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Topic: More on Palin
dae11x's photo
Sun 10/05/08 12:38 PM

Who can turn the world on with her smile?
Who can take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile?

Well it’s NOT you girl…

Look. I am going to say what everyone at CNN, CBS, ABC and NBC is thinking but is afraid to say. Governor Palin is a stupid, conniving *****. And it’s not because she is a strong woman - I like strong women… worship them… It’s actually the opposite. She is a weak, pathetic woman who thinks big hair, winking, baby talk and self deprecation is somehow becoming of a woman who wants to lead the free world. My god, where is Margaret Thatcher when you need her!

But what really makes me mad is the hypocrisy. She claims to be a Washington outsider and yet is the worst kind of politician. She will say anything and avoid answering any question instead choosing to spout whatever line or soundbite some adviser put into her mouth a few hours earlier. And exactly when did sounding like a hick make someone “more like us”. Last time I checked we were a country striving to educate our children to be intelligent and honest. I think I would die if my daughter came home from school and said something like “I gotta tell ya. Change is a comin’.” At the very least I would remove the Beverly Hillbillies from her approved TV viewing list.

And then there is Alaska. Have any of you been to Alaska recently? Although the largest State geographically, it has less than a million people - about 700,000. (The city I live in now is bigger. )Fewer population issues exist for lawmakers to address. And because they make so much money from the oil companies, the Alaskan government actually gives it citizens an annual dividend check (this year $3,200). Exactly what Governor wouldn’t be popular under those circumstances? No wonder they can afford to elect a governor who ony has an undergraduate degree in journalism and a few beauty pageant awards. By the way, when you got that journalism degree did they teach you that some journalists actually ask hard questions like what newpapers do you read?

Fact: Sarah Palin is stupid. Maybe not stupid by Alabama standards but stupid enough that she managed to get herself elected Governor while never bothering to educate herself on little things like the Constitution, foriegn affairs or appropriate debating practices. She is stupid enough to have accepted a VP nomination for which she is completely unqualified and stupid enough not to admit it - even though the future of our great nation could be irreversibly damaged by the decision.

When exactly do we all get to call “bull****”?

She loves to talk about being a mother but the last time I checked, having your newborn on national TV at 11PM instead of in bed wasn’t considered “good muthering“. Neither was making your child’s unexpected teen pregnancy the talk of the nation because you desperately wanted to be a politician in Washington DC - or isn’t that exactly what you said you didn’t want. From where I sit, it appears you would sell your soul for the position. Kind of the way that Elizabeth girl on The View sold her soul for fame. Please god get her off the airwaves - she became famous because she ate a rat… but I digress…

Oh and my favorite - my husband Todd (the first dude) and I sit around the kitchen table wondering about the cost of college like many of you… oh really. Your oldest son went from high school into the military. Your next oldest is pregnant with plans to be married to some hockey jock at age 17. Seems to me you’ve got lots of time before you have to worry about college tuition especially being college doesn’t seem to be a priority in your family.

You refuse to give live interviews and then whine when your taped interviews get edited. Then you have a chance to be live in front of the nation during a debate and you respond by not answering the questions (proudly not answering the questions I might add) but rather by reading the cue cards given to you by a group of white old men who sold their souls to the political system when you were in…. I don’t know - 2nd grade maybe. Your insulting to a United States Senator who is so respected that his home state has elected him to office 6 times. And while I am on the subject of the debate - shame on Gwen Ifell for not making her answer the questions. Damn I miss Tim Russert.

Sarah Palin is an ignorant, ranting, whining *****. There I said it. But lots more are thinking it.

Winx's photo
Sun 10/05/08 12:49 PM

drinker drinker

michiganman3's photo
Sun 10/05/08 12:50 PM


drinker drinker

grumble grumble grumble

Winx's photo
Sun 10/05/08 12:54 PM


drinker drinker

grumble grumble grumble

Sticks her tongue and does raspberries.

Lynann's photo
Sun 10/05/08 12:55 PM
Again I agree with dae11x.

no photo
Sun 10/05/08 12:58 PM

michiganman3's photo
Sun 10/05/08 01:00 PM
Edited by michiganman3 on Sun 10/05/08 01:03 PM
Lots of vicious cut and paste from the OP.
Not even her own bile can she muster for someone, I suspect she has never met, or talked to, or really knows. Lets judge your life by standards you are hammering Palin by.
Please, honest discourse yes, but what you posted is ignorant.

dae11x's photo
Sun 10/05/08 01:45 PM

Lots of vicious cut and paste from the OP.
Not even her own bile can she muster for someone, I suspect she has never met, or talked to, or really knows. Lets judge your life by standards you are hammering Palin by.
Please, honest discourse yes, but what you posted is ignorant.
The "vicious cut and paste" was an opinion I agreed with and felt like sharing. As for mustering my own bile, I could certainly do that about you, someone I've never met, talked to, or knows. But, in playing with the Mingle2 rules, I won't.

I do judge my life by the standards I'm hammering Sarah Palin about. I'm not so arrogant as to think I could handle a job I'm totally unqualified for. I'm not a hypocrite, and I don't use cutesy mannerisms to shy away from telling the truth.

enderra's photo
Sun 10/05/08 02:03 PM

Lots of vicious cut and paste from the OP.
Not even her own bile can she muster for someone, I suspect she has never met, or talked to, or really knows. Lets judge your life by standards you are hammering Palin by.
Please, honest discourse yes, but what you posted is ignorant.
Listen we have been listening to your BS about the Obama for months now. Most of which has been opinions of addle heads, so Please talk to the hand.laugh laugh laugh laugh

Winx's photo
Sun 10/05/08 02:05 PM
There is a lot of truth in that blog. I've heard my friends talking about those issues.

I am still trying to figure out why she considers the average male to be "Joe Six Pack". The men I know are better than that.

t22learner's photo
Sun 10/05/08 02:20 PM

I am still trying to figure out why she considers the average male to be "Joe Six Pack". The men I know are better than that.

The men you know are voting for Obama, too. Palin is truly after Joe Six-pack in the battleground states. The republicans are cynically hoping they're stupid enough to be swayed by her horse$hit.

You betcha.

Winx's photo
Sun 10/05/08 03:05 PM

Lots of vicious cut and paste from the OP.
Not even her own bile can she muster for someone, I suspect she has never met, or talked to, or really knows. Lets judge your life by standards you are hammering Palin by.
Please, honest discourse yes, but what you posted is ignorant.
Listen we have been listening to your BS about the Obama for months now. Most of which has been opinions of addle heads, so Please talk to the hand.laugh laugh laugh laugh

With no disrespect, I believe that you have mistaken Michiganman with somebody else. I have yet to see him bash Obama on here.flowerforyou

Winx's photo
Sun 10/05/08 03:08 PM
Edited by Winx on Sun 10/05/08 03:09 PM

I am still trying to figure out why she considers the average male to be "Joe Six Pack". The men I know are better than that.

The men you know are voting for Obama, too. Palin is truly after Joe Six-pack in the battleground states. The republicans are cynically hoping they're stupid enough to be swayed by her horse$hit.

You betcha.

Isn't calling someone a "Joe 6-pack" a kind of an insult?

To me it's saying that men go to work, come home and drink a 6-pack and do nothing else.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 10/05/08 03:16 PM

I am still trying to figure out why she considers the average male to be "Joe Six Pack". The men I know are better than that.

The men you know are voting for Obama, too. Palin is truly after Joe Six-pack in the battleground states. The republicans are cynically hoping they're stupid enough to be swayed by her horse$hit.

You betcha.

Isn't calling someone a "Joe 6-pack" a kind of an insult?

To me it's saying that men go to work, come home and drink a 6-pack and do nothing else.

:banana: Yeah I agree, its just like they are generalizing about women by expounding the virtues of the "soccer" or "hockey" moms as if that is a womans highest calling in our society.:smile: What if a man don't drink beer or a woman doesnt want to have children?huh I guess that would make them a liberal.laugh

Winx's photo
Sun 10/05/08 04:14 PM

I am still trying to figure out why she considers the average male to be "Joe Six Pack". The men I know are better than that.

The men you know are voting for Obama, too. Palin is truly after Joe Six-pack in the battleground states. The republicans are cynically hoping they're stupid enough to be swayed by her horse$hit.

You betcha.

Isn't calling someone a "Joe 6-pack" a kind of an insult?

To me it's saying that men go to work, come home and drink a 6-pack and do nothing else.

:banana: Yeah I agree, its just like they are generalizing about women by expounding the virtues of the "soccer" or "hockey" moms as if that is a womans highest calling in our society.:smile: What if a man don't drink beer or a woman doesnt want to have children?huh I guess that would make them a liberal.laugh

Well, we can't have that, can we?laugh

no photo
Sun 10/05/08 04:32 PM

The "vicious cut and paste" was an opinion I agreed with and felt like sharing. As for mustering my own bile, I could certainly do that about you, someone I've never met, talked to, or knows. But, in playing with the Mingle2 rules, I won't.

I do judge my life by the standards I'm hammering Sarah Palin about. I'm not so arrogant as to think I could handle a job I'm totally unqualified for. I'm not a hypocrite, and I don't use cutesy mannerisms to shy away from telling the truth.

worked for George W I guess he set the trend for future Office holders...:laughing:

wouldee's photo
Sun 10/05/08 04:37 PM
you sound like ashley banfield.

look like her too.

how uncanny.

liberal talking points won't get her out of your hair.

Palin is here to stay.

get used to it.:wink:

t22learner's photo
Sun 10/05/08 04:40 PM

Palin is here to stay.

You'll be drinkin' Election Night, right Wood-mon?

wouldee's photo
Sun 10/05/08 05:29 PM

I will be watching the pundits and talking heads with their exit poll strategeries though in hopes of getting a repeat of the Gore win by CNN and CBS.:wink: laugh

SNL is not on Tuesday nights.drinker

ginger ale is my preferred drink in the evning and french roast freshly ground with raw honey and half and half in the morning.drinker


dae11x's photo
Sun 10/05/08 05:31 PM

The "vicious cut and paste" was an opinion I agreed with and felt like sharing. As for mustering my own bile, I could certainly do that about you, someone I've never met, talked to, or knows. But, in playing with the Mingle2 rules, I won't.

I do judge my life by the standards I'm hammering Sarah Palin about. I'm not so arrogant as to think I could handle a job I'm totally unqualified for. I'm not a hypocrite, and I don't use cutesy mannerisms to shy away from telling the truth.

worked for George W I guess he set the trend for future Office holders...:laughing:
Sad, but so true.

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