Topic: I volunteered | |
Another day of Obama walking a nice old lady let us in to warm up being we were walking along the streets along the lake Erie shoreline and it was verry cold this morning but warmed niceley around noon. No crazies today mostly people Vented on us about the current state of affairs. One lady yelled as we were entering her yard "if your not for".........OBAMA>>>> get out of my yard! Also met a retired history professor and had some interesting conversation about how he thinks america is going down much like Britain after ww2, bankrupted by the war. Yea he said we won the war but...............
Tomorrow I will be in Cleveland to see Obama speak. A bunch of us volunteers are takeing a bus downtown were they expect at least a hundred thousand people. I am thrilled to be part of this history makeing effort.
Tomorrow I will be in Cleveland to see Obama speak. A bunch of us volunteers are takeing a bus downtown were they expect at least a hundred thousand people. I am thrilled to be part of this history makeing effort. That is so exciting!!! Thanks for sharing these stories, Madisonman. |
Glad to see you're still having a good time! I'm going to be phone banking tomorrow, canvassing the next day, and manning the polls on election day. Yay for being unemployed! :D
Wait, I mean D: D: But still, it'll be fun. |
Springsteen (the Boss) is supposed to be the opening act
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Springsteen (the Boss) is supposed to be the opening act ![]() But clearly not as important as an Ohio State game...... ![]() ![]() |
Springsteen (the Boss) is supposed to be the opening act ![]() But clearly not as important as an Ohio State game...... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
It was a long day of hurry up and wait. 80 thousand people attended todays rally in Cleveland. It was a great crowd and a great time. I never met so many friendly people
Today is the last day of door to door work. It seems like over kill at this point being that it looks all but over for the republicans. Right now my goal is to turn this small red town blue for the first time in 30 years. Our county organiser seems to be a great kid who deserves the feather in his cap. My experience from meeting the people in the community is that is is verry possible the small town of Madison Ohio will back Obama. People are just fed up and the wedge issues the republicans are so good at seem to be falling on deaf ears.
Game day, my job for today is to moniter the voteing booths, I have three polling places to commute to. Finaly an easy job I am to ensure the Mccain supporters stay a hundred feet back from the polling area and moniter the length of the lines, etc etc.
On my last day of the campaign my assignment was to place Obama signs at all the polling places here in my town of Madison and check for other problembs while people voted. I first did the sign drop and noticed a polling place didnt identify itself as such and if you didnt know it was you would have never guessed being that all the parking was in back and from the road it looked like a normal day at the senior center. I shot back to base and got a voteing here sign for them and in retraceing my path I found someone had taken down all the Obama signs at the Library. There was some grey area as to wethere they could be there or not so I put up five new ones and went insided to see what the problem was. In doing such I found a broken voteing machine and this one served the poorer section of Madison(coincidence?) anyhow this being part of my duty I called it in. I then decided to umburden myself of left over handbills at the front of the polling location so I could watch my signs. within a half hour I caught a librarien attempting to remove my signs so I confronted her as to why and explained to her this being a polling location as long as they were a hundred feet away from the voteing entrance they could be there and asked her to leave them. This rattled her and I asked her if I could take her picture as she took them down with my cell phone. She then went inside to talk to her boss. I also called my boss to get clarification and told him I was digging in and handing out literature and told him if I left my signs would be down. It turns out many residence were calling the library asking them why they would support Obama and being this is a redneck town I would speculate they were complaints. through differant stall tactics I was able to keep them up for five hours along a buzy stretch of road, they were up durring the busiest part of the day and after much hagling with the election board the library staff removed them and I of course took their picture for my scrap book. The broken voteing machine eventualy got fixed and the hour wait in line turned into a 20 minute wait and the people of madison will never know it was a dem who kept on the pressure to get it fixed. I made 4 calls that day to the election board and the fat white dude who was at the polling place who was to call in the breakdown didnt bother to call them at all. He took a two hour lunch moments after the break down and left some old ladies in charge who had no clue what to do. I say it was a deliberate attempt to disenfranchise the low income voters of madison and force them to wait in line to use one voteing machine when there were supposed to be two in working order. Ladies and gentleman "mission accomplished" Its a new day in america and my work is done.