Topic: Naomi Wolf: "Arrest Bush now!" | |
![]() blackwater gets it. ![]() and if they didn't, be glad they haven't. get it? ![]() |
had it but lost it
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Oh, BOO! Ron Paul got play on Al Jazeera too, are you gonna call him a Islamic Sympathizer? Nevermind that freedom to live belongs to all people, given by the creator. When you look at the worst offenders of the rights of people over there, the worst murders in power, its all folks we propped up into power. She doesn't see Christianity as an evil, she sees the NeoCons/ Extremist Evangelical use of religion as evil and it is. I don't get with Programming. sure you do, war. you have no clear concept of God. Therefore, your concept of political intrigues and constitutional analysis is entirely secular. you gotta know how to bend with the wind so you don't break. When the time comes to separate the men from the boys then and only then will we see the ones that are getting with the program. But much evil has to happen before such drastic measures can unfold into an all out civil war. Ron Paul and his crowd will ether be in Austria by then or in jail singing. ![]() ![]() First of all, no man can tell me what my walk with the Creator is. Any man who thinks he can judge my walk, is violating one of the lessons that Jesus himself taught. In case you haven't noticed, our Constitution makes it clear that our Government is to be secular in nature, thats part of what the first amendment is all about. You can't have freedom of religion, when you have a religious central government. Papal Rome? Ron Paul might end up in a jail, but he's not going to Austria, he's doing what he can with the time he has left on this planet to educate. 1.) You are obliged to speak freely, it is your duty. 2.) You rebel continually against injustice and oppression. 3.) Ordinary citizens are supposed to run things not professional politicians. 4.) American’s cherish the rule of law. 5.) American has no established God. Religious freedom requires there be no state religion. 6.) Deliberate with our neighbors not the false left/right paradigm whipped up by demagogues. 7.) We cannot maintain an oppressive empire and still be American. Liberty is a universal human right. It appears you must pass the "Evangelical" test in the USA now or you are not as American as your brother. |
here's another story about playing war for keeps There was a chemistry professor who had exchange students in his class. One day while the class was in the lab, the professor noticed one young exchange student who kept rubbing his back and stretching as if his back hurt. The professor asked him what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a communist regime. In the midst of his story, he looked at the professor and asked a strange question. 'Do you know how to catch wild pigs?' The professor thought it was a joke and asked what the punch line was. The young man said it was no joke. 'You catch pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come every day to eat the corn. When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again. The you put up another side of the fence. They get used to that and start eating again. You continue till you have all four sides of fence with a gate in the last side. The pigs, which have become used to eating all this free corn start to come through the gate to eat the free corn again. You then slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd. Suddenly, the pigs have lost their freedom. They run around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon, they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves so they accept the captivity. The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening in the United States. The government keeps pushing us towards communism/socialism and keeps spreading the free corn in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credits for unearned income, tax cuts, tax exemptions, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments to not plant crops (CRP), welfare, drugs, etc. - while we continually lose our freedoms just a little at a time. One should always remember two truths: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH and YOU CAN NEVER HIRE SOMEONE TO PROVIDE A SERVICE FOR YOU CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF. If you see that all of this wonderful government 'help' is a problem confronting the future of democracy in America, you might want to send this on to your friends. If you think the free ride is your way of life, then you probably will delete this email. But God help you when the gate slams shut! The only thing I can add to this is a question for you. Which candidates out there are most anxious to spread around the feed corn and what might be their motives? Think about it. A very good story.. and the moral of it is so very true. ![]() It starts here! It starts Today! It starts With us.. We as citizens need to accept responsibility for allowing these things to happen! ![]() |
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag, carrying a cross."
— Sinclair Lewis, It Can't Happen Here (1935) |
4 more years....then we dont have to worry.. check the Maya Calender... 2012...were all toast "We" don't have to worry? Aren't you in Canada? |
Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM), challenged to provide evidence that Barack Obama is unpatriotic, offered that fact that “He’s been critical not only of the President but of American policy and hence has kind of a negative view of America in the world.”
Is this really what we've come to? Criticizing Bush makes one unpatriotic? |
Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM), challenged to provide evidence that Barack Obama is unpatriotic, offered that fact that “He’s been critical not only of the President but of American policy and hence has kind of a negative view of America in the world.” Is this really what we've come to? Criticizing Bush makes one unpatriotic? it does when one is governed by a dictatorship.. ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 10/06/08 09:19 AM
Oh, BOO! Ron Paul got play on Al Jazeera too, are you gonna call him a Islamic Sympathizer? Nevermind that freedom to live belongs to all people, given by the creator. When you look at the worst offenders of the rights of people over there, the worst murders in power, its all folks we propped up into power. She doesn't see Christianity as an evil, she sees the NeoCons/ Extremist Evangelical use of religion as evil and it is. I don't get with Programming. sure you do, war. you have no clear concept of God. Therefore, your concept of political intrigues and constitutional analysis is entirely secular. you gotta know how to bend with the wind so you don't break. When the time comes to separate the men from the boys then and only then will we see the ones that are getting with the program. But much evil has to happen before such drastic measures can unfold into an all out civil war. Ron Paul and his crowd will ether be in Austria by then or in jail singing. ![]() ![]() First of all, no man can tell me what my walk with the Creator is. Any man who thinks he can judge my walk, is violating one of the lessons that Jesus himself taught. In case you haven't noticed, our Constitution makes it clear that our Government is to be secular in nature, thats part of what the first amendment is all about. You can't have freedom of religion, when you have a religious central government. Papal Rome? Ron Paul might end up in a jail, but he's not going to Austria, he's doing what he can with the time he has left on this planet to educate. 1.) You are obliged to speak freely, it is your duty. 2.) You rebel continually against injustice and oppression. 3.) Ordinary citizens are supposed to run things not professional politicians. 4.) American’s cherish the rule of law. 5.) American has no established God. Religious freedom requires there be no state religion. 6.) Deliberate with our neighbors not the false left/right paradigm whipped up by demagogues. 7.) We cannot maintain an oppressive empire and still be American. Liberty is a universal human right. It appears you must pass the "Evangelical" test in the USA now or you are not as American as your brother. Wrapped up in all this religious scapegoating and justification for acting out in the name of God, and not in ones own name is proof enough that God is not involved in the mess, but being blamed by the inarticulate for having acted out as if led by a higher power with a higher purpose. The Internationalists and Globalists and NWO hacks play into this ever so nicely. But that is not the inspiration for the silent majority in America. Nor is it in the consciousness of this silent majority to embrace theocracy or to legslate morality or make this nation a "christian" nation. Quite the opposite is true of the silent majority which also includes christians that cannot vote in good conscience for the lesser of evils among men in justifying a system of government that has become a profession and a career for so many as though delusions of grandeur and self importance and self determination and freedom and liberty are wrapped in personal ambition and patriotism first based on spurious notions of the terms and conditions of leadership, citizenship and civic duties and responsibilities incumbent upon self governance. The USA is a headless beast. It requires a head. Always had, and always will. When the majority of citizens adhere to the same concept of God, the headless beast has a head, democratically conferred upon an ensign of that concept of God and the republic follows a unified sense of purpose and direction without becoming a theocracy. That is how it was. In a diverse and pluralistic society where no one concept of God and conscience is prevalent, consensus becomes a motivation for which alterior influences which can never be said to be moral or ethical and intangibly inherent in the consensus of the democratically conferred upon ensigns and agents of representative governance. The problem with that is, that religous congruity cannot appear to be favoring one group over another and the only possible avenue left to pursue for consensus building becomes the secular mantra of divisiveness and diversity, which actually is a breeding ground for prejudices and religious persecution based on an innocuous assumption of inclusiveness through the absence of spiritual inspiration of any one persuasion. That is how it is. What is alarming to me is that Americans always vote for supposed christian leaders and partisan squabbling always comes down to dividing this nation incessantly widening the gap of consensus between christians and non christians and blaming christians and christianity and by inference, God, for the mess we are in. LOL Every single President has professed to be a christian. hhhmmmmm........ Every single President has been given the Oval Office by all voters. All includes christians but is not exclusively so. And yet, it is the fault of the religious christian community that the ills of our society are due to christian influence. The tail is wagging the dog on that one. Yeah, right. keep drinking that KOOL AID and never mind making any sense. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag, carrying a cross." — Sinclair Lewis, It Can't Happen Here (1935) Hidden in a bush?? ![]() |
you know a lot of you out there have told me I have no right to comment about America because Im not American..(well I am, just SOUTH American), however, I just want to say that I spent most of my life in the to see the tail end of what my parents lived: a US were even a person with only a 6th grade education could afford a nice house, a new car every couple of years and all the "luxuries" available and "made in the USA",
..I cant believe the bi-partisan CRAP people argue about on these all should be as mad as hell that the America the Baby Boomers and Immigrants like my folks had is all are getting hosed by big corporations that are sucking the marrow out of whats left of the US... Im watching the Titanic sink.. and it really makes me very, very sad....and also very grateful, since it appears that I left just in time... ![]() ![]() |
you know a lot of you out there have told me I have no right to comment about America because Im not American..(well I am, just SOUTH American), however, I just want to say that I spent most of my life in the to see the tail end of what my parents lived: a US were even a person with only a 6th grade education could afford a nice house, a new car every couple of years and all the "luxuries" available and "made in the USA", ..I cant believe the bi-partisan CRAP people argue about on these all should be as mad as hell that the America the Baby Boomers and Immigrants like my folks had is all are getting hosed by big corporations that are sucking the marrow out of whats left of the US... Im watching the Titanic sink.. and it really makes me very, very sad....and also very grateful, since it appears that I left just in time... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
you know a lot of you out there have told me I have no right to comment about America because Im not American..(well I am, just SOUTH American), however, I just want to say that I spent most of my life in the to see the tail end of what my parents lived: a US were even a person with only a 6th grade education could afford a nice house, a new car every couple of years and all the "luxuries" available and "made in the USA", ..I cant believe the bi-partisan CRAP people argue about on these all should be as mad as hell that the America the Baby Boomers and Immigrants like my folks had is all are getting hosed by big corporations that are sucking the marrow out of whats left of the US... Im watching the Titanic sink.. and it really makes me very, very sad....and also very grateful, since it appears that I left just in time... ![]() ![]() I agree with you.. unfortunately this America is no longer United. |
Fantastic, but it's also scarier than hell. She's right you know, about the 10 steps to facsism. My only problem with Naomi is that she places too much faith in the Left, who are just as complicit. All facts though, I would love it if someone could prove her wrong. ![]() thats kind of an ignorant statement though. anyone should feel free to try ot prove her wrong. |
keep drinking that KOOL AID and never mind making any sense. Hey Woodmeister, If we're drinkin' (you betcha!) KOOL AID, what are you drinkin'? |
whiskey sours, lmao. i love those things.....
keep drinking that KOOL AID and never mind making any sense. Hey Woodmeister, If we're drinkin' (you betcha!) KOOL AID, what are you drinkin'? right now I had a Mike's Hard Lemonade. The other night, I was drinking ginger ale, if anything. LOL Rarely, though, I do favor Glenlivet 18 or 30 year old single malt scotch over. ![]() ![]() It tastes great with a Cuban swizel stick. ![]() ![]() |