Topic: Whenever a NeoCon attacks's usually true. | |
Bill Kristol’s Weekly Standard Attacks 9/11 Truth
Describes those asking questions regarding attacks as “lunatics” Steve Watson Wednesday, Oct 8, 2008 A piece entitled The Truthers’ New Friends has appeared in this week’s edition of the Weekly Standard, which slams questions surrounding the attacks as “Anti-American” and those who entertain them as “lunatics”. The piece focuses on the screening of Italian film maker Giulietto Chiesa’s ZERO on Russian State TV last month. Clearly the fact that up to 30 million Russian citizens were able to switch on their TVs and watch a debate about 9/11 as a false flag event has got some at the Standard extremely riled. “On September 12, the America-bashing reached a new low: a prime-time special on national television peddling the notion that the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks of September 11, 2001, were an inside job by American warmongers.” writes Cathy Young. “…the lunatics, for the most part, were running the asylum. The discussion was heavily dominated by several pro-conspiracy panelists who dismissed the “official story” of “19 Arabs directed by Osama bin Laden in a cave” as self-evidently absurd.” the piece continues. Young insinuates that the whole thing was a set up bent on “stoking anti-Americanism in the Russian population”. She even suggests “the purpose may have been retaliation: You won’t buy our version of the war in Georgia? Fine, we won’t buy your version of 9/11,” referring to the recent Western corporate media bias over the conflict in South Ossetia. Read the entire hit piece here. According to a Russia Today poll 84% of their citizens are “lunatics” by the Standard’s definition. Indeed, according to a global survey by, over half the world’s population are “lunatics”. Of course, we shouldn’t be surprised by the Standard’s attack , given that it is edited by arch Neo-Con Bill Kristol, he of the PNAC, whom you may recall advanced the prospect of a “New American Century” based primarily on preemptive warfare and military dominance. In 2000 the report he submitted his name to, along with **** Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld , stated that it’s goals would not be achievable in the immediate term “absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor”. |
lol. nice. lol.
i love these stories. itd be sweet to see america flex its muscles on russia. id re-enlist for that. lol |
lol. nice. lol. i love these stories. itd be sweet to see america flex its muscles on russia. id re-enlist for that. lol ![]() |
of course after the air war, theres be nothing left of russia anyhow. all their crap is old and junky, sukhois, migs, lol. utter crap compared to LAST generation fighters,lol.
the f-22 will take out eight at once from miles away.
sweet, huh? so, who can we sell f-16s to for a huge profit?. LOL |
lol sell f-16s but not f-14s though. AIM54 phoenix missle, attacks from a few hundred miles away i believe. scary missles. lol. ntm now theyre working on a bomber that can carry missles and bombs. something in the area of like 50 missles and upwards of 6000 pounds of ordnance. lol
I noticed how you guys sorta skipped the meat of the post, which was 9/11.
Still haven't recieved any real reasoning why Bin Laden hasn't been charged with 9/11. Still haven't heard any explaination why it took the Bush Co. crowd about 2 years to start any kind of investigation. Still no word as to why it is that the laws of physics suspended themselves for one day as 2 planes hit 2 buildings and 3 magically fell down... wait, I know, it was Kennedy's magic bullet back for round 2, right? Then Hillary Clinton takes her reptillian form and Godzillas the Space Needle in Seattle... 9/11 commission report needs to be reclassified, so that it can go in it's appropriate place in the Library- Under Fiction. |
War, what do you think the chances are of a "terrorist attack" on our soil between now and the election?
Oh, and bill kristol is a chickenhawk punk.
War, what do you think the chances are of a "terrorist attack" on our soil between now and the election? You know it's funny you'd ask me that, because I was about to post this: FEMA sources confirm coming martial law, says Wayne Madsen Wayne Madsen a Washington based investigative journalist, author, columnist and former U.S. Naval Officer reported on April 3rd, 2008 the existence of a document called the “C & R” document is being passed around among senior members of Congress and their staff. Bush planning martial law FEMA sources have told Madsen today that the Bush administration is putting final touches on a plan that would initiate martial law in the event of continuing economic collapse causing massive social unrest, bank closures resulting in violence against financial institutions and another fraudulent presidential election that would result in rioting in major cities and campuses around the country. Troops on American streets In addition to FEMA sources, Army Corps of Engineer sources report that the assignment of the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade to NorthCom to augment FEMA and federal law enforcement for the purpose of traffic control, crowd control, curfews, enhanced border and port security, and neighborhood patrols in the event a national emergency being declared. America may default on it’s loans The “C & R” document reportedly states that if the United States defaults on loans and debt underwritten from China, Japan and Russia and America unilaterally cancels the debts, America can expect a war that will have disastrous results for the United States and the world. “Conflict” is the “C word” in the document. Washington fears a popular Revolution The other possibility discussed in the document is that the federal government will be forced to drastically raise taxes in order to pay off debts to foreign countries to the point that the American people will react with a popular revolution against the government. “Revolution” is the document’s “R” word. Updated: @ 11:48 PM - EST Wayne Madsen reported the existence of the “C & R” document on April 3rd, 2008. The new information is the contingency plan being finalized by the Bush administration to initiate Continuity of Government by suspending The Constitution and declaring martial law in the event of a “crisis.” Assigning the 1st Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division to NorthCom is a step toward implementation of the “Conflict & Revolution” document. ( For those that don't know, Wayne was one of a few investigators who wasn't scared off by the threats and was helping the DC madame chase down names for the numbers, he tried repeatedly to hire her some sort of security... and we know how that ended.) |
Army prepares America for Martial Law - October 8th, 2008 By: D. H. Williams @ 4:12 PM - EST The evidence is clear and mounting that the Democrats and Republicans who control the seat of power in Washington intend to declare Martial Law in America, and soon. Northern Command established soon after 9/11 on Oct. 1st, 2002 is an Army command structure that only has one purpose, to impose martial law on U.S. soil. This command who until this month had few permanently assigned soldiers has been given a combat trained Brigade of elite soldiers. The brigade of approximately 4000 battled hardened mechanized forces plus numerous support elements has been under the direction of NorthCom since Oct. 1st. Army Times states the 1st Brigade, 3rd ID will be used for, “civil unrest and crowd control.” Battalion Commander Col. Roger Cloutier has told the press the unit is training with what he refers to as “non lethal weapons.” These so called non lethal weapons include rubber bullets, chemical gases, and high tech radiation and sound devices. The deployment of military personnel for use against American citizens is absolutely unacceptable for any reason in a free society and in complete violation of Posse Comitatus. This is a complete reversal of post Civil War military tradition and beliefs and should be rejected by all military persons as a direct violation of their Constitutional oath. However law and tradition mean nothing to the lawless. Just this week Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) exposed that the House Representatives were told to support the take over of the US economy by the criminal banking elite or Martial Law would be declared on the American people. A terrorized Congress buckled to the threat and passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. Giving the Treasury Secretary unprecedented powers of secrecy and immunity to do as he will with the wealth of the United States. Henry Paulson’s first act was to hire his former assistant from Goldman Sachs Neel Kaskari to distribute the money coerced from the American people. At the heart of the illegal take over of the United States is the Continuity of Government plans. This mostly classified document kept secret even from the House of Representatives is designed to maintain federal control of the population in a crisis. Rep. Jack Brooks (D-TX) once tried to question the disgraced Col. North about the COG plans but was rebuked by Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-HI) saying, “that question touches on a highly sensitive and classified area … I request that matter not be touched upon.” Under Continuity of Government the U.S. Constitution will be suspended and members of Congress will be appointed and not elected. Over the last decade Urban Warfare Drills or MOUT training have become a common site on American soil where U.S. troops train with local law enforcement and foreign Armies on how to suppress a civilian population. In 2005 these training drills went live in New Orleans when National Guard units, Blackwater mercenaries and a Brigade of the 82nd Airborne was deployed to round up and disarm citizens. Psychological operations will be used to quell dissent and gain compliance using pastors and church leaders to encourage their congregations to turn in their weapons and follow any government order. All under the guise of FEMA’s “Romans 13″ program which has been paying off over 25,000 preachers for years to teach obedience to government. All the preparations for Martial Law in America have been made. Those who have taken the reins of power need only declare they are dictators and the coup will be complete. You really ought to watch this video. This is the coming Police state that I've been railing against. |
Thousands of Troops Are Deployed on U.S. Streets Ready to Carry Out "Crowd Control"
By Naomi Wolf, October 8, 2008. Members of Congress were told they could face martial law if they didn't pass the bailout bill. This will not be the last time. Background: the First Brigade of the Third Infantry Division, three to four thousand soldiers, has been deployed in the United States as of October 1. Their stated mission is the form of crowd control they practiced in Iraq, subduing "unruly individuals," and the management of a national emergency. I am in Seattle and heard from the brother of one of the soldiers that they are engaged in exercises now. Amy Goodman reported that an Army spokesperson confirmed that they will have access to lethal and non lethal crowd control technologies and tanks. George Bush struck down Posse Comitatus, thus making it legal for military to patrol the U.S. He has also legally established that in the "War on Terror," the U.S. is at war around the globe and thus the whole world is a battlefield. Thus the U.S. is also a battlefield. He also led change to the 1807 Insurrection Act to give him far broader powers in the event of a loosely defined "insurrection" or many other "conditions" he has the power to identify. The Constitution allows the suspension of habeas corpus -- habeas corpus prevents us from being seized by the state and held without trial -- in the event of an "insurrection." With his own army force now, his power to call a group of protesters or angry voters "insurgents" staging an "insurrection" is strengthened. U.S. Rep. Brad Sherman of California said to Congress, captured on C-Span and viewable on YouTube, that individual members of the House were threatened with martial law within a week if they did not pass the bailout bill: "The only way they can pass this bill is by creating and sustaining a panic atmosphere. … Many of us were told in private conversations that if we voted against this bill on Monday that the sky would fall, the market would drop two or three thousand points the first day and a couple of thousand on the second day, and a few members were even told that there would be martial law in America if we voted no." If this is true and Rep. Sherman is not delusional, I ask you to consider that if they are willing to threaten martial law now, it is foolish to assume they will never use that threat again. It is also foolish to trust in an orderly election process to resolve this threat. And why deploy the First Brigade? One thing the deployment accomplishes is to put teeth into such a threat. I interviewed Vietnam veteran, retired U.S. Air Force Colonel and patriot David Antoon for clarification: "If the President directed the First Brigade to arrest Congress, what could stop him?" "Nothing. Their only recourse is to cut off funding. The Congress would be at the mercy of military leaders to go to them and ask them not to obey illegal orders." "But these orders are now legal?'" "Correct." "If the President directs the First Brigade to arrest a bunch of voters, what would stop him?" "Nothing. It would end up in courts but the action would have been taken." "If the President directs the First Brigade to kill civilians, what would stop him?" "Nothing." "What would prevent him from sending the First Brigade to arrest the editor of the Washington Post?" "Nothing. He could do what he did in Iraq -- send a tank down a street in Washington and fire a shell into the Washington Post as they did into Al Jazeera, and claim they were firing at something else." "What happens to members of the First Brigade who refuse to take up arms against U.S. citizens?" "They'd probably be treated as deserters as in Iraq: arrested, detained and facing five years in prison. In Iraq a study by Ann Wright shows that deserters -- reservists who refused to go back to Iraq -- got longer sentences than war criminals." "Does Congress have any military of their own?" "No. Congress has no direct control of any military units. The Governors have the National Guard but they report to the President in an emergency that he declares." "Who can arrest the President?" "The Attorney General can arrest the President after he leaves or after impeachment." [Note: Prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi has asserted it is possible for District Attorneys around the country to charge President Bush with murder if they represent districts where one or more military members who have been killed in Iraq formerly resided.] "Given the danger do you advocate impeachment?" "Yes. President Bush struck down Posse Comitatus -- which has prevented, with a penalty of two years in prison, U.S. leaders since after the Civil War from sending military forces into our streets -- with a 'signing statement.' He should be impeached immediately in a bipartisan process to prevent the use of military forces and mercenary forces against U.S. citizens" "Should Americans call on senior leaders in the Military to break publicly with this action and call on their own men and women to disobey these orders?" "Every senior military officer's loyalty should ultimately be to the Constitution. Every officer should publicly break with any illegal order, even from the President." "But if these are now legal. If they say, 'Don't obey the Commander in Chief,' what happens to the military?" "Perhaps they would be arrested and prosecuted as those who refuse to participate in the current illegal war. That's what would be considered a coup." "But it's a coup already." "Yes." |
Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman interviews Col. Michael Boatner
1st Brigade Commander, “Troops deployed on US streets have inherent right to self defense.” Video #1 Video Part 2: ( So many sources, so little time) ![]() It really all leads to what CNN calls a Conspiracy theory: Have fun and sleep well, fellow Citizens. |
War, what do you think the chances are of a "terrorist attack" on our soil between now and the election? Just as good as after the election I suppose. |
What's really quite disturbing to me, has been the constant references between Obama and both JFK and RFK, now you have people shouting Kill him when McCain/Palin are talking about Obama...
Somethings fishy, I think, and something like a vicious assault or worse on Obama, coupled with the coming total crash of our economy... It very well may be just a matter of what hits first. Trust, that it will be blamed on some blue eyed, blond haired "Al CIAda" as opposed to the typical Bin Laden version. Then again, I could just be wrong, I guess there's really only one way to find out, right? |
Angry voter threatens Registrar, says he needs to 'keep the n***** out of office'
RAW STORY Published: Wednesday October 8, 2008 A Monroe, Louisiana man is facing a felony terrorizing charge after a racially charged, profane exchange with his Registrar of Voters and police officers who would later arrest him. 75-year-old Wade Williams, arrested Wednesday morning, was angry that he hadn't yet received his voter registration card. According to the Ouachita Parish Sheriff's Office, Williams threatened a state official over the phone that he would "empty his shotgun," stating an urgent need to vote to "keep the n****r out of office." On the way to be booked at the Ouachita Correctional Center, Williams reportedly "continued his 'tirade' about n****rs and also stated that he had a shotgun, but had hidden it at his residence." The affidavit also states that Williams was informed over the phone that he would be able to vote simply by showing a form of identification at the polling place. No specific political candidate was named in the affidavit, available to view at The Smoking Gun. -------------------------------------------------- Now, at the DNC, they arrested a handful of meth heads who were decently armed by Methhead standards,you've got the "kill him" crap, now you've got this... it just doesn't look good for the home team. |
depending on who "wins" the election
there will be another "terrorist attack" if Obama wins or another "terrorist plot deterred" if McCain gets the seat.... |
depending on who "wins" the election there will be another "terrorist attack" if Obama wins or another "terrorist plot deterred" if McCain gets the seat.... word. there room in VZ for me? lol |
"When a party, a movement, and its shills unravel, the panic leaves behind a pretty bad smell. Kristol, born with an impressive pedigree, long ago sacrificed his intellectual independence to the Republican Party. His career is a cautionary tale of the mental corruption that comes with political power, and it has degenerated alongside the conservative movement for which he’s been a tireless publicist."
- George Packer writing in The New Yorker |
They're already talking terror attacks on the MSM.