Topic: Drug Legalization........
jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/28/07 11:49 AM
Well, that makes perfect sense, then. Since drugs aren't going to go
away, the way you deal with that is by legalizing them? Hmmm...

lulu24's photo
Wed 03/28/07 11:52 AM
lol, sheila...

if we relax our standards to cope with the few...our younger children
will grow thinking that drugs are okay. things that are legal are
rarely looked upon as being as negative as those that have a penalty...

more children will try them...our next generation will slip even

AlpineRocks's photo
Wed 03/28/07 11:52 AM
laugh laugh laugh Sounds crazy huh but what it boils down to is
who do you want controling them its going to be one or the other and
I'll bet money they will be legal within the next 20 years whether we
like it or not. huh

lulu24's photo
Wed 03/28/07 11:57 AM
i certainly hope not. in fact...i'm hoping all the druggies are too
screwed up to vote.

or...have lost their right, lol.

but i personally will always be at the poles.

AlpineRocks's photo
Wed 03/28/07 12:02 PM
Thats right lulu I dont do drugs either just wondering were the war on
drugs is going and if Gov. control would be better than mob control. I
also said if they legalize it they need stiffer penalties for under the
influence. I'm doing a reaserch paper for my English class thats why I
started this post it's a deffinate reality in our country what the
future is on the war on drugs.bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

lulu24's photo
Wed 03/28/07 12:07 PM
first off: let me point out that i could give a **** less what adults
do to their own selves in the privacy of their own homes. UNTIL you
factor in children.

then it's a whole different ballgame...and children look up to many
people. i don't want my neighbor being on drugs...nor anyone that comes
into contact with children.

i raised a step-daughter...when i married her dad, she was nine. she
was severely disconnected with people...her emotional development was
nil. it took almost a year to get her to truly open up.

she had a roof over her head, nice of the stuff
that is supposed to be there...but her mother was a hard-core pot-head.
hailey also has learning disabilities and ADHD that are attributed to
her mother's use while she was pregnant.

one child is too many. you should ask HER her feelings on drugs.

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/28/07 12:23 PM
Government has the utmost control, whether they're legal or not. In its
present illegal state, government controls and profits by making arrests
and issuing fines.

If they become legal, it's doubtful they'd be allowed to go on the
private enterprise retail market, so would still be controlled by the
government, and the government would then profit from sales and taxes
and fines for noncompliance of control regulations.

I think the fact that they're currently illegal is keeping at least SOME
of the wasted morons off the streets. Frankly, I wouldn't want to be on
the same interstate driving 75 mph alongside some wasted bozo who has
the legal right to take drugs.

AlpineRocks's photo
Wed 03/28/07 12:49 PM
If you drive under the influence of alcohol dont you get a DUI same with
Drugs and as much as I agree with you you are driving down the road at
75 miles an hour with the guy next to you high as a kit wheather he got
them legally or from the Al Capones of the drug trade.happy

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/28/07 01:44 PM
You might get a DUI..if you're lucky enough to not crash and kill
yourself or someone else in the process.

You're asking me which is better, to have someone obtain drugs "legally"
or from the "Al Capones" of the world? I'm asking you, what *******
difference does it make?

AlpineRocks's photo
Wed 03/28/07 01:48 PM
Well it does make a differance but I'm not going to debate it
anymore.bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/28/07 01:56 PM
I don't see a difference at all. What difference does it make whether
the drugs are obtained legally or illegally? The difference I see is
that if they are made legal it means that we, as a society, condone drug
use. I could never do that; I know all too well, first hand, the damage
they can do.

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/28/07 01:56 PM
I don't see a difference at all. What difference does it make whether
the drugs are obtained legally or illegally? The difference I see is
that if they are made legal it means that we, as a society, condone drug
use. I could never do that; I know all too well, first hand, the damage
they can do.

no photo
Wed 03/28/07 02:01 PM

yeah i say do it that way all the drugies can kill them self off with
there stupid addiction to some dum drug. why should our cops waist there
time tracking these dope heads down. your life is a result from the
choices you make an you want drugs im all 4 it.

AlpineRocks's photo
Wed 03/28/07 02:04 PM
I totally respect your views Jean I have a 4 year old daughter I just
dont see things working the way they are thats all.

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/28/07 02:16 PM
And I do yours, except I don't think legalizing them is going to do any
good either. I think there should be stiffer fines and harsher
penalties, in fact. "Forced" rehab, community service, more anti-drug
programs in schools, etc. It's never going to "go away," but maybe it
can at least be discouraged and curtailed somewhat.

Only thing I disagree with Lulu on, in part, anyway, is that, while I
don't care (in general) what an adult does in the privacy of their own
home, I do care (also in general) about people's health and well-being.

And there's nothing whatsoever mentally or physically healthy about
using drugs for "recreational" purposes...which I know for some is a
hard concept to grasp, since the feeling of being high is so good at
times and also since, "right now" they might not have suffered any
noticeable effects from it.

But ...chances are very good that they will. And society, as a whole,
suffers from the effects of chronic drug use, in a variety of
ways..absences from work and school, illness, death, psychological
ramifications, accidents, murders, robberies, drive-bys, etc., etc.

bfriends4now's photo
Wed 03/28/07 02:21 PM
Pot should be legal, wish I had some. has been a long time since about
1976!! It did not harm me.

no photo
Wed 03/28/07 02:24 PM
jean maybe they would get high and do a drive buy to another druggie,
and dont think the cops should arest them if they did do that, send them
like a thank you note.

devin112's photo
Wed 03/28/07 02:25 PM
yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/28/07 03:06 PM
It does make you sleepy, too, doesn't it Devin?


Kevology's photo
Wed 03/28/07 03:12 PM
I feel some should be, but not all of them. If alcohol is legal, why
not the herb?

Go green...that's what I always say.smokin

But, to each their own.drinker