts and actions of man to that of God, thereby reducing God's nature to that of man. This is man attempting to convince himself he knows the mind of God. Something the bible is quite exact on predicting that man would do. Doesn't this only reinforce the prophecy and validity of the text? Peter's second letter was devoted to this very subject. Just as you stated in an earlier post on another thread - the times they are a changing. Have we not seen from the time of our youth till now the overwhelming attempt of man to degrade and even dismiss God. I even see posts that claim that Hitler's final solution was due to his being a christian. Revising history to support the degrading of God. And with each generation, I find that fewer and fewer even bother to read the bible before they've formulated an opinion about it, and once having done that, they then use the text itself to support their pretext that God is less than he claims to be in the very text they are referring to. And this passes for sound reasoning? TRIBO REPLY: sorry my friend, my point remains the same - but i will say that i don't consider myself to be an all knowing all powerful god, i also have no problem with his destruction to achieve his purposes or any of the other things spoken of - my point is simple - god brought about all that is or will ever be - whether you are convinced of his reasons to do as he as done is inconsequential, the fact remains had he not brought forth his plan as he did - sin would not have entered the picture and therefore no fall from grace, the plot was his, the outcome is his - he is without a doubt to be held responsible for all that did, is ,will take place, there is no way around it. Having given this a little more thought - I cannot disagree with you in terms of how you have presented it. In actuality, I have not been in disagreement with the fact that since God knew/knows it all from the end to the beginning, I would say that I am in full agreement with you on his being responsible for all that has/is/will take place. Having said that - I think what we've been divergent on is this idea that there was somehow a better way to have gone about it. As though what we have available to us in this life could have somehow been improved without sacrificing that to which we hold dear. So I leave you with this question. How do you perceive it being "better designed" without the sacrifice of that which we hold dear? ELJAY: But I digress. Forgive me. I think to consider God to be anything less than righteous, Just, and the source of all truth and wisdom - is creating a new God, which to me - does not exist. So I often stand in full agreement with those who say that God does not exist, because once they proceed to describe the God they understand, it is quite evident that - that God does not exist; for the description always falls short of the testimony of those who describe to us the historical God to which they witnessed, who is referred to as the creator, and the source of all which is good. so rather than do the exegesis on who and what God is, they establish a presumption of the biblical God, and then proceed to refute it. If that isn't a logical fallacy, I don't know what is. (Tribo) A logical fallacy to me is that someone takes the writings of others and claims them to be god's. without any further proof to back it up except whats written down. oh i forgot you have your personal experiences to witness to these truths you hold so dear. but you wont even consider that all that has happened to you personally could have happened if you knew nothing of what you ""feel"" is/was because of god? i don't believe in things just because they affect me in some emotional way as to make me believe they are so whether of god or anything religious. to me that's a sorry way to determine anything, feelings lie, so does the heart, and so does the mind as well as senses. to base hard truths on such to me is self deception, no matter what god you may believe in or what religious take you may have. For me, I take the testimony of the authors at their word. If Isaiah tells me the word of God came to him - why should i assume he lied. What purpose would it have served Peter or John to have fabricated what they witnessed of Jesus' ministry, since they were fully convinced that Jesus was God? Seems self defeating to have invented stories about him when they were fully aware that He had risen from the dead, and came to them after the resurrection. And Luke - who was not an eye-witness, but an historian, would have had to ignored the testimonies of everyone he'd interviewed, and been an avid student of the Torah to have come up with his two books. And in addition to this - the idea of God being totally omniscient and having the power of his creation would had to have this completely suspended and watch - powerlessly while the testimony he wished to convey to man be that corrupted as to not be what he intended. Absurd to consider any of these "conspiracies" to be valid. It's just easier to claim atheism through ignorance, and not bother to pursue the topic at all. The personal experience is just a matter of support to something that is logical to me. While it is true that these experiences would have been the same had I not had faith in god - the same holds true for those who somehow think that random chance is responsible for the events in their lives when there is no way they can discount or disprove it is not - in fact - God working in their lives to bring about the outcomes of these events. A mere disbelief in God does no more to disprove his existence than a belief in him proves he does. However - we have this book called the bible which, through it's own claim, is a testimony of his existence, and his walking upon this earth. What "text" exists for any other philosophy that does not find it's origin from man alone? The Koran has Mo hammed as it's sole inspirator, and after he died, he did not come back to do anything for those who followed him. In addition to this - the Koran changed and modified itself to suit his lifestyle. Not something the bible does. If the bible is anything, it is consistent in it's claims, which was done through men who wrote it through inspiration over thousands of years. I would say by that mere fact alone - it at least calls out to be read, if not just to see if it's possibly true. It is folly to hold onto the claim that it is pure fiction having never even read it. That I find to be a great puzzlement. THNX lAR, ABOUT THE ANGELS FIRST, tell me why you think he did not stop with them especially after the rebellion? is he not capable as he is with mankind of destroying them? If he is - then why even keep them around, yet we read both at the beginning and later that god allows them or him in his presence to stand before him and act as the accuser? why? if god is not allowed to look upon sin or have it in his presence - why does he allow Satan to do just that? As to the authorship of the bible - that's where it gets sticky for me - when i read of what books were in circulation before the bible as has been known since Constantine's time [although that has been changed also] there were many being read and accepted as the word of god by these other writers. Though i cant find much to go on i raise the question of the book of Enoch which Jude actually quotes from and it's acceptence by him and others of being from god, yet in the book it describes things like god himself building the ark for Noah, not Noah building it. it also gives a more detailed account of the angels mating with human women and a lot of other things that don't fit in with the genesis accounts - is that why it was banned? if so then tell me - the first and second century Christians were in my opinion the only true christians enmass, meaning they if any would have had the discernment to know if or what was of god and what was not - yet they accepted even at Jude's time Enoch to be so - a time not removed from living apostles, so by implication the apostles would have know of the book also and maybe even christ i would have to guess. so why would the later deciders of what the canon would consist of throw it out or seperate it from the commonly accepted canon? this holds true of the decision of whether to include the revelation of peter [which was widely read] or the revelation of john [which was much less read and in some cases not inclusive to some churches. if i agree that those who put the writings down were inspired by god to do so, how am i to believe that Constantine a untrue christian most of his life would have the authority or give the authority to let those people sanctify what they perceived to be what would become to us now as "THE TRUTH" and "ONLY TRUTH" of gods words? This is true of other books of the apocrypha as well as non canonical books [some which i will admit are gnostic writings not worth the paper there printed on definitely not in line with any biblical thought but of mysticism and foolery] but to deny books even mentioned by jude or others is to me a sign that there was an "AGENDA" of what was to be allowed to form and be able to defend over time a mindset of the apostolic leaders - which to me were not inspired as paul.john.matthew,mark,luke and the rest - do you get what i mean? It's mens agenda i dont trust and i see the book as we have it now agenda driven to bring those who read to a desired conclusion as to what the agendest intended to bring about. now i'm nt talking of the piso family like JB, it has nothing to do with that this is something i have believed for 2 decades not since joining here. for me i keep looking at history to find these answers as much as possible but i dont really expect to find them here. As to the angels (or more accurately demons for the sake of our discussion) it seems, from scripture - that they serve a purpose, as it were, in the plan of God - and that purpose is to effect a separation of man from God. Though it is really unclear that had He chosen to destroy the demons that man would still not chose to commit unrightious acts. We know that hell was created for the demons - but from Revelation we also know that they are to play a major part in the final days. I wouldn't attempt to presume that I am in full understanding of the why of this - just the what of it. As to the authorship of the bible, I've given more than idol thought to this, and have heard the argument from both sides on the validity of inspiration - and why certain books are were accepted into cannon while others were not. I will agree with you on there having been an agenda at the council of nicea - though I think it was a fairly worthy one. If a particular "book" - say one of Enoch as compared to Jude, did not somehow aline itself with the consistant theme of all of the books of scripture, (that of the coming of Christ - or his having arrived), it was not included in cannon. However - I think it is a particular fallacy of man's to consider that one should only read the bible as it exists out of the council of Nicea. I would not suggest that you not read Enoch because they didn't include it in cannon. But by the same token - I would strongly suggest that if something were written in Enoch (which admittedly I have not read) that did not aline itself with exegesis from the other books of the bible - then I would be reluctant to accept it as inspired - and I would not reference it as a point of contradiction to disprove those books whih are considered inspired. I do agree with you on the gnostic books though - because they are inconsistent with historical christian concepts, and we have the letters of John to attest to their inconsistancies with what Jesus taught. As to the Revelation of Peter - if I'm not mistaken, it is believed to have been written some two hundred years after Peter was crucified. That would not stop me from reading it though. (which admittedly, I have not read this either). I think there is merit to the passages of scripture that state that it is the Holy spirit who leads one to the truth (that being the testimony of Jesus), so for one who is spirit filled, discernment should not be an issue in reading any of the books that are not considered cannon. If only to get a better sense of history, and the traditions of the time. I may be wrong in this - but I sense that a difficulty you are having is in the agenda of those who determined what should be included in the bible, rather than those who acctually wrote it. I see no logic in assuming that Matthew, Mark, Luke or John maintained an agenda in writting their accounts. There's just no logical reason for thnking they would have chosen to do this, as it represented a threat on their lives to merely aline themselves with the sect in the first place. Why would they do that in order to propigate a myth? Also - the background of each of these men, and their motivation for the accounts that they gave are not related. It isn't even clear that Luke had ever even met John. Then there's Paul. What would have caused him to go from persecuting the new sect to being it's most verbose supporter. And to the Gentiles no less! He was after all a Pharasee. What reason would any of these authors have for creating and continuing a myth? I think it is irrelivant that the council of Nicea determined which books are cannon, and which are not. Eventually - I'll read them all. I find that there is more than enough information to absorb in the New Testament alone, and am fairly certain that I will not live long enough to have gleaned all there is to offer in just the four gospels themselves. I find that I could spend the rest of my days just reading the Proverbs and Ecclesiates and still wouldn't get it all absorbed. The reason I say this is that it is more than just reading these things for understanding - but they come into play so much more vividly in how they are applied. When I was first learning how to play bridge, I read all of the books on bidding and play, and understood them as written - but I did not master the game until I started playing it and appled what I had read. And there are only 52 cards to know in that game. However, the possibilities and applications of them are vertually infinite. It stands as a valid analogy in my mind to understanding scripture and applying it. And having gone through the process with something i mastered - helped reason out what was necessary in dealing with the bible. In taking this approach - inspiration of scripture no longer seems like a far fetched assertion. But that is my experience with the bible. I will say this though - I am not unfamiliar with the doubts that you express. I felt the same way about the bible for many years. But I had someone tell me once - that if I had these doubts, I should just ask God to clarify them for me as I read the scripture - and if He was who He said He is, He would open my minds eye to understanding the basis of the doubt, and if it was even worth holding onto them. That seemed a pretty fair and reasonable approach. For me - it worked. It seems to me - to attempt to read scripture in any other way is a fruitless endeavor - for one is certainly not going to fool God by attempting to read scripture with the intention of disproving it and thinking they are going to understand it at the same time. That presumption is a total disreguard for God, and is certainly mocking Him. It is mere folly to think that one could attempt to do this and come out on the end of it with understanding the intent and spirit of scripture. All one is left with in this circumstance is confusion and lack of understanding, because - though some passages may support their pretext's other's will stand in direct contradiction - so they are left with having to reject a great percentage of what they're reading, without the opportunity to even finish it - let alone see how it all plays out. Then all they are left with is the opinions of what other's have of the bible, rather than one dirived from experiencing it. And isn't that even worse than rejecting those who claim to have authored it through inspiriation as opposed to accepting the conclusions of those who have formuated opinions about it who are not? |
God gave us a gift in giving us the ability to choose for ourselves. Free will. If we screw ourselves over we are the only ones to blame & not him. Blameing him is the easy way out & not truthful in the least. Coffee; I don't think Tribo is implying the blame is on God - just the responsibility of it's existance. To that means, I believe he is right. However, being resposibile for the existance of something does not hold one accountable to the outcome of it's application. |
Can anyone prove this stuff is "divinely inspired" or better yet, not terribly agenda driven by men eager to obtain power, control and presumably wealth by espousing this crap and pretending to "hear the direct word of a faceless, formless deity?" And what happened to all of the civilizations and people who existed thousands of years prior to this monotheistic invasion who were Pagan??? ![]() Well for one thing - none of the disciples obtained power, they maintained control over no one, and they certainly did not accumulate wealth. As a matter of record - they were imprisoned, stoned, fed to lions, and crucified for their "agenda". Kind of underminds your hypothesis of those idea's. All of the civilizations who existed prior to them. I would wager a guess they all died. |
Edited by
Sat 10/18/08 04:08 AM
Can anyone prove this stuff is "divinely inspired" or better yet, not terribly agenda driven by men eager to obtain power, control and presumably wealth by espousing this crap and pretending to "hear the direct word of a faceless, formless deity?" And what happened to all of the civilizations and people who existed thousands of years prior to this monotheistic invasion who were Pagan??? ![]() Well for one thing - none of the disciples obtained power, they maintained control over no one, and they certainly did not accumulate wealth. As a matter of record - they were imprisoned, stoned, fed to lions, and crucified for their "agenda". Kind of underminds your hypothesis of those idea's. All of the civilizations who existed prior to them. I would wager a guess they all died. Eljay, some Christians were indeed thrown to the lions but not nearly the number that they would have us believe. Not all of them were Christians. The vast majority put to death by the Romans were captives and that could have been anyone. And most of them were considered criminals because of desecration of temples, not just because they were Christians. And "they all died" is not an answer. |
Yeah I think if you are only utilizing the bible and the very same men who set out to proliferate this new religion, eh, probably not going to be the best resource. Besides do we really require the re-hashing of the "no false gods before me" rhetoric? Thats all you will find in the bible. That alone should be indicative that something else existed. Why worry about "false gods/Goddeses unless there were in fact FALSE GODS and GODDESSES? ![]() In Isaac Asimov's book about the Bible, he explains that, in those days, many people believed every small area of land had its own god. It was a common practice, when moving into a new area, to throw away one's old idols from the previous place, and to get new ones depicting the new local gods. Asimov maintains that the prohibition against worshipping other gods stems from this belief. |
Yeah I think if you are only utilizing the bible and the very same men who set out to proliferate this new religion, eh, probably not going to be the best resource. Besides do we really require the re-hashing of the "no false gods before me" rhetoric? Thats all you will find in the bible. That alone should be indicative that something else existed. Why worry about "false gods/Goddeses unless there were in fact FALSE GODS and GODDESSES? ![]() In Isaac Asimov's book about the Bible, he explains that, in those days, many people believed every small area of land had its own god. It was a common practice, when moving into a new area, to throw away one's old idols from the previous place, and to get new ones depicting the new local gods. Asimov maintains that the prohibition against worshipping other gods stems from this belief. That would sound like a plausible or possible explanation. Mainly what I am irritated with is the idea that nothing really existed prior to Christianity which is clearly indicative of someone who is simply in denial. In fact not all Christians believe that to be the case and it seems to be an assertion entertained primarily by the proponents of the "Young Earth" theory. |
Edited by
Sat 10/18/08 07:17 AM
I think man probably does have the ability to be totally righteous and perfect as well as totally flawed. But the state of being righteous seems like an opinion to me. Why people think that a God "gave" mankind something called "free will" is beyond me. The will is innate and inherent in all consciousness. Will is part of the package in the manifestation of Prime source. Prime Source has the will to exist and it manifests itself in all things which naturally also have the will to exist. Innate in all living creatures is a desire to be free. Even a domestic dog who depends on humans hates to be chained or caged. Freedom is paramount. jb man does not have the ability to be righteous while wearing this flesh my lady, ayone who thinks they are capable of being sinless or in your case wrong is crazy - ![]() ![]() It is easy to be sinless because sin is a term that is confined and owned by religious doctrine and it boils down to mean "disobedience" of some conception of an all mighty creator who wrote laws and commandments and stated that "the wages of sin is death." Therefore, unless you subscribe to that religious doctrine, the term "sin" is meaningless and a moot point. You can only be a "sinner" if you buy lock stock and barrel, the religious implication's of that term and subscribe to Christianity or any similar religious doctrine that uses the term "sin." But if you are a free agent or atheist you cannot think of yourself as a "sinner" because the word has no meaning. The idea of righteousness is basically an opinion. Yes, you can be righteous in this moment. This moment is all that truly exists. It matters not what you did yesterday. If you made a mistake and learned from it, and if you move to the next step of becoming a better person, and if you forgive yourself and vow to do and be better and hold that intention, you can indeed be righteous in that moment. That is what repentance and forgiveness is all about. When you truly repent unto yourself and vow to change, then you are a new and righteous person at that moment. You are washed clean and forgiven if your repentance is sincere. You are new because you have truly changed and you have been forgiven and you have forgiven yourself. Each moment is all that exists. What and who you are in this moment is the true you. You Tribo are mistaken. Anyone can be righteous and even without sin in the moment, which is all that truly exists. jb Righteousness... Another one of those subjective nouns. Righteous according to an infinite number of variables. An individual CAN be righteous according to self. When taken out of context - you are correct. However, Tribo is speaking of biblical concepts of "evil" here - and is quite aware of what I am refering to when I say that evil is the falling short of being rightious. I was not refering to the word in any other way other than the biblical idea of rightiousness - as it is used to refer to Abraham, or Jesus. Man's interpretation of the biblical idea of righteousness. Is it possible that there may be room for interpretation from perspectives other than Christian? ...Or is this club so exclusive that the book is closed? |