Topic: Is the cross an Idol? | |
Yes.........I believe it is.. just yes or no or keep it short..shalom. Miles
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Sun 09/28/08 12:37 PM
Yes.........I believe it is.. just yes or no or keep it short..shalom. Miles no yes or nos it depends on the mind of the beholder for some it is only a reminder for some it is a magic talisman |
Yes.........I believe it is.. just yes or no or keep it short..shalom. Miles no yes or nos it depends on the mind of the beholder for some it is only a reminder for some it is a magic talisman God needs no reminder nor anything between you and him. Yes. |
not at all, a reminder yes
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Sun 09/28/08 12:41 PM
Yes.........I believe it is.. just yes or no or keep it short..shalom. Miles no yes or nos it depends on the mind of the beholder for some it is only a reminder for some it is a magic talisman God needs no reminder nor anything between you and him. Yes. yeah but now are you projecting what works for you upon humanity at large? some people DO need reminders. |
Yes.........I believe it is.. just yes or no or keep it short..shalom. Miles no yes or nos it depends on the mind of the beholder for some it is only a reminder for some it is a magic talisman God needs no reminder nor anything between you and him. Yes. yeah but now are you projecting what works for you upon humanity at large? some people DO need reminders. Aye that they do... and unfortunate it is for they direct prayer to the wrong place then. |
my ol' granpappy was a Methodist minister and he taught that the cross was a reminder of crossing of God and Man. That the cross is IMPORTANT as a symbol but is only a symbol
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Sun 09/28/08 01:49 PM
Ex 20:4-6
Thou dost not make to thyself a graven image, or any likeness which [is] in the heavens above, or which [is] in the earth beneath, or which [is] in the waters under the earth. 5 Thou dost not bow thyself to them, nor serve them: for I, Yahweh your Elohim, [am] a zealous Elohim, charging iniquity of fathers on sons, on the third [generation], and on the fourth, of those hating Me, 6 and doing kindness to thousands, of those loving Me and keeping My commands. YLT A Graven Image.. It is the only one that is on the land. all others, heaven,earth beneath,or waters. So this graven Image is on the earth that we are not to make or worship. Is or was not the cross an instrument of torture? If this cross was used th kill our messiah. Are we not putting on our churches, on the walls of our houses and around our necks a symbol of Death? A symbol of torture that happened not only to our messiah but to 1000's of others. Would you put a swaskika from Hitler around your neck to remind you of 6 million jews who died? What is the difference? Shalom...Miles |
Ex 20:4-6 Thou dost not make to thyself a graven image, or any likeness which [is] in the heavens above, or which [is] in the earth beneath, or which [is] in the waters under the earth. 5 Thou dost not bow thyself to them, nor serve them: for I, Yahweh your Elohim, [am] a zealous Elohim, charging iniquity of fathers on sons, on the third [generation], and on the fourth, of those hating Me, 6 and doing kindness to thousands, of those loving Me and keeping My commands. YLT A Graven Image.. It is the only one that is on the land. all others, heaven,earth beneath,or waters. So this graven Image is on the earth that we are not to make or worship. Is or was not the cross an instrument of torture? If this cross was used th kill our messiah. Are we not putting on our churches, on the walls of our houses and around our necks a symbol of Death? A symbol of torture that happened not only to our messiah but to 1000's of others. Would you put a swaskika from Hitler around your neck to remind you of 6 million jews who died? What is the difference? Shalom...Miles that is all fine and good as a way to live your own life does that interpretation give you the obligation or even the right to project it upon everyone else? |
I am not projecting anything. All I have done is given you something to think about that many may never of considered.
If it bothers you then I would think about it and prove to yourself one way or the other what is right.. Thats all I am trying to say..Shalom...Miles |
I am not projecting anything. All I have done is given you something to think about that many may never of considered. If it bothers you then I would think about it and prove to yourself one way or the other what is right.. Thats all I am trying to say..Shalom...Miles It is a symbol of an instrument of torture bourne out of man's belief in divide... The belief that one (or a group) is more wise than any other that does not perceive/believe the same as the one (or the group). |
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Sun 09/28/08 03:13 PM
It did not show up untill after 325ad when constantine said when he was out numbered in battle he saw in the clouds a cross that said"with this sign conquer" he won the battle. After the council of Nicea it was adopted.
If any one has ever watches any movie from armies fighting one side or both had uniforms with a big sross in front and thier shields had a cross from top to bottom. People and villages were slaughtered as they portrayed this cross. If they bore the cross to them then what they were doing was righteous and JC's will. You would have to Tie me down to put one on me.. Blessings of Shalom...Miles |
It did not show up until after 325ad when Constantine said when he was out numbered in battle he saw in the clouds a cross that said"with this sign conquer" he won the battle. After the council of Nicaea it was adopted. If any one has ever watches any movie from armies fighting one side or both had uniforms with a big cross in front and their shields had a cross from top to bottom. People and villages were slaughtered as they portrayed this cross. If they bore the cross to them then what they were doing was righteous and JC's will. You would have to Tie me down to put one on me.. Blessings of Shalom...Miles HMMM?? are you into S&M miles?? tie you down? Your correct about Constantine, but to me the cross is no more a bad symbol than the host or the wine for communion, you can see it as bad if you want - but it holds no value to me to think of it as a graven image deplored by god any more than the symbols that gods prophets use throughout the old and new testament.Symbols and graven images to me are 2 different things, but if they are not for you - then i will defend your right to believe so!! shalom my friend. |
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Sun 09/28/08 05:59 PM
But how much do you believe in any of it Tribo?
It is a symbol of death and destruction,of murders. Nothing good has come from the cross going back to where it came from... If i put a swastka on a chain and hanging from my rearview mirror and put a big one in my front yard for people to see. What do you think would happen? Blessings...Miles |
if you put a Confederate flag in your window, are you promoting racism or historical pride?
it's different for each person and no one has a right to tell another person what any symbol means to them |
so if you run across people who have a swastka around thier neck and tatooed on them and they said this is a really a cross. You would have no problem with that. and if it spread all around you it would be fine.. you would not say a word?shalom..Miles
The swastika (from Sanskrit: svástika स्वस्तिक ) is an equilateral cross with its arms bent at right angles, in either right-facing (卐) form or its mirrored left-facing (卍) form. The swastika can also be drawn as a traditional swastika, but with a second 90° bend in each arm. |
a religious cross or a nazi smybol has no meaning except meaning be given it, so HOW ONE ACTS and SPEAKS that wear anything, show what the symbol worn means to the bearer............. |