Topic: What is the "mark of the beast"? | |
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Sat 10/11/08 03:54 PM
Yes God did and did not God tempt man all the time.......after Adam and Eve....did he not always test to see where loyalties lie....yes he did. And yes you are correct in this respect......but also God started with them in giving them free will did he not? yes exactly so I still stand by my original answer and that is they choose. Tribo replies: That's a have your cake and eat it to reply my ferrelpussie, "free will" was given "after" the fact - "the tree came first" not after A&E, free will plays no part in god putting evil in the way of A&E yes god is shown to test/tempt people as in job [another perfect example of god bringing in or allowing evil to corrupt], but that has nothing to do with "WHO" brought evil into the picture at first - that was none other than god himself. that is the post statement - Debbie Response to the Response: That started sin as well as free will sweets....They had a choice they chose wrong.....Do you know how lame that is....If God or anyone put temptation in my path....It's not up to God what I do...It's up to me... DEB: And everything God did, or does is with purpose tribo...this is no difference.....he didn't create robots he created men whom he gave free choice. I would put myself there right now and if anyone tempted me to do anything against God....NO SIR RE NOT EVEN AN OPTION.... Tribo: yes he does everything with purpose my point exactly!! he purposely placed a means for man to fall in their presence in the garden! they did not ask for this tree, they did not create it, neither did satan! "GOD" created and placed it there. free will has nothing to do with "WHO" provided the evil to begin with deb!! GOD, knowing that giving man "FREE WILL" set him up to have a no more than 50/50 chance of choosing right from wrong, add satan into the pic and you increase it dramatically, god was looking for man to fall he actually made it impossible for him not to!! It would have thwarted his over-all plans deb - he "NEEDED" to cause adam and eve to fall if he was eventually to bring about the "NEED" for humankind to have a savior!! had they not sinned there would be no need for a savior correct? so this whole story rest on a plot to bring about mans fall so it would be necessary to introduce a savior aka christ into the theme. with out this the book would have ended at genisis with they lived happily ever after!! Debbie's Response to the Response: But it still is a choice tribo no matter what. Had Adam and Eve made the right choice then again your correct their never would of been a reason for the savior and no God does not know our choices before we make them. So again it comes down to choice and Adam and Eve along with many many others continued to make the wrong choices. Look at the Bible my friend...over and over again wrong choices were made an consequences were paid. GOD IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR CHOICES....WE ARE DUH. Now if your looking at just Eve. And her maker the creator of the Universe who walked with Adam an Eve in the Garden giving them instruction saying eat from any tree except this one. And they did anyway because just like satan they thought BECAUSE OF SATAN they were better then GOD big big mistake...It's not like a newborn tribo because they knew what was right and what was wrong. And use that example of the child's parents saying tribo no no don't do that or your going to get burned...and you do it anyway......well you have a consequence don't get burned. |
well thnx for the reply my lady but you jumped right over my main point again - it's not about whether A&E decided to eat of the tree - it's about god putting the tree there in ther first place for them to be able to partake of. no tree no eat no sin! god is responsible for the fall not A&E, now go back and practice stripping and think on this awhile.
yea but it could be any illegal action he may take. are you responsible for it? ![]() again, i say if any or all those things he may do were not there to begin with - then yes I'm responsible for what comes about from his choices. for if they were not placed there by me no choice of sin could be made!! Yea but being the police chief you had the respociblity for the laws. Should he not follow the laws with no consiquences? what type of police chief would i be to set in motion a law or laws that are doomed to failure by placing forbidden desires in front of my children and then saying don't touch, don't taste, don't eat don't steal etc.? would not a caring and concerned father if he was able not have such things around to begin with if he could? do "RESPONSIBLE" parents leave shiny new guns laying around and the tell their kids not to touch or play with them? Was this tree not more dangerous than any gun? If i make laws and then use them to MAKE my children sin what does that say about me? It says about you that you are holographic idea of God spawned by the harnessing of lower-self's greed converted into fear. |
well thnx for the reply my lady but you jumped right over my main point again - it's not about whether A&E decided to eat of the tree - it's about god putting the tree there in ther first place for them to be able to partake of. no tree no eat no sin! god is responsible for the fall not A&E, now go back and practice stripping and think on this awhile. OMG HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REPEAT MYSELF.....They had a choice to eat or not......God did put it their....but he said not to....and they chose if they would of listen to God then very different...but they did not. Again tribo say you use the same thing for Jesus...Look at all that he was tempted by satan....did he once even once even consider it....NO.........So even then it takes what I am saying and proves my point....Christ also was given a choice....he chose right and therefore was righteous in God's eyes..... Oh he is getting personal.......and I don't strip....never had never will....again a choice.....gigglesnort. And if your speaking of my stripper pole....well that love is done in the privacy of my own home with my husband......I choose it and it is good......because it is with my husband. |
well thnx for the reply my lady but you jumped right over my main point again - it's not about whether A&E decided to eat of the tree - it's about god putting the tree there in ther first place for them to be able to partake of. no tree no eat no sin! god is responsible for the fall not A&E, now go back and practice stripping and think on this awhile. OMG HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REPEAT MYSELF.....They had a choice to eat or not......God did put it their....but he said not to....and they chose if they would of listen to God then very different...but they did not. Again tribo say you use the same thing for Jesus...Look at all that he was tempted by satan....did he once even once even consider it....NO.........So even then it takes what I am saying and proves my point....Christ also was given a choice....he chose right and therefore was righteous in God's eyes..... Oh he is getting personal.......and I don't strip....never had never will....again a choice.....gigglesnort. And if your speaking of my stripper pole....well that love is done in the privacy of my own home with my husband......I choose it and it is good......because it is with my husband. deb said: God did put it their ok thnx deb thats all i wanted, someone to admit this - now by doing so you are agreeing god was the cause of adam and eve by satans enticement to eat and fall. god is to blame, and i agree totally. ![]() as to your pole i could care less what you do personally love, thats your own business, i was just being my sarcastic humerous self my lady. |
This is how it really happened. |
Well that clears it up. You two can stop arguing!
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yea but it could be any illegal action he may take. are you responsible for it? ![]() again, i say if any or all those things he may do were not there to begin with - then yes I'm responsible for what comes about from his choices. for if they were not placed there by me no choice of sin could be made!! Yea but being the police chief you had the respociblity for the laws. Should he not follow the laws with no consiquences? what type of police chief would i be to set in motion a law or laws that are doomed to failure by placing forbidden desires in front of my children and then saying don't touch, don't taste, don't eat don't steal etc.? would not a caring and concerned father if he was able not have such things around to begin with if he could? do "RESPONSIBLE" parents leave shiny new guns laying around and the tell their kids not to touch or play with them? Was this tree not more dangerous than any gun? If i make laws and then use them to MAKE my children sin what does that say about me? It says about you that you are holographic idea of God spawned by the harnessing of lower-self's greed converted into fear. Well thnx my lady - ![]() |
God did put it their.... That would be there, not their. There would denote a place, as in "over there is the table" Their would denote ownership of something "that is their table" just wanna help. ![]() |
I've always known it to be the actual taking of the 666 mark as a symbol of devotion to satan. you are so pathetically off. |
Maybe this will help, 666 is the mark of a man. God created man on the sixth day, (understand that a day to man is not the same as a day to God). Man had the ability to choose whether or not to be honest, he chose not to! The four horsemen of the apocolypse!!!...the scriptures tell us to take care to breed/create horses. It also tells us that only the father knows when the son will return. There were thoughts given by Christ as to what to look for to let us know when the second advent of Christ would be. To understand them we must realize that much of the scriptures are analogies and comparisons between the physical and the spirit forms of existance. One of the most common mis-interprtations of today is about giving praise in tongues. One form of giving praise to God is the act of studying about him and asking him to be your guide in your studies, or praying in the spirit. If we really want to know what God will have us to do, we must ask him, not other people, me included, to show us the way. There are many study helps available to people who are seeking a relationship with God. Use them, but ask God to direct you and he will help you see the truth. Love ya all
Edited by
Sat 10/11/08 11:57 PM
well well, you got the first part correct and it only took you 11, 500 hours good for you - now spend the same amount of time reading the zohar and other related books on Jewish numbers and maybe if the lighting's good that you read by, you may come up with what a lot of people already know as to who that man is/was.
the rest of what you state is so far off in so many ways and on so many levels i can't even respond, - maybe miles will do me the favor, I'm not even going to waste my time. |
well well, you got the first part correct and it only tok you 11, 500 hours good for you - now spend the same amount of time reading the zohar and other related boks on jewish numbers and maybe if the lightings good that you read by, you may come up with what alot of people already know as to who that man is/was. the rest of what you state is so far off in so many ways and on so many levels i can't even respond, - maybe miles will do me the favor, im not even going to waste my time. |
well well, you got the first part correct and it only tok you 11, 500 hours good for you - now spend the same amount of time reading the zohar and other related boks on jewish numbers and maybe if the lightings good that you read by, you may come up with what alot of people already know as to who that man is/was. the rest of what you state is so far off in so many ways and on so many levels i can't even respond, - maybe miles will do me the favor, im not even going to waste my time. What the hell is a "diminision"? |
well well, you got the first part correct and it only tok you 11, 500 hours good for you - now spend the same amount of time reading the zohar and other related boks on jewish numbers and maybe if the lightings good that you read by, you may come up with what alot of people already know as to who that man is/was. the rest of what you state is so far off in so many ways and on so many levels i can't even respond, - maybe miles will do me the favor, im not even going to waste my time. What the hell is a "diminision"? |
No, either way, the comment does not make sense, poor grammar not withstanding.
yea but it could be any illegal action he may take. are you responsible for it? ![]() again, i say if any or all those things he may do were not there to begin with - then yes I'm responsible for what comes about from his choices. for if they were not placed there by me no choice of sin could be made!! Yea but being the police chief you had the respociblity for the laws. Should he not follow the laws with no consiquences? what type of police chief would i be to set in motion a law or laws that are doomed to failure by placing forbidden desires in front of my children and then saying don't touch, don't taste, don't eat don't steal etc.? would not a caring and concerned father if he was able not have such things around to begin with if he could? do "RESPONSIBLE" parents leave shiny new guns laying around and the tell their kids not to touch or play with them? Was this tree not more dangerous than any gun? If i make laws and then use them to MAKE my children sin what does that say about me? It says about you that you are holographic idea of God spawned by the harnessing of lower-self's greed converted into fear. Well thnx my lady - ![]() If i make laws and then use them to MAKE my children sin what does that say about me? The kind of "logic" you show in this example reminds me of kind of logic that religion tends to turn me away from. My heart tells me that there absolutely IS something greater than myself. I trust my heart. Its my personal journey. I won't pick Christianity apart scripture by scripture to prove I'm right and Its wrong. It fits for MANY people and that is absolutely as it should be. I just don't see how "God" can ever be captured in definition... No matter how ancient or divinely inspired the text. There are so very many ways to reach our own truth. How can one way deem itself the only true way, based on a mere 3000 years of story-telling? I trust that it fits for some. For those it does fit, why must all the rest be deemed lost? It is a condemnation that goes against the very words of Christ. |
deb!! are you taking a stripper pole break or what? ![]() ![]() awwwww sugar I didn't see it....will do so after I get back from praying for all of you if get a lil weird feelings no worries just the Lord breaking your stubborness......haha ha ha ha ha heart you Mr. |
Do you actually pray for people on forum Deb?
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deb!! are you taking a stripper pole break or what? ![]() ![]() awwwww sugar I didn't see it....will do so after I get back from praying for all of you if get a lil weird feelings no worries just the Lord breaking your stubborness......haha ha ha ha ha heart you Mr. Oh I love when people pray for me, I'm not proud, all prayers accepted, just don't pray for my salvation, I was born right the first time... ![]() |