Topic: As the Night Falls
BrooklineBaby's photo
Thu 10/02/08 06:25 PM
During the Day the sun shines down
People go about their day
with chores all around
when the day is through
it will come to you
what thoughts you knew
but could hide
for an hour or two

The night is falling
this is true,
she tenses up and fears
what the night will bring
this particular night.
For it is when it is night
that she is most full of
The fright of the memories
she tries to forget.
When things settle down
is when she feels and she mourns,
the losses she's felt
the humiliations, the scorns.
There's no one left to talk to,
no one left that's here.
For all who've said they'd be there,
are no longer here.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Thu 10/02/08 06:28 PM
I can take a hint. I am still here. Will always be your friend if you want me.

ArtGurl's photo
Thu 10/02/08 06:31 PM
:cry: flowerforyou

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 10/02/08 06:32 PM
It is a frightful thing to bare when the nightmares take over.

Myself I have never had nightmares but have heard of so many that do. One at times must deal with reality within the day to chase away the demons at night.flowerforyou

hdjackyl's photo
Thu 10/02/08 06:40 PM

It is a frightful thing to bare when the nightmares take over.

Myself I have never had nightmares but have heard of so many that do. One at times must deal with reality within the day to chase away the demons at night.flowerforyou

Whoooa, that's deep

LAMom's photo
Thu 10/02/08 06:51 PM
So heartfelt and so felt,,

Holding you flowers :heart:

BrooklineBaby's photo
Thu 10/02/08 09:21 PM

I can take a hint. I am still here. Will always be your friend if you want me.

Ummmmm Robert - never mentioned WHO or WHAT I was talkin' about....noway slaphead

no photo
Thu 10/02/08 09:29 PM
Very nice i can feel the soul you put into your write!!! the night is really beautiful if you look at the moon and stars maybe it will clear your mind as it did with me now i dred the day (grumble darn work grumble )

BrooklineBaby's photo
Fri 10/03/08 04:55 PM

It is a frightful thing to bare when the nightmares take over.

Myself I have never had nightmares but have heard of so many that do. One at times must deal with reality within the day to chase away the demons at night.flowerforyou

Thanks - the "demons" are the actual "realities" of life that can't be "Put away into the deep recesses of the mind" that come out into the foreground at night..........I dread that time, and I also dread going to sleep because those invade my dreams.........frustrated

But in time, all things change..........