Topic: no more good men out there
IndnPrncs's photo
Wed 10/01/08 01:05 AM

Ive decided to date a towel rack instead............noway laugh :banana:

That's cuz you want it wrapped around your body and it won't talk back.... :wink:

Lily0923's photo
Wed 10/01/08 01:08 AM
Yes, you are correct, there are no more good men. So what we all should do to comiserate is sleep with all the jerkoffs and assholes, squirt out a bunch of babies who don't get taken care of, and lose respect for ourselves since there are no good men in the world to date.

You get what you give in life, you bring home the broken bike and try to fix it you get what you deserve.

Stop complaining like a "nice" guy and see where that gets ya.

Dan99's photo
Wed 10/01/08 01:08 AM
Edited by Dan99 on Wed 10/01/08 01:08 AM
Arent some towel racks just merely poles? Are they the male ones?

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 01:10 AM
but I want a nice towel rack..........bigsmile

mcattygarnett's photo
Wed 10/01/08 01:18 AM

Yes, you are correct, there are no more good men. So what we all should do to comiserate is sleep with all the jerkoffs and assholes, squirt out a bunch of babies who don't get taken care of, and lose respect for ourselves since there are no good men in the world to date.

You get what you give in life, you bring home the broken bike and try to fix it you get what you deserve.

Stop complaining like a "nice" guy and see where that gets ya.

could not have said it any better

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 10/01/08 01:20 AM
OMG where is the cheeze to go with this whine?

You get what you give is not always correct but what you put up with you endorse so either hang on to the good ones and down flush the others or their stink is going to hang on you. Being happy and independent attracts the same. Moan and vetch and you will sooner or later be alone.

trying_to_fly's photo
Wed 10/01/08 01:39 AM
Edited by trying_to_fly on Wed 10/01/08 01:40 AM

OMG I'm so sick of this topic, whether it be men or women.. people are people, there are good one's and bad one's.. Maybe all of those that can't find good one's are looking for the wrong types for them OR perhaps jumping in too soon OR even another thought desperate and just wanting someone and picking wrong OR how about just blaming everyone else and not taking responsibility for when things go wrong in a relationship...
THANK YOU!!! YES I'm sick of it too!!! Blah blah blah!!! No good men and women!!! Why don't you say people instead of a gender....there's better men and women than people total!!! My gosh....give it a rest....thank you Indian

bad_girl's photo
Wed 10/01/08 03:32 AM
There are some good ones out there and then you have the ones that act like babies and idiots, just be careful who you chose as your partnerflowerforyou

elwoodsully's photo
Wed 10/01/08 04:09 AM
<----- Laura found one, but now he's off the market.. bigsmile (me)

Riding_Dubz's photo
Wed 10/01/08 04:13 AM
paint the city red with this one

michiganman3's photo
Wed 10/01/08 07:08 AM

OMG I'm so sick of this topic, whether it be men or women.. people are people, there are good one's and bad one's.. Maybe all of those that can't find good one's are looking for the wrong types for them OR perhaps jumping in too soon OR even another thought desperate and just wanting someone and picking wrong OR how about just blaming everyone else and not taking responsibility for when things go wrong in a relationship...

No victims, only volunteers.

7z3r05's photo
Wed 10/01/08 07:09 AM
id like to think im pretty good. come find me.

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 07:44 AM

seems like theres no more good men out there they all act like babies

Kind of makes me wonder how long it took to meet every man in the entire world and come to this conclusion....

But then again, "good" is a subjective thing anyway....and you could be right -- maybe there are no "good" ones for you....

itsmetina's photo
Wed 10/01/08 02:27 PM
19 and you've developed that opinionslaphead

Goofball73's photo
Wed 10/01/08 02:32 PM

seems like theres no more good men out there they all act like babies

Somebody please....just shoot me...I cannot take another one of "these' type threads anymore.slaphead

talldub's photo
Wed 10/01/08 02:33 PM
Edited by talldub on Wed 10/01/08 02:34 PM

seems like theres no more good men out there they all act like babies

Firstly the OP seems to have gone quiet and secondly has the OP actually met every man on the planet? Are you really that well traveled or are you just so small minded that you can't see outside of the town you live in?

dcrdnk's photo
Wed 10/01/08 02:33 PM
Well I was breast fed...... gues that's why I like'm so much.....fond memories......mmmmmmdrool

talldub's photo
Wed 10/01/08 02:34 PM

seems like theres no more good men out there they all act like babies

Somebody please....just shoot me...I cannot take another one of "these' type threads anymore.slaphead

*Pulls out .45, shoots him in the head, bullet ricochets around empty skull for a while, no harm done* laugh

Goofball73's photo
Wed 10/01/08 02:35 PM

seems like theres no more good men out there they all act like babies

Somebody please....just shoot me...I cannot take another one of "these' type threads anymore.slaphead

*Pulls out .45, shoots him in the head, bullet ricochets around empty skull for a while, no harm done* laugh

That would be my luck.

IamMewhoRU's photo
Wed 10/01/08 02:37 PM

seems like theres no more good men out there they all act like babies

I do have an infactuation with breastsohwell