Topic: Tell me something that you would like...
Marley's photo
Wed 10/01/08 06:35 AM happen in your life today.:smile:

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 06:37 AM
I wouldn't mind winning the lottery

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 06:38 AM
I was gonna say that laugh

Ok, I wouldn't mind that if when I got home tonight my son actually did his homework on his own and cleaned up his crap without me nagging at him bigsmile

Jtevans's photo
Wed 10/01/08 06:40 AM
i wanna get some from Demi Moore smokin

jnbuglady's photo
Wed 10/01/08 06:41 AM
Iwould like some good news from my Dr.

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 06:42 AM
I would like a certain person to walk in here and say something intriguing. It's highly unlikely, though.

Winx's photo
Wed 10/01/08 06:49 AM
Edited by Winx on Wed 10/01/08 06:53 AM

I would like a certain person to walk in here and say something intriguing. It's highly unlikely, though.

"Something intriguing".:tongue:

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 10/01/08 06:52 AM
smile2 I would like to come up with something to talk about today.smile2

FreeToB's photo
Wed 10/01/08 06:52 AM
Edited by FreeToB on Wed 10/01/08 06:53 AM
I would be very happy to just receive the payment for some natural gas mineral rights that I signed the lease contracts on about 2 weeks ago.
Never happen though. 30 days min. Been there done that. But I WOULD like it. drinker

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 06:55 AM
I'd like the senate to reject the bailout bill & start the depression & revolution that we need to have before we can rebuild this country.

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 06:56 AM

smile2 I would like to come up with something to talk about today.smile2


7z3r05's photo
Wed 10/01/08 06:57 AM
i would like to go bowling

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 07:01 AM

I would like a certain person to walk in here and say something intriguing. It's highly unlikely, though.

"Something intriguing".:tongue:

If she actually said THAT, I would be impressed. Shows a facility for clever verbiage.

DragonFlyTat's photo
Wed 10/01/08 07:02 AM
I would like to have the weekend come just a little sooner. (To ride motorcycle with my boyfriend) Never have enough time

Winx's photo
Wed 10/01/08 07:05 AM
Edited by Winx on Wed 10/01/08 07:06 AM

I would like a certain person to walk in here and say something intriguing. It's highly unlikely, though.

"Something intriguing".:tongue:

If she actually said THAT, I would be impressed. Shows a facility for clever verbiage.


Poor Lex. flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 07:07 AM
i'd like to see some cash flow my way for a change

JDR1976's photo
Wed 10/01/08 07:08 AM
I would like to fall in love or someone to fall in love with me.

RKISIT's photo
Wed 10/01/08 07:10 AM
i would like to have a new laptop:smile:

elwoodsully's photo
Wed 10/01/08 07:11 AM
I want for Laura to have a good day at work, while I enjoy my 4 day workend.

(i work fri, sat and sun, and have the rest off..)

michiganman3's photo
Wed 10/01/08 07:12 AM
Hot dryers at the laundry-mat