Topic: Wiggles And Wriggles
no photo
Thu 09/25/08 08:18 PM
It wiggles and wriggles its way down
Like a worm digging in deep
This thought, this idea
I grow giddy with anticipation
This thought, this idea, this new goal
Planting it self firmly into my psyche, my mind, my brain
There it slowly germinates,bulging and contracting, becoming a life of its own
I hold it quietly, keeping it all to my self, not yet ready to reveal it to the world
Giddy becomes giddier becomes twitterpated becomes excited
This thought, this idea, this new goal
Blossoming now, shooting off in different directions and and and it becomes...and I am...this thought, this idea, this new goal

eileena9's photo
Thu 09/25/08 08:34 PM
bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile You said "twitterpated".............very nice....flowerforyou :heart:

s1owhand's photo
Thu 09/25/08 08:45 PM

stimulating thoughts
i'll stimulate yours
you'll stimulate mine
