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Hajimemashite's photo
Thu 10/09/08 01:06 PM
We all all Americans there is no color Just a American standing Right beside you you where born here or came here

Because you Love it here So we all are Americans
Its who we are .................................

Lily0923's photo
Thu 10/09/08 01:12 PM

What non racist white folks can do is call it when it is done around them. Don't allow ethnic jokes around you. Don't allow racist remarks without telling the person that wasn't cool at all. You would be surprised how much of a difference one person can make.

That's funny, cuz I do that with sexism, and I'm called a b*tch for it.

Not to go off topic, I agree with you 100% on this, It's amazing the shock on people's faces when you tell them their comments weren't appreciated.

I know a guy who is very much a racist, but it's funny not infront of a black man would you EVER know it. Those are the worst kind in my eyes. If you're going to take a stand on something, don't falter from it. (Not that I support his views, but I could respect the fact that he has them IF he wasn't so afraid)

My ex-father-in-law is a racist, it is well known if he ever spews that sh*t and my daughter comes home with it, he will NEVER EVER see her again.

You're never going to change someone's views especially if they've had them since birth. I do agree however that you can make a difference if you don't allow it in your presence.

Dan99's photo
Thu 10/09/08 01:14 PM
Edited by Dan99 on Thu 10/09/08 01:15 PM

We all all Americans there is no color Just a American standing Right beside you you where born here or came here

Because you Love it here So we all are Americans
Its who we are .................................

Excuse me for saying, but that is a bit of a wishy washy dreamy statement.

If everyone thought like that it would be a good thing dont get me wrong, but they simply dont.

But at the same time too, someone is allowed to be proud of where they come from and the colour of their skin. Im British, and the man standing next to me might be a black man, and he does have the right to say 'i am black and im proud'. I should also have the right to be proud of being a Brit, and a white one too, though that isnt something i really think about or say.

We are not all the same, we have different backgrounds and cultures, and there is nothing wrong with recognising this. As long as you dont think you are better than that black man standing next to you, or he better than you..

Plainome's photo
Thu 10/09/08 01:18 PM

Sorry about the title - just wanted to grab your attention.

I just wanted to open up this dialogue because I like to get my information from the 'horse's mouth' so to speak.

I just want you guys to give any opinion you want on race and racism. Does it exist? Does it no longer exist? Was it ever or is it still justified?

Do you believe that Blacks makes a bunch of excuses to draw attention away from their own apathy and laziness?

Do you believe that Whites hide in suburbia and refuse to admit that racism exists today, even though every other person they know or are related to is racist?

I am just throwing topics out there to stimulate your mind.....these are very relevant issues to thousands of people in America to this very day.

I encourage all to express their opinion. It doesn't matter in this forum if you are racist, bigoted, Black, White, Male, Female, whatever...ALL can speak without recrimination from myself at least.

I do want to ask that you follow my ONLY rule: Please be respectful. If someone says something you don't like....do not get personal, or nasty... or get in your feelings. It is my belief that the only reason racism exists is because we let personal feelings get in the way of objective reasoning and logic.

With that.....let's chat!

Let me see, "race" does not truly exist imEDUCATEDo. The things that we use to separate races are the same things that vary within any given race. skin color/shade, build, face shape, hair color/texture, etc.

A person with "black/brown" skin may not be of African descent, and if you study anthropology we ALL came from Africa.

How many Asian people get frustrated because people call them Chinese when they are Phillipino??

Is "racism" a problem? Though I think the division of "race" doesn't exist racism does indeed exist in the minds of people. However, so does homophobia, people who don't like children, people who don't like men/women, people who don't like rich people, or poor people.

Unfortunately we tend to focus on how we are "different" than how we are alike.

I personally thing that it is more with "class" than "race". I've heard arguments about "black" people not having economic freedom. I grew up in neighborhoods that were largely populated with black people.........and I am white.

I was bussed from a "poor" neighborhood into a neighborhood that had inground pools in the backyard...........along with the "black" kids. (integration, stupid)

Racism is attributing certain characteristics to a person simply because of his "race"............I don't see this happening. I find it has more to do with their culture.

I find myself responding similarly to people who are of the "gang" culture, no matter their "race". If you are wearing the overly baggy jeans, jersey, bandana (of same colors) on your head, and using language that speaks of the "ghetto" I am likely to be intimidated by you. Why? Because I don't like gang life. I don't like being around someone who may pull a gun at any moment.

I've posted at length on racism in another thread......

Yes, people are "racist" but "race" is not the problem.

Affirmative Action, and "Black Pride" only add to it. Instead of equality, it is "despite our race, we are...........". To me that is an insult to yourself. Despite being human I can.......... Self hate anyone??

We are all integrating anyway. Eventually the majority will be of "mixed race".

We all have common ancestors. It has only been the desire to dominate that causes people to look for differences and then elevate their differences above those who differ.

It's all economical.

Hate is hate.

Anytime someone uses a crutch to excuse their own behavior.........they are only hurting themselves.

I was very saddened when I read about the Jenna Six situation.........when I read ALL the facts surrounding it. And to think that these kids have a fund, because their criminal acts were justified because of "racism".

Hajimemashite's photo
Thu 10/09/08 01:23 PM
Dan99 you have the right to live the way you want to.
And so do i. I live for me and i think for me
Just like you do I posted my OP you may not like
It But i don't Debate your OP its the way you think

And i am not here to Debate that drinker drinker

Dan99's photo
Thu 10/09/08 01:28 PM
Edited by Dan99 on Thu 10/09/08 01:42 PM

Dan99 you have the right to live the way you want to.
And so do i. I live for me and i think for me
Just like you do I posted my OP you may not like
It But i don't Debate your OP its the way you think

And i am not here to Debate that drinker drinker

If you make a post in a public forum you should expect that someone might respond to it.

Thank you for your opinion.

Plainome's photo
Thu 10/09/08 01:34 PM
To add to my post.......it isn't your "race" that causes the differences, but rather adaptation. Depending on where you have lived and the environment both physical and social........it has little to do with your ancestry.

Dan99's photo
Thu 10/09/08 01:42 PM
Well said Nancy, you always have a way to explain things in a way that i cant. I cannot disagree with any of that.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 10/09/08 01:43 PM
all i can say is ever man isn't created equal,just ask the ladiesbigsmile

Lily0923's photo
Thu 10/09/08 01:45 PM

all i can say is ever man isn't created equal,just ask the ladiesbigsmile

No they aren't...SIZE MATTERS.

Plainome's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:32 PM

Well said Nancy, you always have a way to explain things in a way that i cant. I cannot disagree with any of that.

Thanks, Dan. flowerforyou

talldub's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:32 PM

Well said Nancy, you always have a way to explain things in a way that i cant. I cannot disagree with any of that.

Butt licker

Plainome's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:44 PM

Well said Nancy, you always have a way to explain things in a way that i cant. I cannot disagree with any of that.

Butt licker

Hey now, this isn't the Sex/Dating forum, Andy.

talldub's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:46 PM

Well said Nancy, you always have a way to explain things in a way that i cant. I cannot disagree with any of that.

Butt licker

Hey now, this isn't the Sex/Dating forum, Andy.

Sorry Nancy, I was confused by the flirting going on between Dan and Hajimema****e

natrlflavrsupris's photo
Fri 10/10/08 08:23 PM
I believe prejudiced exists between different races, but it isn't just a racial thing, people prejudge each other for anything. I believe it is human nature, I think those who believe they are not prejudiced are the ones who likely are the most prejudiced, after all they don't recognize what it is.

One small thing, I think in a dating forum "blacks against whites" would have been the proper way to phrase it. I seem to get along well with black women.

Plainome's photo
Sat 10/11/08 12:18 PM

Well said Nancy, you always have a way to explain things in a way that i cant. I cannot disagree with any of that.

Butt licker

Hey now, this isn't the Sex/Dating forum, Andy.

Sorry Nancy, I was confused by the flirting going on between Dan and Hajimema****e

My bad, laugh

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