Topic: Palin:The Hits Keep Coming! | |
There's more to hear or in this case not to hear from Sarah Palin.
Seems there is more to see of the Couric/Palin interviews. Some of it, and I know it's hard to imagine,is even more embarrassingly bad than the bits that have already been released. The SCOTUS is of particular interest to me and I weigh the candidates positions on judicial appointments when deciding who to vote for. That's why I find this information interesting. Palin as a veep may be influential in the selection of SCOTUS appointees but the gods forbid she rises to the presidency she may be in the position to a actually select a future justice. If the only SCOTUS case she can discuss is Roe v. Wade...well that's pretty scary. Of course there are hearings but...what a mess along the way. Keeping that in mind... Today, the Washington Post's Howard Kurtz reported on potentially embarrassing clips of Sarah Palin being interviewed by Katie Couric that haven't yet been aired. The Politico has more information on one in particular: Of concern to McCain's campaign, however, is a remaining and still-undisclosed clip from Palin's interview with Couric last week that has the political world buzzing. The Palin aide, after first noting how "infuriating" it was for CBS to purportedly leak word about the gaffe, revealed that it came in response to a question about Supreme Court decisions. After noting Roe vs. Wade, Palin was apparently unable to discuss any major court cases. There was no verbal fumbling with this particular question as there was with some others, the aide said, but rather silence. |
I wish they would just show the whole interview and get it over with!! Inquiring minds want to know.
I'd like to see it straight through too. Who knows what the agreement was between the network and the campaign.
I am sure someone will post a theory soon. |
So, here we go again. Palin screws up and then McCain & Palin appear together together to fix her screw up.
Their excuse for her comments that were contrary to the McCain position? Gotcha journalism? A gotcha question from a voter? Give me a break. If she so poorly prepared she that mere questions from voters catch her unaware imagine what she will be like in a real crisis? Palin: Pakistan comment response to 'gotcha' query By WILL LESTER – 13 hours ago WASHINGTON (AP) — Gov. Sarah Palin said Monday that her comment about attacking terrorist targets in Pakistan, which appeared to contradict the position of GOP presidential nominee John McCain, was a response to a "gotcha" question from a voter. "This was a voter, a constituent, hollering out a question from across an area asking, 'What are you gonna do about Pakistan? You better have an answer to Pakistan.' I said we're gonna do what we have to do to protect the United States of America," Palin told the "CBS Evening News" in an interview about her exchange with a voter Saturday at a Philadelphia restaurant. The Republican vice presidential candidate's answer was similar to Democratic nominee Barack Obama's statement that he would support sending U.S. troops into Pakistan to attack high-value targets like Osama bin Laden and other top al-Qaida leaders who are thought to be hiding in tribal areas along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. "If that's what we have to do stop the terrorists from coming any further in, absolutely, we should," Palin told the voter during the exchange, which was captured on video. Except McCain chided Obama during Friday's presidential debate for saying publicly that he supports striking terrorist targets inside Pakistan if the Pakistani government is unable or unwilling to do so. McCain, who sat with Palin, said in Monday's interview that he "understands the day and age of gotcha journalism. ... In a conversation with someone who you didn't hear the question very well, you don't know the context of the conversation. Grab a phrase. Gov. Palin and I agree that you don't announce that you're going to attack another country." Palin added that "as Sen. McCain is suggesting here, also, never would our administration get out there and show our cards to terrorists, in this case, to enemies and let them know what the game plan was." Asked what she learned from the experience, Palin said: "That this is all about "gotcha" journalism. A lot of it is. But that's OK, too." Palin, the governor of Alaska, energized McCain's campaign when he chose her as a running mate in late August. But polls show her popularity waning as she has struggled to answer questions about foreign policy in the few interviews she has given journalists. Asked about the criticism, including from some conservatives, about her readiness for high office, Palin said: "Not only am I ready but willing and able to serve as vice president with Sen. McCain if Americans so bless us and privilege us with the opportunity of serving them," she said, "Ready with my executive experience as a city mayor and manager, as a governor, as a commissioner, a regulator of oil and gas." |
Do you think Biden will annihilate her during the VP debate?
Do you think Biden will annihilate her during the VP debate? I don't think it will be difficult. ![]() It will be interesting to watch Thursday night. They're going to be close to my home and I can't get in. ![]() |
I'm really feeling bad for Sarah Palin... I mean, seriously, other then stuff from school like the Dred Scott case or Plessy v. Ferguson, I can't name a Supreme Court case... However... Exxon Shipping Co. v. Baker was an Alaska case decided in June and Gov. Palin spoke out against the decision. I guess she forgot...
Katie Couric asked which decisions, other than Roe v. Wade, she disagreed with: PALIN: Well, let's see. There's --of course --in the great history of America rulings there have been rulings, there's never going to be absolute consensus by every American. And there are -- those issues, again, like Roe v Wade where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So you know -- going through the history of America, there would be others but--" COURIC: Can you think of any? PALIN: Well, I could think of -- of any again, that could be best dealt with on a more local level. Maybe I would take issue with. But you know, as mayor, and then as governor and even as a Vice President, if I'm so privileged to serve, wouldn't be in a position of changing those things but in supporting the law of the land as it reads today." |
Oh, boy, they just keep coming.
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Fvck, I'm gonna miss the debate tonight cuz I have to work. Unless my manager lets me put it on in the background, lol.
the interview w/Couric and Palin can be viewed at |
Edited by
Thu 10/02/08 07:34 AM
Palin is getting slammed because she deftly had nothing to say about other SCOTUS decisions in a negative light?
Clinton does that all the time when a question isn't to his liking. He is called masterful. In a country where politics and religion are not discussed at the dinner table and among close friends, I find it amusing that Palin is pounded for reticense. How titillating can CBS get without losing its' discretion and still build anticipation for airing of the next interview? Palin reminds me of Reagan in the way she speaks to the public. She also appears to be cognizant of not overshadowing McCain, seeing that she isn't the Presidential candidate herself. The PBS debate between Palin and Biden will be a revealing one. Might we all suggest some fair and balanced venue for another with a FOX debate employing Sean Hannity as mediator? ![]() ![]() |
I am Liberal.
I am Pro-Choice. I hate Bush. I am voting for McCain. Palin reminds me of Bush. Palin is as smart as Bush. Palin is going to be a dealbreaker. One Conservative host said she should leave. |
Couric - Which is your favorite fast food restaurant?
Palin - Well....I believe fast food places hold a dear place in the heart of all Americans, and.. Couric - I meant, which one's do you like? Palin - I'm glad you asked me that, because just this morning I ate some gold old American eggs and ham and it was delicious. Using our domestic resourses to make meals is a cornerstone of our society, and I believe in keeping more of those precious, yes Caty precious resources at home is a job I'm anxious to do if I am so lucky as to be chosen for the second highest job in the land, and...... Couric - Never mind ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Edited by
Thu 10/02/08 09:58 AM
Sarah Palin will rely on a couple things tonight. Hooks like the SCOTUS comments(see below), sarcasm, I know about oil, evasion, I am not a Washington insider, we are mavericks, fear and flag waving.
If she says anything else, anything of substance, advocates any real positions or plans, I will be very surprised. Please see my post on another thread (I don't recall which is is maybe the fair shake for Palin)that describes the format and time limits for the debate. It's important that everyone watching understands the format before they come back and whine (for either side) that their candidate was treated unfairly. I have to comment on this."She also appears to be cognizant of not overshadowing McCain, seeing that she isn't the Presidential candidate herself." When McCain says coverage of her has been sexist she says no it hasn't been. Then McCain criticizes Obama during the debates for saying he would pursue terrorists even if they crossed the Pakistan border. Palin had the same answer as Obama and McCain appears with her and says no that's not what she meant. She has put her foot in it several times. She's proven she is aware of her running mates positions hasn't she? Over shadowing McCain? He is an intelligent, accomplished, and experienced way she could over shadow him. As for her SCOTUS comments. She stomps her feet about "issues that should be decided at a state level" because it's a phrase that rings the bells of the republican base. Never mind that she cannot, aside from Roe v. Wade cite a case that is an issue that should be decided at a state not federal level. Not answering with specifics gave her more wiggle room. It's one more way for her to appear to have taken a stand when she's really said nothing of substance. She just got the hook out for the base. (A side note. Never mind that under this administration the federal government has sought to and rapidly expanded federal powers over issues that should be left to the states. See the use of medical marijuana in California and death with dignity issues in Oregon where the feds have sought prosecutions of people acting within their states laws.) One more time. Gewn Ifill has been a professional journalist for thirty years. She has interviewed people of every party with little or no controversy until this high school politics of funny looks came up. As a matter a fact. McCain himself says she is professional and qualified. Exerpts from an article at John McCain, though, spoke highly of the reporter in an interview with FOX News Channel. “I think Gwen Ifill is a professional and I think she will do a completely objective job because she is a highly respected professional,” he said Wednesday. (That's Wednesday Oct.1st) Although Malkin raised the topic of Ifill’s impartiality the day before the debate, the PBS journalist said that Time magazine noted she was writing a book in August, and that it has been available for pre-sale on The book also is mentioned in a Sept. 4 interview she gave the Washington Post. Ifill questions why people assume that her book will be favorable toward Obama. “Do you think they made the same assumptions about Lou Cannon (who is white) when he wrote his book about Reagan?” said Ifill, who is black. Asked if there were racial motives at play, she said, “I don’t know what it is. I find it curious.” |
Palin is getting slammed because she deftly had nothing to say about other SCOTUS decisions in a negative light? Woodster, come on! That would be believable except for her deer in the headlights look. She's not smart enough to "deftly have nothing to say." |