Topic: how young is 'too" young..
plk1966's photo
Mon 10/06/08 06:47 AM

I am 46 he is I crazy or what...

I don't think so at all.
My last BF is 30. I'm 57. Who cares what anyone else thinks anyway? It's your life and your heart to give.

OMG Your 57!!! Damn girl you look great! I hate you!!:laughing: :laughing:

lol .. well geesh should I say thanks? noway :laughing:

Ya no one ever guesses .. my kids always make me do the contest at amusement parks where they have to guess your age, cuz they are always off by 10-15 years .. oops rofl

Oh I get that too! I am 42, I have 22& 21 yr old kids and 2 yr old twin grandbabies, and everyone guesses my age in the 50's cuz of the age of my kids.

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 10/06/08 06:54 AM

I am 46 he is I crazy or what...

I don't think so at all.
My last BF is 30. I'm 57. Who cares what anyone else thinks anyway? It's your life and your heart to give.

OMG Your 57!!! Damn girl you look great! I hate you!!:laughing: :laughing:

lol .. well geesh should I say thanks? noway :laughing:

Ya no one ever guesses .. my kids always make me do the contest at amusement parks where they have to guess your age, cuz they are always off by 10-15 years .. oops rofl

Oh I get that too! I am 42, I have 22& 21 yr old kids and 2 yr old twin grandbabies, and everyone guesses my age in the 50's cuz of the age of my kids.

I meant they guess me at late 30's early 40's .. younger not older :tongue:

plk1966's photo
Mon 10/06/08 06:57 AM

I am 46 he is I crazy or what...

I don't think so at all.
My last BF is 30. I'm 57. Who cares what anyone else thinks anyway? It's your life and your heart to give.

OMG Your 57!!! Damn girl you look great! I hate you!!:laughing: :laughing:

lol .. well geesh should I say thanks? noway :laughing:

Ya no one ever guesses .. my kids always make me do the contest at amusement parks where they have to guess your age, cuz they are always off by 10-15 years .. oops rofl

Oh I get that too! I am 42, I have 22& 21 yr old kids and 2 yr old twin grandbabies, and everyone guesses my age in the 50's cuz of the age of my kids.

I meant they guess me at late 30's early 40's .. younger not older :tongue:

ok well then I really hate you!!!

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 10/06/08 06:57 AM
Well myself my ex was 8 years older then I'm and have only dated 6 years younger. Actually have never gave it much thought of going much younger. But guess if the chance ever arises I will consider it then.bigsmile

no photo
Mon 10/06/08 06:59 AM

I am 46 he is I crazy or what...

You are not crazy at all.. hey if you get along and things are good why not? It is a very old cliche' but age is only a number!

DragonFlyTat's photo
Mon 10/06/08 07:03 AM
Just finished dating a guy who was 24 and I am 39. He was so immature. He was all about his big truck, hunting and hanging with his friends. Left that behind and moved on to someone who is 43 and who thinks the sun rises and sets with me. Can't beat that feeling that comes with being first in someones life.

no photo
Mon 10/06/08 07:04 AM

It is a very old cliche' but age is only a number!

I sure hope most people believe that and really practice it! I SURE don't want to be completely excluded for this "game" because I'm honest about my age!!

I have NO problem passing for 10-15 years younger than I am. (Always had a baby face. LOL)

screaMNchic's photo
Mon 10/06/08 07:33 AM
Edited by screaMNchic on Mon 10/06/08 07:34 AM
age can be an issue if their is immaturty on either persons part.. I am speaking from experience of course and have found men that are 21 that are mature and then men that are 36 that are immature, it all depends on the person I guess

no photo
Mon 10/06/08 08:07 AM
If I say, "You know I'm way too old for you, right?" and he seems surprised to hear it--then he's too young. I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

thumper95's photo
Mon 10/06/08 08:11 AM
in some cases of younger folks, the person in question is older than their years. some had to grow up fast and learn how to take care of themselves at an early age. it makes them more mature than their years will tell.

no photo
Mon 10/06/08 08:13 AM

20's .. I used to date that age, and altho I don't see it as 'ewww' it is just a dead end road oops - so I've graduated to 30's :angel:


mssilverfox's photo
Mon 10/06/08 08:20 AM
Both my husbands were older( 7&11 yrs )and I am always taken for someone 10-15 yrs younger. Now I consider younger men if they are mature.. Not many single guys my age available or that can do most of the things I do.. :smile:

Goofball73's photo
Mon 10/06/08 08:22 AM

I never really thought about dating someone alot younger than me (which I am now) or someone 10 or more years older than me (which, if I was single their are some gals on here that fit this title who I just might would ask out). I believe my perception changed on this cause of talking to these ladies and seeing how young and vibrant (at heart) they are. For the younger ladies, it is a maturity issue. If they do things that show me that while young at heart, they also have a brain, then I will date them. So I guess to sum this up.....Goof will date anyone.laugh

Is there a waiting line? bigsmile

Yes...please, take a number, or pick a number.bigsmile :tongue:

Voluptuous's photo
Mon 10/06/08 08:28 AM
Safe to say it depends on the individual BUT I did have this nice 19 year old man try to date me.
I didn't give him a chance because of his age. whoa
I felt like I owed it to him to not to introduce him into a world where he had to grow up so fast.oops
He was a REALLY nice young man.

no photo
Mon 10/06/08 08:38 AM

20's .. I used to date that age, and altho I don't see it as 'ewww' it is just a dead end road oops - so I've graduated to 30's :angel:

ditto..I feel weird if its someone younger than my son....blushing

TheShadow's photo
Mon 10/06/08 08:40 AM
Edited by TheShadow on Mon 10/06/08 08:41 AM
I'm 38 my ex is 27 I wouldn't go any younger. If your looking into somone that is an adult. I don't think age matters to much. What gets me is when i see a somone my age dating some 18 your old.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 10/06/08 08:49 AM
1/2 your age plus 7 yrs.

Me:50 ( at the end of the month)
Thats the

However, following the same formula
43+7=50 grumble grumble grumble

Winx's photo
Mon 10/06/08 09:02 AM
Edited by Winx on Mon 10/06/08 09:03 AM

1/2 your age plus 7 yrs.

Me:50 ( at the end of the month)
Thats the

However, following the same formula
43+7=50 grumble grumble grumble

So...what you're saying is that if a 32 y/o can date a 50 y/o then it's fair for the 50 y/o to date an 86 y/o.

rofl rofl

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 10/06/08 09:54 AM

I never really thought about dating someone alot younger than me (which I am now) or someone 10 or more years older than me (which, if I was single their are some gals on here that fit this title who I just might would ask out). I believe my perception changed on this cause of talking to these ladies and seeing how young and vibrant (at heart) they are. For the younger ladies, it is a maturity issue. If they do things that show me that while young at heart, they also have a brain, then I will date them. So I guess to sum this up.....Goof will date anyone.laugh

Is there a waiting line? bigsmile

Yes...please, take a number, or pick a number.bigsmile :tongue:

I wait for no man .. I'll take #1. bigsmile

michiganman3's photo
Mon 10/06/08 09:58 AM

1/2 your age plus 7 yrs.

Me:50 ( at the end of the month)
Thats the

However, following the same formula
43+7=50 grumble grumble grumble

So...what you're saying is that if a 32 y/o can date a 50 y/o then it's fair for the 50 y/o to date an 86 y/o.

rofl rofl

They can try, not with me however.
laugh laugh laugh